Phan oneshot collection

By phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at More

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
All love
This is halloween? (Part 1)
Right in front of your eyes
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
University roommates
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
On a crowded tube
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Met you in the waiting room
Balanced on a box of cereal


35.7K 831 2.6K
By phanallamallama

Word count: 7777 (omg that's so cool)

Genre: This has smut in it and I have decided that screw it this oneshot collection with have my smut fics in it and you will just have to skip them if you don't like it so yeah, this means more uploads to here will be smutty as that's what i have been doing on my break oops sorry not sorry :p have fun guys (this is also very cute)

AN: omg an actual AN :o I co-wrote this with my friend Lauryn who came up with the amazing ideas and this is on both of our accounts because of here so go check her out! I am dedicating this to her because then you can find her easily and because she is awesome wooooo!

I've always hated the usual coffee shop rush. There is always a queue, people spilling drinks and chattering too loudly.

"Order for Phil!" A woman calls out and I shuffle quickly to the front of the queue, accidentally hitting into someone as I go. I mumble a swift 'sorry' as I retrieve my much needed coffee before turning around to see if there is anywhere to sit. If it isn't too late.

I check my watch and then my eyes widen. My bare arm is blue.

I feel my jaw drop in astonishment as I run my paper white fingers over the blue stain across my arm. I pull my fingers away to check that it isn't paint or pen but my fingers come away clean. I roam my eyes across the restaurant and they fall on a boy sat alone in the corner also staring at his arm.

He is blue. And gorgeous.

And clearly mine.

Clutching my coffee in my hand, I walk over to him and cough loudly, hoping he will hear it over the barista's yells and the idol chatter in the room.

With big brown eyes he looks up at me as if he had been pulled away from a day dream, and I awkwardly hold up my arm.

"It looks like we could match." I tell him, before looking back down at his arm in disbelief.

He pushes his soft brown hair out of his eyes and stands up almost knocking the table (and his coffee cup) over. He holds his arm out near mine to compare them and sure enough he has a blue mark on his arm that is identical to mine.

"It looks like we could." He replies finally, slowly lifting our arms to meet.

"Holy shit, it's finally happened." he breathes shakily.

"Oh sit down," he adds, appearing flustered before gesturing to the seat across from his.

I flash him a smile before taking up his offer, completely dismissing how tired I am after a long day of work. My colour is here, and I am not going to miss him.

"My name's Dan by the way," he says, still sounding nervous and I try to give him a comforting smile, although my heart is racing.

"My name's Phil," I reply and he smiles and stares at my face curiously before he seems to realise what he is doing. He ducks away shyly.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I just wasn't expecting-"

"A guy?" I cut in and he shakes his head.

"No, can't you can smell the gay on me... It's so obvious... you're just so... gorgeous," he says, as if in awe and I blush and dip my head. "Thank you," I mumble and I see him smiling through my fringe. Those dimples were to kill for.

Staring at his dimples gives me an idea. I hold up my hand tentatively.

"May I?" I ask.

He looks confused for a moment and he looks back and forth between my hand and my face but eventually he nods. I reach out very carefully and place my hand across his cheek. I gasp in awe as his smooth creamy skin and mine collide. The blue spreads across my fingers and across his cheek, flowing like watercolour paint. I let out a surprised laugh and he smiles with me, showing off his dimples again.

"This is amazing." I breath, letting my hand drop away from his face.

"You're finger is blue too," he giggles. "It looks like you're up to something,"

"Well have you ever heard of the term 'caught red handed'?" I joke and he groans. "Well, blue handed," I correct myself.

"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." He mocks me before taking the hand that I had laid on the table in his. He turns it over so my white palm is facing upwards. He trails his finger across my palm in a heart shape and then colours it in delicately.. I hold my hand up for inspection and smile.

"Beautiful." I tell him before taking his hand and doing the same thing.

He laces his fingers through mine, spreading the blue and covering the heart.

"Aww no." I sigh, looking at our blue hands. "I liked our hand hearts." I complain and he laughs at me.

"Here." he says reaching up with his spare hand and drawing a heart on my cheek. "Better?" He asks me gently.

I feel I could listen to his voice forever.

I nod before grinning at him mischievously. I reach out a finger and draw a dot on his nose and three lines across both his cheeks. I pull back and admire my work smiling.

He turns towards a nearby window and studies his reflection, before turning back and rolling his eyes at me.

"Cat whiskers? Really?" He asks and I giggle and nod.

"You do make a cute cat," I say while he does the same on my face. He turns the nose into a heart.

"So do you." he says, before chuckling to himself. "This feels so natural, and like I know it's supposed to but, I still know hardly anything about you," he says and I smile at him before lacing our other hands together, watching the colours leak through our fingertips.

"Well then, get to know me." I tell him simply, and he beams.

"What's your favourite band?" he asks and I grin.

"Muse. Yours?"

"Now I get what being soulmates means," he laughs. "Favourite film?"

"That depends on the category," I reply.

"Do you like anime?"

"Howl's moving castle," I say without missing a beat.

"You are so perfect already," he smiles gently, tenderly placed a kiss to my hand. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Blue," I reply simply. What else would it be? With an amused look on his face he swirls patterns across my arm with one blue finger.

"Mine too." he whispers, smiling as the colour blooms across my skin like a fresh rose.

"What a surprise," I laugh, watching in wonder as the colour transforms my skin. "It's so pretty." I sigh as he draws hearts and stars and cat whiskers across my arms.

"It matches you then." He grins and I roll my eyes.

"That was so smooth." I tell him laughing. He winks at me and I feel my heart flutter and my partially blue cheeks flush.

"So...favourite colour, favourite band, favourite film...what about your favourite food?" I ask quickly, hoping to draw attention away from my burning cheeks.

He takes his finger away from my arm and strokes it across my cheek, beaming. "You're blushing!" He says smiling widely.

"I'm not!" I try to argue but his grin shows that my blush is far too obvious.

"I'm looking a little blue myself," he says lightly and I roll my eyes at him. "You said mine was bad,"

"I'm actually funny," he teases and I scowl at him.

"Great, I get 'arrogant' for a soul mate," I reply smartly and he narrows his eyes, but cups my cheek with his hand.

"You'll just have to get used to it then." he replies smiling, before quickly darting forwards, and pressing his lips against my skin, leaving a tiny blue kiss on my nose.

"What was that for?" I ask and Dan himself actually blushes and looks a little sheepish.

"Some guy over there was looking at you. Now everyone will see you're mine," he mumbles and I squeeze his hand.

"Does that mean you're mine in return?" I ask and he nods.

Gently, I tilt his head and place a gentle kiss to the side of his forehead.

"There. Now we're each others." I smile and his face lights up.

I reach for my coffee and absentmindedly take a sip before screwing up my face in disgust.

"Eugh it's cold." I shudder, putting the cup back down. Dan tries his too and his face sours.

"Eww mine is too." He says, wrinkling his nose.

"Well, I don't really want to drink it now!" I laugh before standing up and holding out my hand to him.

"Where are we going?" He asks standing up with me and lacing his fingers through mine.

"Anywhere you want. But can I suggest maybe back to my house? We could watch a movie and get to know each other more?" I ask and he smiles and nods.

"I like the sound of that. But then, anything with you sounds appealing." I blush again and he giggles, lightly squeezing my hand as I lead him out of the shop, and head towards my apartment.

"Just so you know, I don't normally go home with random strangers," Dan says and I bite my lip, realising how weird me asking him must have sounded. "But at least it's not the middle of the night," he adds. "Which makes it less weird. And I fully trust we will just be watching a movie instead of, well, other things two gay guys could do."

I bump him with my shoulder and listen to him laugh. I really love the sound, I want to hear it constantly.

"Shut up." I laugh and he nudges my shoulder back before swinging our intertwined hands together.

Suddenly, throwing caution to the wind, I break into a skip, pulling Dan along with me.

"What are you doing?" He asks me, laughing and jogging slightly to keep up.

"Skipping!" I reply brightly and after a minute of him looking thoughtful and slightly worried he suddenly shrugs.

"What the hell." He replies before beginning to skip along with me.

"Now we look as gay as we are!" Dan snorts and I laugh with him, ignoring all the strange looks being flung our way.

We skip all the way down the road, giggling and when we reach my apartment block, we are both gasping for air.

"Wow... I am so... unfit..." Dan wheezes and I rub his back comfortingly.

"Me too... don't worry..." I say breathlessly.

"So we just skipped..." he pants. "With cat whiskers, hearts... and kisses... blue kisses... all over our faces," he says and I start to laugh.

"Yep, definitely gay," I tell him and he smiles, straightening up.

"Where do you live then? Is this it?" he asks curiously looking up at the apartments in wonder.

"Need to ask your mum's permission?" I tease before my mouth falls open. "Wait how old are you?" I ask and his eyes drop to the floor, his face suddenly sheepish.

"Sixteen," he whispers and my eyes grow wide in horror. That is, until he begins to laugh loudly. "You fell for that? You idiot. I'm 21," he says and I let out a breath of relief.

"Jesus Dan I almost had a heart attack,"

"Not sorry. And you are... 22?" he asks cocking his head to one side and I smile.

"Sweet, but no. 25," I reply.

"Why do you look so much younger?" he complains and I roll my eyes as we start walking again.

"Well you look 16," I tease and he scowl.

"Shut up." He mutters.

"Awh don't be like that." I laugh, rubbing my thumb across his hand and painting more skin blue. "I wouldn't care if you were sixteen it would just be...more difficult..." I trail off, blushing slightly and he snorts at me.

"I still would've been legal." He reminds me and I blush even more.

"Yeah but still..." I mumble desperately trying to think of a way to change the topic.

"Still what?" He challenges me, his grin getting bigger and bigger by the minute.

"I don't know," I say finally. "But actually it would have been kind of illegal," I realise and he lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Would it matter?" he asks me, serious now and I shake my head.

"No. Because you're still my soulmate." I say and he smiles again, clinging onto my hand tighter. "We just would have had to wait a little while,"

"Not if I had anything to do with it." he mutters before burying himself into my side making me smile. Like I could have waited.

"So Phil, tell me about your amazing movie collection," Dan says as I lead him into the elevator in my apartment block.

"I don't have much to say apart from wait and see," I smile mischievously and he pouts.

"Fine, but only because you really are gorgeous," he mutters and I press a kiss to his temple, seeing his eyes light up.

I cup his face in my hands and lose myself in his beautiful eyes. I lean in slowly and both our eyes begin to close before-


The elevator goes off making us both jump apart in surprise. I sigh in annoyance and I see Dan mutter something that I don't quite catch beneath his breath, but I am pretty sure it was had at least three profanities in it.

I press the button for my floor and we both step into the elevator. He looks mildly upset as we wait, ascending upwards, awkwardly trying not to look at ourselves in the mirrors around us to hide our blushing blue cheeks.

"Phil, do you want to see me again after today?" Dan asks suddenly and I look at him confused.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask and Dan rubs the back of his neck.

"I just, bad experiences. I mean, I know we only have the chance to find out soul mates after our 18th birthday- that's why it's even funnier you thought I could have been 16 earlier, so it's not like I have no experience with love and stuff it's just, I've been hurt, and this kind of thing has happened before?"

"How do you mean? People changing colour? I ask gently.

"I watched my boyfriend turn green in front of me with a girl he just met at a party," Dan whispers.

"Oh." I breathe and the hurt flashes over his eyes and he turns away, staring down at the floor and chewing on his lips.

My heart drops as I see Dan droop slightly and I take a small step closer to him, now standing in front of him, and barely brushing his chin with my fingers I tilt his face up to see mine.

"I'm so sorry..." I say softly.

He finally lifts his eyes to lock with mine and they are swimming with tears and loss.

I feel a heart wrenching agony to see him in pain and I pull him against me desperately and stroke my fingers through his silky hair, feeling him burying his face into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I will never ever do that to you ever. I will never leave you I promise." I tell him sincerely and I can almost feel the smile creep back onto his lips.

He nods against me and I feel the pain in my chest ease slightly. My words and promises had made him feel better. And made me feel better too.

"Wow..." I murmur quietly.

"What?" Dan asks pulling away slightly to look at me.

"I didn't imagine that the feelings would be so... intense, so soon after I had met you. When I saw you in pain..." I shudder slightly, trailing off and Dan cuddles back into me comfortingly.

"I don't want you to be hurt," Dan replies quietly.

"Then never leave my side," I tell him and he smiles, still sniffing a little.

"I'm glad you're the one I'm meant to be with Phil." Dan tells me as the elevator doors open.

I only have time to peck him on his cheek quickly before I lead him down the hall and stop in front of my door.

"So here's my place," I say and he smiles.

"Can you show me the inside or do you just own the door?" Dan teases and I nudge him gently before pulling out my keys and opening the door. I gesture for him to go ahead and he smiles gracefully at me before walking into my apartment.

He trips slightly as he walks in but I pretend not to notice. My apartment isn't exactly big... it doesn't need to be because I am the only one who lives in it, so I channelled my inner geek whilst decorating which you can see the minute you enter the room. My walls are lined with shelves that hold anything from CDs and video games to stuffed animals and ornaments.

Dan noses around my apartment appreciatively before flopping down on my sofa. He looks up at me expectantly.

"What's with that look?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"What do you think?" he chuckles. "Or did you really invite me back for something other than a movie?" he teases and my cheeks flare up.

"Oh yeah. My movies are in my room though so- this sounds so creepy now you've ruined it," I say, laughing. "But seriously my movies are on my shelf in my room so you're going to have to follow me in there to choose what to watch," I tell him and he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Okay then, lover boy." he says in a breathless girlish voice and I am about to roll my eyes at him before he slips his hand back into mine and I feel the colours warm my skin.

He smiles at me and his face is the picture of innocence. His slightly chubby cheeks. His concave dimples. His slightly messy, slightly wavy brown hair. His bright smile. His warm brown eyes. I have never seen anyone as perfect and my heart flips over in my chest at the thought that he is mine. Mine forever.

I lead him through to my room, showing him the three long lines of movies that sit upon my case and his eyes open wide.

"You have so many!" he says in awe, running his hand along the top row.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask him and he furrows his brow before pulling one off the shelf.

"Really? Saw? You want our first movie date to be Saw?" I ask him and he blushes, smiling a little.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" he asks and I shake my head.

"No but I hope you don't get too scared," I tell him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"I won't don't worry." He reassures me.

I roll my eyes back and then walk up to the DVD player to put on the film.

I slot it in and then retreat back to the sofa to find that Dan is led across it with his legs and arms spread as far as they can go.

"Dan...there's no room for me!" I complain.

"I got here first." Dan replies. His eyes are closed but his smile is mischievous.

"Oh really?" I ask and Dan nods triumphantly. "Well since there is no space I will just have to do...this!" I say before jumping on top of him and lying across him.

"I thought you said this was going to be innocent!" Dan cries, struggling to free himself.

I slip my arms around his waist and expertly flip us over so that he is on top of me, his hands clinging to my shirt.

"It is... stop complaining and watch the film." I say sternly but I am holding back my laugh. Dan punches my arm weakly to make a point before placing his head on my chest and taking hold of my hand.

Wrapping my other arm around him, I run my hand lazily up and down his back, making him sigh contentedly.

"I like cuddling with you already," he says and I look down to see his eyes are closed.

"You're not even watching the movie," I chuckle and he nuzzles his head into my chest.

"My pillow won't stop talking," he moans and I slide a hand through his hair.

"You're mean," I pout. "Why are you mean to me?"

"It's affection I promise," Dan mumbles but opens his eyes to look up at me worriedly.

"You sure?" I ask, not really meaning it seriously.

"Of course. Why would I purposely be mean to you?" Dan asks.

"Government spy work," I say and he laughs.

"That's always a reason I guess," he giggles.

Someone on screen screams loudly and we look up just in time to see someone having their throat slashed graphically. Dan jumps at the noise and curls up against me like a frightened puppy.

"Alright?" I ask him worriedly. He nods against my chest but when I look down at him his eyes are squeezed shut. I unlace my fingers from his and trail one finger across his eyelid painting it bright blue. I continue moving my finger downwards across his skin leaving blue behind in smoky clouds of paint-washed water colour.

I 'colour' in all the patches of white skin left until his entire face is blue. The last spot of skin without colour is situated over his left eyebrow.

I lean over awkwardly and press my lips against it turning it the same colour as the rest of his face.

"That's an oddish place to kiss someone you know," Dan says, his voice muffled and I trace my hand down his back again.

"It was the only bit that wasn't blue," I tell him and he smiles.

"Hey, does the colouring thing work through clothes?" Dan asks curiously, placing a hand on my sleeve before rolling it up and seeing the pale skin underneath.

"Apparently not,"

"So my attempts at cuddling you to try and make you more blue haven't worked," he sighs glumly. "But I still got the cuddles so that's all good with me."

I smile and sigh happily. I am so glad it was Dan who was chosen for me.

I feel him flinch again and I know something must have happened on the screen because I hear a small voice leak out from against my chest.

"I kinda only picked this film so I could get away with doing this," he confides and I chuckle and shake my head.

"Oh Dan. You could have cuddled me without a scary film," I say and Dan shakes his head.

"No because I get shy," he says quietly and I smile again at his cuteness.

"You don't have to be shy around me though, we already know we will be together for the rest of our lives," I remind him.

His face lights up at my words and he leans in slowly and presses his forehead against mine.

"You're even pretty this close up," I tell him laughing.

"Shh I'm trying to romantically stare into you eyes." He chides me and I can't help but laugh.

"Phil shut up you're ruining the moment!" He tells me before we both started laughing, his head dropping from my face and back onto my chest.

"I'm sorry Dan I didn't mean to ruin it..." I splutter trying to smother my giggles.

I feel him sigh against my shirt. "It's fine I would just like our first kiss to be really special that's all," He mumbles.

"We can make it special," I tell him gently leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his cheek.

I then move my lips to the other side of his cheek and then kiss just below his lips, then along his jaw, then on his nose, making him giggle.

"Feeling special yet?" I whisper and he nods, his eyes wide and his gaze constantly darting down from my eyes to my lips.

"Phil I... I think I already love you," Dan mumbles shyly and I feel a smile twitch at my lips.

"I think I already love you too Dan." I tell him, tenderly stroking my fingers across his cheek.

"Can I change 'think' to 'know'?" Dan asks and I smile, before gently pressing my lips against Dan's. I feel his hands clutch at my shoulders as my stomach swoops and my head spins. Is this that feeling that people have tried to explain for centuries?

I start to move away a little but I feel Dan's hands slide up to my neck and pull me back and I can't help but chuckle, before I move my arms to his waist and gently stroke along the exposed skin at the hem of his shirt.

I tangle my fingers in his hair gently and he wraps his spare arm around my waist. I pull away carefully and kiss down from his lips to his chin and across his jaw, his hand around my waist tightening slightly as I go, and I moved my lips down to his neck. He shudders slightly as I attach my lips to the thin skin above his collar bone and nibble gently, making a soft moan fall from his lips.

"Phil..." he breathes and I smile as I place more gentle kisses along his neck, hearing him whimper and clutch at my shirt, pulling at it slightly.

"Dan?" I reply as I feel him change positions randomly and straddle me. "Oh," I reply as I lock my eyes with his.

"I mean like, if it's okay. I mean I'm not sixteen-"

"You numpty I just want to check you're okay with doing this so quickly,"

"I'm not virgin you know,"

"We that's obvious-"


"I just want to make sure you're sure,"

"Phil I know you won't hurt me," Dan says before rolling his hips into me gently, making me gasp a little. He grins cheekily. "But I can always stop if you want me to," he tells me and I shake my head.

"Don't." I tell him and he smiles triumphantly and pecks my lips gently before winding his arms back around my neck. He gently rolling his hips again, making me gasp before pulling his lips back onto mine.

He kisses me back happily his lips moulding with mine easily. He slides a hand up under my shirt and tugs at the fabric and I get his point of wanting it to be removed. I move back and lift my arms up slowly, still focussing on kissing him and he pulls the shirt up over my head and drops it on the floor before leaning back in and reattaching out lips together.

I pull back a little bit to look at Dan. His lips are slightly swollen and he has a faint red mark on his neck and his pupils are blown wide, his hair starting to curl slightly and his collar bones protruding and random parts of skin are swirled with the blue I already love so much. I reach out my finger and brush it over the skin turning the red mark deep blue instead. The skin from Dan's neck down is pale white and untouched like fresh snow except for a streak of blue across his hip and waist.

I stroke my fingers absentmindedly over his hips spreading more colour across the blank canvas of soft white skin.

"Phil." Dan whispers and I lift my eyes up to look at his chocolate orbs.

"Yes?" I ask and he blushes lightly.

"It feels really... different doing this with someone who I know won't leave... It makes me feel special, more than I probably am," He mumbles, looking embarrassed. I cup his face in my hands.

"You are special! You are the most important thing in the whole universe to me," I tell him honestly. He looks flattered for a moment for a moment before he frowns slightly.

"Hey did you just..." He begins and I lean forwards and attach my lips to his quickly to silence him.

"Okay, I won't talk." Dan mutters and I chuckle and keep kissing him, spouting meaningless sweet words whenever our lips break away.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I ask him finally and he smiles at me.

"Of course." he tells me and he kisses me again, leaving me to pick him up and stagger with him to my room, gently laying him down on the bed before crawling up him, admiration in my eyes.

"I hope you know how funny you look blue," I tell him affectionately, sliding a hand up his shirt and watching as the colour spirals across his stomach.

"The blue is almost the same colour as your eyes," Dan breathes before propping himself up on his elbows and leaning up to kiss me again, letting out another whimper as I stroked along his stomach again. "I think it would be quite nice if you took off my shirt you know," Dan mumbles against his lips and I chuckle.

"A little impatient aren't we?"

"Only a little bit." Dan snorts sarcastically as I finally lift his shirt over his head.

I take my time to draw a lion using Dan's belly button for the nose. Dan pushes himself up on his elbows to look at what I've drawn and then frowns up at me.

"A lion?" He asks smiling slightly. "That's not romantic or sexy." He finishes. I gasp in mock offense and draw a tear coming down the lions face. "N'awh." Dan grins, reaching out his arm and taking my hand. He guides my hand over his stomach to colour over the lion and then drew a smiling face above the blue smudge. "Don't be sad." He sighs, placing his palm on my cheek and leaning in to press our lips together again.

"I just got called unromantic and not sexy by the one I love," I point out but I keep kissing him anyway.

"Phil you idiot you are extremely romantic and sexy," Dan mumbles against my lip and I deepen the kiss, running my hands across my shoulder blades, down my spine, making him arch into me and smile.

"And you're adorable and cute," I say, teasing and I feel him bite my lip in annoyance.

"Well screw you then,"

"I thought that was happening,"

"Oh shut up you logical twat," Dan laughs and I can't help but smile with him.

"Awh are you mad at me?" I ask putting my face close to his.

"Because I said you were annoying and cute?" I run my lips over his cheeks leaving little kisses. I kiss down from his cheeks across his neck and down to his collar bones, I run my lips all the way along his skin gently biting down on the smooth skin until I reach the waistband of his trousers.

I look up at him and smile at the blue lip prints I had left along the papery white surface.

"Could you stop being arty and take those off do you think?" Dan asks gesturing towards his trousers and I chuckle.

"You're such a bossy bottom," I tease and he rolls his eyes. I start to undo his jeans, sliding them down a small amount before I lean in and nibble on one of his hips. I hear him sigh in pleasure, the blue indents on his skin blossoming.

"It gets me what I want at least," He says, stuttering as I pull off his jeans completely and started palming him through his boxers.

I increase the pressure slightly and Dan moans quietly, arching up into my hand. His partially blue fingers reach down and tangle themselves in my hair as I rub gently against the growing bulge in his boxers and his fingers tighten.

"Ah, Phil," Dan whines and I start kissing back along his neck, slipping my hand underneath his boxers and hearing him let out a loud gasp as I touch him properly. "Jesus Christ," Dan curses and I bite at his neck, making him moan again.

I feel his hand leave my hair and he clutches at the sheets, then at my arm, then even at my ass as he writhes underneath me.

"You have fucking magical hands," he tells me and I pull my lips back onto his, his hips jerking up into my hand as he moans, making me stroke him harder, flicking my wrist more to expel more of the glorious noises from him.

"You make fucking magical noises." I reply, moving my thumb across his slit. He shivers beneath me and moans again, louder this time and I can see from his slightly sweaty forehead and the way that his hand is fisted in the sheets that he is way past speaking.

"More..." he manages to groan eventually and I nod.

"How much more?" I ask him delicately.

"I want you," Dan says, his pupils blown huge, blue stains all over his white body and I nod, pulling his jeans and boxers off properly and I take a minute to stare at the beautiful boy beneath me.

Random blue splotches are splattered across his torso, hand prints on his shoulders and hips and even teeth marks along his hips.

"You're so beautiful," I mumble before kissing him again, opening my side draw and pulling out the necessities.

"Don't you mean bluetiful?" He manages to say breathlessly.

I smile at him and roll my eyes."I can't believe I missed that opportunity." I say, grinning.

I eye the objects I had brought out of my draw. Lube is of course a necessity but I don't know about the condom.

"Would you like me to use a condom?" I ask, holding up the foil packet for him to see. He blushes slightly and shakes his head.

"I'm clean Phil," He mumbles, looking slightly embarrassed.

"No! That isn't what I meant! I know! I just thought you might've wanted to use one..." I burble, feeling my face go bright pink. He reaches out one of his hands and brushes it across my cheek and I lean into the tender touch and sigh.

"It's okay I know you didn't mean it like that." He smiles. "But in answer to your question I would rather not." He finishes.

"Okay." I smile at him and even let out a little giggle. "It's feels kinda weirdly right to be doing this with you," I confess and he rolls his eyes lovingly.

"You dork, shut up and kiss me again." Dan demands and I lean down and press my lips against his again, our mouths moving messily together.

"Phil, as much as I love you please don't say you're going to keep your jeans and boxers on throughout this as that might make actually having sex kind of hard," Dan murmurs into my ear and I grunt, going red in embarrassment, before moving away and undoing my jeans, wriggling them off and then pulling my boxers off as well, seeing Dan staring and smiling.

"What?" I ask him, feeling a little self conscious.

"You're just very gorgeous," he smiles and I blush.

"Thank you." I whisper before crawling back up him and starting to kiss him again.

"Phil, please hurry up." he whines after a moment of kissing and I pull away and pour some lube onto my fingers coating them well and warming them up in the process. I coax Dan's legs apart and circle his hole, feeling him clench in anticipation. "Phil please," he whines and I slowly slide one finger into the tight ring of muscles.

He gasps loudly and pushes himself back onto me, pushing my finger deeper and I thrust it in and out a few times, making him gasp before I added another new finger, making him moan loudly.

"Jesus christ Phil," he groans and I scissor my fingers, making him clutch at the bed sheets again and whimper.

I curl my fingers inside him searching for his prostrate and I know I've found it when Dan arches his back and gives a quiet scream of pleasure. Grinning, I press my fingers against the bundle of nerves and Dan writhes under my hands, his mouth wide and panting.

"Another?" I ask and he nods desperately.

I add a third and final finger and he winces slightly. I lean down and press a few kisses to his neck while I move my fingers around slowly so that he can get used to the feeling before I begin moving my fingers in and out once more.

His shaky gasps turn into moans as he began to feel more comfortable, clenching around my fingers and mewling with pleasure as I hit his prostate ever few thrusts before I pull out completely and he clenches around nothing and groans desperately.

I pour some lube onto my hand and stroked myself a few times, sighing at the relief from my rock hard member before leaning over Dan but he puts a hand up to my chest and stops me. I look at him worriedly and raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"Can I ride you?" he asks nervously and I smile in relief.

"Of course," I tell him and he grins.

I sit back and he kneels up and straddles my thighs before pecked my lips.

"Ready?" I ask and he grins back, catching my hands in his and entwining our fingers.


Dan lifts his hips up and positions himself over my tip. He eases himself down onto me slowly until I am fully inside him and then stays perfectly still, gripping both my hands in his tightly.

"Okay?" I ask him, concerned at the scrunched up look on his face as he adjusts.

"I'm okay." He tells me, squeezing my hands reassuringly.

He raises himself up before sinking down again slowly, making me let out a low moan as he gasps.

"Jesus," Dan breathes as he repeats the motion, moving forward to kiss me again, and I return it passionately. I start to trail my lips down his neck, nipping him cheekily and he whines loudly as I start to move up into him too, rolling my hips to meet his.

His eyes are wide and his full lips are parted and I can't help but let a smile ghost at my lips as I start to thrust harder.

"What?" he stutters as he sees my smile.

"You just look very cute right now," I say and he starts to blush.

"Then I will look even cuter when I do this," he says, circling his hips as he drops down faster, making me gasp and moan loudly.

I let go of one of his hands and trail it up his arm and on to his shoulder. I grip tightly and close my eyes, thrusting harder.

Dan groans loudly as I hit up against his prostate. "Oh my god..." He whimpers, letting his head fall back in ecstasy.

I angle myself so that I hit his prostate almost every time and his legs start trembling against mine as louder moan and profanities escape his lips and his hands clutch at me tighter as he bounces harder down onto me.

His voice is ragged and his moans and small screams keep filling the air and my head is spinning as he clenches around me, making me groan and buck up with more force.

His hand grips mine tightly and he manages to get through to me what he wants to say.


I lean forward to kiss him and it turns messy, neither of us being able to concentrate, our mouths falling away as groans force their way past out lips and with one final hit to his prostate Dan yells my name and cums hard over both our chests.

He rides me through his orgasm, clenching hard around me. I moan breathlessly, feeling my climax begin to build up in my lower stomach. I give a few last sloppy thrusts before releasing inside of him, leaning my forehead into his shoulder, moaning a jumble of swear words and his name as I come down from my high.

He weakly wraps his arms around me and I hold him up as best I can, smiling gently, my forehead sweaty and hot.

"Phil," Dan manages to murmur.

"I know," I reply and he chuckles into my shoulder.

"You're still blue," he giggles and I roll my eyes.

"So are you, princess bubblegum," I say.

"She's pink," he replies incredulously.

"You can get blue bubblegum," I argue and he just laughs. "Time for a quick shower?" I ask and he nods.

"As much as I love you I feel gross now," Dan says glancing at his chest and I kiss his cheek and nod understandingly.

"Come on, let's go be clean." I say and help him off the bed and towards the bathroom.

After a very short shower (which Dan nearly fell asleep in) we climb back into bed and cuddle up under the sheets.

Dan curls his legs up against me and wraps his arms around my torso as he nestles his head into the crook of my neck sleepily.

"You're all curly now because of the shower," I murmur, looking down at the adorable half asleep Dan snuggled against me. I reach up my hand and run my fingers through his fluffy curls. He leans into the touch and blinks at me dopily.

"Shh," he mumbles. "Don't like my hobbit hair." He tells me, closing his eyes and reaching up to lace his fingers through mine.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, using my other hand to massage the base of his spine very gently just in case he feels any discomfort.

"I'm brilliant." He whispers back in reply and my heart jumps.

"Do you want to sleep now Dan?" I ask smiling.

To my surprise he shakes his head and struggles to open his eyes. "No because then I don't get to see you," He sighs sadly and I tighten my arms around him and kiss his curly head.

"Don't be so silly I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. Go to sleep sweetheart." I tell him, rubbing soothing circles into his back tenderly.

"Okay," he sighs "Goodnight then."

"Goodnight Dan." I whisper softly.

"Love you," he says softly and I smile.

"I love you too Dan." I tell him sincerely, but he had already fallen asleep.


"Phil, wake up, you need to see something!" I blink my eyes open blearily and stare at the tanned face above me. Wait... tanned?

I blink a few times and rub my eyes in wonder. Where the skin had yesterday been peacock blue all over it was now a perfect golden tan. I gasp and trail my fingertips over his baby soft skin in amazement.

"Have a look at yourself." Dan smiles, his cheeks flushing a little, a pink spot just on his jaw.

I climb out of bed and rush over to the mirror, seeing my skin had barely changed.

"Are you kidding me? I still look like paper!" I complain but then Dan wraps his arms around my waist from behind and I can't help but smile.

"You're perfect," he tells me.

I twist in his arms so that I am facing him and kiss his nose. "Thank you, but it's you that is perfect I mean... look at you," I say in awe, trailing my fingers along Dan's cheek and down his neck.
He kisses my nose in return and shakes his head.

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on, don't even say you aren't perfect because you are." He tells me sincerely. I open my mouth to protest and he presses his lips against mine to silence me.

"Wow this is cheesy," he then giggles as he pulls away and I snicker with him.

"Well we are soulmates, I think it just comes naturally with it," I tell him and he nudges his nose against mine.

"Now I don't have to be jealous of all the colourful people around me," he smiles and I peck his lips gently.

"I'm not even going to be looking at the people around me now I have you," I murmur back before kissing him again, cupping his cheek in my hand and pulling him closer.

"I love you so much I'm so glad you are my other half," Dan tells me his eyes suddenly teary.
I gently use my thumbs to brush them away.

"I love you too I'm so glad you're mine forever." I reply squishing his cheeks in my hands. "But please stop crying, don't be blue," I tell him and he sniffs and smiles.

"But I like being blue," he tells me. "Because it means I'm all yours forever and you can't change colours in front of me and I won't lose you," he burbles and I squeeze him into a bone crushing hug.

"You will never lose me. Ever. I'm not even going to die while you're around, I forbid it,"

"So we will just keep living forever?" Dan smiles up at me and I beam, lightly kissing his nose.

"Yes, forever and ever,"

"Good, because we can have eternal cuddles." he says and pulls be back over to the bed, letting us fall down on top of it and curling into my side again.

"I really like our cuddles," I say and he nuzzles into my shoulder.

"Hence the eternity of them," he chuckles.

"Forever and ever and ever!" I tell him tickling his sides gently. He squeaks and burrows into me, trying to wriggle away from my hands.

"Forever and ever... if you stop tickling me- please!" He whimpers as he squirms.

I stop tickling him and start placing gentle kisses all over his cheeks and forehead.

"It's so weird that you don't turn blue when I kiss you.." I sigh.

"Is my tan not good enough for you?" he asks, raising his eyebrows, looking unimpressed and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"No, I just I'm not used to how gorgeous you are," I tell him truthfully and nudge my nose against his ear. "You're just really perfect for me and I'm still taking it in how this is all actually real," I say shyly and he smiles, wrapping his arms around my neck and resting our foreheads together.

"Well you had better start believing it because you will have to see my amazing face for the rest of time," he smiles and I beam.

"That is definitely not a problem."

Dan moves so that his head is resting over my heart and I reach up to stroke my fingers through his rich brown hair. Dan sighs happily and curls closer to me. After a moment of comfortable silence I hear Dan whisper quietly. "Hey Phil?"

"Yes?" I reply just as softly.

"I thought you weren't trying to get me into bed?"

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