Little Salvatore

By HarliLawson1996

19.4K 227 37

This is a TVD story. I hope you enjoy. More



190 3 1
By HarliLawson1996

Ada has joined Elijah on his tour of some historical sighs of Mystic Falls, Jenna is hosting the tour. Jenna was thrilled Ada comes along, and she thinks Ada looks adorable with Elijah. 

"The old Fell property actually starts just being that fence." Jenna says, pointing a white fence out.

"Ah, the Fells." Elijah says as he keeps Ada's arm looped with his own. "One of the Founding Families."

"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna asks.

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier." Elijah claims. "It was a migration of townsfolk from northern, um, it was Salem, to be precise."

"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" Jenna asks.

"Which means the ever-laufed founding families... Didn't actually found anything." Elijah claims and he kisses Ada's head, she smiles.

Jenna smiles at them. "Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founder's hall in 1860. Men are very territorial."

Elijah wraps an arm around Ada's waist and gives her a protective squeeze. "Yes, they are."

Alaric walks over and he joins the trio.

"Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." Jenna introduces.

"I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines." Alaric says, almost sounding jealous. "I thought I would tag along. You know, being a history buff and all. Where to next?"

"I'm pretty curious  about the freed slave property owners." Elijah replies. "Some say, you know, the descendents of the slaves are the true keepers if American society."

"Well, I only brought the surveys." Jenna says. "I got that last list in the car. Just give me a sec." Jenna walks away. 

"Alaric Saltzman." Elijah says smoothly, warming Ada's insides as she smiles. "You're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect."

"So is Jenna." Alaric claims.

"You don't have tonne jealous, I don't really pursue younger women." Elijah teases, earning an elbow in the rib. "It's a joke, Ric, lighten up. I'm with Ada anyway."

Elijah pats Alaric's shoulder and he walks away with his girl.

Elijah, Ada, and Jenna join Damon, Alaric, and Andie's table when they enter the Grill.

"Hey, guys." Jenna greets them

"So, I hear you three had quite a meeting of historical minds today." Damon says.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Jenna replies

"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I've got papers to grade." Alaric outs some money on the table and stands up.

"No, you know what? We should continue this." Andie says. "Let's have a dinner party."

"Ooh, my girl." Damon brags. "Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host. Say tonight, maybe?"

"It's good for me." Andie says. "Jenna?"

Alaric is hesitant. "I don't know if tonight works..."

"Yeah, I'm free." Jenna replies.

"It'd be a pleasure." Elijah says, holding Ada's hand under the table.

"Great." Damon says.

Elijah rings the doorbell, and holds his well dressed Ada under his arm. Damon opens the door and he smiles at the two. He supports his sister's happiness, even if it's with an original vampire.

"Good evening." Elijah greets.

"Thank you for coming." Damon smiles. "Please, come in."

"Just one moment." Elijah says. "Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider."

"No, nothing, nothing dishonorable." Damon says, but Ada is not convinced. "Just getting to know you."

"Hmm, well, that's good." Elijah says as he and Ada enter the house. "Because,you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone but Ada in this house. Are we clear?"


Elijah sees Jenna and smiles, he and Ada go towards her. 

"Jenna." Elijah says as he and Ada approach her. "Wonderful  to see you again. How are you?"

"Nice to see you." Jenna muses. "You too, Ada."

"You look incredible." Elijah compliments, keeping his arm around Ada's waist.

"Thank you."


"I hate to break it to you, Damon, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town." Jenna says as the lot sir around the table, Jenna had poured Damon some wine and Elijah pouted Ada some.

"Hm... Do tell." Damon muses.

"Well, as I mentioned to Jenna and the lovely Ada, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s." Elijah says. "Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution."

"Hmm, because they were witches." Jenna muses. 

"Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem." Andie speaks up. 

"Andie's a journalist, big on facts." Damon brags about his human distraction. 

"Well, the lore says that there was this wave if anti-witch hysteria." Elijah says, keeping his cool as always. "It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes Inna field together and, uh, burned."

"Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us." Ada states, since she found out she was part witch, she has studied them all.

"They were consumed by fire." Elijah adds.  "Coukd you pass the..."

"I wouldn't repeat that to the historical society." Jenna interrupts him. 

"It's starting to sound like a ghost story to me." John Gilbert says, Ada scowls at his voice, Elijah gives her knee a squeeze.

"So, why do you want a location of these alleged massacres?" Damon asks. 

"You know... A healthy historians curiosity, of course." Elijah replies easily. 

Elijah glances at Damon. Damon smiles nervously as Ada rests her head on Elijah's shoulder. 


"Woukd anyone care for some cognac?" Damon asks. "I have a battle that I've been saving for ages."

Damon stands up.

"None for me, thanks." Alaric replies. "Nine bottles of wine is my limit."

Ada giggles at this and Elijah sniles ay the sound.

"The gentlemen should take their drinks to the study." Andie suggests. 

"I have to say the food was as wonderful as the company." Elijah muses.

"I like you." Andie comments. 

Elijah and Ada walk into the dining room again wih Andie. 

"Sorry guys, dessert is taking longer than I though." Jenna gushes. 

"So... I know this is a social thing, but I... I would really like you ask you some questions about the work that you're doing here." Andie says to the guest of honor.

"I'd love to answer." Elijah replies

"Great, that's great." Andie replies right as damon and Alaric come. "Ric, would you so me a favor and grab the notebook out of my bag?"

Alaric walks over to Andie's bag. 

"Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle slash father?" damon asks.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that." Elijah replies. 

"Of course, she hates him, there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list." Damon says.

Andie goes to help Ric. 

"Whay I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend to kill Klaus?" John asks. 

"Gentlemen, there are a few things we should probably get clear right now." Elijah says. "I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena and my precious Ada, even if Ada can watch after herself. I allow Elena to remain at her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again."

Alaric stabs Elijah in the back of the head with a danger. Ada jumps up in vamp speed and she traps Alaric againsy tje table when he removes the dagger. She keeps her hand around his throat. 

"Ada, let Alaric go." John urges as Damon puts Elijah in the cellar. "Before Jenna gets back with dessert."

Ada goes to the cellar with Elijah, and sits next to him.

Elijah and Ada are now at the Martin residence, the home of Jonas and Luka, two witches. Ada is glad Elijah's Alix

"What happened?" Jonas asks he notices the bloodline Elijah's shirt and the anger in Ada's eyes.

"I need you to find Elena." Elijah says. "Now!"

Elijah and Ada stand outside the lake house. Elijah kneels down and grabs some rocks. Elijah tosses the rocks from hand to hand as he stands. Ada stays right beside him, in her cocktail dress and barefeet.

Elijah throes the rocks at the door, breaking it off the hinges easily.  He begins nearing the house after telling Ada to stay back. 

"You know," Elijah speaks, "I might not be able to enter this house... But I'm a very patient man. I'll wait you put."

Elena slowly appears. She stays inside. "They shouldn't have done that to you. And I'm sorry, Ada."

"The deal is off." Elijah says to her.

"I'm renegotiating." Elena says. 

"You have nothing left to negotiate with." Elijah replies

Silence comes next. Elena pulls out a knife. Elijah looks amused.  He makes sure Ada is still back before looking back to the doppelganger.

"I'd like to see you life Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelganger bleeds to death." Elena says. 

"Stefan won't let you die." Elijah says. 

"No, he won't." Elena replies. "He'll feed me his blood up heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did. So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before.... Promise me... You won't harm anyone that I love. Even if they've harmed you."

"I'm sorry, elena, I'm going to have to call your bluff." Elijah says. 

Elena let's out a break and directs the blade towards her stomacy, Elijah is unsure of how far she'll go or what she will do. Elena looks up at Elijah and stabs herself in the stomach. 

"No!" Elijah calls as he flashes towards the door,  but cannot get through the threshold. "Yes, yes, you can have your deal! Let me heal you!"

"Give me your word!" Elena demands, Ada grows nervous. 

After Elijah gives his word, Elena limps outside and falls into Elijah's arms. She stabs the dagger into his chest and he falls. 

"No!" Ada screams as she flashes forward. "Elijah!"

"Little tip." Damon says as he steps out. "Don't pull out the dagger."

Ada walks into her home, emotionless, and drops her keys on the coffee table. She just killed three hikers, and an innocent man who was going to a Bon Jovi concert, and doesn't care. 

She strips off her dress and boots, then from the underwear. Ada changes into some black lace panties and one of Elijah's many blazers. Then she goes to the garage. She drinks a blood bag then sits on the couch in the living room. She eat watch's every gorey movie that comes on. 

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