Can You Ever Love Me? A Niam...

By finishedwriterx

239K 7.2K 1.8K

Liam Payne has a secret. He is in love with his straight best friend Niall Horan. He wish he could be happy l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty - Epilogue

Chapter Five

13.3K 413 185
By finishedwriterx

Liam's POV

"That was great!" Harry exclaimed as we ran of the small stage. 

We had just finished our last song of the night "Live While We're Young." It was the first time we had played it at a gig and the crowd seemed to have enjoyed it, which was the main thing. I loved singing and performing in front of people, I got such a high from it. I could just lose myself in the music and just forget about everything for a while. We only played in small bars and pubs and wherever anyone would have us but it was such a thrill. 

I followed the boys out of the backstage area and into the pub. We walked through the crowd and found  our way to the bar were the boys ordered beers and I got a coke. 

"So are you guys crashing at mine again tonight or what?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

I don't know why we didn't just all get a place together, but I guess you wouldn't want to here Louis and Harry fucking all night. And if Niall brought anyone home like he sometimes did, it would break my heart just that little bit more. We lived quite close together though. So we could go over to each others houses when ever we wanted. The boys liked staying at mine mostly, apparently its a lot cleaner and nicer to hang out at. Don't get me wrong I'm not like a clean freak or anything, I just like things to be tidy. 

"I think Lou and I are gonna go to my place tonight." Harry said.

"Okay then!" I looked at Zayn and Niall and raised my eyebrows questiongly at them.

"I think I'll stay at yours if that's okay Li!" Zayn responded.

I looked at Niall, hoping that he would say he would stay too. I bet you're thinking, why do you want him to stay? Isn't it harder for you? Yes it is. But it's nice to know he's there, and not getting it on with some random girl you know. 

"Nah it's okay Li, I am gonna have a good nights sleep tonight." Niall said. Did I see a look of dissapointment in his eyes when he said that? No it must have been the light.

"Okay then. I don't want to be to late back Zayn so don't have to many beers." I said smiling at him.

"I'll just finish this one and then we can go, I want to talk to you about something anyway." 

I was about to ask what he wanted to talk to me about but he had already turned around and was talking to the boys.

I wonder what he wants to talk to me about..? 

Niall's POV

The gig was amazing! I really needed something to lift my spirits up after todays escapade with Liam. I am so glad he was okay. I feel like he has been avoiding me lately and I don't know why. I had asked the boys if I had done something wrong but they were just as clueless as I was. It hurt me to know that I might have done or said something to upset him in anyway. 

I had been feeling a bit confused towards Liam lately. Every time I looked at him or we touched, I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know what was happening to me. I shouldn't be feeling anything towards my best friend. Maybe it was good that he was avoiding me! Maybe if I stayed away from him for a little while this feeling would go away! 

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Harry pushing me lightly through the crowd towards the bar. We all ordered beers except for Liam who got a coke. It was so cute how he didn't drink. Partly because he couldn't because of his kidney but partly because he was such a worry wort and liked to look after us all. 

Oh fuck. Did I just call him cute? Ugh I needed this feeling to go away. Quickly.

I zoned back into the conversation just in time to catch what Liam was saying. Something about us staying at his place tonight. Harry and Louis were saying that they wern't. 

"I think I'll stay at yours if that's okay Li!" I heard Zayn say.

I looked in Liam's direction and realised he was waiting for me to respond. 

I tried not to sound to dissapointed as I replied.

"Nah it's okay Li, I am gonna have a good nights sleep tonight."

I wish I could stay at his tonight but I was trying to make these weird feelings go away not make them get stronger. I needed to get rid of these feelings some how, and I think I new how. I needed to find a girl. 

I decided to wait for when the boys left, I didn't want any of them to lecture me. Soon enough Zayn had finished his beer and Liam was telling him he wanted to go.

"I'm gonna stay here for a while guys." I said.

"Oh okay.." Liam replied slowly. Did his smile drop a little as he said that? Or was I just imaginging things? Why would he want me to leave with the others? Why was he 'sad' that I was staying? What am I saying, of course he wasn't sad that I was staying! He was probably just worried about me getting home or something. 

 We all said our goodbyes and finally I was left alone with my thoughts. I finished off my beer and ordered another one. I might as well, I was going to be here for a while. 

I scanned the bar looking for someone who would take my fancy. I might sound like a complete dick right now, but I didn't care. I didn't care right at this moment that I was going to use someone just because I was trying to forget these feelings I had for my best friend. I just needed them to go away. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl come up to the bar next to me. She had long brown hair and light eyes. She was wearing a tight dress which accentuated her figure. Perfect.

I turned my body towards her and smiled at her.

"Hey, I'm Niall." I said smoothly.

She smiled back at me, "I'm Skye. You're one of the guys that performed tonight right?"

"Yeah I am. Did you enjoy the performance?" I asked.

"Yeah it was great! You guys are really good! Where are the rest of the band?" she said as she looked around. 

"I'm glad you liked it. Oh they have gone home, I thought I would stay and maybe find some company...." I said slowly.

"Well you have found the right girl." She responded smirking at me.

Liam's POV

I tried to keep the fake smile plastered on my face as Zayn and I walked back to my flat. We got to my place quite quickly as it was only a few blocks down the road. We walked up the front steps and i unlocked the door quickly. I was planning on just going into my room and sleeping but apparently Zayn had other ideas.

"Hey mate, before you go into your bedroom to hide away, I want to talk to you!"

I was about to protest but decided against it. I did want to know what he wanted to talk about.

"What do you want to talk about?" I said sighing. 

"You like Niall don't you." He replied bluntly.

"Wha-" I was about to say but was cut short by Zayn.

"Don't you dare lie to me and say you don't. I've seen the way you look at him! And I know you are trying to avoid him, but its not going to help Li." 

I broke. Tears that I had held back for days ran down my cheeks. I had tried to stay strong but I couldn't take it any more.

"I don't like him Zayn, I'm in love with him." I said through my tears. There. I had said it. It was finally off my chest, it wasn't just my secret any more.

"Oh Li." Is all Zayn said before enveloping me in a tight hug. 

I don't know how long I cried for or how long I hung on to Zayn but when I let go I felt exhausted. Like all my emotions had been drained out of me.

"Are you gonna be all right Li? Why don't you go up to bed and have a sleep and we can talk about this tomorrow if you want?" Zayn asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked wiping my tears away before looking at him.

"You know me, I notice things that other people don't." He said giving me a small smile. 

"I guess so. God I must sound so pathetic Zayn. I'm in love with my fucking best friend! How did i get myself into this." 

"Hey! Don't blame your self okay? You can't help who you fall in love with." 

"Thank you. For staying with me. It's a relief to get this secret off my chest. To talk about it with you." I said.

"What are friends for right? Come on Li, lets get you to bed yeah." He said pulling me off the couch were we had been seated.


I woke to the sound of crashing noises coming from the direction of the kitchen. Zayn? It couldn't be. What would he be doing in the kitchen? He can't cook. I slowly got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. 

"Zayn?" I called out.

"DON'T COME IN!" I heard Zayn shout out.

To late. I walked into the kitchen and got a huge shock. The place was a mess! I don't think there was a surface of the kitchen that wasn't covered in a food substance. 

I spotted Zayn over by the oven looking sheepishly at me.

"What the hell Zayn!" 

"I was going to make you breakfast to make you feel better, but it didn't work out as I had planned.." Zayn said looking at me with a serious look on his face.

I felt a huge smile appear on my face and I started laughing. I couldn't help myself. It felt like I hadn't laughed so much in years. It suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted of my shoulders last night, just from telling Zayn my secret. 

"Your- Your face oh my god!" I said in between breaths.

"Why are you laughing! I thought you would be mad!" Zayn said pouting at me.

I finally calmed down and managed to speak.

"You were going to make breakfast for me?" I said.

"Yeah. You know after last night I thought you might like some cheering up. Maybe making breakfast wasn't such a good idea." 

"It was sweet of you to try and do this for me but you know you can't cook." I said laughing.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry for the mess." 

"It's okay. Come on I'll help you clean up and then I will make us a proper breakfast." I said smiling at him.

We took about an hour cleaning up the whole kitchen. I don't know how he managed to make such a mess. While we cleaned up he asked me questions about Niall, and how long I had known I was in love with him. I answered his questions the best I could and he listened while I told him everything.  It felt so good talking about it. I finally had someone I could confide in about my feelings and everything that I felt. 

After we had finished cleaning up and I had basically told him everything, I made us breakfast and we sat at the table still talking.

"Have you txted Niall this morning to make sure he got home okay?" I asked Zayn.

"Yeah I did, but he hasn't replied. He probably has a hangover and is still asleep. You don't need to worry Li." 

"Yeah but maybe one of us should go check on him.." I responded.

"Well I have to go soon. Buuuut you could go see him, if you want. Or I could, it doesn't matter. Are you okay after yesterday?" He said.

"Zayn. I realised I was in love with Niall like 6 months ago. If I have managed this long I am sure I can manage going to his house and seeing if he got home alright okay?" I said giving him a small smile. 

I actually felt a lot better. Telling Zayn everything made me feel so much happier. 

"Okay well I'm gonna get going. I'll txt ya later!" Zayn said getting of the kitchen stool and walking out towards the door.


I put our dishes into the sink and walked back to the bedroom to get changed. I decided to ring Niall before I went to check on him to see if he would pick up. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the contacts till I found his name. I pressed the button to call him and put my phone up to my ear. I heard the familiar ringing sound and then his voice at the end of the line. Answer phone. I guess I would just have to walk over and see how he was. 

I quickly got dressed and grabbed my jacket from the coat hanger in the hallway before walking out the door. Like I mentioned before, we all lived quite close together so it was easy just to walk to each others places.

I reached his flat in no time and jogged up the steps to his front door. I knocked loudly on the door and then stepped back a bit. I heard a kind of scuffling sound from inside and then the sound of a muffled laugh. I was about to knock again when the door was pulled open. It wasn't Niall standing there. It was a girl. A girl with long brown hair and light eyes. I know Niall brought girls home but what made it worse was that she was wearing one of his t-shirts. Not just any t-shirt. My favourite one. The one that always liked to see him wear as it brought out his eyes, which I had always thought were his best feature. 

"Oh. Hi.. Is Niall here?" I said slowly.

"Yeah he is just in the kitchen. Who are you?" She retorted.

"Babe, who is- Oh Liam! What are you doing here?" Niall said coming out of the kitchen.

Babe? Are you fucking kidding me right now? 

"You wern't answering your phone! I came to check if you got home okay. But it looks like you got home fine." I said not trying to sound to annoyed.

"Yeah I'm fine Li. This is Skye by the way." he responded.

"Hi. I'm Liam." I said through gritted teeth."Well I can see you are fine, so I better be off. Talk to you later Niall. Nice to meet you. Skye."

I didn't wait for there response. I had to get out of there. Fast. 

I barely managed to get down the steps before the tears began to fall.


There you go!! Sorry it took so long! This Chapter is dedicated to Skye! Who is amazing and let me put her in my fan fic! Go read the start of her story! It's really good :) 

Hope you guys like it :) Feedback is greatly appreciated!

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