The girl from Krypton and the...

By SupergirlNightwing

7.9K 227 87

Kara is over the moon when Mon-El returns, but is soon heartbroken when she finds out he's married. Suddenly... More

Meeting Again Part 1
Meeting Again Part 2
Big Save
The Game

The Imp

1.2K 30 11
By SupergirlNightwing

Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, Nightwing, Superman, Batman, or the Justice League. DC Comics owns them. I also do not own the shows Supergirl, Arrow, or the Flash; the CW owns it. I also do not own the show Titans.

Dick POV

I wake up in Kara's bed and the events of a couple hours ago come back to me.

Kara and I had never gone beyond making out before. I can't believe it. I'm the luckiest guy in the universe to have made love to the most amazing woman.

I grin at her sleeping form and look at the clock. It's 1:30 PM. We should get some lunch and check in with the DEO.

I lean over to kiss her cheek and she stirs awake.

She opens her eyes and smiles at me. She leans up to kiss me and I don't hesitate to kiss back.

"Hungry?" I ask her.

"After that? Yes!" She says.

"Where should we order from?" I ask her.

She gives me a grin and asks me if I still love potstickers. Of course I do, I'm the one who introduced her to potstickers.

"Of course Kara, I can't live without my favorite food!" I tell her.

We get dressed, order the food, and have a late lunch together.

"We should go to the DEO. Check into see what's going on with the bomb thing. See if they found any clues to who the suspect is. I suspect Cadmus because the bomb had Kryptonite." Kara says to me.

"Cadmus? That anti-alien organization?" I ask her.

"Yes, they captured me last year. They took my blood and used it to break into the Fortress of Solitude." She tells me, her face scrunching at the memory.

"I already hate them." I say, angry at just thinking of Kara being hurt.


We step into the DEO and everyone starts clapping.

Oh they must have saw the news. Great.

Kara and I look at each other and she shrugs her shoulders. I look around to see everyone clapping accept for a guy who looks like he just lost his puppy.

This guy looks really unhappy. Wait, could this be Mon-El? He's lucky I don't kick his ass! He might be an alien, but I have some tricks up my sleeve.

Kara and I just stand there awkwardly. Kara smiles and blushes, but I just stand there with my arms crossed. Gotta keep up that tough guy image. Especially after the whole world just saw me almost cry.

We walk over to the round table and everyone follows including the guy who I think is Mon-El. He keeps staring at me.

Suddenly my phone rings and I look to see who it is. Clark Kent.

"Uh I better take this." I tell them.

"Right now? We're about to start reviewing the case." Alex says to me.

"It's her cousin." I say looking at Kara.

"Oh, then you should definitely answer that." Alex says with a smug look on her face.

Even though Clark clearly set us up, he's still going to threaten me.

"Yeah, I know what's coming. We've done this dance before." I say while starting to walk out of the room when Alex tells me to stay.

I glare at her. She just wants to listen to the conversation, even if she can only hear one side of it.

"Alex! He can leave if he wants to!" Kara says.

"It's fine, Kara." I tell her, giving her a smile.

I sigh and answer the phone.

"Hello sir." I say while the others start snickering.

"Hey Dick. Glad to hear that you and my cousin are getting along so well." Clark says.

That's an understatement.

"I'm assuming by the news that you two are together?" Clark asks me.

"Yes sir." I say.

"Well that's great! If you ever hurt her, I'll throw you into space. Got it?" He tells me.

"I expected nothing less." I tell him.

"Well, that's good. Now should we go over some ground rules? Or do you remember them?" He asks me.

"Yes, I remember the rules for dating your cousin." I say.

Everybody but Mon-El starts laughing at that.

"Well, why don't you repeat them, so I know we're on the same page?" Clark asks me, while not really asking me.

"1. No touching or kissing her in front of you.

2. I can only look at her from the neck up in front of you.

3. If I make her cry, then you'll make me cry.

4. Always be afraid of you.

(I got all the rules from an article called "10 Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter." I thought it was super funny.)

"If I break any of these rules, you'll be free to deal with me how you see fit." I say with everyone around me laughing and Kara looking annoyed and slapping her forehead.

"Alright that's enough. Give me the phone." Kara says to me.

I give her the phone and she starts talking to Clark.

"Seriously, what the hell? Is this what you did to him the first time we started dating?"

Since I'm close to the phone, I can hear Clark start to laugh and tell her he did.

"I wasn't done with him yet, Kara. Give the phone back to him, or I'm coming down there." Clark says.

Oh great.

"No, you aren't coming down here!" Kara says, irritated.

'It's fine Kara, just give me the phone, please."

She sighs and finally relents.

Clark tells me about the other rules he made up and should I not follow them, I'll be in deep trouble.

"Yes, I understand. Goodbye sir." I say then hang up.

I look up at Alex and the woman to see them looking at Kara and me while snickering.

"I feel deeply betrayed, Alex. I snuck a Batarang out of the Batcave and gave it to you when were younger, and this is how you repay me?" I ask feigning being hurt.

"You only did it because you liked Kara." She says.

"True." I say with a smirk.

Kara just laughs and rolls her eyes.

"I can't believe he did that to you when we first started dating. You were what 15?" Kara asks me.

"No, that's just when he found out." I remind her.

She just laughs and grins even wider.

"It's fine. Nothing I can't handle. I've known your cousin for a long time." I say.

After being in National City with Kara for a couple of days, I'm finally settled in. It pains me that  I'll have to go back to Gotham at some point and leave her.

Kara and I have started a prank war. We used to do that when we were kids. I would usually win, but I have to admit, she's gotten better.

Kara and I are at the DEO. We just finished stopping a bank robbery and fighting a hostile alien.

We walk into the DEO and I need to take a shower.

"Alright babe, I'll be right back. I need to take a shower." I tell her.

I look over to see Mon-El and a woman that I've come to find out is his wife, Imra.

I have not seen Mon-El around that often, but he's here today.

I see Mon-El flinch as I call Kara "babe." I don't have an ounce of sympathy for him. How could you let the most amazing woman in the universe go?

"Okay." Kara says leaning up to kiss me on the cheek.

I smile at her and leave for the locker room to take a shower.

Kara POV

Once Dick leaves, I spread an evil smile on my face.

"What's that look for?" Imra asks me.

Before I can respond, I hear someone yelling.

"Zor-El!" Dick screams from the shower.

I burst out laughing and a few seconds later, he comes out of the shower with just a towel over his waist and fake blood all over his muscular body.

I laugh even harder at seeing him, and Imra starts laughing as well. Mon-El doesn't laugh though. Why isn't he laughing? It's hilarious!

"Kara! You have no idea what you've done!" Dick says angrily but also smirking.

"Hey! You started it when you put mentos in my coke and it sprayed all over me!" I tell him.

"You should be scared, Kara. My next prank will be much better and possibly sooner than you think." He tells me, while smirking.

I roll my eyes at that and give him a sly smile.

"Whatever, Grayson." I say, using his last name since Mon-El and Imra already know his last name since Alex yelled it in front of them.

I walk off to go take a shower as well.

Dick POV

I walk off to join Kara in the shower, since I have fake blood all over me. We once again explore each other and are sent into a sweet bliss.

Once we finish with our shower, we get our towels and dry off. I dry my hair with a towel and fix my hair to my regular hairstyle.

"I'll meet you in a second. I have to dry my hair." Kara says to me.

"Okay." I say and change into my suit and walk back to the round table where Imra, Mon-El, and Alex are.

"Good you're here. There's a car chase. You and Kara can go and stop it." Alex says.

Just as I'm about to respond, I hear a scream.

I smirk at hearing Kara's scream.

I know she's not in pain, I would never prank her with something that could hurt her.

Kara comes out wearing her suit with powder all in her hair.

"You got something in your hair, babe." I say trying not to laugh.

"You put powdered sugar in my hairdryer?!" Kara asks angrily.

"Yep." I say with a smug look.

"Well, it looks like you can't help Nightwing with the car chase, so he'll just have to go alone." Alex says while laughing at her sister's appearance.

"Alex! You think this is funny?!" Kara asks her angrily.

"No, of course not...." Alex says while trying not to laugh.

"Alright, fine. Just know that you've unleashed my dark side." Kara says to me.

"Have a nice shower!" I say to her.

Kara just glares at me in return.

"Is this another prank war? Kara should know that you are the prank master. I'm honestly scared for her." Alex says.

"You know I would never do anything to hurt her. Just to piss her off." I say.

"Now the car chase. Where is it?" I ask her.

"They're coming up on Southern Fae Road. You can cut them off at National City Blvd." Alex tells me.

"Got it." I say, then go outside to hop on my motorbike.

Once I reach the interstate, I pass cars one by one until I see the flashing lights of a police car.

I crank up the speed and soon pass the police cars and the criminal driving the car.

I move in front of the car and they come to a stop. I get off my motorbike and go up to the car door, prepared to fight if needed.

I open the car door and pull the man out of the car.

"I'm sorry! Please don't let them take me to jail!" He cries.

"I'm sorry, buddy. Next time the police wants to pull you over, let them. Don't start a car chase and waste everyone's time." I tell him.

"Thank you Nightwing!" A police officer says to me while putting the man in handcuffs.

I nod my head and take off back to the DEO.

I walk back in to find Kara, Alex, Winn, Imra, and Mon-El standing around the table.

"That was awesome! You caught up to that car so easily!" Winn says, fangirling.

I smile at him. "Thanks Winn." I say.

Winn and Alex walk off to go work on the bombing case.

I walk up to Kara and kiss her hand.

"I'm sorry Kara." I tell her.

"I'm sorry to. Although it was pretty funny." She tells me smiling.

"Yeah." I look at her with a grin.

Suddenly, a portal appears and out steps two people I don't recognize.

"Kara! Thank goodness he hasn't gotten you too! We came to warn you! There's this magical imp guy and he's coming after us! He already got Oliver and Felicity!"The man says all in one breath.

"Oh great. I've already hit my limit with magical creeps." Kara says.

"Wait, Kara. What's going on? What was that blue thing? Who are they?" I ask her.

She looks over at the man and he nods.

"That's Barry Allen, aka the Flash. He's a superhero on his earth and that's Iris West, his girlfriend and a part of team Flash." She tells me.

Before I can ask, about the other earth thing, Kara speaks before me.

"And before you ask, yes, there are other earths. The theory of the multiverse is true." She tells me while I just stand here and take it in.

She tells me about her friends Oliver and Felicity and about the imps.

"I've had two encounters with the imps. They're very powerful. They have the capacity to be very dangerous." She tells me.

After taking in that information, they ask who I am.

"I'm Dick Grayson. Kara's boyfriend." I tell them and shake their hands.

I don't mind Kara's friends knowing who I am. I know who they are.

"And who is she?" Iris asks looking at Imra.

"I'm Imra, Mon-El's wife. It's nice to meet you."

I see Barry and Iris looking confused but they just smile and nod. I'm sure they're wondering what happened to Kara and Mon-El.

Before we had time to come up with a plan, out of nowhere, what I assume to be the imp appears.

He looks Kara in the eyes and she starts to fall to the ground. Before she falls, I catch her and gently put her on the ground. I don't want to drop her when the inevitable comes. There's no question that we're all going to get knocked out.

I was right when I see Barry, Iris, Mon-El, and Imra get knocked out. The imp looks me in the eyes and I fall to the ground next to Kara. The last thing I see is her beautiful face.

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