『 I Won't Run Anymore』

By IveGoneCompletelyMad

8.2K 299 11

How have I been roped into all of this? All I wished for was a change of pace, not a change of life! I can't... More

Part 1 - Delivery
Part 2: Pet
Part 3 - Attack
Part 4 - No
Untitled Part 5
Part 6 - Demon
Part 7 - Change
Part 8 - Home
Part 9 ~ Library
Part 10 ~ Fear
Part 11 ~ Stop
Part 12 ~ Battle
Part 13 ~ Endurance
Part 14 ~ Pain
Part 15 ~ Talk
Part 16 - Forgive
Part 17 - Attempt
Part 18 - Start
Part 19: Disarray
Part 20 - Lost
Part 21 - Confrontation
Part 22 - Meeting
Part 23 - Memory
Part 24 - Remorse
Part 25 - Regret
Part 26 - Falling
Part 27 - Knowledge
Part 28 - Believe
Part 29 - Summons
Part 30 - Judgement
Part 31 - Shopping
Part 33 - Manager
Part 34 - Rabbit
Part 35 - Daiki
Part 36 - Run
Part 37 - Final
- Amaimon Ending
- Mephisto Ending
- Lucifer Ending

Part 32 - Dilema

84 5 0
By IveGoneCompletelyMad

"Move out?"

"Yes, I still have yet to reply to my old manager but I think I'm going to take back my old job and home. To go back to how things were before."

"You wish to leave?"

I turned heterochromia eyes to meet forest ones and I wished I hadn't... he looked... heartbroken? No, that thought was impossible. The way this man treat me in the past was merely as a toy, a plaything for his own personal amusement. He had helped me yes, but if I died would it really matter to him? After our last serious conversation at least; would it...

"Mephisto, it works out better for us both in the end."

"How so?"

His voice was bitter, testing my logic as I swallowed hard but refusing to turn away from the male.

"You said so yourself that I was doing well before, and if you care so much about me then you wouldn't mind me living as before now that you know I am under your constant care and protection."

"Are you saying that you wish to live under the Faust mansion no longer?"

'Say no.'

"I... don't know..."

Mephisto straightened his form as he stared down at me with a professional aura I hadn't seen since that time in his office.

"Very well, I shall allow you to decide your own fate belle. Good day.~"

I flinched back at his tone, and within that blink he was gone from my sight. I glanced around the area for any sight of the violet haired man but saw nothing. I sighed heavily, I didn't want to head back to the academy just yet... So I made my way back to my old home, my old comfort. I stared up at the old building, it looking all the more ominous from not being lived in for so long as I pushed open the gate with the familiar squeak the bottom screw gave under the pressure. At one time I found that noise comforting, almost like a welcome home after a long day; but now... it sounded haunting... How and why? I had been here not too long ago with no problem... the sound as comforting as ever... so why now?

'Go back!'

I walked up to the front door and fit my key in before pushing open the wooden barrier with a small creak. It wasn't just the gateway that felt ghost like... the house itself felt dreary... I heaved off a sigh before dusting off my hands to remove my previous thoughts. I headed into the kitchen and dove under the counter to grab cleaning products that were still there, after checking to ensure they were still in date I took the opportunity to clean the area I was in for old time sake and a pass time. Spraying Dettol along the surfaces I ran a rag along the dusty counter; turning grey into white almost instantly. I continued to clean the kitchen; dusting, mopping, wiping... it took a lot longer than I would have liked it to but I got it done no less. I rubbed the sweat from my temple and opened the back door to let some air in and remove the smell of bleach as I flicked my phone open and clicking on my emails.

'Don't do it.'

I stared at the little open envelope with Happy-Bakery written next to it, clicking on the icon as it turned blue for a second before opening the email.

'Don't do it.'

I hit the reply button and started to think about how to respond. How should I word it exactly? Was it a good idea to do this? I pressed buttons, fingers moving quickly from years of constant texting. It's Alice... I just wanted to respond to your... request? Yeah, that sounds right... about my return to Happy Bakery.

'Dammit! Don't do it!'

My door slammed shut as I flung my head around to stare at the now closed door, a sudden gust of wind? But it's been so clear today without so much as a breeze. Must be because it's getting late, speaking of which I suppose I should head back to the school now. I locked the back door as well as the front after my exit as I started my walk back towards the school in a slow pace, wanting to prolong it as much as I could. I just couldn't get the way Mephisto looked at me from my mind... he looked so...

"Little Banshee, why are you here at this hour?"

I blinked up from my stare at the ground to stare into tired emerald eyes, it was Lucifer... what was he doing here? Was Mephisto aware that he was in the town?

"Uhm, I was just taking a walk."

"You don't need to lie to me, what you do with your time is none of my business nor is it up to me to ridicule you on such matters."

"I see, thank you... but I was at my old home... I'm sorry for lying."

"No need for apologies, but if I may ask why you were at such a place?"

"I'm... getting it ready for me to move back in... I think."

"You don't sound so sure."

"No... maybe..."

"So you are moving out of my brothers home? How selfish of you."

I fell back a little at his harsh words and bit the inside of my cheek... was I... being selfish?

"Well, not that it matters to me. Have a good evening."

The demon turned and began to walk away, my mind snapping back into reality at the sound of his expensive shoes hitting the pavement.

"H-hey, wait!"

The demon stopped but never turned to face me, I held my hands together as I felt heat rise to my cheeks, a little embarrassed about calling out to him so suddenly... and loudly...

"Uhm... I just wanted to say thank you... for saving my life..."

The demon remained quiet for a moment before a soft cough passed through him which shook his shoulders. I continued to stare at his back as he straightened himself before walking once more.

"Your thanks isn't needed Little Banshee, but thank you for the sentiment."

I smiled to myself as I continued my own way to the school, a little relieved now that I had one problem taken from my shoulders. But I still had one waiting for me back at Faust mansion... would he still be angry with me? Perhaps... I walked up the many flights of stairs of the school and up to the roof where the mansion sat proudly. I think I need to speak with Mephisto... but how could I look him in the eye right now? He did seem pretty upset with me... was I being selfish? But it was okay once in a while right? Everyone was selfish... and I wanted to be happy and go home and to my old job... but... if I wanted that then... why did the thought fill me with sadness? I entered the building and begrudgingly made my way to my bedroom, I suppose talking to Mephisto could wait until tomorrow. After all, I'm still not certain on what I want to do yet... Would it be better to leave?

"Someone got lucky.~"

I stopped just outside my door, eyes drifting to my left to gaze at Amaimon. He looked as aloof as ever but the look in his eye and previous statement had me tilting my head at the male.


"Hm? You mean you really didn't notice? How stupid you are, but I guess that just added to your luck."

"What are you talking about?"

I turned to fully face the male, now having the entirety of my attention. How did I get lucky? And what with? He appeared pretty smug about it which caused mild perspiration to form on my skin, it can only be bad when it involved Amaimon after all...

"You were followed to your old home."

I blinked a few times before his words sunk in causing a lump to form in my throat. I was... followed? So the whole time I was there someone was watching me and I didn't even know about it? Who was it? Was it someone I knew? Someone from the Vatican? Someone out to hurt me?

"W-who was it?"

Amaimon remained silent, casting his eyes off to the side before stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Don't know."

I gulped down the ball in my throat before taking a step towards the male, clasping my hands together in front of my form.

"Well did-"

"Stop worrying. They didn't hurt you because they noticed I was there."

Didn't hurt me? So this person was out to cause harm? But...

"Why were you there?"

"To keep an eye on you of course. I was in the town when I saw brother leave you alone and you left in the opposite direction of home so I tagged along so you didn't do something stupid."

He was protecting me? He followed me and chased off my peruser so I didn't get hurt or worse... killed. I smiled to myself and took a step towards the demon; doing something I never thought I would in a million years. I hugged him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his thin frame, resting my face against his chest as I took in the light colours of the tie that hung loosely around his neck. I couldn't help my affectionate gesture; I was more than grateful.

"Thank you Amaimon."

The male said nor did a thing other than shuffle uncomfortably at the hold I had on him, probably surprised that I made first contact. I squeezed his torso gently before sliding my hands away from him and smiling up at his ever stoic face, showing him my gratitude. He continued to stare down as he lifted his hand to my face, running a lone clawed finger down the length of my face before he rested it on the dimple of my chin for a second. I could feel his nail scratching against my cheek, my body shuddering from its dangerous feel as well as the warmth his finger left along my face as he moved the appendage up to brush against my lower lip. My maws parted at the gesture, eyes falling half lidded as I blinked up at him a few times to watch his unmoving features. I think... this is the most gentle he's ever been with me. He slid his finger away from my lip to cup my face with the entirety of his large palm, his face moving down to press his nose against mine gently and massage the flesh in a tender Eskimo kiss.


I fell silent as he pressed his lips against mine, my body shuddering under his unusually soft touch. His lips were warm and slightly chapped as they massaged my own shaking ones. I was stunned at the gentleness he was showing me... This man has caused me nothing but pain... so why... is this because of what he said to me? Did he really love me? Did demons love? Was this one especially capable of such a thing? I gently gripped at his arm that held my face, tilting my head down so as to break the kiss and catch my breath.

"Amaimon, I need to go to sleep. It's been a long day."

I caressed his hand with my fingers once I had it pulled away from my face, taking in the cool feel of his lithe fingers in my own as I turned to smile gently at him.

"But thank you again for what you've done. I strongly appreciate you protecting me."

"I wasn't going to let you die dummy."

He moved his hand from my own before leaping over to the window and turning to glance back at me with bored features.

"Just be more careful will you? I don't think that woman is going to stop so easily. after all, I've seen her at brothers meetings before. So she has to be a member of the Vatican."

The Vatican? But... It can't be them, they have just handed me over into his custody. I blinked my eyes to the male, noticing he wasn't there any longer so I couldn't ask any more questions. I suppose I will just have to speak with Mephisto in the morning.

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