Can I Delete This Yet

By kurttheangel

33.9K 897 571

Please ignore this story I am literally only keeping it up bc people apparently like it even tho it's crap ... More

"MiKaSa WhYyYyY?"
yesterday was tuesday,
but today is tuesday too!
it was night and now its day
i observe with my eyes
you know who spies on people cas?
its in greek, nobody reads greek
yeah, except greeks
thats fake me!
This must be fake mine
there has to be a lock!
accidents dont just happen accidentally
you're saying a transformer wrote that?
pull my finger
I have an offer

if theres a key,

1.4K 36 48
By kurttheangel

Haha I hope u like the title xD
Pls comment ur opinions on this chapter, I will try to make it longer!

Anyway enjoy :)
Also there will be a fair amount of violence so do not read if you don't like that sort of stuff


Levi's PoV:

"You son of a bitch!" I lunged a punch at him but he dodged it and grabbed my wrist, twisting it. I kicked his legs and pushed him down to the floor, punching him square in the nose while calling for someone to restrain him.

While I was distracted Erwin had grabbed my hair, his bloody nose dripping onto my face while I cringed in disgust. He slammed me onto the floor but I did not flinch as I raised my shaking hand and clawed my fingernails into his grimy skin on his arm, causing him to flinch away and I flipped my arms back while kneeing him in his jaw.

He groaned loudly and cussed before passing out. " your face is now so unclear that all I can see is your big ass eyebrows"

I ran over to Eren and untied him "it's okay Eren..I'm here. Wait did he hurt you?"

Groan"y-yeah I'm fine he just h-harassed me"

I clenched my fists, drawing a bit of blood as anger boiled up inside of me. I lifted up Eren bridal style. I walked towards that disgusting human and stamped my foot on his face. "Pervert".

Hanji's PoV: (been a while, oh noooo! Look it has a sad face ^^^)
I sat in my lab going over some mad experiments I have created

Ones which can include:
Speak the truth

The paralyse one scared me the most because I get panicked when i am trapped. Anyway back to the positives!

"I'M A WITCH!" I heard a couple annoyed groans. I bounced around the room while muttering made up spells.

"Hanji calm yourself!" I relecuntly took the advice and all was silent until...


My door fell down and dust erupted into the air, none other than Levi Ackermann! i repeat LEVI ACKERMANN was standing there with Eren held in his arms and he looked like a goddamn hero, everything went in slow motion as he walked through the door (I think I made it too dramatic lol).

"Levi what the HELL?"

"Help him! He told me that everything was okay but I know he is lying, can you check him over?" My eyes widened in shock. What was he talking about?

"Levi slow down, where did you find him? What happened?"

"Erwin had kidnapped him, I think he sexually harassed him as well but I found him tied up to a wall with his mouth gagged. Then Erwin cane and we had a fight, in the end I won but he is still upstairs and someone needs to imprison him now!" I grabbed Eren without a second thought and told Levi to get Erwin while he was still unconscious, still surprised by the sudden turn of events, I began to check Eren over though there was no point as his wounds would have healed in no time anyway. I guess we will just have to talk it out of him then. Sigh.

"Hanji, can I have some water? I am really thirsty..." my little Titan boy asked as innocently as ever. I squealed and ran to get him some water, noticing that a tear had leaked from his eye "that was the most terrible thing I have ever felt, I-I was locked I-inside this pitch black room w-without anyway of moving or c-communicating and he just kept forcing himself on me"

I pulled him in and hugged him letting a tear slip down my face "Eren you are like a little brother to me, I can't imagine what you went through. Levi was so worried alone without you that he looked like a lost chicken"

"Thank you Hanji! You are officially my big sister and Levi is not a lost chicken anymore because he has me! We are both chickens" I swear I was going to explode from happiness and I pulled him into an even tighter embrace a small giggle coming from Eren. Little chicken Eren. Squeal.

Levi's PoV:

I listened into their conversation and I couldn't help but smile. Hanji may be crazy at times but then other times she can be so sweet, that is why she is my best friend. I walked through the were-was-supposed-to-be door and hugged them both. (This reminds me of off that scene on stranger things tbh) something which I know that Hanji never expected me to do to her but I didn't care, they are my family.

A nock on the wall interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see Historia and Sasha smiling at us "what do you want?"

"Erwin has been escorted to a prison cell" historia said nervously.

"Ok" a couple moments had past and they still hadn't left "tch is there something wrong brat?"

"A-well I just wanted to say that I am sorry Eren, So is Sasha, w-we tried to stop them from p-picking on y-you but t-they kept threatening us. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us"

"It's okay, I forgive you, come and join the group cuddle!" They nervously walked over to Eren and hugged him as they were a bit to shy to hug me as I was very strict and their captain.

We all ended up falling asleep, even though it was only lunch time but we were so worn out from the events that we did not care, cuddling each other.


I woke up cuddled into Eren and I smiled at his comfiness. I looked around and saw Sasha and Histora cuddling and Hanji was sitting on a chair looking down at us creepily and trying to contain her squeals.

I shot up, causing Eren to whimper and then open his eyes, and Hanji just squealed louder causing Sasha and historia to awaken and they instantly blushed.

"Alright your children Levi and Eren are going to be called Ereri and Riren. And historia and Sasha your children are going to be called sashria and kristasha" I mentally facepalmed

"Hanji men can't get pregnant!"

"Oh but I might have just made something that could! I woke up earlier than you sleepyheads and I was thinking about your futures because obviously I have to look out for my childre-"

"Okay okay get to the point and we aren't your children"

"I made this injection that can make them give birth to a child"

Me and Eren locked eyes and smiled before hugging her tightly "thank you! Thank you! I know you can be crazy sometimes but you can also be really caring"

"I never thought I would hear Levi Ackermann say that" she smiled "anyway we need breakfast children, come on" we walked out the door me slightly straightening my hair with my hands and the girls looking in the mirror as I took Erens hand and held it tightly...

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