Marriage With The Soldier (Ja...

By carltonwalshyfan18

31.6K 898 50

A young girl was forced into an arranged marriage with Jacob Seed, by her parents but what she didn't expect... More

Message From Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 20

931 30 2
By carltonwalshyfan18

Alexa and Jacob sat in the hospital room, each of them holding their new born twins. A healthy baby girl and a healthy baby, one sleeping in Alexa's arms and the other in Jacob's arms. "They are precious" Jacob whispered. "Aren't they? I'm in love with them so much already" Alexa whispered back, smiling down at her little boy.

There was a quiet knock on the door, when it opened John and the Deputy walked in with huge smiles on there face. Seeing his older brother hold a baby for the first time made John's heart beat fast, he adored it a lot. "Come in" Alexa smiled at them both, "come meet your niece and nephew John".

John and The Deputy walked closer to Jacob and Alexa, John looked down at the little baby boy, who was sleeping in his mother's arms. "Jesus, they are adorable little human beings" John said before looking at Jacob, who was sitting on the hospital bed next to his wife and holding the baby girl. "Congratulations brother, you finally got your wish" Jacob smiled at his brother and gave him a thank you, before looking down at his sleeping daughter.

"Would you like to hold Noah, John?" Alexa asked and John nodded. He grabbed the baby in his arms and just couldn't believe how precious he was, "you guys make cute babies" he laughed quietly, not taking an eye off his nephew the whole time. The Deputy stood next to John, putting her finger in the tiny hand and quietly spoke to him. Jacob couldn't help but smirk at his brother, "Lisa you wanna hold Macy?". "Oh yes please" Deputy Lisa answered with excitement and quietly approach the other side of the bed and grabbed the tiny baby in her arms, "oh my goodness, John have a look at your niece". She walked back to John and showed little Macy to her uncle John, "oh my she is precious, isn't she?" He looked between both babies and couldn't help but fall in love with them.

"How are you feeling Alexa?" Lisa asked her. "I'm ok. Bit of pain but the little angels don't make me think about it" Alexa replied back to the Deputy. "She's a strong girl, my Alexa" Jacob said, putting an arm around her and making her lean against him.

John was completely distracted by the two babies, not listening to a word that anyone said. Jacob watched his baby brother with his son, "You ok John?". John finally looked up at his brother and smiled, "I can't help but feel extremely emotional at the moment brother. You lost hope about having a family, I just can't believe I'm holding one of your babies". Jacob smiled at his brother, knowing exactly what John meant by that and he was right, Jacob had given up on the whole having a family thing almost two years ago. Now, he does have that family and he couldn't be more happier.


"It's time to take the little ones home kitten" Jacob held both the baby capsules in his hands and watched Alexa approach him slowly. She smiled at him and walked behind him slowly to the truck. He placed each of the capsules securely in the back seat, then helped Alexa get in before jumping in himself. "You ready to go home?" He asked Alexa and she nodded. "Yes please" Alexa responded and looked back at the babies.

They finally arrived at the Veterans Centre with their two bundle of joys. Jacob grabbed the capsules from the truck and followed Alexa into the building, before going up stairs to their bedroom. Jacob put the capsules on the bed and helped his wife put the babies into their little cribs.

Jacob stood between the two cribs, he looked between the two babies and smirked, "they are incredible Alexa". Hearing his voice, Alexa walked beside him and cuddled his arm tightly, "they really are. Thank you for giving us the perfect little gifts ever". He looked down at Alexa and kissed her on the top of her head, "thank you for changing my life for the better kitten".

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