The Modern World For Idiots...

By magicalmoose_03

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{discontinued-ish} The god of Mischief is under house arrest on earth, the Winter Soldier has calmed down fro... More

Chapter 1. Lovely Day
Chapter 2. Under Pressure
Chapter 3. Dream on
Chapter 4. Take it or leave it
Chapter 5. A To-do List
Chapter 6. Let's get it started
Chapter 7. Let's go see the stars
Chapter 8. Put your head on my shoulder
Chapter 9. Welcome to New York
Chapter 10. Here I go again
Chapter 11. Wanna be startin' something
Chapter 12. Ain't That A Kick In The Head
Chapter 13. Sometime Remind Me to Tell You
Chapter 14. We had to end it
Chapter 15. Let's get Loud
Chapter 16. On the Floor
Chapter 17. Can't take that way from me
Chapter 18. Wonderful World
Chapter 19. It wasn't me
Chapter 20. Let Me Hold You
Chapter 21. The Less I Know the Better
Chapter 22. You'll never know
Chapter 23. Up On The Roof
Chapter 24. It Was A Good Day
Chapter 25. It's Not Unusual
Chapter 26. Make Me Like You
Chapter 27. Another Brick in the Wall
Chapter 28. Well... this is awkward
Chapter 29. Well this is a Perfect Excuse
Chapter 30. A Little Game of Hide and Seek
Chapter 31. A Wholly Ceiling
Chapter 32. This is Why
Chapter 33. Trick up the Sleeve
Chapter 34. Let Me Explain
Chapter 35. Just Some Attention
Chapter 36. A Little Bit of Advice
Chapter 38. A Memory Relived
Chapter 39. One for the Books
Chapter 40. If You Wanna Be Happy
Chapter 41. When You Were Gone
Chapter 42. Crashing the Party
A Pointless chapter by Yours Truely
Chapter 43. Bring down the house
Chapter 44. Just Checking Up
Chapter 45. A Bittersweet Goodbye
A message from the author to the reader

Chapter 37. Just A Bit Longer

2.4K 98 55
By magicalmoose_03

The room was still in silence. 

You were not sure if you should break this awkward silence in the room or you should let the two men fall in responsibility to break this silence. It did hurt a bit because they were not showing any sign of a reaction of this situation, then again it is up to them if they choose to do that. 

 As you were about to break the silence, Bucky immediately hugged your waist tightly burying his face on your stomach so you were not able to see his expressions on his face. Then Loki, surprisingly, embrace you from behind burying his face in the crook of your shoulder and neck. 

Well... this was unexpected. 

You were not sure how to respond to this type of reaction since they didn't say anything, but them hugging you did make you smile because you knew that they cared at least without saying a word. You just placed one hand over Bucky's head and the other reaching for Loki's head slightly petting both of them. 

" When do we leave... or when... are we expected to go back?" Bucky broke the silence. 

" Tomorrow." You answered.

You felt both of them grip you harder than they were before which made you smile a bit more. 

" When were you going to tell us?" Loki spoke up.

Your smile fell. " I was going to tell you in the morning because I just got the news recently. On the other hand it was such short notice that I was not sure how to give this information to you guys." 

" Makes sense." Bucky agreed. 

" But why did they not give us more time?" Loki complained. 

 " You guys are the Avengers... well more or less." You sighed. " You guys do missions beyond the average human can even complete and you help protect the world from catastrophic threats that government could wish to the power to have." 

" Well... me and Barnes are still trying to gain more of there trust since... of our background." Loki explained. 

"But we are trying our best more or less." Bucky added.

You sighed. " But at least the two of you are trying to make a difference. " 

" Note the word ' Trying'." Loki snared. 

" Well I believe that you two are trying your best." You said with pride. And I hope you guys succeed."

You felt the both of them smile since they had their faces still buried on your body. They were holding on to you like scared child that is hugging there teddy bear to help them to comfort them when they are scared. 

" Thank you, (y/n)." Bucky acknowledged.

" You're welcome." You chimed. "...Are you guys ok? Not that I am complaining, but you guys are holding on to me like you are trying to squeeze out a lemon." 

" Oh, My apologies." Loki and Bucky instantly let go of you.

" You guys can still hug me if you guys still want too..." You reassured them to lighten the mood. 

You kind of regret saying that in the first place and missed the warm embrace from them. So you decided to replace that embrace by quickly held their hands. They were a bit shock that you made this gesture because they were not use to this type of affection from someone. 

"Better?" You asked. 

After you grabbed there hands, you took a good look at there faces. Loki had a small smile on his face looking down at your hand in his, but once he looked up his face fell. His smile didn't fall because he was looking at you, but he was looking to the side of you. He was looking at Bucky.

" Are you... crying, Barnes?" Loki asked softly.

You quickly shifted your gaze from Loki towards Bucky. Once you turned to face him, you were met with Bucky's glassy eyes, but they were looking down at your hand in his. His eyes were a bit red and so was his nose. 

"No..." He whipped away his tears. " I'm just sweating through my eyes."  

" Are you okay, Bucky?" You asked with worry. 

" No." He sniffled. 

" Aw Bucky..." You quickly embraced him in a hug and Bucky buried his face in your shoulders.  " Psst.  Loki... Hug the poor guy?" 

" Why would I do that?" Loki scoffed. 

" Hey!" Bucky sneered. " You bailed out on me for cuddling with me on the couch, so you owe me big time."

" How did you notice?! You were fast asleep." 

Bucky scoffed. " You don't think I know the difference between a cold feather pillow to warm memory foam when I was falling asleep."

"Did... did you just reference Roger's chest as memory foam?" Loki questioned.

" Actually I can agree with him with that." You added. " His chest is like memory foam." 

Loki gave you a look. 

" What?" 

" Nothing." Loki stated.

" Loki... Just join in the hug." You offered.

" Do I have t..." 

" Just join the hug you cold bastard." Bucky interrupted.

Loki sighed in defeat. " Fine." 

Loki got up from the bed, walked to the other side, sat down besides Bucky, and awkwardly embraced Bucky. You could tell that he was a bit uncomfortable with the situation, but you knew that he was trying to sincere. You looked at Bucky and notice that he now had a small smile on his lips now to cheer his mood.

Loki rested his head on Bucky's shoulder. " What are you upset about Barnes?" 

" I don't know..."" Bucky sniffled. " Once I got out of Hydra, I suddenly became this emotional wreck of emotions and start to have feelings more than the average man.. for some reason." 

" I can tell." Loki laughed.

" Shut up." Bucky chuckled. 

You smiled. " But you guys can always visit... when you guys get the chance if you are in town." 

"Well... I know I will try," Bucky turned towards Loki. " ... but I am not sure about this mop of drain hair." 

"Oh sod off." Loki smacked the back of Bucky's head. " I have better hair than you and you know it." 

" No. Thor does." Bucky interjected.  

" So you admit that I have better hair than you." Loki smirked.

" No. I am just saying that the person you like to bicker with the most and you deny as there family, but you choose to ignore has more than me has better hair than you." Bucky sassed back. 

Loki gave Bucky a look. " Point taken..., but I still think I have better hair." 

" Whatever." Bucky smiled. 

You smiled at the two of them bickering. You looked at the clock and noticed it that it was 2:56pm. 

" Well I don't know about you, but I need to go to sleep or else I will murder someone and won't remember." You yawned as you moved to lay down on your bed.

As you were preparing yourself for bed, you noticed the two boys still sitting on your bed. 

" (Y/N)..." Bucky began.

" Do you want to sleep with me to help you with your emotions?" You offered.

" Well why not..."  Bucky quickly hopped in the bed next to you. " Since you offered."

" Loki?" You patted the spot empty next to you on your bed. 

" If you insist." Loki took up your offer and laid down beside you. " So...  do we do as you midguardians say 'spooning', do we cuddle, or just leave each other be?" 

You chuckled. " Well what ever you guys wan..." 

" I call middle!" Bucky shouted. 

" Shhh." You and Loki hushed at the same time. 

" Sorry." Bucky whisper. " I call middle and can we cuddle?" 

" Do I have too?" Loki whined. 

" You owe me, Grease trap." Bucky scolded as he quickly got in the middle of the bed. 

Loki rolled his eyes, " Ugh." 

 " Do you want to go back to sleep with Steve or Thor?" You asked as you took a place next to Bucky on his right side. 

" Point taken." Loki took the spare spot, but awkwardly shuffled next to Bucky. 

You decided to make yourself more comfortable and decided to hug Bucky's torso which did make Bucky tense up a bit. Loki gave in and also snuggled closer towards Bucky and also hugging His torso overlapping your arms. 

You chuckled a bit at Loki finally giving in. Loki looked over and saw you chuckling and rolled his eyes. After you and Loki got comfortable, Bucky wrapped his arms around the both of you. 

" Goodnight, guys." You yawned. 

A small smile formed on both of their lips as they looked over towards drifting away into a peaceful slumber. 

" Good night, (y/n)." Bucky then shifted to face Loki. " Night, Sweetheart." 

" How many times do I have to get it through your thick skull that I am not your so called Sweetheart." Loki sneered. 

" Back to grease bucket it is." 

" Fine." 

" Would you do two stop bickering for once in your life and SHUT UP!" You yelled. 

" Sorry." They both said in unison. 

" Thank you." You sighed. " Night, losers." 

A chuckle escaped their lips while you felt yourself finally drifting away. 


You felt yourself slowly waking up, but the reason why you started to wake up was because of the fact that you felt something hugging your body a bit tight. You looked down and noticed that you are in the center of the bed now. You looked at what was hugging you so tightly and it was Bucky and Loki hugging your torso. 

" How in the world did I...?" You said softly said to yourself. 

A light knock was at your bedroom door. 

" Yes?!" You were trying to be careful on trying to not wake the boys next to you. 

Suddenly the door slowly creaked opened with Thor peeping through the crack of the door smiling. 

" Good morning, Lady (y/n)." Thor carefully walked in. " Why are these two in here?" 

" Bucky had a bad dream and Your brother.... I have no idea." You explained. 

" Figured." 

" Do you need anything, Thor?" You asked. 

" Oh right... Rogers want to let you know that breakfast is being made and I wanted to know who you liked your coffee." Thor beamed like the sun was shining through his teeth. 

I am gonna miss that smile from now and then. 

" Well tell him thank you and I like my coffee with some creamer with a hint of chocolate syrup." you smiled. 

" Okay." Thor gave you a thumbs up. " Do you need help with them?" 

" Think I can handled them." You gave a thumbs up back. 

" Okay then, just me know if you wish of me to wake them up I will be happy to do so." Thor offered. 

" Will do." 

Thor carefully closed the door leaving you in a situation. 

" Hey guys.." You nudged them a bit. 


Ok.... I should've taken Thor's offer.  

" HEY TWO MEN THAT BELONG IN GREASE THE MOVIE, ITS MORNING!" You yelled smacking them in the back of there heads.

" Ow!" They said at the same time.

" Woman, why thou hast hurt me?" Bucky held his head. 

" Are you mimicking my brother?" Loki questioned. 

" Did you just refer to Thor as your brother?" Bucky snickered. 

Loki bit his lip. 

" Ha. I finally shut you up." Bucky laughed. 

" Sod off." 

" Breakfast is almost ready..." You began. " But I also have to tell Steve and Thor about the situation." 

The room fell in silence once more. 

"Let us just hope it just turns out at least fine." Loki reasurred. 

You smiled. " Well wish me luck... I guess." 

You got up from your bed walked over towards the kitchen to find Steve finishing up breakfast and Thor handing you your coffee.

" I hope that this should suffice for your morning beverage." Thor chimed.

"Thank you, Thor." You smiled as you took the coffee from Thor's hand. 

" Well..." Steve looked over towards the two boys. " I did not know we had walking bird's nest." 

Bucky and Loki looked towards each other and noticed that both of their hair made Steve have a point on his statement. 

" Eww." They both said giving each other disgusted looks. 

" So... did you have a good night sleep?" Thor snickered. 

" Just give me some coffee." Loki commanded. 

" Fine." Thor grabbed a mug, poured some coffee and shoved it towards Loki. " Here." 

" Rude." Loki scoffed.

" Gee, I wonder what it is like to receive your own medicine from time to time." 

" Excuse me." Loki sassed.

" Excuse me..." Thor point to himself. " Excuse you..." 

" You guys its 8:30 in the morning..." Steve complained. " Can we do this another time... maybe next Tuesday."

" Fine." Thor sighed. " I apologize for my actions, Loki... and I know you don't care so... I thought I should be the bigger person in this situation." 

There was a bit of silence that fell in the room, then suddenly...

" I... am sorry." Loki whispered. 

Thor stopped in his tracks and you swore you heard his heals kid across the floor while he turned around towards Loki. Steve almost dropped a dish, but Bucky quickly caught it. You just did a spit take. 

" I am sorry... did...did my ears deceive me." Thor was in shook.

" I heard it too." You agreed. 

" You heard nothing." Loki pouted. 

Steve turned around. " No, I also heard it loud and clear." 

" Same here." Bucky added.

" Would you all just shut it." Loki gritted his teeth.  

" We are not letting him live this down, right?" Steve asked. 

" Exactly." Thor smiled. 

Then there was laughter that filled the air. Loki even made a small smile then made it disappear before anyone else could see.Loki could have used his magic to whip away there memories about it, but when he saw Thor smile... he had a change of heart. 

" Anyways... I need to talk to you guys about something..." You began.

You were already receiving looks from Loki and Bucky, but now you need Thor and Steve's to know what is happening. 

 " Is everything alright, Lady (y/n)?" Thor asked. 

" Actually I want to talk about something that recently that has been brought to my attention about the fact..." You explained. 

" That we are to be back a headquarters by today." Thor interupted. 

Loki and Bucky's face went into shock... including you.

" You knew?!" The three of you said in unison. 

" You guys should really look at your messages... and missed calls." Steve said.

Loki and Bucky quickly went to check their phones and noticed miss calls and unread messages from Nick Fury addressing the situation.

" Well, how were we suppose to know." Bucky said. " we were asleep." 

" Point taken." Thor agreed.

" So.. Barnes' crying could have been postpone till today." Loki stated. 

" You cried?" Steve asked. 

" He bawled." 

" YES... Yes I cried!" Bucky yelled. " I am a emotional human being." 

" Yes you were." 

" Hush." Bucky hissed.

" So..." You interupted. " Are you guys ok then?" 

" Thor is not. He won't stop hugging the dog because he has to say good bye." Steve started to serve breakfast on the table. " Oh, breakfast is ready." 

" HEY! LEAVE ME BE... I will miss the adorable creature. " Thor shifted to face you. "But I shall also miss you, Lady (y/n)." 

Thor then walked over towards you and embraced you in his big warm arms and hugged you like child holding a teddy bear. 

" I will miss you too." You smiled. 

" May we eat now?!" Bucky whined. 

" Fine. Fine... we may." Steve sighed. 

" Finally!" Loki exclaimed. 

The five of you sat down at the table all together, but this morning was a bit different now. There were smiles, laughter, bickering, and.... possibly a friendship. You knew this was going to come to an end, but you wanted to saver the moment in picture frame mound it to the wall. On the other hand, a mental picture was good for now. 

" Do you guys need help packing or anything like that?" You offered. 

All of their faces suddenly fell, but Steve spoke up. " I think we should be fine, (y/n)." 

" Ok, but I'm driving you guys." 

Their faces gleamed once you said this because there was a better possibility to still be with you before they say goodbye. 

Bucky chuckled. " Noted." 

You smiled. 

I will miss them a lot actually. 


After the five of you completed breakfast and washed the dishes, the fours boys started to pack away there belongings. you helped some of their bags even though they protested a few times to you that you don't have to help them. On the other  hand, you were stubborn as a mule and you wanted to help them. 

As you were coming back up to the apartment with Steve from putting there stuff in the car, You reached your floor and just when you were about to head towards your apartment. 

" Hey, (y/n)... Long time no see?" 

" No." Steve said out loud. 


You turned to face her with the most forced smile you can. " Hey Lara, How have you been?"

" I have been good Me and my boyfriend are on and off from time to time ..." Lara started to twirled her hair and would side eye Steve while kinda walking towards him. " But... At the moment I am available if you are interested." 

Steve looked terrified like he was being backed up into the corner by the devil himself and be eaten alive. 

" So Steve...I was wondering if maybe..." In the blink of an eye, Lara was covered in green smoke and what was now standing before the both of you was a skunk.

" Ahhhh. " You quickly jumping in Steve's arms. 

Steve immediately caught you and held you up bridal style." What in world...?" 

Suddenly the rest of the boys stepped out of the apartment. 

" So you can use your magic to be useful for once." Thor scoffed smirking. 

Loki rolled his eyes. " Shut it, Thor." 

" You are responsible for this?" You interrupted.

Loki turned towards you. " Is there any other magic welder that I am not aware of that is in this building?" 

You rolled your eyes.

" Please tell me that skunk has been stink proof?" Bucky said with concern.

" Well I thought it would be fitting for me to transform her into something that fits her personality." Loki explained. " Because it stinks." 

Bucky laughed. 

" So... are you going to turn her back?" You asked. 

" It wears off in a few hours. " Loki reassured you. 

" Oh thank goodness." Steve sighed with relief. 

Suddenly the skunk before started to turn away from the five of you and started to lift her tail up straight into the air. 

" She's loaded!" Bucky quickly ran into the room. 

Loki quickly snapped his fingers that cause a green flame linger on his fingers for a bit and the skunk was gone. 

" What did you do with her?" 

" Who cares! She's gone." Steve exclaimed. 

" You heard the man." Loki commented.

You sighed.

Well I never really cared for the slut anyways.

The rest of the boys went back to packing their stuff in the car. You just shrugged and went along with it. As they were putting in there last bags, Thor looked down at your dog which to your surprise that your dog was giving puppy eyes. Thor gave in, knelt down and gave your dog a big hug. it was the cutest hing you have ever witnessed. 

Thor released his embrace and pet your dog's head. " Goodbye, sweet creature." 

Thor got up and walked out the door along with the rest of the boys headed out the door. Finally... the boys packed all the things that they needed. You got in the drivers seat and the rest of the boys filed up the car space. You started the car and you were off. 

After about twenty minutes of driving, the car was a bit quiet, but the radio was playing in the background. As you were driving, Steve noticed that you made an exist sooner than expected. 

" Um... (y/n). Why did you exit so soon?" Steve said with concerned. 

" Well, Steve. Fury said that you guys have to be back by head quarters by today." You gave his a glance. " But he never said when... Plus I want you guys to have a good time before you leave."

The boys looked at each other in concern, but they were more confused. Steve and Bucky looked out the window and noticed that the place they were... looked very familiar, but they was not sure what. As you driving, further there was a sign on the road and Bucky and Steve had a flashback of a past memory from long ago.

Welcome to Coney Island.

" So I decided to give you guys a proper send off could say." You smiled. 

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