My Hero Academia One Shots

By nebulaictimes

240K 4.8K 1.4K

A collection of one shots of my favorite boys from My Hero Academia :-) *these are all fem!reader because th... More

[Shinsou] Unravel
[Aizawa] Home
[Midoriya] Doctor Deku
[Shoji] Care
[Kaminari] Charge
[Mirio] First Date
Iida Drabbles!
[Mirio] Oops
[Bakugou] Lookin Out For Me
[Todoroki] Despite
[Toshinori] Nightmares
[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part One
[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part Two
[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part Three
Toshinori Drabbles!
[Bakugou] Unrequited
[Kirishima] Sharky
[Shoji] Cocoon
[Midoriya] Cool Off
[Tamaki] Howl's Moving Castle
[Kirishima] My Rock
[Kirishima] My Rock Part Two
[Hawks] Slippery Slope
[Tokoyami] Savior

[Bakugou] In The Small Hours of The Morning

17.8K 460 402
By nebulaictimes

[let's pretend the dorm rooms have bathrooms because I forgot they had gender-oriented bathrooms,, carry on (-: ]

Word count: 2,447

Little sunrays trickled in through the part of the window not covered by the dark blue curtains. [Y/n]'s eyes squeezed shut before fluttering open, a hiss escaping her lips as she adjusted to the brightness.

It was Saturday, so she didn't particularly have plans, but still wanted to get out of bed to freshen up. She attempted to swing her legs off her bed, but they were pinned down by something heavy. She then realized there was also pressure on her torso, and... breathing on her neck?

Bakugou's light snores filled her ears and she cooed inwardly, forgetting her friend accidentally spent the night.

They stayed up watching American Horror Story together and they both dozed off it seemed.

[Y/n] found it endearing how cuddly he got when he went unconscious and didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauty, but she knew it'd be bad if people found out he slept in her room - even though nothing like that actually happened. Besides, now that she had woken up, she didn't want to just lay around.

And so she woke him the best way she knew how.

"Katsuki, wake up!" She yelled and repeatedly smacked his cheek.

His nose scrunched up and he grunted in confused shock.
"Leave me alone, idiot. I know it's Saturday." He muttered, turning his back to her.

Her face fell a little at the absence of warmth but she persisted and shook his shoulder.

"Yeah, but we can't just sleep in! We're UA students, therefore we have to be productive. Besides, it'd be weird if anyone saw you leave my room..."
She trailed off, pursing her lips.

He grimaced, knowing she was right.

"Fine." Bakugou settled before rolling over her - causing her air to expel harshly - and landed on his feet.

[Y/n] was about to protest but found herself blushing, staring at him as he stretched.

Despite wearing a black muscle shirt, she could make out all the details of his back. It was impressive, his physique. You could tell he was strong with a single glance.
She cleared her throat and bit her lips, then swiftly arose from her bed and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Seeing as she had left the door ajar, Bakugou waltzed in and leaned against the wall.

[Y/n] wasn't one to get uncomfortable around Bakugou, even now that she had foam from her toothpaste dribbling down her chin. They'd known each other too long and were way past that stage.

She spit and rinsed her mouth then wiped it with the back of her arm.

"What?" She finally said. He had just been staring with his arms crossed the whole time, thinking.
"Nothing. Get ready, I'll be back in 20 to take you out for breakfast."
He did a 180 and walked out.

Truth was he was thinking of how cute she looked after having just woken up. Her hair was messy and her eyes were a little droopy, but tranquil. Plus her Wild Wild Pussycats PJs were really adorable.

[Y/n] shrugged his weird behavior off, chalking it up to exhaustion, and went about looking presentable and choosing what to wear.

She settled on high-waisted blue jean shorts and a black shirt she tucked in, then slid on some white sneakers and grabbed her mini backpack (that actually acted as a purse) and headed out.

Bakugou was already making his way towards her room, hands shoved into his jean pockets and slightly stomping in his black boots. The black t-shirt he wore clung to him nicely, or at least that's what [Y/n] was thinking (and wouldn't dare admit aloud).

"C'mon. It's getting late." He mumbled, pushing past her and making his way to the stairs.

Elevators were for chumps and losers, that was his philosophy.

[Y/n] didn't mind the longer route, humming to herself as she glided down the steps gracefully.

"Why are you so chipper?" Bakugou asked with a raised brow.

She shrugged and smiled a little.
"I dunno. I'm just... happy. That a crime?"

He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

[Y/n] was just glad that she was going out with her best friend; it was the perfect way to kick-start the weekend. She planned on asking if he wanted to study and play video games later.

Secretly, she hoped to 'accidentally' spend the night together again. It felt amazing being so close and vulnerable to him, even if they were just friends, and especially because he was a dick to pretty much everyone else.

They went to a local pancake house where she got Belgium waffles and he got a triple stack of pancakes "like a normal person", as he put it.

They talked about their class, classmates, upcoming events, and anything else that came to mind.

"'M glad you woke me up; I have chores to do and I wanted to work out and study-"

[Y/n] cut him off as she remembered what she wanted to ask.

"That reminds me! You wanna study together?" Her eyes were bright and expectant and Bakugou was a little taken aback by her intensity, which really said something.

"Uh, yeah, sure. We can hit the library later." He nodded and she continued.

"Afterwards, wanna play video games?" A small smile played at her lips and Bakugou faltered.

"I dunno, [Y/n]. Maybe. We'll see."

Bakugou just wasn't sure he should be spending so much time with her anymore. He's been feeling off around her lately and it frankly scared him, particularly after that morning.

"Oh... Okay!" [Y/n]'s heart felt a little heavy but she tried playing it off like it was nothing.

Was her friend getting sick of her?

Bakugou paid for breakfast and they parted ways at the dormitories to do their own thing. [Y/n] decided to do chores too.

She picked up around her room, sweeped and mopped, and scrubbed her bathroom. It took less than an hour since her room and bathroom weren't very big, and she sighed, letting her body fall on her bed.

'What to do now?'

[Y/n] wanted to occupy her mind and so she decided to go to the mall with Sero. He was in his room reading and didn't mind tagging along with her. They weren't really close friends, but close enough to hang out on a weekend.

"I've been wanting to look at some comics. Do you mind if we go to the bookstore?" He asked, his signature smile on his face.
[Y/n] returned the smile and replied, "Not at all!"

They sifted through tons of comics, showing the other copies that were particularly interesting.

What they didn't know was Mina spotted them from afar and had a devious scheme in mind.

She snapped a photo of them laughing about some stupid B-list comic and quickly sent it to Bakugou along with a text. She was looking to stir up trouble, and that she did.

Bakugou had long since finished his chores and was getting a workout in at one of the school's many gyms when his phone went off.

He assumed it was [Y/n], maybe saying she was ready to go to the library, but instead saw Mina's name on his lock screen.

"Mina Ashido sent a photo"

"Mina Ashido: Say isn't that your girlfriend?"

Bakugou's eyes narrowed.

'Girlfriend? I don't have a-'

He opened the notification and saw the picture.

It was two of his friends, having the greatest fucking time.

Bakugou tossed his phone aside with more force than he intended.

Why was he so bothered that [Y/n] was with someone else?

She had a life of her own, apart from him - he knew that.

It wasn't like she ceased to exist when she wasn't hanging out with him.

Still, he felt an irrational anger (more so than normal) and it gnawed at him.

'Why do I feel this way?'

The answer was obvious but he didn't want to face it and it's consequences.


They had been friends for years, since kindergarten.
He wasn't going to ruin that because of some stupid teenage hormones.
He'd bottle up his emotions.
After all, it's what he was best at.

He worked out harder than before, trying desperately to blow off steam alone.

Kaminari loudly entered the room, a little surprised to see his friend there.
"Oh, hey Bakugou! What's up?" He greeted cheerfully, putting his towel and water bottle down.

"Nothing." Bakugou grumbled, not meeting Kaminari's eyes.

"Hmm, call it a pal's intuition but you seem kinda upset about something. Wanna talk about it?"

"I said I'm fine." Bakugou spat through gritted teeth, not immediately realizing his mistake.
Kaminari hadn't asked how he was, and he hadn't already said he was fine.

Bakugou shut his eyes at his slip-up and hung his head, dropping the weight he had been lifting to rub his face with the back of his hand.

Kaminari gave a sympathetic smile and sat on the bench next to Bakugou then placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's [Y/n]. Am I right?"

Bakugou didn't answer, just exhaled deeply.

"Well, dude! Only advice I can give is man up and tell her how you feel. I mean, we can all see it - 'cept her."

Bakugou shook Kaminari's hand from his shoulder then grabbed his belongings and left without another word.

Meanwhile, Sero dropped [Y/n] off at her dorm, like a gentleman, and headed back to his own.

[Y/n] still had a ghost of a smile on her face, really having had a nice time with her friend.

'Maybe I'll call Bakugou now so we can head to the library?'

Little did she know he was already a couple inches away from her door, until he pounded on it and then let himself in.

"How was your outing with Sero?"

Bakugou asked in a scary calm voice while setting his backpack down near her desk. He leaned against the wooden table with his warm hands on the edge, looking at her expectantly.

"Uh, I had fun actually. May I ask how you know about that?"

"I thought we were gonna go to the library." He dodged her question, arms crossed.

"Well, yeah! It's not like we can't anymore. I can just grab my stuff and we can g-"

"[Y/n], stop."

She blinked.

'What's gotten into him?...'

It wasn't like him to be this rude to her, not since they were new friends, and that was many years ago.

"Katsuki, please tell me what's wrong-" She pleaded and he cut her off.

"I thought it was gonna be me and you today." He stared at her with angry red eyes, but underneath it was... hurt. His current emotions were contradicting his previous ones and he could think of a reason why. He was jealous.

[Y/n] knew she was going to have to fight back in order to get him to tell her what was actually wrong, and so she did.

"That's what I thought too, but you told me otherwise. Do you know how I felt when you all but gave me the cold shoulder? I felt like I got on every last of your damn nerves, like I was a fly pestering you. It hurt, Katsuki!" The truth flowed out of her mouth, voice cracking in the process.

Bakugou almost forgot why he was mad, now just thinking of how he made her feel. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings. He was too busy avoiding his own to have realized...

Bakugou drew closer to her and enveloped her in a tight hug.
"Sorry." He mumbled.

[Y/n] flinched at his touch and the apology.

"I've been acting dodgy because..." He let go of her and turned around, setting his palms on her desk.

'Should I...?'

"Katsuki, you can tell me anything. Please."
It pained [Y/n] to see her friend suffering silently and she desperately wanted to get to the bottom of it so she could help him.

"I like you."

It came out below a whisper but [Y/n] could hear it through the dead silence in her room.

She was frozen for a few seconds, but quickly composed herself to gently put her hand on his shoulder, the same shoulder that Kaminari had touched and the same shoulder she shook in the morning.

He twitched at the memory of waking up to her face - even if it was an unpleasant awakening. She was naturally glowing, with sunlight cascading down her face.

Bakugou faced her now, seeing her face had softened and she had a faraway grin.

"I like you too, asshole."

A smile broke out on his face and he embraced her again, this time picking her up and twirling her around.

"How bout we ditch studying till tomorrow and play Devil May Cry?"
[Y/n] asked when he set her down.

'God, she's perfect!'

They raced to Bakugou's room to play the game on his console and took turns, passing the controller when the main character died.

Bakugou was on his bed and against the wall with his legs sprawled out and [Y/n] sat between them, chewing on her lip in concentration as she played.

"Damn it!" She cursed as she died within maybe five minutes.
"This is rigged." She declared before laying back against him and passing the controller into Bakugou's hands that were just on top of her stomach.
"Nah, you just suck." Bakugou teased with a smirk from on top of her shoulder and prepared for the slap to the arm she gave without missing a beat.

Similarly to last night, they stayed up late and fell asleep together, but unlike that morning, it was Bakugou to first awaken.

This time [Y/n] was the one halfway on top of him, drooling on his shirt.

A chuckle rumbled in his chest at the sight and he gazed adoringly.
He opted out of getting revenge and let her sleep as he stroked her bedhair.

"I love you..."

The words fell on deaf ears, but the revelation came to Bakugou as soon as he said it.

In the small hours of the morning, the boy came to terms with himself and accepted these unanticipated feelings and their consequences, especially if it meant waking up to her more often. Falling in love with his best friend, the only person he'd probably ever be able to tolerate, was perhaps the best thing he could've done.

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