Pushing Onwards

By KapUnivers

311K 6.5K 3.9K

Despite working his entire life so he can become a hero Izuku Midoriya is still told to give up by his idol... More

A new promise
Ten times harder
An encouraging encounter
Giving your all
The first day
Combat training
The symbol of peace
A race to remember
The cavalry battle
The battle tournaments
The quirkless and the gifted
The aftermath of the sports festival
1K reads!
A battle of ideals
Back to school
Final exams
Sins of the past
Christmas Update
Summer Camp
My hero Dekiru
Through hell and back
Moving into the dorms
Extreme dodgeball
What lies ahead
Some information
The big three
Passing down the torch
The Rise of Dekiru
Pushing Onwards
Authors note + preview
New book

Ultimate moves

5.5K 129 33
By KapUnivers

The day after moving into the dorms, class 1-A began to prepare for the trials ahead. "As I have mentioned before, you will be working towards acquiring your provisional hero licenses" Aizawa explained as 1-A entered gym gamma. "Your training at the summer camp was supposed to train you for this. Unfortunately, our training was cut short because of the villain attack, meaning you will have to work harder the upcoming weeks. We will begin with having you develop ultimate moves" He continued.

Then came Ectoplasm, Cementoss and Midnight. "Your ultimate moves acts as finishing moves that can guarantee a victory" Ectoplasm said. "These moves are unique to you and your strengths" Cementoss explained. "They symbolize who you are. Pro heroes without ultimate moves are a dying breed" Midnight said. "So, for the rest of the summer vacation, we will be helping you train your quirks and develop at least two ultimate moves. I would also recommend considering changes to your costumes that could improve your performance" Aizawa Announced and they began training.

After the training Izuku decided to go to the support department so he could work on his equipment. Ochako and Iida decided to join him as well. When they arrived at the metal door leading into the workshop Izuku stopped them. "What is it Izuku?" Ochako asked. Izuku didn't reply. He stood by the wall next to the door and carefully knocked on the door before quickly pulling back his arm as the door was blown off its hinges. "That" He said and pointed at Mei who had been blown out with the door.

"What did I tell you about explosions in the workshop Hatsume?" Power Loader said in a strict tone. He then noticed the other people standing there. "Oh, hey Midoriya, your stuff is at the usual place. And you two must be here for upgrades, right?" He said. "Izuku, you're here! Could you help me with one of my babies?" Mei asked and stood back up. "Sure, I can look into it" Izuku replied and walked into the workshop with Mei. Iida and Ochako followed after a moment of brief hesitation.

When Iida and Ochako came into the workshop they saw Izuku scolding Mei. "What have you done to these circuit boards!? There's no wonder it blew up, again!" He exclaimed while he examined some gun like contraption. "It used to much power, so I tried to reduce the power usage" She explained. "By bypassing all the safety measures I installed?" He retorted. "Okay, I'll redo it and reconnect the safety measures. Then I'll try to limit the power usage" She said and put the contraption down on a bench.

Mei then noticed Iida and Ochako. "You must be Izuku's friends from the hero course!" she exclaimed and ran over to them. "You must be here for costume changes. Wonder which of my babies could work with your quirks?" She wondered and ran back to her workstation and began going through the things she had made. "Be careful with what you wish for, unless you want to be on the wrong end of one of her tests" Izuku told them and began to work on his own equipment.

Iida walked up to Power Loader and said what he wanted to upgrade. "I wondered if it's possible to upgrade the radiators on my legs?" "In that case" Mei said and pulled forth a pair of gauntlets with exhaust pipes on them and put them on Iida's arms. "This should fit perfectly. The super cooler electric booster! My 36th baby, isn't it pretty?" She said. "I don't need boosters and why would you attach them to my arms?" Iida asked in confusion. Mei didn't respond and just pressed a button.

The boosters sent Iida flying into the roof before they turned off and he fell back down on the floor. "Still needs improvement" Mei commented and took the booster off Iida. "Iida! are you alright?" Ochako exclaimed. "I'm fine" Iida replied and got back up. "Knock it off already!" Powerloader said and swatted Mei away back to her workstation. "Sorry about that. She knows no boundaries when it comes to her inventions. That being said, if you want to become heroes then you need to build a good relationship with people like her. Because when you become pro, people like her will be your support. Unlike Midoriya, who plans out his projects and is certain they are doable before beginning, she tries out every idea she gets without fear of failure. Alone, she has made as much support gear as the rest of my class has so far. I have seen many support course students, but she is in a league of her own" He explained. "Anyways, you were here for costume changes, right?"

Over the following days almost every student had their costume modified in some way or another. They also developed their ultimate moves. At the same time, Toshinori was also going through the training Izuku had recommended. He was jogging around the campus, so he could get used to the weight of the odm-gear when he decided to check in on the students. "Hey Aizawa. How are they coming along?" He asked. "They are doing okay" Aizawa replied. "But what are you carrying? They look like Midoriya's gear. Does it have anything to do with your predicament a few days ago? You still haven't explained that to me" Aizawa asked. "I'll tell you later today, I promise. And yes, they are the same equipment young Midoriya uses" Toshinori responded and walked over to the students training.

While Toshinori saw the students making ultimate moves, a boulder fell after one of Bakugo's ultimate moves and fell towards Toshinori. He saw the boulder and quickly flew to the side, using the odm-gear. He lost control and tumbled over while he tried to land. Meanwhile the boulder that was about to crush Toshinori was destroyed when what almost seemed like a tornado crashed into the boulder. The spinning quickly stopped to reveal Izuku. He slowed down and landed next to Toshinori.

"Are you alright?" Izuku asked and helped Toshinori back up. "Don't worry about me. I just messed up the landing a little" Toshinori replied. "I saw it. You need to shoot out the tethers several times to slow down and control the landing. You keep only using them one or two times" Izuku explained. "I'll keep that in mind. Get back to your training and I'll get back to mine" Toshinori responded. Izuku gave small nod and flew back to his training.

Eventually, the time of the exam came. Class 1-A was talking about their worries of not passing the exam. "All together now" Kirishima said in an attempt to cheer people up, not noticing the person sneaking up behind him. "Plus.." "ULTRAAA!!" The person behind Kirishima yelled. "It's not nice to sneak up on other groups Inasa" Another student behind Inasa said. "You're right" Inasa said. "I. AM. VERY. SORRY!" He shouted and slammed his head into the ground in a bow. "I just love UA!! It's an honour to compete with you!!" He exclaimed and walked back to his group, not caring about the blood coming from his forehead.

"Inasa Yorashi" Aizawa said to himself. "You know him?" Hagakure asked. "He's strong. He came into the same grade as you at UA under a special recommendation. His top grades would have allowed him to enter the school, but he turned down the offer. It seems like he decided to join Shiketsu high instead" Aizawa explained. "He says he loves UA, but he turned down and opportunity to join UA. Weird" Sero commented. "Weird or not. He's the real deal so be careful around him" Aizawa retorted.

"Eraser, is that you?" A woman asked and came over to the group. "I saw you at the sports festival. It's been too long since last time we met" She said as she walked up to Aizawa. "Marry me!" She exclaimed. "No thanks" He replied in a deadpanned manner. "Pffft! No thanks, just do it already" She said. "Annoying as always, ms. Joke" Aizawa commented.

"Who the heck is that?" Bakugo asked Izuku. "It's the smiling hero, ms. Joke. Her quirk, outburst, allows her to force those around her to start laughing. Her methods of taking down villains can be quite interesting" Izuku explained while Aizawa and Joke continued their conversation. "If you marry me we could make a happy family where we never stop laughing" She said. "Nothing about that sounds happy to me" Aizawa replied with a still monotone voice. "I'm just messing with" Ms. Joke chuckled. "Let me introduce my class by the way" She said and waved another group of students over.

"Wow, it's really them" "Those from the sports festival" A few of the students commented. "This is class 2-2 of Ketsubutsu Academy. Say hello to my students" Ms. Joke explained. One off the students with black hair rushed over to Izuku and shook his hand. "I'm Shindo. UA has had it rough this year, right?" He said excitedly and quickly shook hands with several other members of 1-A. "But you still want to become heroes. That's the spirit I want in future heroes" He said and tried to shake hands with Bakugo. "Cut the bullshit!" Bakugo snapped and slapped Shindo's hand away. "You may be saying one thing, but your expression is saying something else" Bakugo said. "Knock it off bro. Don't be so rude" Kirishima said. Meanwhile one of ms. Joke's female students ran over to Izuku. "You're Midoriya, right? You were so cool at the sports festival. Can I get your autograph?" She asked. "S-sure and thanks" He replied and tried finding something to write with. "Stop wasting time. You have to change into your costumes before the exam begins" Aizawa said and the students made their way towards the changing rooms.

After a while 1-A had gotten changed into their hero costumes and met up at the briefing hall. They were slightly shocked at the amount of people there. A man who seemed more sleep deprived than Aizawa made his way up to the podium. "Right, the provisional licensing exam, that's what you're here for. I don't get enough sleep. We're understaffed, and we must work overtime. I just want to sleep" The man said, not even trying to hide how tired he was. "Anyways, all 1540 off you will be competing in a massive free-for-all exercise. Ever since Stain's capture society has raised its standard for heroes in this society filled with them. Nowadays, incidents requiring heroes happens at a break neck speed. Those who can't keep up with that are doomed to fail. That's why we will be testing you on speed. Only the first hundred people to achieve the requirements of this first test will pass" He announced as a gasp went through the entire hall.

"Society is not fair" The tired man continued "Now, the passing requirements involves these" He said hand held up a disc and a ball. "Each participant will receive three targets that they have to place on their body. You can place them wherever you like as long as they are exposed. You will also get six balls each. The targets will light up when they are hit with a ball. If all your targets are activated, you will be disqualified. Those who have all their targets hit are 'defeated'. You pass by defeating two other players" He explained. Then people started walking around and distributing the targets and balls. Once everyone had gotten their targets and balls, the roof and wall of the hall opened up. "Now that you all are fully equipped the exam will begin in five minutes. There are many areas her, so you should be able to find somewhere that suits your abilities. Good luck" The tired man announced and all the participants started heading in different directions.

A/N: FINALLY! A NEW CHAPTER! How long has it been? Two weeks? I'm sorry you had to wait so long. As I said in the previous chapter, this part of the anime is one of my least favourite parts. So when I reached this part I didn't really have even a basic concept of how it would go. In my notes it litterally just says provisional license exam. I also did that request story which took some time, although it worked nice as a sort of break from this story. I also wrote some other stuff in the background that you wont be seeing for a long while, not even in this book. Anyways, the important part is that you have gotten a new chapter an I will hopefully publish the next chapter in less time that this one took me. Also, we reached 7K reads and we reached 250 votes! So once again, like the broken record I am, Thank you so much for all the support. I will stop saying I never thought we would reach this point since I think you have already figured that out. Anyways, hope you're all having a wonderful day. Goodbye.

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