The girl from Krypton and the...

By SupergirlNightwing

7.9K 227 87

Kara is over the moon when Mon-El returns, but is soon heartbroken when she finds out he's married. Suddenly... More

Meeting Again Part 2
Big Save
The Imp
The Game

Meeting Again Part 1

1.8K 46 15
By SupergirlNightwing

Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, Nightwing, Superman, Batman, or the Justice League. DC Comics owns them. I also do not own the show Supergirl, the CW owns it. I also do not own the show Titans.

Kara POV

Pain. Pain is all I felt when I saw him with her. I felt as if I were going to die. I held myself together but I know he could see right through my fake smile.

I fly home after my encounter with my now ex-boyfriend and his wife. He married someone else.

Inside my apartment are reminders of him that I never let go of. I can't take being here. I need to talk to someone. I can't talk to Alex or my best friend Winn. They're both at the DEO. I can't call Lena, she'll feel guilty. Clark. I can call him.

My cousin and I have been close ever since I crashed on earth. He was busy with being a superhero and didn't want anyone to come after me, so he left me with the Danvers. He already was risking Lois and Martha, his mother's life. He didn't want me to be at risk as well. He visited as often as he could, usually 3 times every 2 weeks.

I call my cousin and he answers after a few rings.

"Kara hey, I'm a little busy now. I'm in the bat cave with Bruce and-"

Before he could finish, I start to sob uncontrollably.

"Kal! Pl-please don't ha-hang up!" I sob into the phone.

"Rao, Kara what is it?" He asks me worriedly.

"Mon-El, h-he's b-back, but he's ma-married to someone else!" I say as I continue to sob into the phone.

There's silence on the line and I hear voices in the background.

"What is it Clark? Are you okay? You look angry!" Bruce says.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" Clark yells in the phone.

"He doesn't get to do that, Kara! He doesn't get to break your heart, and get away with it!" Clark yells into the phone.

"Is she okay?" I hear a worried and concerned deep voice that seems familiar but I don't recognize it.

"Just give him a second Dick." I hear Bruce say.

Dick? Dick Greyson?!

When Clark would take me to the Justice League HQ and help me to control my powers, I met Batman, Wonderwomen, Aquaman, and Cyborg there. But most importantly, I met my first love there.

His name is Dick Grayson. He used to be called Robin, but now he goes by Nightwing. I've seen him on the news, but sometimes looking at the news with him on it is too painful. We just drifted apart. In a way, I never really stopped loving him. I guess I just realized that now that I'm actually thinking about it. But then again, I think you always remember and love your first love.

Dick was still getting over his parent's death a few months before I crashed on earth. We bonded over the fact that we both lost our whole world. We were both shy and would never talk. Only to each other at the time. We soon became close and before I knew it, we were making out in the training rooms. I had to learn to control my powers and for the most part, I was able to. I never hurt him or broke his nose. He was strong and muscular, even as a 14 year old boy.

"Kara, where is he! I'm going to kill him!" Clark yells.

"Kal, please calm down. When we were separated, it was 7 months for me, but 7 years for him in the future." I say, still crying, but able to get the words out.

I hear Clark take a deep breath and compose himself.

"Kara, I'm so sorry. If you need anything let me know. Just know that there are plenty of people who love you. Including me. I love you so much." Clark says.

I let out a small smile and thank him.

"I better let you get back to training. I'm sorry for interrupting you, Bruce, and Dick." I say.

"Just call me if you need anything and I'll come right over okay?" Clark says to me.

"Thanks Kal. I love you." I say while wiping the tears from my face.

"I love you to Kara." Clark says, then we proceed to hang up.

I sigh and put my phone away. I lay down on the couch and throw a blanket over me. I drift into a peaceful sleep to escape reality.

Clark POV (Batcave)

Once I hang up, I let out a sigh and shake my head.

"Clark. What was that about?" Bruce asks concerned. He loves Kara. Sometimes I think more than me. She visits him every time she's in Gotham.

"Kara's ex-boyfriend is an alien called a Daxamite. Daxamites are allergic to lead, like Kryptonians are allergic to Kryptonite. When the Daxamites invaded, they had to seed the atmosphere with lead to draw the Daxamites away. Kara's boyfriend had to leave earth. For the longest time, she thought he was dead. But he recently came back after 7 months. Kara says he was in the future for 7 years. He returned with a wife." I tell them.

"Where is he so I can kick his ass!" Bruce says angrily.

Dick says nothing but I can see he has a look of anger on his face. I can tell he still cares for her. Maybe it's time Superman plays matchmaker.

"I feel bad because I told Kara I'd be able to come down, but I forgot my boss just assigned a big article for me to write. Could one of you go down to see her?" I lie and hope that Bruce understands what I'm trying to do.

"Well I can't but what about you Dick? You and Kara haven't seen each other in a long time." He says.

Dick looks hesitant at first but smiles and nods.

"I'd love the chance to get to see her. I've missed her.

It's been about 7 years since they've seen each other.
Dick is 23 and Kara is now 22. They were such a cool couple when they were younger. Well, cool whenever I didn't have to see them making out. One time I walked in the training room and they were making out. I was shocked and a bit angry, ready to interrogate a 14 year old Dick Greyson.  That was not a fun time.

"Alright, you can go right now!" I say while crossing my arms.

"Uh right now? It's 9:00 at night, shouldn't I go in the morning? Plus, I can't just show up in the middle of the night." Dick says.

"Nonsense! Clark is right! Go!" Bruce says to him.

Dick finally relents and goes to pack his things.

Kara POV

I hear the door knock and it's 12:30 in the morning. I don't bother to use my x-ray vision because it's probably Alex coming to check on me after today.

I open the door to find the one and only Dick Gryson standing at the door.

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