The Dark Passage: Rise Of The...

By QueenPENMiaa

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(*PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT*) Abandoned by her mother due to her obsession with revenge, Adana was raised by he... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Suggestions ...

Chapter Fifteen

32 0 0
By QueenPENMiaa

Adana stalked up the stairs, making her way towards Diana's bedroom. Her subconscious was still fast asleep but even if her true self was awakened, it was nothing she could do. Her ancestors had been feeding off of Adana's life source since she allowed them to enter her body. Tiko crippling her weakened her mentally; giving them the open window they needed to takeover her body. For centuries they've been waiting on a host to connect them to the physical realm. They hadn't realized just giving Adana all the power she could ever want would be all they would need to do to make their plan a reality. They noticed how much Adana wanted to please Agatha; someone who they knew they had to trick in order for her to convince Adana to take them in. But Adana wasn't as cold hearted as they wanted her to be. They could see through her eyes how distracted she was becoming. They could feel the emotions she was letting build inside for not only Bishop, but for Diana as well. However, there was nothing more they could expect from a mere weakling like Adana. 

Eyes still glowing, Adana's ancestors combined themselves and all their power. Bringing forth that much strength within Adana's body was almost catastrophic. Adana's body, even with her vampire gene, just wasn't strong enough to hold everything at full capacity. Adana felt she was the most powerful witch when in reality, she had yet to yield the coven's entire arsenal. However, once the ancestors brought everything forth, Adana's body began to react. Burnt like sores spread all over her body. Her hair that was once brown with a silk smooth texture now turned silver like an old wise woman. The power was breaking her body down slowly but the ancestors weren't concerned of that. Once Diana was murdered, stopping the prophecy from coming true, they could care less what happened to Adana. 

Adana entered Diana's room with an evil smile on her face. She managed to grab one of the swords that were on display in the hallway by Diana's bedroom and was more than happy to find that it was sharp to the touch. Adana closed the door behind her, placing a spell on it to seal it and making it impossible for anyone to come in and interrupt her massacre. With a snap of her fingers, she made all the windows close and lock themselves and pulled the curtains closed. The room was engulfed in darkness, the only light coming from the the television Diana mistakenly left on. Staying light on her feet, Adana jumped up on Diana's bed, placing either foot on each side of her. She crouched down and placed the blade of the sword mere inches away from Diana's throat. 

"Long live the queen", Adana said before putting pressure on Diana's neck to cut it open and make her bleed out.

Diana trained her aura to stay inside of her and only coming out when she called it too. Even in certain situations when Diana was facing death would she sometimes have to summon it. However, sometimes the aura would take a life of it's own. It knew that if Diana was to die, the aura would exist no more. Sensing the danger, the aura awoke within Diana. It shot off a bolt of energy, throwing Adana across the room and into the marble dresser Diana had put in the room recently. Diana fully awakened and looked around to see what was going on. She saw Adana on the floor struggling to get up with a sword in her hand. Adana's eyes were still glowing green and she still sported an evil green even with the blood dripping out of the corner of her mouth. She stood to her feet, her legs slightly wobbling.

"Adana, what the hell is going on?", Diana questioned. 

"Your species is an abomination and you must die", Adana's ancestors spoke up.

Diana's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "You don't sound like yourself", she said to Adana.

"Because she isn't! She could never be herself and do what we needed her to do. She's too weak".

It was then that Diana felt the energy. The same energy she felt with Valder as well as her own daughter, Zora. The darkness that lingers within their soul and causing destruction and any and everything it could. Diana took a step forward, knowing what she had to do, but was stopped by Adana reaching out her arms on either side of her with her palms up. Fire was ignited throughout the entire room and began to burn everything it touched. Diana screamed as she watched her things as well as some of Amethyst's things catch flame. All the memories she had of her mother were turning to ash.

"The memory of vampire kind will be extinct", Adana spoke. She held the sword high in the air then charged at Diana. She balled her other hand into a fist, enabling Diana to move from the spot she was in. Using all the strength in her body, she hauled the blade into Diana's stomach as deep as she could push it. Diana's eyes grew wide in surprise and blood oozed from her fresh wound as well as her mouth. Adana removed her hands from the swords handle and watched Diana dropped to her knees as the blood rushed out of her. 

"It is finished", the ancestors all spoke before going back into Adana's subconscious and pushing the real her out to see and bask in what they had done. Adana looked around at the flames and immediately pulled them in but the damage was done. She looked down and saw Diana lying on her back in a puddle of blood. Adana dropped to her knees and pulled the sword out of Diana's body. She bent down close to see if she could hear her breathing. Suddenly, Diana's body began it's golden glow. Her eyes shot open and they were completely golden as well. Adana looked at her in surprise and didn't have much time to react when Diana placed both hands on either side of Adana's face. Her palm began to glow and pain seared throughout Adana's body. Diana used her aura to go inside of Adana's body and kill every ounce of darkness within her. She killed every spirit of Adana's ancestors that was using her body. It dissolved as if it was a liquid and Diana's aura was heat seeping into it. Dark blood poured from Adana's mouth, nose, and ears. She fell to her side unable to control the pain she was feeling. Diana's body willed her to stand to her feet.

"I am done killing my flesh. However, you are not welcome in my kingdom. You are banned far away from here. If you ever enter my boarders again, I will smite you where you stand", Diana said to Adana. Adana slowly looked up at her.

"Artemis - "

Diana's hand began to glow again. 

"I said be gone!", Diana yelled.

Adana's eyes began to glow green again and she teleported herself out of the bedroom to Diana's backyard. She looked up at the smoke seeping through the window from the fire she caused. Adana had every memory in-bedded in her brain of what her ancestors said. They called her weak. They never felt she was worthy to hold their legacy. They had been sucking the life out of Adana. While she was thinking she was growing stronger, her actually being was drifting away. She looked at her reflection in the glass window in the lower of the house and saw her change in hair and skin. A tear slipped from her eye but she quickly removed it. Adana realized she was ending her journey just how it began; alone. 

Adana turned on her heels and started walking towards the forest. Her ancestors as well as Diana's aura weakened her power and she didn't have much to transport herself away magically. 

"Adana, wait!".

Adana stopped and turned to see Bishop running towards her. His clothes were torn and his face was badly beaten. He looked like he had just escaped a brawl and by the nervousness that radiated off him, Adana's observation might be correct.

"Where are you going?", Bishop asked her.


"But why? And what happened to your face?".

Adana placed a trembling hand on one of her sores. 

"Goodbye Bishop", she said before turning back around.

"But wait! I'll come with you".

Adana stopped and looked over her shoulder. 

"Why would you want to? I'm hideous".

Bishop slightly smiled. "That doesn't matter to me".

Adana's jaw clenched and she managed to gather enough power to summon her cloak. It appeared in mid-air and wrapped itself around Adana. She pulled the hood over her head, hiding her appearance.

"You were nothing but a pawn. You meant nothing to me and you never will. Goodbye", Adana coldly said to him before casting a cloaking spell on herself and removed her image from Bishop's eyesight. 

Bishop sighed before turning to go inside of the mansion. He was stopped by a glowing eyed Diana whom he didn't realize had been standing behind him.

"Artemis ... I hadn't realized -"

"I do not know if I will be able to forgive your unfaithfulness. Sleep in the guest room in the lower level and stay away from my daughter. You are not worthy of her".

"She's my daughter too!".

Diana opened her mouth to say something but couldn't make the words come out. Her aura slowly faded away as her wound became too great. Diana's eyes closed and she fell to the ground, her blood completely soaking her shirt.

"Artemis!", Bishop screamed before dropping to his knees by her. He tried to touch her but was pushed back by a strong gust of wind. He looked up and saw Tiko standing in front of Diana, wings extended and completely blocking Diana from him.

"You are one frisky little mosquito. Got away from me didn't you?". Tiko said to him with flared nostrils.

Ciara appeared suddenly and hovered over Diana's unconscious body.

"Her wounds are bad", Ciara said to Tiko.

"Can you do anything?", he asked over his shoulder.

Ciara felt her heart chest begin to tighten at the thought of losing Diana. "I don't know".

She channeled her power and instructed the grass under Diana's body to wrap itself around her body in a magical cocoon. She commanded the minerals in the ground to tend to Diana's wound and try to heal it with it's natural power. Diana's body was completely wrapped up, leaving little room for air to get in so she could breathe.

"Now ... all we can do is wait", Ciara said.

"What shall we do about Bishop?", Tiko asked.

Ciara turned her attention to Bishop that was still on the ground lying in fear.

"Nothing", Ciara answered.

Tiko looked at her side eyed.

"What do you mean nothing?", he asked. 

"We don't know what Artemis wants to happen. One thing we don't want is to heal her wounds and then have her wake to a heartbreak".

"He was having an affair with her sister! I'm sure her heart is already broken".

"Why do you hate him so much, Tiko? Because it can't just be about Artemis".

Tiko's breathing sped up as he thought of his past.

"He killed my mother", Tiko said through gritted teeth.

"Was it when Valder was within him? You can't -"

"It was before the massacre took over. I was only five but ... I remember. I walked in on him with his teeth deep into my mother's neck. Her face had no sign of life. I screamed in horror making him stop his feed. I thought for sure he was going to kill me too ... but he didn't. Only apologized about how he was starving and couldn't help himself. Then he vanished, leaving me in a small room with my mother's dead corpse. Five years later I was told that when Artemis and Apollo were born, I was appointed by the queen to protect Artemis. I came to the castle not knowing he would be there as well. He didn't remember me but I remembered him. And every day I look at his disgusting face, I want to kill him more and more".

Tiko's hands were clenched into fists and tears coated his face. Bishop held his hands up in surrender.

"Tiko ... I didn't mean to -"

"You will refer to me as Nascha! Only the queen may call me by the name she gave me. And just know ... whenever Artemis makes the call, and trust me she will, I will not hesitate to rip your head off".

"Uncle Tito ... where's momma?", Zora's small voice said from the sliding door leading into the house. Tiko ran to her side and picked her up in his arms, rubbing her head soothingly.

"No worries, little one. Momma will be fine".

"I heard screams. What happened?".

Tiko looked over his shoulder at Bishop.

"Oh nothing, just your daddy was being a bad man. But Uncle Tito will take care of that, okay?".

Tiko walked into the house and closed the sliding door behind him. Zora took in the information Tiko had just told her and her eyes never left Bishop. Bishop could see the look in her eyes and for the first time, he feared his own daughter. 

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