Remember Me (Kurapika X Reade...

By ihateali_

149K 4.3K 9.4K

Here it is! Seperate from my one shot's book and all! Can Kurapika help you regain your memories, nen, and mo... More

Part One (Rewritten)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Regarding the Sequel
50k Reads Interview Special

Part Twelve

3.9K 136 273
By ihateali_

You let out a deep sigh as you idly play with the familiar object in your hands. Currently, you find yourself watching a movie with Gon, Killua, and Alluka. Killua sits in the chair next to your bed, while Alluka and Gon sit with their legs folded under them at the end of your bed. It's more of a children's movie, but you don't have a problem with it, however, you can't focus on it at all. 

"(Y/N)," Killua's voice pulls you out of your thoughts, "Is something bothering you?"

Surprised, you look up at him, and flash him a nervous smile, "No, no, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Gon's now watching you, too, with a curious look on his face. He peers down to see the object you've been fidgeting with for the past hour, "Oh! Is that..?"

"Hm?" Killua follows his eyes to your hands as well, "Isn't that the good luck charm you gave to Gon after the hunter exam?"

You look up at him with a nervous smile, and nod, "Yeah, Kurapika gave it back to me to help me gain back some memories."

A smirk makes it's way onto Killua's face, "I thought you said he was going to return it in Yorknew, Gon?"

Gon nods fervently, "Yeah! He said he was going to!" He thinks for a second, "Maybe he just forgot?"

"I think it's more like he just wanted to have something of (Y/N)'s with him," He says with a cheeky look on his face, making Alluka giggle, too. 

Gon's face becomes shocked, but then turns to one of excitement, "Do you really think that's why??"

Killua nods, "I'm sure of it."

You rub the back of your neck nervously, and look away from them, "I'm sure that's not the case." Your eyes point towards the door as you wonder, "Speaking of Kurapika, do you guys know where he went?"

Gon and Killua exchange a glance, able to understand what each other is thinking easily. Killua looks away coldly, while Gon gives you a nervous smile, "I think he just went to get something to eat, (Y/N). I bet he'll be back soon though!"

"Do you miss him, (Y/N)?" Alluka wonders out loud.

A blush creeps up your face, but you shake your head, "No, no.. It's just that he's been gone for awhile now, and he's been disappearing at random times lately" You assure her with a small smile.

Alluka can't help but giggle at your answer, replying cheerfully with, "I think you do!"

You continue to fervently deny this, while her and Gon can't help but laugh at your reactions. Killua puts his hand under his chin as he watches the closed door in thought. When do you plan on telling (Y/N) why you keep leaving, Kurapika? She has a right to know that she's in danger. You can't hide the truth from her forever. 

"Since the last time I ran into her attacker, I haven't sensed any malevolent nen around the hospital at all," Kurapika speaks into the receiver of his cell phone, "But I can't be too careful. I'm not going to take any risks with (Y/N)'s safety." He continues walking down another long hallway of the hospital.

An audible sigh comes through the speaker, and then Leorio's voice comes though, "I get how you feel, buddy, and you know I care about (Y/N)'s safety, but, you should make sure you're taking care of yourself, too!"

"I appreciate your concern, Leorio, but, I will be fine." Comes Kurapika's reply, "As long as (Y/N) is safe, then I am fine." 

"Geez, you're too stubborn," Leorio groans, "Have you at least been eating and sleeping properly?"

"(Y/N) is my only concern," Kurapika says simply.

Leorio can feel himself growing more annoyed by the second, "How are you gonna take care of (Y/N) if you aren't even taking care of yourself?!"

Kurapika comes to a halt, "I am fine, Leorio, so you don't need to concern yourself with me. I can take care of myself and (Y/N) just fine. I will call you if there's any update in her condition. Goodbye."

"Kurapika wait-" Kurapika hangs up on him, causing him to grumble and curse his friend's stubbornness. "I'll just have to try to head down there tomorrow to check on him." Leorio says to himself as he sets his phone down on his desk, "Hopefully, Gon and Killua can talk some sense into him."

As Kurapika is about to set his phone back into his pocket, a message pops up on the screen. The message is from Killua and it reads '(Y/N) keeps asking for you.' 

'Understood. I've just finished walking the parameter, so I'll be back shortly.' Kurapika types in response to this. He lets out a deep sigh as he lets his En deactivate to give himself a rest. He makes quick steps back to your room, but is surprised to see Killua leaning against the wall.

"Killua.." Kurapika starts, "What's going on? Why are you out here?" He asks in a somewhat panicked tone.

"Relax," Killua replies, "(Y/N) is fine. I was waiting for you."

Kurapika takes a breath, "..Is that so..?"

"Yes, so you can relax." He stands up straight, giving him a look, "When are you planning to tell (Y/N) that she's in danger?"

The Kurta keeps a calm look on his face, "I don't want to overwhelm (Y/N) when she's still struggling to gain back her memories."

"I understand that you don't want to stress her out," He starts, crossing his arms, "But she needs to know, so she can be prepared if she sees the attacker."

"She won't ever see them." Kurapika says, balling his hands into fists, "I'll make sure of that."

Killua lets out an annoyed sigh, "We can't hide this from (Y/N) forever, Kurapika. She's starting to ask where you are every time you leave."

"Really? Every time?" He wonders in surprise, "What have you told her?"

"Today we told her that you went to get something to eat, but we can't keep covering for you, Kurapika," Killua says coldly, "She's not going to believe us forever. Besides that, (Y/N) deserves to know somebody is after her life."

Kurapika goes quiet for several seconds, while he thinks over everything he was just told, "..I understand. I want to protect (Y/N) from ever interacting with this person, but you're right. She needs to know to protect herself."

The white haired boy's face turns to one of surprise, and he uncrosses his arms, "I actually didn't expect you to agree with me. I thought you would end up getting mad at me."

"I wanted to be upset, but then I realized that you're right, Killua. Thank you. I'm going to talk to her about it as soon as I can," He looks down, "I just hope she can handle it."

"I'm sure she can," Killua reassures him, "Remember that this is (Y/N) we're talking about."

Kurapika can't help but smile at this, "You're right, but I will explain it slowly, nonetheless."

Killua nods, "Gon, Alluka, and I are here to support you if you want, too."

"Thank you, Killua. I appreciate that."  

He turns to push open the door, his face becoming one of happiness when he sees the scene before him. Alluka had fallen asleep curled up in bed with you, while you quietly run your fingers through her hair, and continue to watch the movie on the television screen. Killua walks in behind him, surprised to see his sister asleep in your arms. As the door opens further, it makes a creaking sound, causing Alluka to open her eyes and yawn.

"Kurapika, you're back!" You exclaim happily, "Gon, Alluka, and I were watching a movie, but Alluka fell asleep."

"Killuaaa!" Alluka calls sleepily, as she rubs her eyes, "Where did you gooo?"

Killua chuckles as he walks around to the other side of your bed, "I just went to get Kurapika, Alluka, but I'm back now." He sets a hand on her head. "You must be really tired."

Gon lets out a yawn himself, "I'm really tired too. And Ging keeps messaging me."

Killua picks up Alluka gently, as she half-asleep grumbles about her dream, "I think I'm gonna take Alluka home for the night. But we'll come back tomorrow morning. Is that okay, (Y/N)?"

"Of course," You nod, happily, "Are you heading out too, Gon?"

He nods to this, "Sorry, (Y/N)! I'll come back tomorrow morning, and we can watch more movies or play some card games like you wanted!"

You smile at him and give him a nod, "Sounds good. Thanks for coming guys!" 

They both head out, saying their goodbye's as they leave. 

"See you tomorrow," Kurapika says as they leave the room, "Be safe." He closes the door behind him, and walks over to your bed, taking a seat in the recliner.  He looks up at the movie onscreen, as you begin to fidget with your charm again. 

"Kurapika.." You say, catching his attention, "Do you think we can go outside to see the stars?"

He's caught off-guard by your question, but nods, nonetheless, "Of course, we can. But what made you ask?"

"One of the movies we watched," You start, looking out the window with a dreamy look on your face, "The stars looked so pretty. It made me want to see them for myself."

Kurapika watches you closely, "It has been awhile since you've been outside, hasn't it?" 

"Yeah it has," Comes your reply, "I didn't want to ask Gon, Killua, or Leorio, though. I only wanted to ask you."

"..Is that so..?" He looks down to hide his face from your sight. He finally stands up, and helps you into your wheelchair, gently. He watches the hallway vigilantly as he wheels you outside. He pushes you to a quiet place in the grass, where you can see the stars perfectly. 

"They're beautiful, Kurapika.." You say in awe as you watch them with bright eyes.

"(Y/N), can I ask you a question?" Kurapika asks in a quiet voice. You nod in response. "How long have you been playing with that charm?"

You look down, realizing it's still resting in your hands, "I.. I just play with it when you leave. I get worried about you, Kurapika.."

"(Y/N).." He says your name in almost a whisper.

"What's going on Kurapika..?" You finally ask, looking away from the stars, and to him instead, "Why did you suddenly want to stay with me at the hospital? And where are you actually disappearing to?"

His mouth parts in surprise, "So you could already tell something was wrong..?"

You nod, "Of course. It was fairly obvious. Besides," You smile as you think of Gon and Killua's awkward reactions, "Gon and Killua aren't great at lying."

"I owe you an explanation," He kneels down to your height and takes both of your hands in his, "And an apology."

"What happened, Kurapika?" You wonder, giving his hands a squeeze.

He looks at you directly in your eyes, "Do.. do you remember how you ended up in this hospital in the first place?"

You pause before you answer, giving yourself a second to think, "I don't fully remember, but I remember when I woke up and a bunch of people were asking if I was okay.. Did I get hurt?"

Kurapika nods, "You took a bullet that was meant for me. When Leorio examined the bullet, he noticed it was full of nen." Kurapika pauses to gauge your reaction. You don't seem overwhelmed, so he continues, "A very hateful nen. It should have killed you, but the nen shaman was able to lift most of it from your body. Instead, it took away your memories, movement, and nen." 

"Nen.. You guys talk about that a lot.." You take in everything he just explained to you, "I don't fully understand what nen is, but I know I was very good at using it."

"Yes, you were." He starts, "I've deduced that for the nen to be this strong, the person who fired the bullet must have had a restriction for it to make the nen as strong as possible. The restriction is this case must be, I will only use this nen on (Y/N), and if I use it on anyone else, I'll forfeit my life."

Your features become evident with shock, "Then.. someone wanted me dead. I walked into a trap."

"That's right." Kurapika explains, "They must have been tailing you for awhile and known about your abilities. They knew you would be able to dodge the bullet easily if it came for you, so instead they aimed for me, in hopes you would push me out of the way."

You watch him closely, and lower your voice to a near whisper, "Am I in danger, Kurapika?"

He looks away from you, preparing himself to explain more. Finally, he speaks again in a low voice, "I believe so. I sensed the same aura from the bullet in the hospital. I went to chase them down, but they attacked with another bullet and escaped. It's safe to assume they're still in the area. But do not worry, (Y/N). I won't let anything happen to you."

"I'm guessing you saw them the night you decided to start sleeping here..?" You wonder, to which he nods, "Thank you for telling me, Kurapika. And thank you for protecting me. Once I get better, I will return the favor."

"There's no need, (Y/N)," He starts, "But do you remember anyone you knew who fought with guns? Or anyone you've made enemies with?"

You look away from him, "I don't know anyone who fought with a gun, but I can promise you I've made plenty of enemies. Probably more than I can remember."

"Then there's no way we can deduce who your attacker is yet," Kurapika states, "But I will protect you from them while you recover. I'd like to return your daggers to you as well, so you can protect yourself if needed."

You nod in understanding, "Understood. Thank you, Kurapika." Your eyes full of worry, you ask, "Have you been eating? Or sleeping..?"

He sighs, avoiding your eyes, "Do not worry about me, (Y/N). I am fine."

"Kurapika.." Your hand moves to caress his cheek gently, "How would you protect me if you're weak from hunger or not sleeping? Don't be stupid. You need to take care of yourself."

"You're sounding a lot like Leorio right now," Kurapika says, but he can't help but smile at the thought of you worrying over him, "But you have a point. Let's get breakfast tomorrow morning, hm, (Y/N)?"

"That sounds great!" You offer him a soft smile, "You're the best, Kurapika."

"No, (Y/N)," He starts, returning your kind smile, "That would be you."

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