The Offer That Changed My Lif...

By gigglegeek11

725K 15.7K 9.3K


The Offer That Changed My Life
The Offer
Meeting up
Tree House!?
The choice
Campfire stories and... People getting lost!?!
Fighting and Song Writing
Fun in the sun
DairyQueen and... Robberies?
Flights to... Boston?
Chipotle status!
New York Concerts!
Movie Marathon!
The test
The secret
Ninjas and Paint Balling
Studio Stammers
Thanksgiving Feasts!
Games and Dates!
Oh No They Didnt!
There goes the power!
Holiday Traditions!
Party On!
Hide and Seek!
Nemo :)
Girls Night Out
Messy Surprises!
First Tour Concert!
Sight Seeing Gone Wrong
Marco Polo and Nightmares
Secret Meet and Greats
Last Tour!
Movie Mayhem
Ripped Contracts and Happiness
Blindfolds, Swings, and Stars
Trampolines and Sparks
Starbucks Riot!
Playgrounds and Really Rude Workers
Muffins and Pasta
LA Adventures

Going To Jail!?

19.4K 394 318
By gigglegeek11

"Lexie," I hear someone say, causing me to wake up. Last night I went to bed pretty late. Matt and I watched three seasons of Pretty Little Liars and then he left to go to his room to go to sleep.

"Five more minutes," I mumble before putting my pillow over my ear.

"C'mon, get up," Matt argues.

I hit him with my pillow and roll over. "Shut up and let me sleep."

"We're having a party," he says and I sit up straight.

"Heck no we aren't," I snap. "Look, we are not having a party the day after I just had a horrible break up."

"It'll get your mind off of it!" he persuades. "Please?"


"Well too bad because we already set it up," he chuckles, receiving an eye roll from me.

"Who's coming?" I question him.

"Anthony (Lohanthony), and the O2L guys ( Ricky Dillon, JC Caylen, Kian Lawley, Sam Pottorff, Trevor Moran), and Connor (Franta)," Matt explains. "So are you going to come out of your room and go to the party?"

"Let me think," I say. "NO."

He walks over to me and grabs my phone out of my hands. And then he walks over to my little loft and takes my laptop. "You won't get these back until you come outside of your room."

"Whatever. I still have one thing you can't take away from me," I smirk. "Sleep."

Matt huffs before stomping out of my room. I curl up into my blanket and try to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later two people step into my room.

"Lexie, if you don't get out of bed we're going to have to drag you out of bed," Jack J warns while walking over to Matt.

"Good luck with that," I laugh. "I'm like a freaking koala when it comes to my bed. We have a special bond."

Matt sighs before walking over to me. I grip my head board of my bed, knowing what's coming next.

Matt grabs my foot and tries to pull me off of my bed, but fails. Jack J grabs my hands and tries to pry them off of the bed.

After about five minutes, they end up pulling me out of bed. "LET GO OF ME AND LET ME GO BACK TO MY BED! I DONT WANT IT TO BE LONELY!"

Jack J was currently putting me in a headlock while I pout.

"Look, just come downstairs, eat, get ready for the party, and hang out for like an hour," Matt begs. "Please."

I snatch my phone from him and force myself downstairs. When I enter the kitchen, everything goes silent. I bite my lip nervously before Jacob pats a chair next to him. I give him a small smile before going over and sitting besides him.

"Hey," he whispers. "Are you okay? I've literally seen you like once out of twenty-four hours."

"I'm fine," I smile slightly. "Yesterday I had a Pretty Little Liars marathon after... everything happened."

"Yeah," he sighs. "So did you hear about the party?"

"The one that Matt is forcing me to come to? Yeah, I know about it," I laugh.

"Oh," he chuckles. "It'll be fun though. We're going to swim and just hang out. It's not going to be a full out party."

"Good," I agree before grabbing a fiber bar and running upstairs.

I walk into my room and head to my closet. After a few minutes, I choose to wear my black crop top that says '2Cool 4School (and 4 you)' and my mint green skater skirt. Then I do my hair in two fish tail braids and put on my black vans.

I walk out of my room and jog downstairs. "When is everyone coming?"

"They should be here soon," Jack G explains. "Anthony flew here a few days ago so he'll just come when everyone else comes."

"Okay," I nod. "Is there anything I should do to help?"

"Not really. Wait- you can go and help set out a few snacks in the kitchen," he responds.

"Kay," I agree before walking into the kitchen. I see Shawn setting up snacks on the table. I walk over and try not to be too awkward. "Hey. Do you want any help?"

He looks over at me and slightly smiles. "Sure! You can pour some chips into that bowl."

I nod before grabbing the Cool Ranch Doritos and pouring the bag into a big green bowl.

"Hey, can I talk to you outside?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I agree before we walk outside, into the backyard. Shawn shuts the door behind us and turns towards me.

"Look, we literally had the best friendship and relationship. I don't want to loose that," he admits. "So can we please not be awkward around each other? Can we just act like how we used to act we used to around each other?"

"That's what I was afraid of," I laugh nervously. "I didn't want everything to be all weird between us."

"And we can even get back together after they either allow us to date, or if we leave the record company," he suggests and I nod. "So we're all cool?"

"Yeah," I smile before we hug. I hug him tightly, trying to ignore the pain in my chest. We pull away and then we start walking back towards the house, but before I can each there, something stops me.

"LEXIEEE!" I hear someone scream before I get knocked over. I look over and see Anthony laughing like a hyena.

"ANTHONYYY!" I mock him, but I give him a giant hug.

"IM READY TO PAAAARTAAAAY!" Connor yells before strutting into the backyard.

"Go change into your bathing suit! We're going to go swimming!" Cameron explains to me.

"Or I could just do this," JC smirks before picking me up and walking towards the pool.

"No!" I shriek. I somehow manage to escape his grip before I get thrown into the pool.

I sprint up to my room and slide on my black tankini with white poko dots on it. Then I slide on my white flip flops and head downstairs.

Before I can make it outside, someone picks me up and then starts running towards the pool. I scream before I fall into the water. I sink to the bottom of the pool and see Kian laughing underwater at me before swimming back up to the surface. I swim back up and laugh.

"What was that for?" I chuckle.

"No reason," Kian smirks. "Just for fun."

I roll my eyes and then swim over to the side. "Have you guys ever connected a slippin-slide to a pool before?"

"No," Trevor simply responds. "But that sounds fun."

"It it!" I exclaim excitedly. "I'v done that with Meg before! We should do that right now!"

"I don't think we have a slippin-slide though," Cameron sighs.

"Looks like we're going up Walmart," I grin before getting out of the pool. I dry myself and then slide my clothes over my swim suit.

"While we're there can we get some other things too?" Ricky asks. "Like some soap or something for to make the slippin-side more slippery?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I agree excitedly before running over to my car. "C'mon!"

Since there's so many people, we have to split up. In my car, we end up having Anthony, Trevor, Kian, and Matt.

We start driving and then Trevor starts screaming.

"WHAT!" I yell, showing that he obviously scared me.

"You should put on Echo," he smirks.

"That was so important that you had to give me a heart attack while driving?" I sigh.


Everyone starts laughing. "Fine, I'll put on Echo."

I turn it up and everyone starts singing along. When the beat drops, everyone starts shaking and being all dramatic.

After we reach Walmart, we park and then get out of the car. Cameron parks besides us and then everyone gets out and starts walking inside.

"Okay, we need to go to-" I start to say, but I get cut off by a scream.

"LOOK! IT'S CAMERON DALLAS!" someone screams. Everyone turns towards us and starts running at us.

I smile and walk towards them getting ready to take pictures, but then I realize that it's a big crowd of girls, and we don't have any security.

Shawn grabs my arm and we start sprinting. Where to? I have no clue.

We all keep running until a large man steps in front of us. "What's going on?"

"Well, we-" Lox starts to explain.

"Never mind, just come here," he growls before leading us to a room. "Stay here until I'm back." Then he leaves and slams the door behind him.

"Well. That was nice," Anthony says sarcastically.

"Defiantly," Sam agrees. "Walmart has very kind security."

"I can't believe we just got mobbed," I laugh nervously.

"Wait, when is he going to come back?" Lauren asks. "I'm hungry- he better bring us some food."

"Heck yeah!" Nash agrees. "We're in the store of twenty-million different types of food. After locking us in a room, they could at least be nice enough to bring us a candy bar or two."

After a few minutes of just messing around, someone's phone goes off. I start laughing at the ring tone as it plays 'Bo$$' by Fifth Harmony. "C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T, that's me I'm confident don't want your compliments use common sense-"

Anthony grabs his phone and declines the call, causing us to all start laughing.

"Who was that?" Trevor laughs.

"Jack (Thats0Jack)," he explains.

"Why is that your ringtone for him-" Aaron asks, but then the door opens, interrupting him.

"You can leave now," the guy who bright us to this room scowls. "Just go through the back."

"No!" I frown. "We still need to buy our things."

"What do you need?" he asks.

"A slippin-slide, soap, and glow sticks," I explain.

"Ugh," he groans. "You'll get mobbed and swarmed if you go out there. Here, I'll just grab the things and bring them to you. Then you can pay for them in here and just exit through the back."

"Okay," Taylor agrees.

A few minutes later the man comes back with all of the supplies. We pay and then get ready to leave.

"Wait..." Jack J frowns. "Where's the back door?"

"I don't know, maybe the door behind you?" the guy snaps. He turns around and sees a door there.

"Well I already knew that. I was just testing your door skills," Jack J claims. "You get an A+."

"Okay, get out," the guy snaps again before pushing us outside.

"Way to go,Jack," I laugh. "You even somehow manage to get us kicked out of the Walmart jail."

"Shut up, you know you wanted to get out of there," he chuckles. "You should actually be thanking me."

I roll my eyes and then go back to my car. We drive back home, and when we get out, Connor starts fangirling.

"Con, are you okay?" I question him. He's currently jumping up and down and screaming.

"Yeah, why would I be?" he responds.

"Because your freaking out..."

"Oh, I'm just really excited for the slippin-slide!" he exclaims.

"Okay then.."

Nash starts connecting the hose to the slippin-slide as Kian carries the slide towards the pool. "Wait, how do I do this?"

I giggle and then walk over to Kian. I grab the end of the slide and put the end of it slightly into the pool.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" I ask after everyone changed into their swimsuit.

"MEEEE!" Conner yells before jumping on the soapy slippin-slide and sliding into the pool. When he emerges back up from the water, he starts laughing. "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

"My turn!" Nash yells before going next.

After a while, everyone's soaking wet and just messing around. Matt was right. This was taking my mind off of Shawn.


Okay guys, I'm so sorry for not updating lately! Iv been very busy with sports and school! But here's an update :). Oh, and you should defiantly follow and read the users bellow. Their books are amazing!

• Gillian_Gumdrop





Thank you so much for reading!

Twitter- gigglegeek11 (follow and tweet me 'Wattpad sent me' and I'll follow you back!)

YouTube- Fangirl Faith

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