It's a Twin thing!!!!

By randomgaby8

156 10 0


It's a Twin thing!!!!
part 2
Part 3
Part 5

Part 4

21 2 0
By randomgaby8

Robin-"Hey Raven, I was wondering if you would like to study for the  "-

Raven-"Robin shut up for a second" (oh my god it's it's Kevin Williams. only the most cutest guy ever. I had a crush on him since the third grade. It would have been sooner but I that boys were gross. Except for Robin. me and him been friends for so long I can't even tell you. but oh poop he coming this way)

Robin-"Raven,Earth to Raven.Wake up"!

Raven-"Hey sorry, I just saw-(I pointed at Kevin)

Robin-(put my finger down) "Raven don't point it's rude. (Looking at Kevin) Oh No, Raven. I'm losing you.

Raven-"Robin relax".

Kevin-"Hey Raven"

Raven- "Hey" (I melted to the floor faster then butter on a hot pan)

Robin-"Hey Raven, just another stupid guy.

Raven-"A hot stupid boy"

Robin-"Raven boy like that don't go for people like us. He probably though you were Loren"

Raven-(I realized something) Oh yeah, your probably right. Thanks Robin".


I was glad that I had a good friend like Robin to help me out but he killed my dream. and I will not stand for it. j.k i Love him to much to kill him. we are like brother and sister. but better. Wait whats that

                                                    UN Pause

Crowd of people-"Fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight.fight,fight(and went on so forth)

Raven-"It's the first day of school who would get in a fight"

Robin-"There's only one way to find out"

Raven-"Come on"(Me and Robin ran to the fight when we saw)

Joey-"Come on loser get up. take this like a man"

Eddie-"Hey man maybe you should stop"

Joey-"Are you kidding were just staring"

Logan-"No please"

Raven-"Logan"!!! (I ran toward him where he was on the floor with a bloody nose)

Robin- "No Raven"

Joey-"Hey who's this".

Raven-"I'm his sister now stop" (I said while I was still over him trying to protect him from getting hurt any more)

Logan-"It's okay Raven, I'm fine"

Raven-"No your not fine your bleeding Logan and I'm not letting him hit you any more. If he wants to hit you he has to go though me"

Joey-"Did I just hear what I think I heard.

Jake- (Another football player)"Yeah you did. You just got threatened by a girl.

Joey-"Shut up Jake. Guys take her"

Robin-(Stood in front of me)"Wow,wow,wow I think you need to think this though and....(Robin got pushed to the ground by Jake)

Raven-"Robin"! (Jake and other guy grabbed me by the arms  to pick me up.)

Eddie-"Okay guys you need to stop that's a girl. leave her alone"

Joey-"Eddie get out of my way. I'm older then you and I'm not afraid to take you to". (Jake shoved me against the locker)

Raven-"Oh..." (I was breathing hard. I had got a small cut on my arm from the locker.)


Joey-(Joey punched Robin again leaving him knocked out)"Guys put her in".

Raven-(Jake grabbed me and the other guy was opening the a locker) "NO,No...Oh (He through me in there so fast and hard that I hit my head on the inside of  the locker leaving me knocked out)

Logan-"Raven"(He screamed while in pain)

Joey-"Now let's finish you off"(Joey had kicked Logan in the stomach 5 times leaving him more pain)

Eddie-"Okay, Now stop it there Joey. Let her out of there and stop hurting him. That's my girlfriend's brother"

Joey-"Oh well he tried talking to me"

Eddie-"Is that all, your doing this all because he tried to talk to you".

Joey-"and he tried to touch my jacket". ( Logan got up but then fell back down with one push by Jake. Then you could here high heals coming)

Loren-"Eddie! what the hell is going on here. Oh my god Logan. Logan are you okay?!?? (No answer) Oh my god Robin are you okay? Where is Raven?"

Robin-"I'm fine, Raven- (Robin started coughing not able to finish his sentence then hits his head on the floor again)

Loren-"Raven what about Raven,? Robin answer me!!

Joey-"Relax there all fine"

Loren-(Loren slapped Joey across the face) "Fine, you call this fine! No. this isn't fine!(She sounded angry)

Joey-"Wait didn't we just take care of you.

Loren-"Well guess what bitch there two of us. and when you miss with one of us, you miss with the other.  and now your dealing with me. so come on"


I knew she couldn't do it. watch she'll run away right when he makes a fist.

                                                    UN Pause

Loren-"Bring it"

Joey-"Oh I will (Made a fist)

Loren-(Loren flinched but didn't run?) What?) (She slapped him again) "I'm not scared of you"

Eddie-"Loren what are you doing"?

Loren-"I want to know where my sister is. and I want to know now".


Joey-"Eddie if you say anything your off the team"


Eddie-"Sorry Loren. you know how important this is for me"

Loren-"I know but that's my sister" (Joey started laughing)

Joey-(Loren slapped Joey,jake, and Eddie) Your going to pay for that"

Loren- "And your all going to burn in hell"!!

Mr.Fisher-"Hey break it up here! If I see one more Punch I'm going to give you all detention on the first day of school!!! and I know you don't want that on your recorded especial you football players. Now what's going on?!!?!?? Nobody want to talk. fine all of you set down on the floor and if one of you guys move and try to get out. you will regret it.  Loren go find the nurse".

Loren-"But my sister she missing and if she in a tit space she can't take it. she freaks out. or if she by rose she could die. she allergic. and they know where she is but they won't tell me"

Mr.Fisher- "Okay I'll Handel it, I promise , but go get the nurse Now!

Loren-"Okay" (Loren started running toward the nurse office)

Mr.Fisher-"Are you Okay? Logan?!!?? Please speak to me"!

Joey-(started whispering to Eddie) "if you say anything and rat us out. your dead"(Eddie looked anxious)

Mr.Fisher-"Robin can you hear me, if you can talk to me"?

Robin-"Ye-s (Robin coughed and coughed) (Joey tried making a run)

Mr.Fisher- " Mr.Jackson I wouldn't try getting up if I was you" (he sat back down)

Loren-"I got her"! (She screamed from a distance as they were both running down the hall)

Mr.Fisher- "Oh thank God. Nurse. Gilman help Logan his out concision

Nurse Gilman-"Okay. Let me check him"

Loren-"Mr.Fisher did you find Raven yet.

Mr.Fisher-"No but I'm going to right now. Okay every body up" This is what we are going to do. can everybody hear me.

Everybody-"Yes Mr.Fisher"

Mr.Fisher-"Good. Now listen, We are all going to walk in one straight line to the gym. I will be in the back of the line and if I see anyone get out of this line I will give them a huge punishment that trust me you wont like it. I'm going to write down everybody name now then at the gym I will check if your there. If your not I think you had something to do with this and all of it will be blamed on you now come on everybody up. I will also let your teacher know where you will be.(Mr.Fisher wrote down the names of everybody and they all started walking to the gym even Loren. And Robin was Okay but he had a couple of bruises. and Logan well I'll let you know a little later)

Raven-(but all I remember is being so knock out I couldn't cry for help! Robin didn't see me get put into the locker so he couldn't help. but it was so tit I couldn't breath and it was so hot in there. I started to panic when I woke up and all I could do is stay there in pain. the locker wouldn't budge so I just sat there and wasted away. Till finally I remember blacking out because of the heat.)

Mr.Fisher- (he had finished talking to more then half the people there. Then he got around to the jocks) "Mr. Jackson"

Joey-"It's Joey"

Mr.Fisher-"This is not your time to be correcting me Mr.Jackson. From what I heard you started beating up Logan then Raven his sister started to protect him and then you hit her. Know I don't know who you think you are and why you think it's okay to hit a girl and torturer her brother but you are in a lot of trouble if you don't tell me where you hide Raven.


Mr.Fisher-"Oh come on you know who I'm talking about. Now everybody told me that you hit her and did some other things. but the one thing they will not tell me is where she is. Now, WHAT DID YOU DO TO RAVEN"!!!!!

Joey- "Relax she fine. she just in a tit spot"(He started to chuckle)

Mr.Fisher- "Oh you don't want to be playing games with me"

Joey-"Or do I? See you can't hurt me Mr.Fisher. other wise that would be called child abuse and I know you don't want that on your Record.

Mr.Fisher-"Your right I don't want that on my record. but I'm willing to do what ever it takes to get that girl back. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose Mr.Jackson"!

Joey-"I choose the hard way then". (He got up and left the room)

Mr.fisher-(He looked surprised and scared at the same time. he got up to get the last  person from the gym) "Mr.Duran"

Eddie-(Eddie followed him to the room) "Look Mr.Fisher I tried telling them to stop but they wouldn't listen to me. and then when they where missing with Raven I knew they took it to far but I did nothing because I was to afraid of losing my spot on the team"-

Mr.Fisher-"I knew. Most of the students told me.

Eddie-"Wait so I'm not in trouble"?

Mr.Fisher-"I'll make you a deal so we can put this all behind us. and you won't get in trouble".

Eddie-"Anything please I just don't want to get kicked off this team"

Mr.Fisher-"Anything. Okay. Here's the deal Eddie. You tell me where Raven is and you wont get in trouble at all"

Eddie-" Oh come on please anything other then that. If I tell you the guy are going to kill me Mr.Fisher".

Mr.Fisher-"Okay how about this, You tell me where she is. and in about 5 minutes I have a student pretend to find her. how does that sound"?

Eddie-"Know you can't wait that long. Mr.Fisher I have a question, does the heat go into the lockers?

Mr.Fisher-"Yeah why? (Eddie got out of his chair and ran out the door quick) Eddie wait up"

Eddie-(Eddie ran so fast to the locker that he fell twice) Oh my god. I-I don't know which one she in"

Mr.Fisher-"She in one of this Lockers"??!? (He said angry and surprised)

Eddie-"Yes help me find her. Raven!




Raven-(I heard them calling me but I could barley speak. I tried but I don't think they heard me.) "Help. Help."(But know answer. I gave up after I had said it for the tenth time. Then my eyes closed. It's funny, I could hear everything that was happening. but I couldn't open my eyes or replay. Till finally I hit my head on the door. and was out cold)

Eddie-"Wait what was that"? (Mr.Fisher and Eddie ran to the locker where I was)

Mr.Fisher-"Are you sure it was this one"?

Eddie-"I'm pretty sure sir" (Mr.Fisher called the principal so they can get the locker combination)

Principal Brooks(Hellen Brooks)- "here the combination to the locker Mr.Fisher"

Mr.Fisher- "I don't know how to do this"

Eddie-"Give it here. (Eddie started to move the lock and then he heard a click) The doors open.(He opened the door) Oh my god".

Mr.Fisher-"Catch her"!!

                                              To Be Continued...

P.S. please don't forget to vote for this story. Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it. Enjoy!


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