Ganz x Reader ||COMPLETED|| {...

By 23whitecrystal

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You fell into the underground to a talking flower and your stuck in the ruins running around until some event... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A lot of realization
Chapter 3 The strange figure in the night.
Chapter 4 Morning dreams
Chapter 5. The plan.
Plans for a movie.
Chapter 7. Adventuring around
Chapter 8. The sounds of beyond the door.
Chapter 9 The picture
Chapter 10 *insert weird title here*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "The realization of a loss of hope"
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 ....licking attack....
Curious Kid
*insert another weird title here*
Whip Cream
The terrors that haunt us
You can ignore this lmao
"His past"
Understanding A Ganz
An exit
I guess were playing Tag
self-esteem is an enemy
The inn
Some laughs in sleep
Plans for events
Seeing the snowfall
*insert another weird title but title that's still cool*
A new discovery
"Sweetheart these are called echo flowers for a reason."
Something In The Bushes
Starting to have "terrible" dreams about someone
Talking about Dreams
Exposed A Little
A Walk With Mel
Leaving Undyne's house
Ganz's Mixed up Emotions
Its hard to control anger
Plans for the Revival
Determination Extracting is not the safest thing to do
Revival of What was Lost
"Can I just get some water please?"
Regrets of the past
Explaination of Flowey
The Fight


351 24 1
By 23whitecrystal

     You waited in your room for the laundry to get done so you can have a change of clothes. Luckily you grabbed the big blanket that was on the bed and covered your self before Ganz walked in.
   You sat there in silence. Waiting. But waiting for what. Well for clothes but you were also waiting for something else. You weren't sure. You got this weird feeling over walking over you. Like someone else was watching you but you didn't know who.
    You shook your head trying to make the feeling go away. But it didn't. You thought maybe if you rest it might go away. You walk over to the empty bed. You lay down in the small but comfortable bed. You keep the blanket pulled over you in case any one is there.
     You slowly started to fall asleep. You can feel your eye lids get heavier and heavier. You drifted into your sleep.




You see Gaster turned around facing something else. But you couldn't see what. He seemed to be talking. Maybe to himself? No, why would he talk to himself in an agravated manner? But you see that he is slowly starting to calm down. At least for now. You decide to walk up to Gaster. But before you could take a step Gaster sensed your presence. Your soul. "Ah, Y/n your back. Sorry for intruding again but I was wondering when your going to go to hot land. That's where my old lab used to be..." Gaster started to get quite. "Hey, you don't need to tell me everything but um...I'm not sure where that is..." Gaster looks at you strangely. He laughs a little covering his face with his hands gently. "Child, y/n hot land is where you must go next to escape waterfall. There is this huge lab. In the labortory there is a floor you must go down to in order for me to help guide you through what steps to take for this new experiment. But for now I shall leave you be to rest. Be prepared to battle. Y/n. Goodbye for now."


   You slowly opened up your eyes to see at the corner of your bed a pair of fresh clean clothes. The same outfit you had on before but dry and clean. Which was a good thing.
     You quickly got changed and in a hurry you slammed the door open but...everyone was asleep and it was already night time. You walked around to check on Ganz to make sure he was okay.
     You don't know why but you just want to make sure he's okay. Its probably been rough on him to take care of basically 3 to 4 people if you include himself. You wish you could help him some how but you didn't know how exactly to. Every time you did try to help he would always take over because he didn't want you to get hurt. Sure you two are great fri-....
      You didn't really like that word to describe you two. It kinda hurts for some reason. You should be happy to be his friend but something is earging for more. But you didn't want to say it.
     You shook your head trying to focus on finding Ganz but... He wasn't in the house. You quickly ran outside as your heart pounding. Scarred that he might be gone. But to your relief he was just in the field of echo flowers. He was talking to them but he seemed happy, confused and...frustrated?
     You walked closer trying to eaves drop on what he was saying. You could hear his voice more clearly. "I'm just worried. I'm not sure if Ill even have the power to even be able to help her....I just wish I could...never mind... I need to stop talking to my self its not going to help me at all." He starts to get up from the glowing echo flowers that repeated his words. 
     You quickly tried to run back to the house but something took control of your soul. You felt your self float backwards. Then your back against someone's rib cage as there arms wrap around your waist gently.
     "U-umm. Im sorry I was worried where you were an-" you said before getting inturrepted. "Hey, you don't need to go searching for me. I'm fine plus I don't want you hurt." Ganz said in a soothing voice as he started to hug you tighter from behind as his head sticks out resting on your right shoulder.
    Ganz nuzzles you a bit. "Besides you shouldn't be up this late. You need to rest." There was a bit of silence. "But Ganz what about you?...Your to busy taking care of us you don't ever stop to think about yourself. Ganz come inside with me......please?" You said trying to get him to sleep and take better care of himself.
     He chuckles softly in your ear a little. "Heh..alright but just this once sweetheart. Only 'cause you caught me bone tired." you giggle a little at his pun. "Alright bonehead lets get inside." you grabbed his boney hand as he let go of you and dragged him to the house.
      He laid down on the couch that was surprisingly empty and you covered him with a blanket. He still had the blanket only have way over him because he was about to get some thing. "NU!" you pushed him down back on the couch laying down.
     "But I'm missing something..." Ganz whines a little. "Whats that?" you ask. "Come here and you'll find out.~" Ganz says a little flirty. Your face was beginning to hear up a little. But luckly it was dark so Ganz couldn't see.
    You reluctantly walk towards Vanz. But as you got close to Ganz he forced you on top of him covering the sheets over both of you. To be honest you were to tired to resist. Plus you liked the extra warmth. But you felt your face steam up some more as Ganz started cuddling with you. Wrapping one arm around your waist and one cradling your back as he nuzzled all around your neck making you blush a bit. But after a while you have in and hugged him back. Embracing his warmth as he was making small snores. It was adorable though so it didn't bother you that much.
    You slowly drifted to sleep.

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