Worlds Apart

Od zen123753951

71 7 6

Leila Castele is a very talented singer in her town. Some gigs here, a show there - as one would say -she has... Viac

1. Leila
2. Meeting
3. Argument
4. Dream
5. Questions

6. Black roses

3 0 0
Od zen123753951

Black roses. Yes you heard that right. Black roses. Everywhere. The whole place was drowning in them. But not sinking. It was a peaceful drowning. It felt like the garden wanted to be drowned in them, just spend a few more moments with them and it would be the happiest it has ever been.

Jack had picked me up earlier today along with Cordon, the electrician,and we had just entered the venue. Keira had told us to look for a flower arch in the garden and that thats where she will be. So that is what we were doing, looking for the arch in this huge, i mean ginormous garden, until we stumbled across this place. A place with black roses.

If you haven't guess yet then let me tell you. I don't like flower prints or flower designs or anything like that too much but I am a sucker for black roses. I even have a huge tattoo on my right hip bone.

Black roses have a certain mystery to them. An attracting allure. They burned without fire. They froze without ice. They were a symbol of death and omen in many traditions but thats what makes them more thrilling. They were badasses.

So naturally, i stood in the opening with my jaw open, staring at the roses like a creep. I took a few steps forward and touched one of the roses. Soft. They were so fucking soft. And silky. They were undoubtedly the best quality roses i have ever seen.

"Earth to Leila. " Jack mockingly stood in front of me, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Pinch me Jack. Tell me I'm seing the black roses like you are. I ain't crazy am i? " I was so awestruck by the roses that i didn't even know what i was saying anymore. Jack snickered beside me and shook his head.

"I'm seing them too Leila. I have no idea what true love looks like. But if i were to make a comparison it would be to you and your black roses. " he snorted still shaking his head. "Now lets go. We need to find Miss.Somell. Can't keep a lady waiting now can we?"

I rolled my eyes at that. "Ya ya. Let's go. But we will come back here once more before going okay." I told him. Jack just shook his head and started walking. Cordon followed behind. And soon we found a clearing with a beautiful flower arch at its entrance and gorgeous tropical trees and flowers surrounding it. True to her word Keira was sitting on a chair at one corner. She was reading some magazine and was wearing a brown beach hat. There was a table in front of her with food and a couple more chairs beside it. Upon hearing us come she looked up and smiled.

"Miss. Castele, Mr. Durian. Welcome to the Milagros Nova estate. One of the newest projects of Jackson's and Co. Lmt. Please have a seat." My eyebrows shot up at that.

"A Spanish and Latin combination for a name. Beautiful. I must say, it totally lives up to it. " I told her truthfully.

Keira looked shocked. "You know the languages? " she asked perplexed.

I laughed lightly at her and replied. "Sorry to disappoint you Keira but no. I do not know the languages accurately. But i sing. And in many years, i have gathered the knowledge of a few words from here and there. "

Keira nodded understandingly. "But still. It is amazing. Not many people can pick up other languages or foreign words so easily. Please have a seat. "
I didnt realize i was still standing. I quickly shuffled over to the chair near Cordon and sat down. Cordon bent over slightly towards me. "What does the name mean?"he whispered in my ear.

I turned and whispered back to him. "Miracle star." he nodded and straightened up.

"So. Do you want anything to eat?  I brought some bread and juice with me. Please help yourself and then i will show you around." Keira pointed at the food and folded her Maganize keeping it in her bag.

"No it is fine. We all ate before coming here. Let us see the location first." Jack replied and we all got up again.

"Okay. Follow me. " We all trugged behind her and she took us to the entrance from where we came.

"So this is the entrance as you would have assumed. There are 3 other entrances around the whole place but we will only use this one during the party. " She told to no one in particular and we all nodded. I noticed Jack was taking some notes as well.

"Moving on. The guests will enter from here and move straight. They will follow the path and then turn right and then a left. I was thinking we could put the decorations in such a manner that the way to the ball which is to be held at the building i will show you next looks like one single path and the guests don't get lost. Then we enter the front garden. "

We all entered an open space, also surrounded by flowers- tulips and something else i didn't know what. In front of the clearing was a huge stone building. It was definitely one of the old buildings that were very commonly seen in our town but it was infused with modern architecture. It was 3 stories tall but looked gigantic. There was a huge staircase to the entrance like those in royal castles.

"Miss.Somell, won't this be a little difficult to locate by the public once the place is open for all?" Jack asked her.

"Oh! This isn't going to be a public garden Mr. Durian. This is Mr. Jacksons private property. There are many houses spread accross the whole land. This building in front of you is the common house. Many relatives and family members of the Jacksons will be shifting here from their previous houses due to some circumstances. We are throwing this ball here to celebrate the same. "
Keira explains.

So this is a private property. Mr.Jackson might be here too. Oh shit. Why am i thinking about him again. But isn't he a sight to see? I snorted. Yes. NO. I mean no.

Keira lead us to the front of the staircase and we move towards the door. As soon as she opens the door, a huge empty space welcomes us. The walls were coloured a gorgeous brown with gold designs. The space in front of us is most likely a living room. But of course we will be using it as a party room.

"This is the main living room where the ball will take place. It is a beautiful season so i was wondering if  we could do the food and cuisine outside in the front garden from where we came and this place will be for dancing and chatting. What do you think? "

"It would not be a bad idea if it weren't in February. It is going to be very cold Miss. Somell, plus there will be chilly sea breeze all over the place. We won't want the guests to freeze to death now would we? " Jack smirked at Keira and she blushed.

"I suppose you are right. I didn't think about that." She spoke quietly.

"We can decorate the garden lightly Keira. And we can set up something there so that people could sit outside too if they wanted. And we could set up the tables all around this room. At the centre could be the dance floor. And one of the back corners can be for the orchestra and the singers. This way there would be enough space left for mingling business associates as well as comfortable seats for people who don't want to do that." I told her politely.

She beamed at me and nodded.

"Yes. That would be great." She said.

Jack gave a thoughtful look to the room and said. "Sure. We can do that."

"Now the only thing left would be the food. You said to make it a buffet as different people would prefer different items. But since everyone present here will be highly important guests, Anna, our food incharge, suggested that we make menus and put them on all tables. The guests can give their orders to the waiters, who will then bring the food to them. That way everyone can choose their own preferences and there would be less clumsiness. " I told keira.

Keira nodded. " Yes. That could work. The servers will have to be fast and efficient though. We wouldn't want them to wait. "

"Don't worry that won't be a problem. I will arrange for the best." Jack assured her. "Now if you will excuse Cordon and me. We would like to take measurements and estimate the amount of lights we would require. Miss.Somell, i would also like to discuss with you if there are any preference regarding the decorations." Jack told Keira and motioned for her to come with him.

"Keira if you won't mind, can i roam the gardens in the meanwhile? " I asked her. I didn't want to get bored into the measurements talk. All they do is measure the whole place, up and down. And think about different kinds of lights. Which is definitely not what i am interested in doing.

"Sure. Let us meet here in 30 mins? " She asked.

"Perfect." I made my way to the front garden and then moved even further. Of course i was looking for the rose garden. I couldn't get it out of my head.

I walked for a bit before i stumbled upon a lake. Seriously? Is this an estate or a fucking jungle? A beautiful jungle though. What more will i find here? Crocodiles and deers??  I hope not.

The lake was a small one, but it was bigger than a pond and there was a path going over it. I can't believe my eyes. It looked right out of a Disney princess movie.

It wasn't difficult to construct lakes in this part of the town because of the abundance of water and considering that this whole property was surrounded by the ocean on the other side of it, it would have been a shame not to have ponds or lakes in it.

My. Jackson had without a doubt made a heaven of a house and property. It had everything. Well i'm sure it must have. And it surrounded by nature wholeheartedly. If i didn't know any better, i would definitely get lost here thinking i was in a private forest.

I went over to the arched pathway and looked down at the still water of the lake. There were small small fishes swimming around in it too. And let me tell you one thing, There is something very relaxing about watching fishes swim.

Black roses long forgotten, i started to think about my life. Well everything was the same. Except for the deliciously handsome yet rude guy that entered my life. Faviere. His name sounded foreign on my tongue. Mr. Jackson suited him more. But i think thats because i still consider him a client, handsome or not. Well he is my Client.

Was the rose garden his? He doesn't seem like the flower loving person. But then it was a black rose. I am not a flower person yet i love black roses. Maybe it was his? Would he be here right now? But they haven't shifted to this house yet right? Maybe not. I don't know. And i don't know why i am so interested in him so suddenly. I don't know why i have all these questions in my mind. And I don't even know for how long i stood there thinking about these stupid questions until someone yelled.


I was so shocked at the sudden confrontation, that i quickly turned around to face the intruder but obviously with my stupid luck, disasters are bound to happen.
I slipped on the arch and the next thing i know — i am surrounded by knee deep water.

"Ouch!" I whimpered. I had nothing to break my fall except the hard ground and my limbs pained like shit. I fell on my back and i was grateful that i didn't fall on something sharp. But there were pebbles and stones all over the ground and they sting. Like a bitch.

"Holy shit! You okay lady? Sorry to scare you. " A guy wearing a yellow shirt came forward with a panicking look on his face.

"Yeah right. Help me up will you. I think i broke my ass. " I hissed as i tried to get up but failed miserably.

"Of course. Take my hand." The guy held my hand and pulled me up at once. I winced as soon as i was on my feet and out of the lake. Thank the fucking lord i didn't fall towards the centre of the lake and only slipped at the corner. I would have died of embarrassment if someone had to pick me up and carry me because my hips are in no condition to support my body right now.

"Are you all right? Can you walk? What are you even doing here? " He asking all at once.

"Geez dude. Give me a moment will ya.?" I told him as i tried to adjust myself on the ground.

"Yeah. Sorry. " He said but kept lurking above me. I sighed.

"No i am not fine. I think it'll take a moment for me to walk, my hips hurt. And i am here because i came to look at this place to set up arrangements for the ball. " I answered all his questions.

"Oh. But shouldn't you be near the pac-, i mean near the main house? " He questioned me and crossed his arms infront of him. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yes i should. But they were measuring the whole place and i just wanted to look around a bit. The gardens are lovely here if you have noticed. " I moved my hands in a look-around-you geature.

He nodded in understanding and continued. "Still. You should not roam around blindly. Can you get up?  I'll take you to the main building." He Pointed towards a direction.

I sighed and dragged my fingers through my now wet hair. "Yeah sure. Lead the way. " I put both my arms behind me to suport myself and got up somehow. My body is gonna be so sore and bruised tomorrow. I winced just thinking about it.

Without wasting another second, the guy turned around and started walking towards the common house. But as soon as i took a step forward, my left ankle gave out and i fell once again.

"Wait. Wait. Shit! " I clutched my ankle as i stumbled on the ground once again.

"What happened? " He immediately rushed towards me and frowned.

"I think i sprained my ankle." I looked at him and then at my ankle. The  yellow shirt dude looked deep in thought before he took out his phone to do something and thats when i realised that my phone was not on me.

"MY PHONE!! FUCK MY PHONE! " I crawled on my knees towards the water and stretched my right hand down so that it touces the surface of the lake. I moved my hand around, splashing the water frantically, but couldn't find anything. I was about to cry when the yellow dude, who i didn't notice had also moved towards the lake to look for my phone, bent down and picked up my phone from the grass.

"This the one? " He outstretched his hand with the phone in it and i swear i would have kissed him if i wasn't helplessly crawling on the grass like a deranged child.

"OH MY LORD THANK YOU SO MUCH! " I snatched the phone from his hands and hugged it to death. My poor baby. Thank god it didn't drown. Everything i want and need is in this phone. I can't go 2 mintues without it. I don't even remember anyones phone number. It is a miracle i remember mine.

"Ya you're welcome. Now come on. Lets get you back." He said and suddenly picked me up bridal style.

I shrieked and immediately my hands went around his neck. "What are you doing?? "

He rolled his eyes. "Getting you to the main house. But if you would prefer to walk, be my guest."

I stayed silent because obviously it was a stupid question to ask. He was helping me and i was grateful for that. Even though it was his fault to a certain extent in the first place for scaring me when he yelled, but i kept quite. I don't want him to dump me somewhere when i cant even stand up correctly.

Within minutes we reach the main house. The yellow shirt guy climbed the stairs and sat me down on one of the sofas. Jack, Cordon and keira came rushing towards me.

"Geez Leila!  What happened? " Jack asked as he moved to sit besides me.

"I fell in a lake nearby." I meekly replied.

"You fell in a lake nearby??!!?? Wow. How the hell did you manage to accomplish this?! Should i even ask? " Jack half yelled with his eyes wide, still staring at me in shock.

"I was just looking at the lake Jack. When this guy here shouted at me and i was just shocked and didn't see my footing. I slipped and fell. Simple. " I rolled my eyes.

"Jesus. Does it hurt? "Cordon asked this time.

"No Cordon, i just didn't wanna walk so i faked it and asked him to carry me." I snickered. I then turn to yellow shirt, look him in the eyes and as seriously as i could, say "I did not fake it. "

Yellow shirt rolled his eyes. "Of course you didn't. I saw you fall."

"Well we were about to call you. We are done with the measurements. And we wanted to leave. Can you walk now? Should i carry you? " Jack asked hesitantly.

"No Jack its fine. I'll try to walk. I have had enough of getting myself carried for now. But lend me your hand for support please. " I tell him honestly.

"Sure." He replied and stood up holding his hand out.

"I am so sorry this happened Leila. Please take care of yourself. " I look over at Keira, who was looking at me with guilt and concern.

"It wasn't your fault Keira. I'm fine. Thanks. I will contact you when we have finalised the decoration designs and food menus. See you later. " I kind of waved at her and stood up with the help of Jack.

We turned to leave when i notice yellow shirt looking at me. There was something very close to concern on his face and i sighed.

"Wasn't your fault too Yellow shirt. I am just very clumsy. But next time try not to scare people half to death. " I joked.

He laughed. "Ya sorry. Take care. "

I nodded and then followed behind Cordon who was already at the door. Jack helped me down the stairs when it dawned on me that we didn't know where we were going.

"Jack. Do you know the way out? Shouldn't we take Keira with us? " I asked him.

"I remember the way Leila. Not everyone is directionally challenged." Jack snickered at me while i glared at him.

We were about to enter the gravel path leading to the entrance when i felt eyes on me. I looked around but didn't find anyone. Just for precautions sake, i looked back towards the main house and saw a guy standing at the terrace. Of course he was looking at me.

Mr. Jackson. Guess i saw you today after all.

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