A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

Por burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... Más

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister

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Por burningballoon

     There was so much red in one place as far as Aurelia's eyesight can see. Lannister tents situated the vast green land by the borders of the Riverlands. Jaime had disregarded his usual golden leathered jack and cream colored breeches; instead donning the thick Lannister armor with a red cape clasped on its shoulder pads, and his breastplate adorned by the head of a lion. The outfit made him look increasingly attractive and dangerous at the same time, and more of a Lannister than he already is.

Aurelia dreaded for this day to come, hoping that Jaime would change his mind and bring hundreds of his men that he had brought from Kings Landing, back to either the Capital or Casterly Rock. But then again, returning to Kings Landing was out of reach as Ned Stark resumed his position as Hand, and Jaime would rather be very much apart from him. Despite never seeing the Rock; Jaime's childhood home was an even better option for Aurelia than meeting Tywin Lannister.

They walked side by side along the encampment, and Aurelia made sure that she stayed close to Jaime, no matter how insufferable he is to her as of the moment. She didn't feel particularly safe surrounded by Lannister men, despite being married to one. Jaime was the only one here she was certain would never physically hurt her.

Some of the soldiers were either eating or cooking their afternoon meal, training with other men, or sharpening their unused swords. There were squires rolling gallons of wine along the road. All of them stopped to watch as Aurelia and Jaime walked by them, making Aurelia exceedingly uncomfortable. She appears to be a fish out of water; the only Wolf amongst a group of Lions and all of the stares were making that apparent. Every single person in this siege knew that it was the mother of Jaime Lannister's wife who captured Tyrion, which is the reason as to why they were here to begin with.

Aurelia was in the most difficult situation anyone has ever been placed in. Her mother captures her brother-in-law, and her husband responded to that act by attacking her father, and now her husband's father is laying siege against her own grandfather as retribution. Aurelia could not figure out the reason as to why her mother would kidnap Tyrion and make him her prisoner; she was still trying to make sense of all that is happening. It was a reckless act, but Aurelia thought that her mother must have her reasons for it. She had to watch Jaime fight against her father, and now here she stands across the enemy lines in the eyes of the Tully's. She was just as much a Tully as she is a Stark, but now she cannot even help her mother's family.

A man was walking towards the couple. He appeared way older than Jaime given the wrinkles by the corner of his eyes, the lines around his forehead, the way his cheeks sagged, and his silver hair. Despite his age, he appears stoic and strong, especially with the armor he's wearing; similar to that of Jaime. Judging by his expression, Aurelia realized that Jaime must know this man.

"Jaime, it is good to see you after such a long time." The man greeted him with a warm smile as they shook hands.

"Uncle Kevan, it truly has been too long." Jaime said in return, and Aurelia's curiosity was answered. The man standing in front of her was Kevan Lannister; Tywin Lannister's younger brother.

"And this must be your wife." Kevan noticed the timid girl standing beside Jaime who remained silent the entire time. Aurelia most indefinitely stood out amongst the rest, and it wasn't only because she wore a grey dress amongst the deep red color everyone else was wearing. Her looks was that of the North, with her pale skin, brown eyes, and long brunette locks that went down below her shoulders. It was an immediate contrast in comparison to the Lannister's tanned skin, and blonde hair.

"Uncle Kevan, this is Aurelia Lannister." Jaime introduced them both, and Aurelia suppressed herself not to react to that name.

"Lady Aurelia, you truly are as beautiful as they say." Kevan complimented, as he took Aurelia's hands and kissed it softly.

"You flatter me, Ser." Aurelia gave him a polite smile in return.

"Jaime you are one lucky man to have her as your wife." Kevan commented,

"The pleasure is all mine." Jaime told his uncle with a wide grin, as he placed his hand on the back of Aurelia's waist. As soon as she felt him, Aurelia pushed his hands away much to Jaime's annoyance. "Excuse us, Uncle but we are quite weary from the journey. It'd be for the best if we rest first." He said,

"Actually, your father wishes to see you Jaime." Kevan informed, "Including, Lady Aurelia." He added, as Jaime turned his attention to Aurelia whose expression slightly faltered at the prospect of meeting Tywin Lannister. Jaime knew his father through and through, and fears that he would make Aurelia feel miserable by acting ruthless towards her.

"All right, then." Jaime replied, and Ser Kevan led them deeper into the camp.

Aurelia's heart began to grow rapidly each step she took. Tywin Lannister was known to be ruthless and cunning. He lived up to his reputation by commanding the Sack of King's Landing; an act Ned Stark found highly intolerable. He understood then that the Lannisters were not the kind to put one's trust in. Tywin's personality enables him to eliminate anyone without mercy in any way he sees fit. That was what happened to Elia Martell and her two children when Tywin commanded the Mountain to murder them, and the knight did so in the most brutal fashion.

"Is that the fate that awaits me when I come face to face with Tywin Lannister? Will he murder me as a message to send to the Starks, or will he torture me for my mother to agree on returning Tyrion Lannister unharmed? Will Jaime allow him to do that? Will he not protect me as I hoped he would when I cared for him? Jaime may have hurt me, but it is him that I feel the most safe with at this place."

Aurelia's thoughts churned with burning questions as she finds herself entering Tywin Lannister's tent, with Jaime walking ahead of her. Tywin Lannister stood in front of a wooden table with a dead stag atop of it. He was an extremely tall man, slightly taller than Jaime. He exuded an air of coldness, appearing to be strong and calculating. His presence was intimidating to Aurelia. All the bravery she put up as a facade suddenly disappeared as soon as she saw him. Tywin finally turned around to see his firstborn son with Aurelia standing beside him. He had on an expressionless face, while Aurelia managed to stay stoic. She would not tremble in front of him.

"Lady Aurelia, it's finally good to see you." Tywin addressed her, though it wasn't all that welcoming. "Robert Baratheon was right in marrying you to my son." He remarked, taking a step further. He could not deny that the whispers were true, and that Aurelia was of a great beauty.

"We should see about that." Aurelia replied, her feistiness showing through which made Jaime more tensed than he already was. He was certain that his father would never favor Aurelia as they were two opposite humans to their very core. The sentence did not confuse Tywin, as he was aware that Jaime's attack on Ned Stark caused a problem in his son's marriage with Aurelia.

"Well, I do hope that your marital problems does not follow you into bed." Tywin remarked without any boundaries, and Jaime sent a sharp look at his father. "You do know your duty as a wife, do you not Aurelia?" He asked of his daughter-in-law.

"Yes, I do Lord Tywin." Aurelia replied, becoming more uncomfortable by each passing second.

"Then it would not be difficult for you to be with child. My son needs an heir, and it is your duty to give him one." Tywin told her, and walked to his desk situated at the center of the tent. "Might I remind you that you are a Lannister now? Your father agreed to give your hand in marriage to Jaime. You may be a Stark, but you are part of House Lannister now. I shall expect you to act like one as of now." Tywin chided,

"Duly noted." Aurelia replied, but she didn't entirely mean it.

"Good." Tywin said,

"Lord Tywin, I know I am in no position to ask you of this and I understand how unfavorable my position is amidst all that is happening. But if-" Aurelia began to say, but Jaime already knew what her intentions were.

"Aurelia," Jaime interjected, wanting for her to stop doing anything that was foolish and speaking against her father was one of that.

"I'm sure your wife is capable of speaking for herself." Tywin silenced him, which stunned Jaime.

"If you allow me to leave camp to treat with my grandfather, Lord Hoster Tully, perhaps we can all come to an arrangement. I can send a raven to my mother, once she knows that I'm here she'll listen to me. I know she will." Aurelia naively tried to reason with Lord Tywin Lannister to try and repair everything that has gone awry ever since her mother captured Tyrion.

"Send a raven? Do you know where your mother is as of now?" Tywin questioned her, but Aurelia was unable to answer that. "What your mother did is inexcusable, and an act of war. I'm not young, but I'm not stupid. You will do well to remember that." He began to raise his voice, as Aurelia's fear grew. She instantly regretted ever opening her mouth in the first place. The idea was the best thing she could conjure at the moment. She thought that she may have a chance to end this whole thing, hoping that everything would return to the way it was.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I should not have spoken out of turn." Aurelia apologized,

"You may have not been taught politics or warfare, but you were surely taught politeness. Perhaps that could save you in this world." Tywin pointed out with a calculating look, as Aurelia listened on to his words. He opened the desk under this drawer, and drew out a letter that he gave to Jaime. "A raven came from Kings Landing." He said, as Jaime took the letter from his father and opened the rolled piece of paper, and began reading the words written on it.

"Summoned to court to answer for the crimes of your bannermen, Gregor Clegane 'The Mountain'...uh, arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the crown." Jaime spoke the contents of the letter, walking closer to Tywin's desk. "Poor, Ned Stark. Brave man; terrible judgement." He remarked, putting down the letter back on the desk as Aurelia fumed in annoyance. Tywin Lannister returned to his table with the dead stag lying on top of it; its stench too strong to be disregarded. He rolled up the sleeves of his hem, and proceeded to sharpen his knife.

"Well you appear to have the same judgement since you attacked him." Aurelia said, and all Jaime did was stare at her with his own irritation. He was trying to protect her by not letting her speak a word, knowing that her bold streak can appear anytime she wants and that temper of hers may very well earn her father's wrath. But it seems that she has no desire for his protection.

"Your wife is right. Attacking him was stupid." Tywin agreed with Aurelia, as Jaime and her turned their heads around to face him. It surprised them both that Tywin and Aurelia was sharing the same opinion when only a moment ago Tywin was chiding her. He went back to the dead stag and ripped its stomach open with a long knife, emptying the content of its stomach and throwing them into an empty bucket next to him.

"Lannister's do not act like fools." Tywin pointed out, as a smirk befalls Jaime. He was about to open his mouth when Tywin turn his gaze around to see his son. "Are you going to say something clever? Go on, say something clever." Tywin cut him off, cleaning his bloodied hands with a cloth.

"Catelyn Stark took my brother." Jaime told him, and this time it was Tywin's turn to smirk.

"Aurelia, you are excused." Tywin ordered, "I'll have one of my men escort you to your private tent. My son will soon join you." He explained,

Aurelia and Jaime shared a look with one another as he tensed up. But the two did not spoke to one another when she left them alone in the tent. She was more than happy to get the chance to leave. As soon as Aurelia's figure disappeared out of the tent, Tywin took his knife once more and started to skin the stag.

"Why is he still alive?" Tywin asked, and Jaime returned his attention back to his father. His head turned aside after watching Aurelia leave until she was out of sight.

"Tyrion?" Jaime asked in return,

"Ned Stark." Tywin clarified,

"One of our men interfered, speared him through the leg before I could finish him." Jaime reasoned,

"Why is he still alive?" Tywin reiterated his question, knowing for certain that Jaime wasn't telling him the entire truth.

"If I killed Ned Stark I would lose Aurelia. I can't risk that." Jaime expressed, and Tywin let out a small scoff upon hearing his son's words.

"Did I say something funny?" Jaime remarked,

"She may be his kin, but she's a Lannister now. I want you to remind her of that. If it weren't because she is married to you, she would be my prisoner right now." Tywin lectured Jaime,

"Don't lay a hand on her." Jaime warned his father, taking step closer to him. "She has done nothing wrong." He added,

"You love her? Is that it?" Tywin questioned his son; a thought that has always piqued his curiosity. For the longest time, he believed that Jaime was not capable of loving anyone beyond the Lannister name, especially after he relinquished all of his titles and inheritance to join the Kingsguard. Tywin knows his children more than he lets on, and he hates to admit that Jaime was more of a soldier than a leader.

"I care for her." Jaime clarified, too afraid to reveal his own feelings. There is no denying that Jaime would protect Aurelia with all his strength, and shield her from those who wish to harm her, but Jaime had not known if his feelings extended to love. Even if it did, he was more than certain that Aurelia can never return the love because she will never understand the reason behind his recent actions.

"Same difference for a man like you." Tywin commented, "Truth be told, I thought you would fight your way out of this marriage when I agreed to it. I was ready to hear your numerous arguments against the betrothal. Which is why it surprised me when it was your sister who came to share her opinions. Knowing you, I thought you would leave your wife once the wedding was over and you are able to put a babe inside her. Why haven't you? Why didn't you leave her at Casterly Rock instead of bringing her here?"

"When I saw her, I saw a second chance to redeem myself. A way to repair my honor. If I learn to love her, or at least care for her, then people will see pass through me as the man who broke his oath. The wedding provided me with a new vow, and it is one I have no intention of breaking." Jaime revealed to his Tywin, as he was hearing this for the first time.

"Repair your honor?" Tywin repeated Jaime's words as if it sounded foolish. "You spend too much time worrying about what other people think of you."

"I could care less what anyone thinks of me." Jaime argued in return,

"That's what you want people to think of you." Tywin said,

"It's the truth."

"When you hear them whispering 'Kingslayer' behind your back...doesn't it bother you?" Tywin questioned him,

"Of course it bothers me." Jaime replied in annoyance,

"The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep." Tywin chided, as he continued on skinning the dead stag. "I suppose I should be grateful that your vanity got in the way of your recklessness; or should I say Aurelia?"

"Ned Stark was going to take my wife away from me. I did what I had to do to keep her." Jaime explained his actions,

"And instead of taking her on your own, you decide to attack her father first. You should have gone with your wife and leave Ned Stark be." Tywin reminded him coldly, as he finally turned his back to face Jaime. "I'm giving you half of our forces...30.000 men." Tywin informed him, changing the subject before Jaime could speak his opinions further.

"You will bring them to Catelyn Stark's girlhood home and remind her that Lannister's pay their debts." Tywin continued to say,

"I didn't realize you place such a high value on my brother's life." Jaime noted, knowing that Tyrion is the last person their father could ever care for; and yet he is going through this length to secure his return.

"He's a Lannister. He might be the lowest of Lannister's, but he's one of us. And every day that he remains a prisoner, the less our name commands respect." Tywin stated,

"So the lion does concern himself with the opinions of..." Jaime contradicted his father's words.

"No, it's not an opinion. It's a fact." Tywin interrupted him before he could finish the sentence, raising his voice. "If another House can seize one of our own and hold him captive with impunity, we are no longer a House to be feared. Your mother's dead. Before long I'll be dead, and your brother, your sister and the rest of her children; as will you and your wife, along with your children. All of us dead; all of us rotting in the ground.

"It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family. Do you understand?" He continued to lecture Jaime, and all Jaime could do was nod his head in response. Tywin stopped skinning the dead stag, as he lunged the knife on the wooden table and cleaned his hands with a rag. "You are blessed with the abilities a few men possess. You are blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the kingdoms. And you are still blessed with youth. And what have you done with these blessings, huh? You've served as a glorified bodyguard for two kings; one a madman, the other a drunk. Even after Robert Baratheon pardoned you of your vows to inherit the Rock, you still wouldn't take it until you'll leave the Kingsguard at your own accord. The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that will last a thousand years. Your wife, will help us or else we could collapse into nothing, as the Targaryens did."

"What does Aurelia have to do with your exalting dreams of a legacy?" Jaime questioned his father,

"Everything. She's the only person capable of establishing the Lannister legacy in Casterly Rock by giving you an heir. Perhaps if you had not anger her by attacking her father, she would be with child now and both of you would have done your duty."

"My marriage is none of your concern." Jaime stated rather sternly,

"Your marriage is every bit of my concern." Tywin told him, as he walked closer to stand closely across from where Jaime stood. "It secured an alliance with the North; a country larger than the South. Your marriage to Aurelia Stark is the greatest, most powerful marriage to ever exist. Two great houses finally joined in an alliance that will last for centuries to come. Your son will have both the Southern and Northern blood in him, and he will grow to become a powerful lord. The legacy of House Lannister and Casterly Rock's empowerment is bounded by his existence. You will do well to remember that."

"And what if I have a daughter?" Jaime asked, "Would you toss your granddaughter away or mistreat her like Tyrion only because she wasn't the heir you wanted her to be?"

"If you had taken a closer look, perhaps you'll see that I care for my family. Everything I do is in the name of House Lannister. You'll have sons and daughters if the Gods are good, and I'll treat them as any Lannister should be treated." Tywin told him, but Jaime wasn't entirely sure of that. "I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow. Now." Tywin said, placing the palm of his hand against Jaime's cheeks in an act of tensed affection that startled him from the beginning.

Jaime remembered his father's words in detail, with his mind suddenly trailing back to Aurelia. Tywin returned to skinning the dead stag when Jaime decided to leave him be, and walked out of the tent. Tywin moved his head to watch his son disappeared, and thought about him for a moment; his son who preferred fighting more than anything else in this world has fallen for a girl, and a Stark nonetheless. The feelings between Jaime and Aurelia were dangerous than they perceive it to be; even more dangerous than their marriage. If there truly was war, Tywin wasn't certain whether their hearts would be spared or they'll end up fighting each other's throats.

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