Hero Academy: Ticking Time

By Queen_Rainheart

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Crossover Fanfiction After finding out that Hawk Moth has escaped into the multiverse and found new allies, t... More

Quick Author Note
Chapter 1: A Miraculous Beginning
Chapter 2: Traveling to another world
Chapter 3: The first heavy assignment
Another Quick Author Note
Chapter 4: The first fight
Chapter 5: Getting to know each other
Chapter 6: Sword and Dine
Chapter X
Chapter 7: Who is Vlad?
Chapter 8: Party Crashers
Hiatus news!
Chapter 9: Vlad's secret
Chapter 10: Enough secrets
Chapter 11: Last Night
Chapter 12: Bloody Hell
Important Author's note
Chapter XX
Chapter 14:...Of the Pravus's fall
Chapter 15: Hawk Moth's first prey
Chapter 16: Delay

Chapter 13: The Beginning...

94 3 1
By Queen_Rainheart

The picture above does not belong to me, just to explain for the ending scene, and at the end, there is one paragraph with blood. Just to let you know. Enjoy.

Marinette slowly opened her eyes to blinding lights. Everything in her body should be in pain but she felt perfectly fine. Where was she?

"She's waking up," one voice said.

"There goes my lunch." Another voice replied.

Who were these two voices? Where are they coming from? And why was her body feeling pretty alright?

"Hold on kid. Let's get this out of you." A pale white woman engulfed her vision. She was nothing like Marinette has ever seen. Her skin was paper white, her hair was snow white, and her eyes were blue like ice. It almost looked like she was dead.

"Staring at someone too long isn't nice." The pale woman said. In her hand was a long IV tube with a needle. Whatever was in that thing really helped her.

"Try sitting up slowly. You had this medication in you for four hours. It might make you dizzy." The first voice said. She did what she told and didn't hear her body screaming in pain. She looked down to see her normal clothes instead of her Ladybug suit. She must have detransform at some point. She noticed Tikki was laying on one of the nurses' desk with Plagg right next to her.



"Excuse me. Where's Adrien?"

"The blonde boy? He's here, sleeping." The pale woman said. "He took a lot more damage than you. He's going to rest a little more than you."

Marinette swung her legs out of the blankets and tried to stand up. As soon as she done that, she regretted doing that. Her legs turn to jelly and her mind went fuzzy.

"Woah! Slow down! You still need to rest." The pale woman pushed Marinette back to bed slowly. Another woman, most likely the first voice, finally came into view. Her dark brown bun, stern green eyes, and narrow slightly rounded face reminded her of Miss Bustier.

"Both of you will be fine if you stay in bed. You will be checked for any more injuries in a second. Olivia, you can go on your break. I'll watch over both of them." The pale woman, Olivia, nodded and left Marinette's side. She almost went through the door but stopped. She turned around slightly, grabbing a medical bag and then left. What was that about?

"Now," the bun lady said as she wrote down on a clipboard. "How do you feel?"

"I'm alright. I guess. I still feel a bit sore from the punch to the guts."

"The medicine helped ease the pain. It's still there but it's not as bad as it was before," Her pen flawlessly glided over the paper, the tapping barely heard. "Now let me get you the second part of your medication."

"What will it do?"

"Completely heals any leftover damages that didn't heal the first time and recover your strength." The bun lady pulled a mini bottle full of red liquid from the fridge and swirled it around. It looked like a thin version of blood and the smell reminded her of the bakery back home.

"Here. Drink," Bun lady said as she handed Marinette the bottle.

"Is it safe?"

"We haven't extended someone's stay here before with this medicine. You'll be fine." Bun Lady said with a smile. Yup, just like Miss. Bustier.

Marinette finally took the bottle and slowly drink it. She wasn't sure what exactly was inside it, so better safe than sorry. As soon as the liquid passed through her throat, she felt her body relaxed yet ready to fight again. After finishing it, her body felt energized like her first transformation. She slides out of bed one more time, but this time, she didn't lose her balance.

"There you go. Good as new. As long as you get a little bit more rest, you should be alright."

"Thank you. Is it alright if I stayed here until Adrien wakes up?"

"Of course," The bun lady walked back to her desk and started doing some paperwork. Marinette realized that the lady never told her where Adrien was. Maybe he was in the room and she just didn't notice him yet. She finally noticed the curtains on her left and figure that's where Adrien was. She walked over and pulled the curtains back slightly, not wanting to make a scene. Her heart skipped a beat and let out a breath.

Adrien laying on the bed with a tube attached to his arm.

He wasn't in too bad condition and most bruises were gone. At least externally, he was fine. Marinette sat on the bed, careful not to pull on the tube, and place her hand on his.

At least you're okay Adrien. Sorry I couldn't save you fast enough. She wanted to cry for this mistake but she didn't want to seem weak. She did the best she could to help and that's that. She followed Vlad's orders as best as she could. After all, people looked up to Ladybug. Her.

The more she thought about what happened, the more she realized that Adrien and Nino didn't know anything about Vlad and that Vlad knew the guy who attacked the students. Maybe Alya and Chloé already told Nino what they knew about him. Maybe the guy was caught and was being interrogated about what he knows. Maybe Vlad let him go, probably friends with him, and this whole time he was a spy sent from his home and he was controlling Headmaster Max on what to say and-.

Hey. Marinette? You there? Marinette jumped when she heard that. She looked around before remembering it was Vlad talking to her. Right. Mind communicating.

H-hey Vlad. I-i'm here. She thought, trying not to sound scared in her mind.

Oh thank god you're okay. Has Adrien woken up yet?

No. He's still recovering.

That's good at least. I've been meaning to check up on you guys for some time but I got sidetrack.

With what? There was silence from him. Marinette had a feeling he wasn't going to tell her anything. So she might have to pry it out. Does it have anything to do with that guy? Or with Headmaster Max? Or-

I had a meeting with Headmaster Max after the incident. He wants the Rookie class to pick a representative for leader meetings.

Oh. Why does he want to do that?

He...wants our voices to be heard so he wants us to choose someone to do that. Vlad had hesitated. That sounded like a lie right there.

Really? Does he have anyone in mind? I mean, we are picking but who would he want to be a leader.

Well, there are a few candidates he has in mind. But he has a feeling about three.


There's Iris. She has some experience with leading plus with her being the princess of her entire planet, this could help her get more experience. There's also the fact that she would help any of us with any problems we have. Then there's you.

M-me? But I'm not a great option! I'm clumsy and I'm almost late to everything and-

You were a class representative in your old school right?

Yeah but-

And as Ladybug, you pretty much made sure everyone stayed focus right?

I still struggled with Queen Bee-

And you were able to show your patience with her. Something a leader should have.

That's fair but-

No buts. Headmaster Max has decided on you and there is nothing you can do to tell him otherwise. Trust me. I tried.

Fine. Who was the third person?

Vlad didn't reply back and the silence was almost killing her. And she was pretty sure he was going to lie.

Vlad? Who was the third person Headmaster Max chose?

He chose me technically as his first option.


Yeah. And trust me, I tried to talk him out of it. Marinette didn't know what to say. Headmaster Max chose Vlad as his first choice, even after he admitted who Vlad was. Did he trust Vlad that much? Looking at what Vlad has done, he had helped him and the Rookies with so much. Sure, he did hide everything about himself but pretty sure he had a good reason.


Oh! S-sorry. Just thinking but I think that's great.

What do you mean?

If Headmaster Max trusts you, then I know I can trust you. You would never keep anything from us that could harm us. Vlad was quiet again. This made Marinette slightly nervous.

Marinette. Do you know something I don't?

W-what?! No! I just trust Headmaster Max and I know he wouldn't keep anything from us. Vlad didn't say anything for a full minute and Marinette got really nervous. What was going on? Maybe that wasn't the answer he was looking for. Time to change the topic. Vlad, what going to happen with that guy?

Him? He'll be held in our holding cell, getting medical treatment until he is put back in his world.

Do you guys know each other? Because he was asking for you a lot.

We cross paths multiple times before. Mostly tense and he nearly killed me once. But you don't need to worry about him.


I have some errands to do. I'll check on you and Adrien later.


No response. Great. Marinette must have scared him away. At least she knows where the figure is. But now she has to know where the holding cell unit is.

A light squeeze engulfed her hand. Marinette jumped slightly but she relaxed when she knew who it was. She turns her attention to Adrien, laying down with a weak but warm smile.

"Adrien! You're okay!" She gently hugged him, barely able to control her tears. "Thank god you're okay."

"He's awake now? That's good. Let me get the IV out and give him the second medicine." The bun lady said as she walked over to them. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit sore but alright. Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah. They were able to get the guy in the holding unit. We're the only two here."

"That's good," Adrien drink the medicine rapidly and slowly got out of bed. "Wow. That medicine really works. What is it called?"

"There are many names for it. We're still deciding what name to put it under."

"Well, it's a Miraculous Miracle." Adrien gave Marinette a sly smile and she just rolled her eyes, even if she was smiling.

"Miraculous Miracle...That sounds interesting. I'll have to put it as a suggestion."

"Oh god. Adrien why?"

"Sorry. My Cat Noir side couldn't resist."

"It's good to know you're not too injured for jokes but now you have to get going. I'm sure you want to do other things than stay in the infirmary."

"Good point. Thank you so much for helping us and letting me stay to wait for my friend, Dr..."

"Rebecca Holiday. And do try not to come back unconscious."

"We make no promises," Adrien said as he picked up Plagg and Tikki. Dr. Holiday sighed, annoyed or amused, Marinette couldn't tell. But she smiled and open the door for them.

"So Vlad is a half-vampire legend that can easily control all of us and you think he has some kind of hidden agenda?" Adrien said as they reach their dorm. Marinette had just explained what Headmaster Max had told her, Alya, and Chloé about Vlad as well as the conversation her and Vlad had before he woke up.

"Pretty much." Marinette grabbed the doorknob and paused. She knew Adrien hated secrets and Vlad lying to him would be a big strike to him. She turned to him to see him processing the new information. Marinette wasn't sure what he would do next but what he didn't surprise her.

"I'm sure Vlad wanted to protect everyone here, not just himself. And he doesn't have a hidden agenda."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Think about it. If Vlad wanted to harm anyone here, he would have done that the first week he was here. And he doesn't seem like Lila who lies about everything and only wants attention. He might be doing this under someone else's orders and maybe Headmaster Max wants to respect that. We only know what Headmaster Max told us. We need to hear from Vlad himself. Why he's really here for. That's when we'll have all the information."

"Good point. We'll talk to him tomorrow." Marinette turned the doorknob and was greeted with blonde hair and panicked cries.

"Thankgodyou'reherewewereallsoworriedaboutyouguysandwewereabouttovisitbutHeadmasterMaxtoldustowaitatourdormandthenAlyadecidedtofollowVladtowhereeverhewentandNinoranafterhertogetherback," Chloé said in one breath, her hair slightly out of its perfect ponytail.

"Chloé! Breath and tell us slowly. What's going on?" Adrien said as he places his hand on her shoulder. Chloé took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Marinette had never seen her so scared before. Sure she was scared but not to the point where she was barely understandable.

"We were so worried when Headmaster Max told us you were in the infirmary and we wanted to see you guys but he told us to wait in our dorm. Alya and Nino didn't like that but listened. We waited here for hours until we saw Vlad walk in the distance from the window. Alya wanted to follow him but Nino and I didn't want to. She didn't listen and ran out the door."

"Why didn't you follow her?"

"Nino told me to stay here in case either of you got back. Then he ran after Alya to bring her back. But that was ten minutes ago." Marinette couldn't believe it. Why would Alya do these after what she had learned? Did she really not trusted Vlad at all? Or was this completely something else? "What do we do?"

"I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll find them and get Alya to explain."

"After coming right out of the infirmary? Marinette-"

"We don't have a choice, Adrien. If this keeps happening, Vlad will no longer trust us and that might give Hawk Moth a chance to attack."

"And if that happens-"

"Other villains could invade the school."

Vlad knew something was up with Marinette. She was asking a lot of questions about him and Eddie. And he did feel fear in her mind. Did she know something that scared her? Maybe he'll talk to her later.

For now, he had an old "friend" to talk to.

Vlad quickly and quietly weaved his way around the school, avoiding anyone else who wanted to talk. He stopped every now and then when he felt someone behind him. But no one was there.

Must be my mind playing tricks on me. He continued walking, at a quicker pace, until he reached his destination.

The holding cells.

Placed between the school and the refugee quarters, the entranced was the size of hospital elevators. It was the only way in, at least the only way Vlad knew. It was built not too long ago but it could hold armies in it.

This area was restricted from students and refugees. Vlad was no exception. He did try to get access before the semester started but Headmaster Max wouldn't allow him. He even told Vlad that if he entered the area unauthorized, he would not be allowed out of the school for three weeks. But this would be worth the trouble.

Vlad pressed the down button and the door opened. After entering the elevator, he presses another button and started to descend. Vlad breathed slowly and kept his eye on the floor level. When his destination was reached, Vlad exit the elevator and entered a long blue corridor. At the end of it, was a wall covered with a glass sliding door and a control panel. Vlad walked up to the panel and touched it. The screen changed, showing all the holding cells' numbers in it. Only two were full but Vlad needed only one.

He tapped on number 002 and he could hear gears turning. He stepped away from the panel and faced the glass door. The gears stopped and a loud clack echoed. The wall behind the glass door moved and right there was the holding cell. The cage holding Eddie.

Eddie had better days. The top of his head was wrapped up and an IV tube connected to his arm. His fangs pierce his lower lip, drinking his own blood. He was hungry.

Eddie looked up and smiled, his fangs cutting his lower lip more. Vlad shivered. Even behind the glass door, he could smell the AB negative blood. Damn it.

"Listen up Poe. I have a question and I want a clear answer," Vlad's eyes turn purple, sending fear in Eddie. "Where is Em?"

Oh my god! Did you guys saw the Steven Universe season 5 finale!?!?! Oh my god! It was amazing and it'll help with the fanfic! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Sorry needed to get that out of my system. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I really hope you guys like this arc. I promised it will end soon and a new arc will happen soon. Don't know when but it will happen!

Until next time!


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