Long Way From Love (Mark Free...

By JoviEurope83

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Mark Free and Lissa are childhood friends, their relationship is put to the test when Lissa is kidnapped and... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: After School
Chapter 3: After School Part 2
Chapter 4: Pizza Hut Mishaps?
Chapter 5: Give a Little Bit
Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts
Chapter 7: Are you drooling over Robert Plant?
Chapter 8: I'm In love with my car
Chapter 9: Graduation
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Morning Accidents, Nighttime Concerts.
Chapter 12: I'll never leave you
Chapter 13: Your In W.A.S.P!!!
Chapter 14: Photo-shoot
Chapter 15: I don't like her
Chapter 17: Dancing With Desire
Chapter 18: I think I have enough money?
Chapter 19: I'm Buying The Furniture.
Chapter 20: Food
Chapter 21: Help Move
Chapter 22: Good Night, Good Morning
Chapter 23: I guess it's lunch.
Chapter 24: I hate saying goodbye.
A/N and Valentines day special.
Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.
Chapter 27: A Biscuit.
Chapter 28: I hate doing stuff
Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.
Chapter 30: Raccoon!
Chapter 31: Back Home
Chapter 32: You Need to Eat!
Chapter 33: Good morning, another day.
Chapter 34: New Years
Chapter 35: New Years, Part two.
Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year
Chapter 37: Another year closer to death, Happy Birthday Mark
Chapter 38: Who knew one could hate flying so much?
Chapter 39: But I don't want to wear a dress!
Chapter 40: Promotional things are boring.
Chapter 41: You're going on Tour!
Chapter 42: Meh, it's nothing but a few aches
Chapter 43: It's Just A lot
Chapter 44: Going on Tour!
Chapter 45: Crappy Hotel Rooms and Opening for Maiden
Chapter 46: Up's And Downs Of Tour
*Writing improvement at this chapter* Chapter 47: I don't feel older...

Chapter 16: Um... Mark?

12 4 0
By JoviEurope83

I was talking to Mick about music. My mind was still thinking about that pretty woman and Mark. Did they do something together? I hope not. I can't believe this is bothering me, I can't believe I'm jealous.

My cheeks turned red and the disappointment I felt in me was almost overwhelming. I was so mad at Mark but I had no reason to be. I was defiantly overreacting, but what could I do about it. The more I think about it the more my cheeks get red.

I was to deep in thought that I didn't even realize that the door to the room opened. I felt arms coil around me. I was instantly pulled back and my head hit someones bare chest.

Out of instinct, I pulled away. Well at least I tried to pull away. The persons had a strong grip on me. For some reason I was scared out of my mind, I should probably see a counselor.

I herd the guys laugh at my struggle. A bell started to ring in my head and I realized who was behind me

I felt so stupid for being scared. I decided to see if I could scare him, I'll act like I'm about to die. I started breathing real heavy and suddenly went limp. I hope that no one catches on to my act.

Mark let go of me and I started to fall forward. The only thing I could think was idiot. He reached out to grab but I was already about to hit a random table. Why is there random furniture everywhere. 

I hit the table with my stomach then my face. After the table was the floor. I hit it. My stomach hurt from hitting a glass/metal table. God, I'll never play a joke on Mark again. It always turns out bad.

"Lissa!" Mark yelled. I almost started to laugh, but my stomach started to ache so I didn't. "Lissa, are you okay?" He worried. "Oh god. What the hell happened." Mark started saying in a rush. He probably thinks this is worse than what it is because I 'fainted'. Why did I even do that.

"Lissa-" He bent down to where I laid with my eyes closed and my hand on my stomach. "-please get up." He started to lift me.

"This has happened before but tell me why the hell did you pass out?" Mark was getting more and more worried. If he only knew that, that part was a joke.

I opened my eyes. I looked at Mark as he was freaking out. He better not drop me again. His eyes were panicked, he didn't even notice me. I looked him up and down. He had no shirt on and it was obvious they took some hair off of his chest. His back was bare and only the top of his chest still had hair. It was strange.

His hair was a little shorter than usual and curled more. Marks eyes had a little make-up on it He was obviously shirtless and had on black, tight jean like leather pants with black boots. In all honesty, he looked hot and if it wasn't for the fact that blood is slowly coming up my throat, I would drool.

Mark noticed my eyes open and a look of relief washed over him. But the second he saw my hands cover my mouth Mark knew what was wrong. "Is there blood in your throat?" He asked as calm as he could. I nodded.

"Restroom or trashcan?" He said. I looked over to the rest of the guys as they looked at us strangely, also there wasn't a trash can in the room. He's definitely a idiot.

He noticed my look. Mark wrapped his arms around me and helped me to the bathroom. Like most of the times when this happens, he came in with me. I went into the bathroom and started throwing up blood. It wasn't that bad like it usually is.

Mark was holding my hair while I threw up. After I finished I turned and hugged Mark. This is strange but his back was so smooth.

"Can you leave so I can use the restroom?" I asked softly. He nodded and left the restroom. I felt a sudden pain in my lower back. My stomach suddenly started to hurt too. 

"No, no not now." I begged. Sadly my begging didn't work, I was on my period. Seriously, right now at this very moment. I wasn't even prepared.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom in disappointment. I had to ask Mark if I could barrow his money and car. I always hated using his money. Even for these small things, it still made me feel guilty.

Right outside the door was Mark. He looked down at me and smiled. "If this is new thing to throw up blood every day for the rest of my life, shoot me." I joked/complained, referring to the fact this same thing happened yesterday.

Mark wrapped me in his embrace. "I could never do such a thing to you." He whispered in my ear. Shivers were sent my spine. 

I thought for a second of how I was going to ask him. "Um... Mark?" I asked. "Yes." His voice sounded so calm.

"Is there like an convenient store near here?" I questioned a little nervously. "Yes, why?" Mark looked confused. "Can I please borrow your car for a quick five minutes and five dollars?" I watched his expression. "Why?" Mark asked again.

"I just need to get something. Please." I begged. He was really over protective of someone in his car. "I'll take you, they just got Mick and Johnny to get ready. We got a good hour to get there and back." He grinned while grabbing my hand and dragging me along. I sighed. Of course he wouldn't let me take his car.

****20 minutes letter****

Mark pulled into a parking spot and I hopped out and rushed inside grabbed a small pack of what I needed. I ran to check-out and waited.

After a minute I realized I forgot to ask Mark for more money. Coincidentally, right after I thought that, Mark came in the store with money in his hand.

He looked around until he spotted me. Mark came bounding over to me. I tried to hide what I was buying but it didn't work because he saw what I had and smirked. 

"So this is what you were trying to keep me from seeing." He grinned as he reached me. I started to blush. He laughed at my reaction.

"You could of just told me, there is some in the car." He laughed. In the car, why? Does he have another girl he has to get them for, better not. Why am I so jealous over it.

"Why!" I almost yelled for no reason. "You don't remember. You were twelve I just got the car." He smirked. "Oh." I whispered, embarrassed at the memory of that day.

****flash back (Lissa was twelve)****

Me and Mark were going to eat in his new car. All day my back has been hurting and every once in awhile I will feel a sharp pain in my stomach. It worried me because I had a good suspicion of what it might be.

It scared me because I had no mother to turn to or at least a mother that cares.

We got out of the car. I noticed that there was a little bit a redness to Mark's leather seat in his car that wasn't suppose to be there. I mentally faced palmed.

"Mark where are the restrooms?" I asked. He looked at me with knowing eyes and pointed over to the right. "Around that corner." He somewhat pushed me into that direction. "I'll be inside just find the table I'm at." He smiled.

I took off towards the restrooms, terrified that I'm gonna have to tell Mark something real embarrassing for girls such as me.

I found a free stall. There was blood all over my shorts. I sighed. "Seriously." With that, I walked out with little pride.

I took my jacket and wrapped it around my waist and made my way back to Mark. He was sitting at a table with a drink in his hand.

He saw me and smiled, I frowned. Am I seriously going to have to tell a boy about this.

"Anything wrong." Mark smiled calmly. I nodded. He reached out and grabbed my hand. I moved closer to him. It's been odd, I've known him for years and were real close. But people look at the fact he's older than me by like four years.

"I wish I had a mother that cared about me. If I did you wouldn't have to hear and worry about stuff only woman go through." I whispered, hopping he picked up on what I was saying. 

Mark gave me a worried look and stood up. He brought me into a hug. "I keep forgetting how young you are. I thought you've already gone through it." He whispered in my ear. We rocked back and forth.

"How about I go get you some pads-" My face turned a bright red color at his words. "-and you eat." He motioned to the already ordered food on the table. I nodded while blushing. He just chuckled and left.

****End of flash back****

"Lets go before I get kicked out." Mark laughed. I looked at a sign that said 'no shirts, no shoes, no buy." I smiled and we left.

***20 minutes latter***

Mark parked back into the same parking spot he was in. We climbed out and walked inside. His arms were wrapped around my waist. Right as we made it to the others, Johnny and Mick walked in.

I looked over everybody. They were all shirtless with a rock star look. I think I almost drooled.



Hello. I was gonna update yesterday but I was like very sick and had to go to the emergency room, fun. The only thing I could think of when I was there was Robert Plant's 'nurses do it better' shirt. Every time I saw a nurse I laughed. Also for some reason the whole time writing this I was listening to Europe, Stryper and L.A Guns, I understand why I was listening to Europe (Because of there great music and how adorable Joey Tempest is.) But I don't understand why I suddenly felt like listening to Stryper (Michael Sweet is to cute) and L.A Guns (I love Crystal Eyes).  What's true in the chapter is I drool over shirtless rock stars but other than that nothing is true but the photo-shoot (Picture above.) So vote, comment, follow and all that... stuff, yeah stuff  

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