Dangerously Delicious

By nerdyflirtykari

1.3M 52.9K 26.4K

Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... More



30.1K 1.2K 320
By nerdyflirtykari

Gio and Hanes were currently standing on the backyard patio, watching the compound's dogs being trained and played with by their handlers. They then turned their heads down at the grey pitbull lying at their feet.

"He didn't eat his rations this morning," Hanes said, truly worried about the dog. It has been nearly a month since him and his mistress been in the shoot out. One month, his mistress has been in a coma and his visits to her have been heartbreaking for the coldblooded guard.

"His special blend?" Gio asked. For him, renovating the left wing for Arianna was easy. Michael and Gianni emptied her apartment and designed the room reserved for her, to her liking. Then came Vinny's things. The men thought it was a joke Gianni was playing on them but when they saw the boxes with the dog's name on it, they were shocked. He had a box filled with collars and harnesses, all in different colors and design. One box for clothing, every season was catered for. Shoes, scarves and hats, the dog literally had a rain poncho. Another box contained his doggie bowls and toys, don't forget his water bottles and on the go food containers. Doggie bags were included in that box also, correction, scented doggie bags. The last box was his food. As Michael explained, Vinny was a rescue. He was in bad shape when he was a pup and had a special diet to keep him moving. Gio and Hanes thought the woman a saint for taking in a dog most feared. She even trained him to protect her but Gianni said it was natural for pits to protect the ones they love.

"Maybe when she gets here, he will be in better spirits. Its unnerving and somewhat sad to see him sulk around the house," Hanes said crouching to pet the dog. It took a while for Vinny to accept the new males and his new environments. Gianni and Michael had to teach the guards the commands he listens to and get the dog associated with them. Vinny was taught to react to protective commands in Italian. This was smart move. No one outside the dog's circle can control him if they don't know this.

"I'll go talk to her care givers. Inform the men. She'll be here in four hours," Gio said turning to re-enter the now bustling house. It was nearing two in the afternoon and the chef was preparing lunch for the men.

"Dion. Prepare extra for the men that are coming with Miss Lincoln," he said to the always moody chef. The older man's response was a mild grunt. He was slightly put out when he was told one of Arianna's caretaker will be intruding on his space till she wakes and can eat solid foods freely. He was thrilled though when Michael told him who Arianna really was. Gio never saw the man smiled in the years he have known him. Apparently, Dion dined at Angela's on his night offs and commended her greatly. Dion wasn't the only one crazy about her, the few guards who were now assigned to the house are men usually in Gianni and his friends detail and got to know the woman from a far.

Gio chuckled to himself. The only person who was successful by not falling the woman was his boss. In other words, he knew Raizon was faking it. He stayed away from Boston for weeks, claiming he was busy sorting out the present threat when he can simply do everything here in his own home. "This will be so fun," Gio muttered, jogging up the stair case and down the hall of the left wing. The master bedroom on this side of the house was once Raizon's when he was younger. Now it was the lady of the house room. Arianna was dubbed the new lady of the house when word was spread of Raizon leaving his two trusted men by her side and ownership of the entire left wing of the mansion.

Knocking on one side of the double doors, he entered the room and was pleased to see the Registered Nurse and her two colleagues setting up the machines and squaring away supplies. They were all in scrubs with their heads covered as they worked even if Arianna wasn't here.

"Nurse Eileen. Is everything to your liking?" he asked the older woman.

"Yes sir. Our rooms are beyond our expectations and the required supplies we've requested are enough to last throughout Miss Lincoln's recovery," she said approaching Gio. The African-American woman was chosen specifically by Michael. She was once his father's caretaker when he experienced a serious stroke and needed home care. She was professional and took great care of her patients. The two nurses were recommended by the hospital, they were both thoroughly checked out and approved by Raizon, himself.

"That's good to hear. Miss Lincoln will arrive in four hours. When the detail is within the compound and given the clear, then you will exit the house and have her brought up to the room in ways you see fit. Please review the rules of the house and the contract you all have signed. If you need anything please ask for myself or Hanes. No one else. Understood?" Gio stated eyeing each one of them.

"Yes, sir," they all answered in unison. He noticed how they were all shifting uncomfortably on their feet, eyeing him warily. He looked down on his person and noticed the one gun strapped in his one shoulder holster and the small combat knives strapped on his arms.

"You have to be comfortable working around the house. As mentioned, every guard is armed, security cameras, guard dogs, the whole nine yards," he said. They nodded. One of the nurses a young woman with pale skin and bright red hair stepped forward. "Are we gonna meet Mr. Delacourde?"she asked.

"Most likely not."

With that answer, he turned on his heel and took it upon himself to check both wings of the house before heading downstairs. The nurses had three rooms, two doors away from Arianna. Each room was bugged, they were given personal cellphones in which their calls were tracked. This wasn't mentioned to them, on count of Raizon wanted them comfortable enough to let their guard down. Finishing his sweep of the left wing, he made his way to the right. He checked all rooms besides his boss'. No one was allowed in the room unless permission was given. The double doors to the master suite was locked and only Raizon had the key. He loved his privacy and silence. "Those days are long gone," Gio said pulling out his phone to text his boss.

Gio: She will be arriving in four hours.

He knew he won't be receiving a reply from Raizon. The man still believed being away from the subject of his confusion will ease his mind. Gio took note of his boss' actions after meeting Arianna. He frequented the club which was unnecessary since the boys handled everything.  No other woman caught his attention not even the ones who wore next to nothing and were throwing themselves at him. In the confines of his office, he tends to get lost in thought while watching his right hand, the hand he touched her arm with.
Gio could did understand Raizon's confusion and stubbornness to pursue her. He was protecting her from his life and the man he truly was. Or the man his father groomed him to be.
Shaking his head, he made his way to the rec room where a few guards were lounging around. Few were watching a movie, playing video games, cleaning their guns or just plain old goofing off. This room was one of the rooms, the men occupied. On the ground floor, were guest rooms that the house guards made their own. In the basement were the armory and holding cells. The house was filled with secret passages and hidden compartments that hid the illegal side of the Delacourde family. It was the perfect place to keep someone safe, not to mention the grand house being on the outskirts of Boston hidden away from eyes.


All eyes turned to the doorway before they all stood up and turned to their commander. "Miss Lincoln will arrive in four hours. This transfer is to run smoothly. Drivers and additional guards, double check everything. Patrollers, I want you out there in the next hour, get the dogs reacquainted with her scent. After today, Gianni and Michael won't be visiting in order to lessen the attention to us. Outside staff members are to be checked at the gate and before they enter the house. If the boss do return stateside, expect incoming calls when he's actually at the gates. Things are about to get tense around here. Keep your ears to the ground." At the end of his orders, he left the guards and returned outside. A frown marred his face as he took note of Hanes worriedly looking at Vinny.

"What's wrong?"

"He won't drink any water nor move," Hanes said comforting the whining dog. Gio joined his friend on the grass beside the dog.

"Hey bud. You miss your mama, huh? She will be coming home soon. Why don't we go check out her new room?" He asked scratching him behind his ear. Vinny whined then huffed. The two men patiently waited on him. Slowly he got up and turned towards the house. The frowns on both men faces never left them as they cautiously eyed the dog's gait. He was walking slowly with his head down. Hanes got his dog bowls with food and water before following him. Gio lifted the hefty dog in his arms and carried him the rest of the way.
In Arianna's new room, he set the dog on his feet and watched on as he sniffed each corner of the room then stopped at the bed. He placed his front paws on the mattress and sniffed the air. It was the same bed from her apartment. Every piece of furniture in the room was taken from her apartment. Her bed, living room furniture, bookcases, office desk, carpets and the decor were all in that room.
Vinny whined then laid down at the foot of the bed.
"Alright boy. We'll leave you to it," Hanes said placing his food and water beside the sofa. The two watched on as the dog,placed his head on its paws and worriedly looked around the room. They were concerned about him.
"She'll be home soon," Gio said slowly leaving the room. They left the room doors opened, giving the nurses a warning of the dog may be territorial at first.
They just hope she wakes soon, for the dog's sake.

4 Hours Later

The ICU ward of St. Helen's Hospital have never been so busy in all its years as a medical centre. The nurses and doctors who were in and out of their patients' rooms were surprised to see the hospital administrator and police chief on the floor. The private suites were off limits to staff not affiliated to the patients on that section. Men in full dark tactical gear were up and down the halls, eyeing visitors and staff alike.

"Do you understand all that you've read?"

"Yes sir. This goes for both patients?" The grey haired woman asked going through the documents in front of her once more.

"Exactly. They were never patients at this hospital. All records will be hidden. If you breach this contract, expect a lawsuit," Gianni said.

The woman signed and handed the document to the awaiting lawyer. Michael and the police chief were over looking the nurses preparation of Arianna's transfer. An ambulance was currently in the underground parking lot with only two EMTs. They were to be accompanied by Gianni and one guard for the drive to the house.
They all stood back and watched as her attending doctor came in to give Arianna her last check up. After 20 mins he turned to the small group in the back of the room.

"She's in good shape. Her vitals are great and wounds are healing. She has to do the heavy lifting now with waking up. Her body is taking this time to heal. With her emergency kidney surgery, that places an extra 3-6 months of getting back to full fighting shape. When she wakes, No heavy lifting. Not even a jug of milk. Always have a cushion against her stomach if laughing or bending. Short walks and progress on that. When she's tired, make sure she rests. Her caregiver will tell her everything that is needed for a good recovery it's up to her family to help. She's a fighter. After going into cardiac arrest under the knife and warded, now breathing on her own, she's a tough one."

"That she is. Thank you doctor. For everything," Michael said offering his hand. The doctor bid everyone a good bye after signing the release papers.

"Ladies. Give us a few minutes."

The police chief waited till the nurses left before addressing the group.
"I've already informed Mr. Delacourde about the activity over the past 24hrs. Two men has been posing as visitors for 2 visiting shifts, two of my men that were on duty, found the two in the stairwell on their way up to ICU with two syringes and handguns. The syringes were filled with potassium chloride. Enough to stop anyone's heart."

The hospital administrator shuddered at the thought of having silent murders in her hospital. "The stairwells only have two stationary cameras," she offered.

"Shit." Gianni cursed. They would have lost both Ari and Stephen, if the cops weren't so vigilant.
Michael shifted on his feet. "I had a security breach two days ago. I thought nothing of it because of the company I ran. The competition always try to get some crap from me," he said running his hand through his hair.

"Anything auspicious you are to tell us Mikey," Gianni grounded out.

"I know. I've been spread thin these days. Any ID on these guys?" Michael asked, turning to the chief.

"No. Nothing. Doc, you better get stricter security measures here," the chief said to the woman.

"I'm seeing that now," she replied.

"I've had no activity on my end. Why are they going after you three?" Gianni said, truly confused.

"Who ever this is, wants to finish the job on Miss Lincoln and probably changed their mind with Mr. Caine. I have two squad cars a block away from here to escort Ms. Lincoln outside of the city. I suggest keep a close eye on Mr Caine. Knowing your brother, he will have that fucking army we've been hearing about protecting you four, 24/7. Let's get this show in the road," the chief said leaving the room.

The hospital admin gave both men sympathetic smiles before following the chief. "Raizon knows and haven't told me shit. We could of lost them both," Gianni seethed. Michael places a tight grip on his friend's arm.

"Save your anger for another time. They know she's alive. We have to focus on her now. I'll be with Stephen, all the way. You protect our girl," Michael said lowly before releasing his arm.
Taking a deep breath, Gianni fought to center himself and get his head in the game.
Michael gave Ari one last kiss good bye. He didn't want to think about not seeing her for a long time, he just wanted her safe.
"Love you, Princess. I'll see you soon. Just wake up. We miss you," He said against her forehead. He brushed his fingers against her cheek before leaving her room.

"Okay baby doll. Time to go to your new home. You'll be safe there," Gianni said kissing her head. He was still worried about this new threat but Michael was right, they had to focus on the now.


The nurses came in jus as he stepped out. Four guards were by each room. Looking to his right, he spotted Michael waiting outside of Stephen's door. Two guards positioned themselves in a leading position just as a nurse wheeled Stephen out. He was still pain and a bit weak but ready to get back on his feet. Gianni smiled his way before turning back to the two guards taking up their position and Arianna being rolled out into the hall. The remaining two guards for both of them were taking up the back. Hands on their rifles, they led the way. Police officers were at vantage points of the long hallway as they marched their way to the waiting elevator held by the hospital administrator and police chief. Curious eyes watched the spectacle, a nurse was about to take a picture but a police officer took her phone and shook his head no. Gianni had Ari's hand in his, while he walked beside her bed, his own gun in his hand, surveying the walk.

The elevator was a tight fight but it was big enough for the friends and two nurses. The others took the stairwell down.

"It's in a month," Stephen said softly. The friends didn't say a word, no one questioned him because they both knew what he was pertaining too.

Reaching the parking garage, they stayed in the metal box and waited for the ambulance to back up closer. In precise movements, the EMT in the back, rushed out to help the nurses and worked beside them to secure Arianna for travel. The guards that were assigned for the garage surrounded the ambulance, dutifully alert of their surroundings.
Gianni crouched beside his lover and placed a kiss on his lips. "I'll be back soon," he whispered against his lips.
"I know. Here. Put this on her," Stephen returned while placing a jewelry box in his hands.
"I love you." Gianni said stealing one more kiss.

"I love you too baby" Stephen said watching on as he entered the ambulance. Before the doors were closed, he saw Gianni placing the necklace around Arianna's neck. He, himself was wheeled into a blacked out van. He hated how stiff his knee was and the help he required. It was exhausting.

"Leaving in ten," Michael said watching the ambulance peeled out of the garage with its sirens blaring as they drove out.

"They'll be fine."
Stephen didn't know if he was reassuring Michael or himself or maybe both of them but something was off.

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