A Vampire's Heart {Completed}...

By Exy1996

509K 18.1K 1.5K

"See you around Selena" I froze he had said my name. My actual name. Lena lived a normal life at school. Well... More

Chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11 (edited)
Chapter 12 (edited)
Chapter 13 (edited)
Chapter 14 (edited)
Chapter 15 (edited)
Chapter 16 (edited)
Chapter 17 (edited)
Chapter 18 (edited)
Chapter 19 (edited)
Chapter 21 (edited)
Chapter 22 (edited)
Chapter 23 (edited)
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25 (edited)
Chapter 26 (edited)
Chapter 27 (edited)
Chapter 28 (edited)
Chapter 29 (edited)
Chapter 30 (edited)
Chapter 31 (edited)
Important message

Chapter 20 (edited)

13.3K 510 49
By Exy1996

Copyrights 2012 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved

This chapter was edited by the lovely and amazing @smiling_meerkat


Chapter 20:

I sat in my first period class missing Xavier again, but I was relieved that Stewart wasn't in this class. I only had two classes with him and Xavier was also in them with me so I knew I would be safe. I was surprised to see Cale in my class and he sat right down next to me. I tried to talk to him whenever I could without getting in trouble by Mrs.Carmack.

Cale was actually very nice, even if I didn't get much out of him. Mrs.Carmack gave us extra work that we had to do on out latest assignment. So now I would need a lot of help from Xavier. She also explained that this assignment would be a long one that would continue to the end of the term and it would count towards our reports. I sighed and filled Cale in on what he was supposed to do. He picked the Vatican in Italy, which wasn't much of a surprise because he seemed to know quite a lot about it and it made the assignment easier for him.

After the bell sounded I found Xavier standing right by the door waiting for me. I smiled grabbing my stuff and walked over to him.

He pecked my lips and took my books from me. I held his hand and we walked to our next class, Cale followed and the boys chatted. I stayed quite not wanting to interrupt this guy talk. It turned out that both Cira and Cale had the same second period class which was fun so I sat in between Cira and Xavier. Cayley sat in front of me and I smiled and hugged her.

She was so happy to see me seeing as I skipped school yesterday and Monday. I introduced her to Cira and they hit it off straight away it was like they had known each other for years. I couldn't help but smile to see Cayley getting along with Xavier sister, it really did make me happy.

"Be my partner for the science assignment." whispered Xavier. I jumped not expecting his voice but smiled and nodded.

Mr. Avram had just assigned a biology research task that was to be done in pairs though I wasn't really listening. Luckily Xavier was. Since there was an uneven amount in the class Cayley, Cira and Cale got to be in a group of three so I was happy that Cayley wasn't left by herself.

Science flew by quickly, Xavier and I were able to finish most of it and we decided that he would come back to my place tonight to help me with History assignment on his family castle. We all went to recess and Cira and Cale instantly became friends with Travis and we all sat together and talked.

I sat on Xavier's lap in the grass and relaxed that Stewart was nowhere in sight. The boys were talking about football and I was talking to the girls about the debutant presentation ball. I hadn't realized that it had come up so fast. I didn't even know if I was going to do it or if my parents would let me. I pulled out my phone and quickly text my mum.


I knew she would see it later, and I had a few days to sign up.

"You thinking about doing the debutant?" Xavier whisper in ear.

I smiled shyly and nodded. "I'd love to see you in a puffy white dress" he teased.

I pouted and crossed my arms. "If I do deb, my dress wouldn't be puffy"

He chuckled and kissed my check. "You look great in any thing you wear"

I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. Xavier laughed and held my head still and kissed my forehead. I went back to talking about deb with the girls.

Cira was giddy about the idea of deb, she had stated that it didn't matter if Cale wanted to do it or not, he was doing it either way.

I laughed as he raised his eyebrows at her and looked a bit scared. Cayley and Travis had already signed up and she asked me to go dress shopping with her on the weekend. Of course I said yes, who wouldn't help their best friend shop for her deb dress. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out reading my mum's text message.


I squealed with excitement. Xavier looked at me with concern but I just kissed his lips and showed the message. His face brightened and he chuckled at my excitement. I stood up and held my hand out to him. He took my hand and stood up.

"Where are you two going?" called Cayley.

"To sign up for deb" I shouted back.

I walked as fast as I could pulling Xavier with me to the school bulletin board. He chuckled until we stopped at the board. He stood behind me and wrapped him arms around my waist, his hands resting on my stomach as he leaned his chin on my shoulder.

I grabbed a pen from the ledge and wrote my name on the sheet then held out the pen to Xavier. He kissed my cheek as he took the pen from me and wrote him name in the partner box next to mine.

"Thank-you" I said softly as I looked up at him.

"Anything for you" he said, then kissed my check.

There was clapping and I stiffened as Xavier growled. I turned my head slightly and saw Stewart standing there with a smirk on his face.

Xavier's arms tightened around me as I started to shake. His growl vibrating through his chest.

"What a cute couple" Stewart spat.

"Let's just go Xavier" I said my voice raw from fear.

Xavier nodded slowly and took both my hands in one of his, I went to start walking but Stewart took a step towards me, making Xavier stop and hiss. Stewart didn't seem phased by Xavier's warning he merely just laughed.

I looked at him in confusion. Stewart should have been scared not laughing this off, any normal person would have thought that Xavier was deranged and would have left, but not Stewart.

"Don't come any closer to her" growled Xavier.

He looked just about ready to tackle Stewart, his action put me on edge reminding me that Xavier wasn't human, he looked animalistic right now. His eyes going red the veins throbbing and his fangs threatening to come out. His chest and biceps muscles bulged under his shirt, and as much as I fear was going to happen next I couldn't help but ogle him.

Stewart cackled, the noise making me flinch. It was so evil.

"I'm not scared of you, I know what you are and how to kill you and trust me I will kill you"

I shook with rage, he just threatened Xavier's life, this wasn't good. I couldn't let him take Xavier away from me, I wouldn't let it happen.

"Leave us alone" I spat holding my ground.

I couldn't be a coward anymore not when this bastard threatened Xavier's life. In that moment I wanted Stewart dead more than anything in the world.

Stewart chuckled low and menacingly. "Oh, looks like the bitch still has some spark left in her"

Xavier growled and let go of my hand his nails growing into claws and his fangs extended. I stood close to him holding the back of his shirt in my fists. My blood boiled at Stewart's words.

"Alright boys that's enough." said Cira as she strutted down the hall way with Cale at her side.

She seemed so casual, I was baffled by how calm she was. Stewart's and Xavier's heads snapped in her direction.

Xavier calmed a bit but Stewart was very tense. He knew he was in trouble now. Cira stood before everyone with her hands on her hips, her eyes glaring at Stewart, she was defiantly a force not to be reckoned with, Cale stood behind her his face blank and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Xavier get Lena out of here, we'll make sure little Stewart here learns a lesson" he grinned. Xavier growled obviously not liking being told what to do.

"Xavier" I said, as I came around and stood in front of him. He looked down at me his eyes bright red. I didn't feel scared but allured by him. His eyes softened as he looked, slowly turning from bright red to pink and then back to normal. He wrapped an arm around my waist and started leading me away from Cira, Cale and Stewart.

"You got lucky again Lena but I'll get you, don't worry about that" spat Stewart, as I walked away. I just glared at him and clung to Xavier as he led me back to the rest of our group.

When we were outside I looked up at Xavier, he looked completely normal again.

"What are Cira and Cale going to do?" I asked. Xavier hold tightened on my shoulder but it wasn't painful.

"I don't know Selena, but I know they won't kill him" he said ruffly.

"Stewart's not normal is he?" I asked softly.

Xavier gave me a stiff nod. "How did you know?"

"He wasn't scared of you" I said slowly. I didn't want to anger Xavier, but it was true Stewart didn't show that he was scared until Cira and Cale showed up.

"Are you scared of me?" we stopped walking and he faced towards me placing his hands on my shoulders.

I looked deeply into his eyes. I shook my head. I wasn't scared of Xavier I knew him well enough to know that he would protect me, and I loved him I could never be scared of him. Xavier took in a deep breath and kissed my forehead and then pecked my lips.

"I never want you to be scared of me Selena." he said softly against my lips, I smiled.

"I love you" I said and kissed his lips. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

We had just reached the group when the bell rang, I sighed and picked up my stuff, Xavier was quick to gently take it off me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I gave him a small smile, silently dreading my next two periods.

Even though I knew Xavier would be there with me, Stewart would be there as well. We made our way to class my stomach twisting in knots scared of the confrontation that was about to happen.

Xavier and I just got to class as the finally bell rang and I sighed in relief when Stewart wasn't there. It was obvious that Cira and Cale's lesson had left Stewart in a condition where he couldn't come to class. I knew it was wrong but there was a part of me that was happy he wasn't here right now and hoped that he was hurt. As I sat down in my seat I mentally slapped myself for thinking like that. During class I stole some glances at Xavier and smiled, trying to concentrate on my work and Mr. Tumie's lecture but he was just so irresistible to look at.

I shivered in pleasure when I felt Xavier's eyes gaze on me and couldn't hid my smile. He knew just how to make me feel better and more comfortable.

The rest of the day went by quickly, I spent my time with Xavier and talked with Cayley and Cira. I hadn't seen Stewart since before Cale and Cira had shown up, I felt so relieved but I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

After school Xavier took me home and we got started on our homework. We sat in my room on my bed, Xavier cuddling me while I searched up some biological terms on google. He helped me change some paragraphs into my own words and then we moved onto my history assignment.

I loved learning about Xavier's castle, especially because his family was tied to it a lot in my research.

"You never told me your great-great grandfather designed the castle" I said.

He chuckled and kissed my temple. "Because you never asked" he said.

"Were you born a vampire?" I asked wanting to know more about what it was like to be a vampire.

While researching his castle I had come across some legends about his family. One legend was about vampires, there was a rumor that Xavier's great-great grandfather, Michelo, had a mistress named Clara. Clara was a vampire and had seduced Michelo into getting rid of his wife and marry her. That made Clara, Xavier's great great grandmother who gave birth to several children and that's where the vampire line in the Blandiana family started. One thing that made me wonder was, no matter how much Clara loved Michelo she never turned him, he lived out a long and happy life but died human.

"Yes." he answered softly.

"Do you ever wish you were human?" I asked as I leaned into his chest, I sat down my laptop and snuggled close to him.

I watched as his brow furrowed in thought. "Sometimes" he said eventually.

"Is it possible to be turned into a vampire?" I asked.

Xavier nodded slowly. "Yes, but you have to be a descendant, you need vampire blood in you. If not, the change doesn't come out right, you could lose your mind or die even" he said ruffly.

I dropped the conversation at that. I had been thinking about being turned into a vampire for a little bit now but I wasn't sure about the consequences and I wasn't sure if I was ready to give up my human life yet.

Xavier didn't say another word and I went back to researching, with him to help me understand the logistics of why things happened.

It wasn't long before he had dinner and I became really tired. Xavier insisted that I slept but I refused to if he didn't lie down with me. He chuckled as I pout and kicked my bed sheet off my body. Xavier climbed into bed and held me close, I fell asleep with a huge grin on my face and my hunky boyfriends arms around me.


hey guys

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love you guys


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