Morning Light: A Renesmee and...

By LightAsDaydreamer

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Six years after the end of "Breaking Dawn", things are changing for Renesmee. Jacob has always been there for... More

Chapter One: Predictions
Chapter 2: Skating
Chapter 3: Nessie's All Grown Up
Chapter 4: To La Push On The Back Of A Wolf
Chapter 5: Sparkly Dresses And Fold-up Chairs
Chapter 6: Baby Talk, Jealousy, And One Big Misunderstanding
Chapter 7: Parental Advice And A Girls Night In
Chapter 8: Girl Time
Chapter 9: A Disturbance
Chapter 10: Love You Differently
Chapter 11: Unexpected
Chapter 12: Pain
Chapter 13: Blood
Chapter 14: Heartbeats
Chapter 15: Healing
Chapter 16: Just Fine
Chapter 17: Underwater
Chapter 18: Surprise
Chapter 19: High School
Chapter 21: Remembering
Chapter 22: Grown Up
Chapter 23: Dancing
Chapter 24: Rejection
Chapter 25: A Safe Word
Chapter 26: Wet clothes and smudged mascara
Chapter 27: Alice isn't a grass
Chapter 28: A Compromise

Chapter 20: Gym Kits

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By LightAsDaydreamer

Okay it is! Another one, as promised. I'll keep them coming.

And thanks so much for the support guys, it honestly makes me so happy x


I gripped Jacob's enormous hand probably a lot harder than was strictly necessary as I pulled him through the labyrinth of corridors. Gym was downstairs...right? Crap. I had no idea where I was going.

Luckily, before I could embarrass myself, a cool hand tapped me on the shoulder.

"Nessie," Alice breathed. "You're going the wrong way."

"Oh, um, right," I mumbled, following her and giving up on trying to work out which classes were where. Jake smirked sexily down at me in a way that infuriated me, but also ignited a flame in my stomach that I couldn't put out. Unfair.

How the hell did he manage to do that to me?

Alice flitted between the groups of students, her casual disarray of jet black hair barely visible between the groups of students. Jake and I hurried to keep up.

"Who set the pixie loose?" Jake commented mildly.

I shrugged, looking up at him from beneath my lashes. It was something I had seen women in the films do and...well, it was intriguing.

I tried to make my eyes go wide and mysterious but I'm pretty sure I just looked stupid. I ran my tongue over my bottom lip as I took in his full, lush ones.

His eyes flickered down to the lower half of my face as I did so, his pink tongue darting out the same way mine had.

I bit back a groan and forced myself to turn and keep walking. Before I could take another step Jacob caught my face in his hand, and angled it towards his own. His lips captured mine in a chaste, but perfect kiss.

"Ahem," Rose's voice said suddenly from behind. "Could you spare us the PDA please? Some of us are trying to get to class."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Just because Emmett ditched you..." he began.

"Emmett has Chemistry now," she complained. "Carlisle has really screwed up the timetables this year."

I shrugged, already beginning to lose Alice. If we couldn't follow her to class we'd have to ask someone where it was. Embarrassing.

I practically dragged Jake after her.

The gym changing rooms turned out to look almost exactly like the ones from films, which brightened my mood considerably.

Alice and I parked our stuff in the nearest space and pulled our gym kits out of our bags. I tugged off my green shirt and stashed it in my bag, pulling out the white gym top to replace it with. A girl across from me coughed, catching my eye on purpose.

Her eyes were sharp green in color, and I noticed she was very pretty. Her dark hair fell straight and glossy, and her features were petite, adorned with a mass of cute freckles. She reminded me a little of Alice. That was, until she narrowed her eyes and gave Alice and I a deeply scrutinizing look.

"You're new," she stated. It wasn't a question.

I nodded sheepishly.

She studied me a moment longer. "And all of you are...together? How does that even work?"

I regained my ability to speak, and rattled off the cover story as simply and quickly as I could.

" my brother Edward is with Bella. Jacob lost his parents a while back and he doesn't have much family. Carlisle and Esme are his godparents, so he lives with us," I finished.

"You're with Jacob?" she clarified, his name rolling off her lips like she already knew him. I seethed with irrational jealousy.

I forced myself to keep talking like a normal sane person. "Yeah, but that's uh...pretty new."

The girl nodded, her expression calculating. "I'm Chloe," she added finally.

"Great to meet you," Alice cut in. "I'm Alice, and this is Vanessa-Nessie for short."

"I know," Chloe said simply.

"Chloe? A short blonde girl called. "Who are you talking to?"

"New girls," she replied nonchalantly, pulling her hair up in a neat ponytail as she sashayed over to her blonde friend. I used my vamp hearing to listen to their conversation as I finished changing, ignoring the curious looks the other girls gave my ridiculous expensive underwear and pale skin.

"What're they like?" the blonde asked intently.

Chloe flicked her ponytail. "Alright. Bad news though; she's with the Jacob guy, and all the other boys are taken too. They're all paired up. It's weird; not like incest or anything, but weird. Mind you, she did say the thing with Jacob was new. Maybe I'm still in with a shot."

It wasn't particularly malicious, but I still fought the urge to snarl at the thought of anyone trying to steal my Jacob away from me.

He was mine. As long as he wanted to beAnd, well, it went without saying that I was his.

"She doesn't have a shot," Alice whispered jovially to me. I grinned at her, but I couldn't shake the part of me that knew that Chloe wasn't the only beautiful girl that would be interested in Jake.

I pulled my hair back with the green scrunchie Rose gave me yesterday and tied the laces of my new white trainers. I threw myself a cursory look in the mirror over the heads of several girls touching up their makeup, and grabbed Alice, dragging her out of the locker room.

Jacob was already waiting for us, leaning against the wall with a coy smile on his glorious face.

The gym kit looked great on him, the too-small shirt straining against his muscles so I could see exactly how perfect they were. God, I could get used to that shirt. Or even better, no shirt at all.

"Gym kits suit you, Ness," he noted approvingly.

"And you," I returned, slipping my hand into his and throwing my other arm over Alice's shoulders. She smiled up at me from her grand height of what I was fairly sure was less than five foot, and winked.

I gave her shoulder a squeeze and released both her and Jake, leading the way into the gym hall.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. I had Jake or Alice or both in every one of my lessons, all of which were simple, and I was quiet for the most part, answering a few questions in class, but not much besides that. Both Caleb and Chloe were in my gym and math classes, so I spoke a little to them.

I noticed a quiet, dark-haired, shy sort of girl in a couple of classes that answered a few questions. She seemed nice. I decided I would have to talk to her at some point.

I sat with my family at lunch. Caleb and Chloe both gestured for me to sit with them, but I told them no. I wanted to catch up with my parents. Aside from a few glares from my dad, which I assumed were down to the kissing escapade in English, the conversation was good.

I felt so...normal, I guess. It just felt good to sit down and talk about schoolwork and life and bland subjects like that. The sort of thing you were supposed to discuss with your family.

My dad's eyes narrowed suddenly and honed in on a spot behind my head. I turned subtly to see Caleb's table, where he sat, his eyes very definitely fixed on us. I tried to ignore him and flipped my head casually back to face Emmett, who was telling Jasper animatedly about a supersized baseball pitch he was planning to set up around the mountains in preparation for an upcoming storm. I tried to look like I was listening intently, so Caleb wouldn't get any ideas about coming over. That would be embarrassing.

Suddenly, Jake didn't look all too happy either. A second later, I heard a cough from behind me.

"Vanessa!" Caleb announced, shooting me a grin as I swivelled in my seat to face him.

"Hi, Loud-mouth," I retorted smoothly.

He clutched at his chest in mock-horror. "Ow, my feelings."

I snorted and turned back to Emmett.

"You know, it's rude to ignore people," Caleb mused. "I was just going to invite you to a party."

My heart leapt. My first teenage party.

"A party?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Yeah, you're all invited. It's juniors and seniors only, at my place tonight."

He handed me a slightly crumpled piece of paper with an address scribbled on it.

Yes. I knew Dad wouldn't be happy, but hell if I was going to miss my first party that hadn't been entirely organized by Alice. Not that Aunt Alice's parties weren't great, but they always had to be just us, maybe some of the pack and Billy, Sue and Grandpa Charlie. I imagined that teenage parties would be all alcohol and excitement. As much as I wasn't interested in the getting wasted part, I couldn't deny that I was excited.

Very casually, I lifted one eyebrow, wondering if I was laying it on a bit thick. "We'll be there."

He grinned boyishly. "Cool. See you later then."

"Yeah, thanks," I said, and turned back to the table. He returned jubilantly to his table and sat down.

Emmett chuckled. "Look at our Ness, getting all smooth with the boys."

Jacob growled, and I patted his thigh reassuringly.

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