Warrior Cat Quiz

By Pure_Awesomness83

214K 7.7K 44.6K

There are many, many questions to ask yourself in here! Riddles, quizzes on how much you know about Warrior C... More

Which Cat? 1
Which Clan? 2
Would You Rather... 3
Would You Rather... 4
Kill My Kin?! 5
Kill 'Em! 6
Revive Who? 7
Who Do You Choose? 8
Favorite Evil Char? 9
Rebel it Out! 10
Warrior Cat Quiz
Dye My Fur, Please! 11
Would You Rather... 12
Fill in the Blanks! 13
How Do You Wanna Die? 14
Ask Yourself These Questions... 15
TORS Fill in the Blanks! 16
I Will Be One of Them! 17
Which Position? 18
New Mom, Please! 19
Awesome Eye Colors! *^* 20
Lemme Have That Babey! 21
Which Cat Would You Be? 22
Would You Rather... 23
Colorful Eyes! 24
Would You Rather... 25
Would You Rather... 26
Who Would You Be? 27
Hunger Games! 28
One Wish? 29
Warrior Cat Quiz
Who Will Win? 30
Changing the Past! 31
Would You Rather... 32
I'm Your Ruler, Betch! 33
Buddy! 34
Would You Rather... x3 | 35
Terrible Battle, M8! 36
Zombie Apocalypse! Finally! 37
Which Char Are You? 38
What Clan Should You Be In? 39
Ew, its HIM... 40
Evil is Awesome! 41
There's Always a Catch... 42
Take 'Em Out! 43
One Animal, Please! 44
Would You Rather... 45
ShapeShifting! 46
Threats! 47
5 Elements! 48
Sympathy? 49
Quick & Choose! 50
How Much Do You Know? 51
Who Am I? x10 | 52
New or Old? 53
Would You Rather... 54
Choose Your Deathbed! 55
Who Would You Kill? 56
How Many Kits? 57
Choose Your Punishment! 58
"Ma Babey!!" -Pewdiepie 59
Looks Generator Based on You! 60
Take Out Da Prey! 61
Would You Rather... 62
Alliances! 63
I Vill Take Ova Da Vorld! 64
Which Do You Prefer? 65
Warrior Cat Quiz
First Born Kit? 66
Colorful Fur! 67
Come Back Like Black Jesus! 68
Would You Rather... 69
Goddammit BloodClan... 70
Would You Rather... 71
Get Da Food! 72
Last One! 73
Cloudstar's Mate? 74
Let the Best Leader Games Begin! 75
Danger Everywhere! 76
Raid 'Em! 77
Kill One, but Only One! 78
How Would You Kill Them? 79
Good or Bad Mentor? 80
What Name? 81
Prey, Anyone? 82
Quick, Fireheart! Save Her! 83
Would You Rather... 84
Would You Rather... 85
Fave Char? 86
Would You Rather... 87
Would You Rather... 88
Father Figures! 89
How Many Books? 90
Hard Decisions! 91
Who Am I? x2 | 92
Death... So Much Death... 93
Extras! Extras! 94
Horrific Scenes These Days! 95
Can You Do It? 96
Who Was It?! 97
Warrior Cat Quiz
Half-Clan Thoughts? 98
One-Day-Mentor 99
How Much Do You Know? 100
New Clan in Town! 101
Changing the Rules! 102
Evil or Nice? 103
What to do...? 104
Damn Twolegs! 105
I'm Taken, Boys! 106
First Allies? 107
Where?! 108
Would You Rather... 109
Cooler Sibling? 110
Best/Worst? 111
Fabulous Name, Sir! 112
First Thought? 113
Poor Bluestar! 114
Three Main Things? 115
Better Mate? 116
Journeying! 117
Pretty Eyes! 118
Would You Rather... 119
Would You Rather... 120
Unraveling Universe! 121
Important Thing? 123
Who Am I? x2 | 124
____Clan? Fill in the Blank! 125
Better Leader? 126
Evilest Cat? 127
Who Am I? 128
Terrible Experience! 129
Second Lives! 130
Would You Rather... 131
Embarrassing Deaths! 132
Assasination! 133
Riddles! 134
So Many Precious Books! 135
Y U So Evil?! 136
Riddles! x3 | 137
Better Name? 138
Riddles! x3 | 139
Riddles! x2 | 140
What's the Catch? 141
How Much Do You Know? 142
The Obsessed, The Distressed & The Naughty. 143
Beggers Be Choosers! 144
Give 'Em Gifts! 145
Better Mate? (2) | 146
Warrior Cat Movie 147
Greedy Much? 148
Fix Me Up, Baby! 149
Which Cat Are You? 150
Which Clan Are You In? 151
A Change of Scenery 152
Would You Rather... 153
Would You Rather... 154
There's a Catch! 155
Who's the Cat? 156
Who's the Cat? 157
Good or Evil Quiz! 158

Missing Kits! 122

659 20 76
By Pure_Awesomness83

You're the deputy and the leaders kits have gone missing without a trace. It's in the middle of leaf-bare and anytime they could die.

What do you do?

A) Take out a patrol and go everywhere in your territory.

B) Nothing because you know they'd be dead by now.

C) Tell the leader is must've been the enemy Clan and convince him to invade the enemys' territory.

~*AnSwEr BeLoW*~

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