Worse Games To Play (Hunger G...

By infinity_and_beyond3

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~ A modern day Hunger Games High fanfiction. ~ In Hunger Games High there are two different groups. The Caree... More

Worse Games To Play (Hunger Games High Fan fiction)
Chapter One: The New Girl
Chapter Two: The Victors & The Careers
Chapter Three: The Gym Incident
Chapter Four: Something's Not Right
Chapter Five: Homecoming Part 1
Chapter Six: Homecoming Part 2
Chapter Seven: The Hospital
Chapter Eight: The Hospital Part 2
Chapter Nine: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter Ten: Dinner With The Mellark's
Chapter Eleven: The Christmas Concert
Chapter Thirteen: A Secret Is Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: The Discussion
Chapter Fifteen: Christmas Day
Chapter Sixteen: New Years at Finnick's

Chapter Twelve: The Very First Date

1.5K 66 33
By infinity_and_beyond3

Heyyyy guys! I know it's been over a month since I've updated and I'm really sorry. School started like a month ago and my teachers have given me a huge load of homework assignments. I still have homework to do.

Sooooo, last chapter was interesting! Lol, soooo yes. (to answer your questions), Everlark is officially happening! And I saw that some of you guys were excited.

Anyway, here's Chapter 12! Enjoy!



I run outside and I see him walking towards the parking lot. "Peeta wait!" He stops walking and turns to me. I walk up to him.

"What's wrong? Why did you leave?" I ask.

He runs his fingers through his hair and says,"I don't know. I just-"

"I just can't do this anymore. I can't hide it anymore," He finishes.

"What? Hide what? Wait, why did you leave!? Answer my question first." I say, slightly angry.

"Fuck it." He gently grabs my cheeks and places his lips on mine. And once again, I feel warmth run through my body. I feel my stomach do somersaults.

My heart explodes out of excitement. He pulls away and rests his head on my forehead.

"I love you Katniss Everdeen."

*End of Recap*


*Katniss' POV*


I stare at him, completely flabbergasted. We both stand there in silence. I smile and pull him in for another kiss. "I love you too Peeta Mellark," I whispered into his ear.

"I know," He whispered. He pulls me closer and gently kisses my lips. From a distance, I hear whistling and clapping. I pull away and look in the direction of the clapping.

I see Finnick and the rest of the group walk our way. "It's about time you two got together!" Johanna exclaimed.

"Exactly!" Finnick agreed. "We can finally go on triple dates!" Annie squealed. I can hear Johanna quietly groan next to me.

"Annie we can't even do a double date, what makes you think a triple date will work? Remember what happened last time?" Johanna said.

Annie sighed. "I guess so."

"May I say, Katniss you killed it! I never knew you could sing like that!" Finnick complimented. I smiled. "Thanks Finnick."

Peeta gently squeezed my hand."Yeah, you did amazing. We're proud of you. I'm proud of you." I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you," I replied softly. "Finnick we should get going and leave these two alone. My parents want me back by 9," Annie had said.

"Of course my love. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Finnick held Annie's hand and left.

"We should get going as well. See you guys," Johanna said. I nod as she and Gale began to walk away.

"And then there were two," Peeta muttered. I chuckled lightly. He turned to me and gently placed a strand of my bangs behind my ear.

"Let me take you home. Okay?" Peeta offered.

"Okay," I answered quietly.


"I'm sooo happy you and Peeta finally got together! I thought I would have to lock you two in a closet for a few days." I smiled. "Annie, that's something Johanna would do."

"It's true. That is something I would do," Johanna said as she took a bite of her pizza. "So when are you two going on your first date?" Annie questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know yet. He hasn't told me anything."

Just then, I heard a faint knock on my door. I got up from bed and opened the door to see Prim standing there. "Hey little duck."

She smirked. "Someone's here to see you." And with that, she walked back to her room. I walked downstairs and see Peeta and Finnick sitting on my couch.

"Hey guys. Annie's in my room, Finnick." He got up from the couch and said,"Thank you." He walked past me and ran up the stairs.

I looked at Peeta. "Hey you." I smiled. "Hey." He walked over to me and gently placed his hands on my cheeks. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss onto my lips.

He pulled away and took my hands into his. "I want to take you out tonight. Our First Date." I smiled. "Okay. Where to?"

"Tsk tsk tsk. It's a surprise." I frowned. "Peeta I don't like surprises."

"Hopefully you'll like this one," He chuckled. "Okay. But that's because I trust you."

He smiled. "Good."

"You hungry?" I asked him. "Starving!" He replied back. "There's a box of pizza in my room. Come."

I continued to hold his hand as we made our way up the stairs to my bedroom. We entered the room and I see Finnick holding the pizza box on his lap.

"Finnick stop hogging the pizza!" I snapped at him. He stares at me as he finishes chewing his pizza.

"Leave me alone. Pizza is life. Food is life. If I could marry pizza, I would." He said, taking another slice from the box and shoving it in his mouth.

I shook my head and snatched the box from his hands. I grinned. "No more pizza for you." I sat on my bed and placed the pizza box in front of me.

I looked at Peeta and patted the empty spot on the bed right next to me. He smiled and plopped himself right next to me. I handed him a slice of pizza and he gladly took it.

"So we have two weeks of no school," Johanna began, "What are we gonna do? Like, what are the plans?"

We looked at each other. Annie shrugged her shoulders. "I guess we'll know when something comes up."

"Well, we have the New Years Party at Finnick's house. Christmas Dinner at my house and I wanted to go ice skating at the Ice Factory," I told them.

"Ooh! Yeah, we should go ice skating! That sound's like so much fun!" Annie squealed. "Alright, I think we should go on Tuesday," I suggested.

"Yeah, sounds great," Johanna replied. It's now that I notice that Gale isn't here. "Where's Gale?" I asked Johanna.

"He's babysitting. I texted him earlier and he said that he should be here in 10 or 20 minutes," Johanna explained. "Oh okay," I said.

"Well we can play a board game until he comes," I begin," What game do you wanna play?" Annie shrugged her shoulders.

"What board games do you have?" Finnick asked. I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet. I opened my closet and took out all of my board games from the top shelf.

I placed the games on top of my bed. "I have Scrabble, Operation, Sorry, Life, and Monopoly Electronic."

"Ooo! Let's play Monopoly!" Johanna said, as she grabbed the Monopoly box.

"Okay. I want to be the skateboard." I said, sitting on the floor. The game only lasted an hour and a half. We all gave up because of how long the game was taking. Gale had come when we had just started playing.

Now Annie, Finnick, Gale and Johanna were playing Charades using Annie's phone. Peeta and I we're sitting on my bed watching them play.

I have to say, watching them play really amuses me. It was Finnick's turn to guess. He chose the category and placed Annie's phone onto his forehead. The game counted down and the first word appeared on the screen. 'Starbucks'

"Oh! My absolutely favorite coffee shop in the entire world!" Annie yelled. "Starbucks." Finnick answered correctly.

The next word came onto the screen. 'Wendy's' "Your favorite fast food restaurant!" Annie yelled again. "Wendy's," Finnick answered.

Then the next word came. 'Menchie's' "Ooo!! The frozen yogurt shop we go to!" Annie said. "Uhh, Menchie's," Finnick said.

I look at Peeta and see that he's already staring at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful," He answered softly.

"Ahh, I see your referencing The Fault In Our Stars. Very clever," I said laughing. He smiled. "Hey. I had my chance and I took it."

I shook my head and smiled. "But, you really are beautiful though. I mean it." He said, gently kissing my hand.

He takes out his phone from his pocket. "Uh, it's almost 4:30. I need to get everything ready for our date. I'll pick you up at 6. Okay?"

"Okay. What should I wear?" I asked him. "Nothing fancy. It's pretty chilly outside so wear something warm," He answered.

"Okay." He leaned in and gently kissed my lips. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too. Now go, I'm going to start getting ready soon."

He smiled and said,"Okay." He got up from the bed and hit Finnick's and Gale's shoulder. "C'mon guys."

Finnick nodded and gave a kiss to Annie. "I'll see you soon my love." She nodded and gave him another kiss.

"Bye Gale," Johanna said, as she gave him a kiss. Finnick and Gale got up from their spots and left the room.


"Okay, Peeta's gonna be here any minute now. Are you sure this outfit looks good?"

I was currently wearing light blue skinny jeans, beige combat boots, a tight creamy colored long sleeved shirt, and my hair was half up half down.

"You look great! Stop being so hard on yourself," Annie said. I sighed. "Okay. Thanks guys for helping me out."

"No problem," Johanna said. Just then, I hear the doorbell ring. I inhale and exhale slowly. I open the door to my bedroom and walk downstairs.

I walked to the front door and opened it to see Finnick and Gale standing there. "Hey," I said bummed. "Why so glum kitty kat?" Finnick asked.

"I thought you guys were Peeta," I murmured. "We're actually here to give you this," Gale said, taking out a folded piece of paper and handing it to me.

I took the piece of paper from Gale's hand. "We're also here to pick up our girlfriends," Finnick said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Okay." I turned in the direction of the stairway. "Annie! Johanna! You're lovers are here!"

They came downstairs and walked towards me. Annie pulled me in for a hug. "Good luck and have fun," She whispered in my ear.

I nodded. "Thank you." Johanna hugged me and said,"Have fun."

"Yeah, but not too much fun. Remember to use a condom!" Finnick yelled as Annie dragged him to his car. A blush crept onto my cheeks. I slammed the door and leaned my back on the wall.

I stare down at the neatly folded piece of paper in my hands. I opened it and see a condom taped to the paper. I ripped the condom off and threw it on the floor.

I looked back at the piece of paper and there was writing.

Here's a condom. Better safe than sorry. ~Finnick & Gale.

I'm so going to kill them when I see them again.

I crumbled the piece of paper and threw it away. I decided to wait for Peeta outside. I opened the front door and closed it. I turned around and locked it.

I sat down on the bench in front of my house. A few minutes later, I see Peeta's car turn onto my street. I got up from the bench as his car slowly stopped in front of me.

He got out of the car and walk towards me. "Hello beautiful," He said, giving me a kiss soon after. "Hey," I smiled.

He held my hand and lead me to the passenger's side of his car. He opened the door for me. "Thank you," I said, as I got in the car. I sat down and put on my seat belt.

He sat down on the drivers side and drove off. "So, where are you taking me?" He shook his head and smiled.

"I told you. It's a surprise." I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'll stop asking."

Several minutes later, we arrived at a beach side restaurant. We both got out of the car. "Is this where we're eating?" I asked him.

"Nope," He answered. He held my hand and we started walking towards the beach. I heard the sounds of the waves and I can smell the salt from the water.

From a short distance, I see a blanket with candles, a bouquet of roses and a picnic basket. It's beautiful. "You did this for me?"

We stopped in front of the blanket. "Of course," He answered softly. I smiled and gently kissed his lips. "It's beautiful and thoughtful. Thank you."

He smiled and said,"Anything for you beautiful."

We sat down on the blanket. He opened the basket and took out two plates. "I made dinner. It's lasagna, nothing special." I giggled.

"It's fine. I absolutely love lasagna." He smiled and handed me a plate. I took the wrapper off the plate and the aroma of cheese and tomato filled my nose. "Mmm. It smells good," I told him.

"Let's see if it tastes as good as it smells," I teased. I already knew it was going to taste delicious. I took a bite and smiled. "Mmm." All the flavors melt in my mouth.

I can taste the garlic, the different cheeses, the parsley, everything. It tasted absolutely delicious. "This is the best lasagna I've ever had," I complimented.

"Well thank you. I'm really glad you love it." We finished dinner several minutes later. I wiped my mouth with a napkin. "I also made dessert,"

He took out a small bowl and opened it. Snickerdoodle cookies! My favorite cookies in the entire world!

"I LOVE snickerdoodle." He smiled and handed me two cookies. I quickly took them and took a bite out of one of them. Two of the best things about the cookies was that it was still warm and soft.

We picked up the plates and put them back in the basket. I watched as Peeta layed down on the blanket. He looked at me and said,"Come lay down."

I layed down close to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kiss the side of my temple.

"You know, most of the guys I dated took me out to McDonald's or Pizza shops for our first date. But not you. You put a lot of thought and effort into it. This is one of the best dates I've every been on. So, thank you."

I looked up at him. "Back in Kentucky. I didn't have friends, well besides Gale but he left when we were 11 when my dad and his dad died. I hated it over there. I was lonely and depressed. I couldn't get over the fact that my dad was gone."

"I was bullied for awhile in middle school but it got worse in high school. I don't really like talking about it much. Anyways, my mom thought it was time for a change. She got offered a job at a hospital over here in Cali. She took it and we moved over here."

"For the first time since my dad's death, I was happy. I was going to be reunited with Gale and this move gave me an opportunity for a fresh start. I met Annie, Finnick and Johanna and for once I felt welcomed. I saw you and a part of me felt whole again."

"This date really means a lot to me. I definitely won't ever forget this," I finished. He leaned down and kissed me. The kiss was short and sweet. "I love you," He whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back.



Ahhhhhh! So I hoped you guys enjoyed this Chapter! This chapter was longer than I expected it to be. Once again, I'm extremely sorry for not updating in so long. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

I'm also sorry for any typos. Sooooo, what did you guys think of the date? Was it too cheesy? How do you feel about Katniss opening up to Peeta? Let me know what y'all think!

Well, until next time my amazing readers! :)





All rights go to Suzanne Collins.

xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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