Forgetting you (Luke Hemmings)

By prettyinblackthings

563K 14.5K 9.4K

Cara has never had the easiest life but when the band 5 Seconds Of Summer invite her to live with them she so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 A UPDATE AT LAST!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
starting youtube?

Chapter 9

17.6K 453 386
By prettyinblackthings

Cara's POV.

"I promise i wil love you forever. I'll keep you and my baby girl safe" Luke whispered moving closer to me pressing our bare bodies together.

"I know" I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

"I want to tell the fans about Jayde" He said to me.

"I have a photo you can post if you want....I took it the other day" I smiled and i felt him nod "I'll send it too you" I said picking my phone up and clicking on the photo and sent it to him. Once he recived it he smiled and tapped on his phone,seconds later my went of and it was a tweet.

'Hey guyyysMeet mine and @Careannerich 's daughter named Jayde! I love her very much! She means the world to me!' 

The photo was attached and there was already many replies. Some were very supportive and some were saying that we was very young and stupid. 

To be honest i really don't care about the rumours. I have my beautiful daughter and my loving boyfriend who will protect me and love both of us no matter what.


I woke up the next morning snuggled into Luke. I looked at my phone and saw the time was 12pm.

Shit. I'm going out with Joe and Caspar at 1pm.

"Luke wake up and let go of me" I groaned wriggling out of his. He grunted and held on tighter.

"Luke, if you don't wake up we're gonna miss our All time low concert" I said trying to hold in my laugh. He soon let go and i picked my clothes up.

"We're not going too a concert are we?" I mumbled.

"No, i just really needed you to get up" I laughed and pulled my leggings on that i had in my bag and stole Lukes top....Again

"You must have a collection of my tops" Luke laughed and i shook my head.

"I've gotta go" I said standing at the side of the bed.

"Cuddle me" He whined.

"I can't" I laughed.

"Cuddle me!" He whined louder.

"Noo!" I dragged out and he faked being upset.

"You better cuddle me later" He said clearly.

"Since when did i say i was coming round tonight?" I raised a eyebrow then walked out of the hotel room and then outside.


I reached my building then i received a twitter notification

'@Luke5SOS- @Caraannerich won't cuddle me so i'm such cuddling this guy :(' (Photo on side or smth)

I laughed the retweeted it.

I walked into my building and keyed in to see Joe and Caspar tackling eachother to the ground...Typical Jasper...

"Guys?" I laughed and they looked at me.

"Did you wear protection?" Joe laughed.

"Yes..." I laughed dragging out my words.

"Eww. To much information" Joe cringed away.

"You asked and got a fucking answer" I laughed and walked into my room to freshen up. Once i was done i walked back into the living room grabbed my bag and we all walked to the supermarket.


We picked Jayde up on the way and done a lot of shopping. 

"Excuse me?" Someone said from behind us, we all turned around and saw three girls about 14 smiling.

"Are you-" One started but Joe cut her off.

"Yes, i'm Joe Sugg and this is Caspar" He smiled and she looked confused.

"No not you!" She snapped "Her! Are you Lukes girlfriend?" She asked poiletly.

"Yes i am" I smiled.

"Your child is beautiful!" She smiled then walked away with her friends trailing behind her.

The day went along like that. Some people coming up and complementing Jayde then others being not as nice. They were saying that  i'm destroying his career, ruining his life and that i need to stay away from him. Caspar and Joe stepped in quick and said if they were real fans they would support his decisions.


 Soon as i got in it was Jaydes bed time so i put her to bed then flopped on the sofa. I soon started falling asleep once i was drifting off my phone beeped multiple times and of course Caspar and Joe started playing fifa. I groaned at them then picked my phone but. 


Over 5 tweets from Luke...


'@Luke5SOS- @Caraannerich CUDDLE ME'

'@Luke5SOS- @Caraannerich CALL MEEEEE'

'@Luke5SOS- @Caraannerich im bored and cold'

'@Luke5SOS- @Caraannerich come over i want a hug:('

'@Luke5SOS- @Caraannerich Fine no more t-shirts for you'

I laughed at all his stupid tweets then gave a reply.

'@Caraannerich- @Luke5SOS Ya know theres this thing...Its called a social life....Get off Pokemon and get one xxxx'

I looked at the time and it was coming to 11pm. I got up from my position said goodnight to both of them then got into a baggy top then cuddled into bed.

I tossed and turned about for a bit trying to find a comfy position.

Oh fuck its pointless. I can't sleep.

'@Caraannerich- @Luke5SOS Cuddle me?'

I got up and pulled some leggings on then walked out of my room.

"I'm going out" I told them "So keep an eye on Jayde till i get back" I said and they nodded.

Soon as i walked out the cold air hit me. I shivered and pulled my jacket tighter.


I walked up to Luke appartment that he shares and knocked on the door. It soon opened and Luke was standing in just boxer shorts.

"Nice boxers" I laughed walking in.

"Ninja turtles are cool" He defended his 'cool' boxers.

I took my jacket off and he pulled me into a hug.

"Changed your mind then?" He smiled and i nodded sighing deeply.

He turned off the tv in the living room then we walked into the bedroom. I pulled my leggings off then layed in bed wearing Lukes shirt like always.

Cuddled in tight i could finally drift of into a nice warm,comfortable,loving and peaceful sleep. 




I was gonna go meet 5sos today in london at the hotel but theres something dangerous going down there so i wasnt aloud to go!

Who's gonna enter the competition for 'Derpcon?' :))

Where are all you lot from?

I'm from England!x

This chapter was rlly shit but i have lots and lots AND LOTS of drama for the next few chapter.


ig- lukesb00ty_

vine- t0xiclukefeels

kik- ashhemmo96

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