In Too Deep

By HeavenlyDreamerBlog

13.8K 601 309

Meet Lexy. She's heading for a new life in LA, hoping to leave behind traumatic family memories in Louisiana... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 18

336 15 7
By HeavenlyDreamerBlog

Please let me know what you're all thinking of In Too Deep so far. I'm still enjoying writing but need to know your thoughts (good and bad!) It helps to hear from you all, especially when I'm locked away writing with the door closed, shutting out the outside world xxx


I listen to the soft click of the door as Jared leaves and a thousand and one thoughts flood my confused mind. I remember the gentle rub of his fingers, soothing and relaxing my body as it crashed and burned under his dominance. I remember the brush of lips like butterfly wings caressing my cheek and the way he whispered 'baby girl' before he left.

I take a deep breath and check the time. The digital clock glows on the bedside table, showing 8.17pm. It's not too late, I think, grabbing my phone and car keys from my bag. But first the bathroom. I turn on the light and look at my red rimmed eyes and mussed up hair. A sigh escapes my lips before I drag a brush through my hair and repair what little make-up I'm already wearing.

Downstairs, I find Jess busying herself, cleaning the kitchen and putting away the shopping I dumped on the floor earlier. She looks up as I clear my throat. Her cheeks blush crimson. "Lex, he just walked in when I opened the door. I'm so sorry." She rushes over and wraps her arms tight around my shoulders. "Are you OK?" I nod, leaning my head against her neck. "I don't know what you said to him Lex but he looked devastated when he left."

I groan. "I didn't say anything Jess. That's the problem. I cried, turned my back on him and said nothing." I gently remove her arms from my waist. "Look, I'm off out. Like you said, I've got four days to sort this out. I've got my phone with me. Call if you need anything," I whisper, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Jess called, following me down the hallway.

"I need to see Shannon. This can't wait any longer," I answer, turning and smiling. "See you later." I wave goodbye and head for my car.


I didn't bother calling ahead. Traffic was light and it didn't take long to get to Shannon's house. I knew the code for the gates and let myself in, parking up outside. I could feel butterflies dancing inside me, my muscles tightening as I remembered how I'd left him earlier. What if he doesn't want to see me? My hand was shaking as I eventually plucked up the courage to lean against the doorbell. The clang seemed to echo in the night air. I waited, digging my nails into the palm of my hand, anything to take my mind off what was to come. There was movement somewhere in the house and I head footsteps approaching. "Who's there?" Shannon's voice came over the intercom. I took a calming breath before whispering: "Shannon, it's me, Lexy." The door opened and he stood there, a loose cotton shirt hanging over an old pair of jeans. "Can I come in," I asked, frightened to just cross the threshold as if nothing had happened earlier in the day. He nodded slowly and walked down the hallway without any words. Quietly, I closed the door behind me and removed my shoes. The smell of coffee wafted from the kitchen so I followed the aroma. It was deja vu, Shannon standing in the same place I left him. "I'm sorry Shan. I shouldn't have walked out on you like that," I said, breaking the silence. I wanted to throw myself into his arms and feel myself melt into him. But I held back. I wanted him to want me. I wanted to hear he'd forgiven me. I wanted to say so much ... but I waited.

I breathed deeply trying to calm those ever present butterflies. His eyes watched my every movement, the rise and fall of my chest, my fists clenching. Please Shannon, say something, anything, I thought. Instead, he raised his finger and beckoned me to him. I went to speak but he placed his finger on my lips, hushing the words before they gushed out.

Just the feel of his finger send a jolt through me. Just as quickly, his hands moved to my hips and lifted me to sit on his breakfast bar. "I meant what I said earlier Lexy. You do make me happy." A smile curled on his lips. "And I do care deeply about you." He leaned over and rubbed his nose against mine, kissing my cheek but going no further. "I just want to know this isn't one-way traffic Lexy. You've been distant, there's something on your mind and you're not telling me," he added, lifting my chin with one finger so we had eye contact.

And here we were. Make or break. I moved my arms, resting my hands on his shoulders, tracing lines across his muscles and breathing. "Talk to me Lexy," he whispered, running his fingers through my hair. "Let's be honest with each other and move on from this." His thumb rubbed gentle circles across my burning cheeks.

I took a breath and started: "Remember when we first met on the plane?" I smiled at the memory. "Because if you don't, I do. I remember telling you about my family, I remember crying, I remember you holding me, soothing me. Oh God and the condoms falling out of my bag, I'll never forget that," I giggled.

I continued, wanting to unload everything before I has second thoughts. "But the worst part of that journey to LA was when we parted. Those few hours spent wrapped in your arms on the plane were special. I don't know why." I paused, thinking back to that moment. "You were just there for me when I most needed it. And ... there was something else." I smiled at Shannon, looking for encouragement to continue. He nodded while his fingers moved down my neck to massage the tension from my shoulders.

"When you left me, I felt torn apart. I didn't know anything about you but it didn't stop me trying to find you in any spare time I had." I'd never told him this. I bit my bottom lip at the admission.

"Carry on, I'm intrigued," he said, slowly moving his hand down my body. I gulped, feeling my insides tighten but I was determined to continue.

"Then I found a job. You know that part anyway." I stopped and looked away, feeling my resolve crumbling bit by bit. I didn't want to lose Shannon and I was terrified of going further. I knew Shannon could sense this as well. "Babe, carry on. Put it out there and let's deal with it," he pleaded, his fists kneading the small of my back.

My heart was beating faster and breathing was difficult. "Before you came back into my life, I was given a job with a client." I breathed deeply trying to stop the lightness in my head getting the better of me. "I didn't know him but Carrie told me he was important and that I wasn't to fuck-up the job. Those were her words Shan." I paused, looking into his eyes, golden flecked hazel under the soft glow of the kitchen lighting.

His fist softened on my back and his arms wrapped around my waist. He pulled me off the bar and held me close to him. "Let's finish this story upstairs," he said taking my hand and leading me through the house and into the peace of his bedroom. "Whatever you're going to tell me, It remains here babe," he muttered, slowly removing his shirt and unbuttoning his jeans. I closed my eyes, while he undressed me, taking his time removing each item of clothing, his fingers tickling my skin, making me ache for more of him, much more. He pulled back the sheets on the bed and we lay there, side by side, his hand drifting across my belly, stroking and soothing, urging me to continue with my story.

"Who was your client Lexy?" he asked, wanting to continue where we left off downstairs.

I slowly closed my eyes feeling my insides shiver. "I was sworn to secrecy Shannon. You have to believe me there. I still can't tell you about the job ... but I will tell you my client." Again I paused thinking how best to continue. "Lexy we've come this far, so carry on," Shannon urged, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "My client's Jared, your brother." I blurted it out waiting for a reaction.

"And? ...." Shannon asked. I opened my eyes to see a smile playing on his face, almost a look of amusement. "What's the problem with that?"

"He's your brother Shan!" I took a deep breath. "He's not like you. I didn't have a clue who he was, I didn't know he was your brother, I knew nothing," I said, trying to lessen the blow when it came. "I've been working at his house and ...." I stopped, unable to go on.

Shannon smirked and flicked his finger against my nipple. "Ouch Shan," I murmured.

"So, you've been at my brother's house .... and...?"

I bit down hard on my lip and continued: "And ... things happened between us." I sighed, turning to looks at him. "It was before I met up with you in the cafe that day," I tried reassuring him. "Don't say anything Shan, just let me tell you." I blurted it all out, hiding some of the more lurid details, ending by telling him about Jared's earlier visit to my house.

"You asked for honesty," I muttered. "Shall I go now?" I looked up at him, frightened of his reaction to the bombshell I'd just dropped.

I noticed a far off look in his eyes before he dragged himself back to the present. "Be honest with me Shan," I begged. "If you want me to leave, I'll go now and we'll forget this ever happened."

His fingers were splayed on my tightened stomach as he formulated his response. "First of all, you're going nowhere," he answered, his eyes never leaving mine. He adjusted his body, leaning down on his elbow so his face was closer to mine. "Secondly, he's my brother ... and ... he obviously has an eye for an attractive woman," he smirked, laughing at the look on my face. I went to hit his chest but his huge hand grabbed mine before I could land the killer punch. "What's so bloody funny about that story," I hissed, the tension ebbing away as I listened to his uncontrolled laughter.

"You haven't lived all this time with my brother," he teased. "Look Lexy, don't take this the wrong way but ... any other man – yeah I'd have been mad and consumed with jealousy – but my brother ..." He groaned: "It's Jared. We've shared most things in our lives and I'm just glad you've met him Lexy. He obviously likes you."

As he said this, his arm scooted under my waist, pulling me on top of him. "Anyway, you're mine tonight and I'm not letting this moment pass," he whispered, pressing his hardened cock into my groin.

I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, emotions tumbling around inside of me. "Aren't you mad at me Shan?" I asked, aware of the earlier tension giving way to a raging sexual desire. "Be honest before we go any further," I urged, tracing my finger across his lips, watching as he sucked on it, drawing it further into his mouth, his tongue soft and sensual against my skin. I dragged it out slowly, drawing soft, wet trails down his neck and chest.

"I'm not mad Lexy. Just a little turned on thinking of you with Jared, that's all babe. You wanted honesty, I hope you're not hurt by it." He smiled and looked at me for reassurance. I nodded slowly, as his hands grabbed my ass, pulling the cheeks apart while pressing my soft belly down on his rock hard shaft. I could feel his pre cum dripping on to my skin, easing the friction as he continued to rock against me.

"How do you feel now you've told me about you and Jared," he whispered, lowering himself so I took his full weight, his lips hovering tantalisingly above my mouth, waiting for an answer.

I inclined my head before replying. "I'm glad you know. I've been dreading telling you." I paused for a moment, shifting his weight between my hips before adding: "I have to go see Jared tomorrow. Are you going to say anything to him?"

He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the corner of my lips.I closed my eyes before asking him the one question I was desperate to know the answer to. "Does the idea of me and Jared really turn you on?"

He laughed before sucking my hardened nipple between his warm lips, watching me flinch. "No Lexy, I'll let you explain things to my brother." He paused watching me, then circled my nipple with his tongue. "That second question though.... Yeah, just the thought of you two having sex together turns me on," he muttered, this time unable to avoid the punch I landed on his back.

"That's for being such a sleazebag Shan," I laughed escaping his clutches as he went to grab my arm. I leapt off the bed and ran out of the bedroom, with Shannon in hot pursuit, cursing me for the killer punch he hadn't seen coming his way.

I stumbled down the stairs, aware of him catching up, looking for anywhere to hide. But it was futile. I just made it to the den when his arms wrapped me in a giant hug from behind. "I love you Lexy," he breathed the words into my ear, leading me to the sofa. We sat down and he turned me round to face him. I shivered and felt the world melt away as I gazed at him. I climbed on his lap, feeling my wetness rub against his leg.

"God babe that feels good," he groaned. His hand moved to my hips and lifted me, holding my pussy over the head of his rigid cock. "How does that feel," he asked, slowly lowering me down until I could feel the wide tip breaking me open. "Fuck Shan," I gasped, digging my nails into his shoulders to hold myself up. One false move, one slip and I would take him whole. Instead he withdrew, teasing me, then taking himself a little deeper each time while watching my head rock back with each thrust.

I gazed down at him as his hands continued to gently guide my hips, his fingertips lazily circling the skin and then working their way down my thighs.

"Don't rush," I groaned, trying to pull away before he could inflict one more thrust to my aching core.

"What's the matter sweetie, is this too much for you," he grinned, before slapping me hard across the buttocks.

"Aaahh Shan," I winced, the sting exciting me beyond anything I could have imagined. "It's not too much, I just don't want to cum too soon. I want this to last forever," I giggled, dragging myself to the other side of the bed.

I lay there in the relative cool of the cotton sheets. "Shan..." I reached across the bed feeling his heat radiating out to me. "What Lexy?" His smile is so damn seductive I can feel all resolved melting away. I scooted over, bending my head so I could let my soft lips pepper kisses across his hips and down his stomach. I lifted my head for encouragement, my tongue tracing circles on his muscles, working down to his hard shaft.

"I want to taste you Shan, " I murmured, my tongue rubbing against his balls before tracing its way upwards. I was too scared to say what else I wanted.

"Fuuck.... Lexy sweetheart ... I don't know how much more I can take darling." I felt his hand tangle in my hair, pulling my head up and away from his sex. His eyes hazed over as his fingers caressed my cheeks. "Are you sure you want this babe," he asked, a little frown creasing his brow. I smiled and dropped my head, letting my fingers slowly rub the length of his thick cock before licking the tip and taking him whole in my mouth. "Baby there's no going back from this," he warned, his voice a low growl. His stomach muscles tightened while a deep groan escaped his lips.

I moved my hands underneath him, grabbing his ass for support while he thrust his hips up, hitting the back of my throat. I tried to breathe, gasping as he lost all control. One last thrust and he exploded. I tasted the saltiness filling my mouth, as his body shuddered to an earth shattering climax.

I wanted him in that moment: I wanted to taste him, hear him laugh, giggle, groan; I wanted to feel his arms wrap tight around me, to see the sparkle in his eyes and to bury myself deep in his musky, sexy scent. In other words I was lost.

"I love you Shannon," I murmured.

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