I Love Him

By LauraAlana3

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Good is a handsome prince charming and a Top student (very rich too) that every girls and boys wanted but unf... More

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393 4 9
By LauraAlana3

Elle pov
Kafe, come on hurry up, "i shout from the front door again this morning, i wonder what is kafe doing last night"

Yessssss!!! Im comin,,, wait up wait up. "Kafe run to me,"

I really wonder what are you doing last night, did you watch drama again. "Kafe smile at me"

Wuuuutttt!!!! Nooo no drama, I'm was, ummm, doing assignment, i was doing my assignment that Mrs dinosaur giving and umm i need to hand it over today, so thats why, "kafe smiled then walk away from me and get inside the car," Elle come on or you might be late.

"I just let it passed and i walk to the passenger seat, since kafe decided take the driver seat.
"Kafe really know how to avoid the question", i mumble and look at kafe and make sure kafe didn't hear it.

*Take it my almighty skip 😂😂*

"We both arrived safely at my department, i open the car door and walk out," oh yea kafe, today my department have some kind activities and im not sure what time it will finished so just go home without me then lock the door and take care yourself and please be careful while you drive ok, "i was worry when i had to come home late and leave my sister alone at home, she is my only sister, my only family left, even she just my step sister with the same father but i care about her so much."

okay so i just straight back then later, oh i forgot to tell you, Yaimai will come tonight so i won't be alone at home and you don't have to worry so much, "Kafe smiled to me and make sure that i won't worry about her"

Fineeeee~, but remember what i just said ok, "i close the car door and remind her again,"

Yassss, i will lock the door and stay inside the house with Yaimai and i will drive careful, happy my dearest brother, "kafe chuckled at me because im so worry,"

Okay then, i get inside then, now go or your professor will sound you again, "i heard kafe say okay then i step away from the car and kafe drive away,
I walk toward front entrance and saw Good talking with his friends and of course his Girlfriend kaew also there, so i walk faster and pass by them and Good didn't even notice me, and i was so lucky because of that, i arrived at classroom and i just noticed that im the only one there so i decided to sit at my desk and take out some of my note and start to study.
Few minutes later more students walk in and i saw Good and his best friend Dream and im sure his girlfriend already gone to her department which is kinda take 18minute walk from here and im sure she already late.

For the rest of class, i can feel someone stare at me Very hard and that person is Good, if Good has laser eyes im sure he can make a Hole on my head.
"Why he keep on stare at me, its really hard to concentrate," please stop staring at me. "I mumbled that but i almost didn't hear the teacher called out my name,"

Elle!!! Do you heard me? "The 4eyes teacher call out for me, teacher Sawatrapa but everyone called him the 4eyes teacher because he wears glasses hahaha, anyway lets return why he called out for me.

Sorry i didn't heard you Mr Sawatrapa, "i stand up and smile at 4eyes teacher".

Sigh its okay, i let you go this time, this is your first time didn't focus on my class, "Mr Sawatrapa decided to let me go this time and it is my first time i lost my focus and that because of person who sit at desk behind me.

*Skippppp time and we at cafeteria YASSSS IM HUNGRY TOO*

Sighh~~"i play with my food for 5minute now and i keep sighing for 10time already. Kafe look at me weirdly but also as a sister she very concerned at me.

Elle, are you okay. You keep sighing for 10 times already, what happened to you. "Kafe can't stop asking me that question for the second time now since i didn't answer her at the first one."

I'm so not okay now, sighhh,,,
"I keep pout and play with my food,"

Stop play with your food, you should eat not play with it, "kafe say that and notice Good actually stare at her brother". Elle, i think Good is staring at you just now.

"After i heard that from kafe, i turn my head and saw Good sit few meter from our table and he actually smiled and wave at me,"
Kafe help me, i think Good hear what i mumbled at the library yesterday.

Wait what?, What did you mumbled to him and wait so he with you, not wonder i didn't see him around Dream after you left, so he was with you at the library,. "Kafe smiled and say wiggle her eyebrows but she turn serious again" so tell me what exactly did you say yesterday and why you tell me just now.

So you mean he ditched Dream and kaew after i left. "I shook heard this news, i mean he won't never ditched his best friend Dream and his annoying Girlfriend".

Ouchhh!!!!" kafe Hit my arms and of course i don't want to feel that hit because it soo damn hurt".

Answer my question first, what did you say yesterday? "Kafe face show me that she really curious about it"

So i decided to tell her the truth and everything for the start till end and guess what, i got free Hit again and this time it was really hurt and it sure left a red mark on my arm.

Will you stop hitting me, can you see my arm already turn red here, "i show my arm to kafe which making kafe run and wherever she was going,."
Did she just run off and leave me here alone, " i mumbled and rub my arm slowly but damn this girl sure have strength like buffalo, i decided to eat my food which it already cold then few minutes later she returns to our table holding on something and thats look like an ice pack, i guess she run off few minutes ago was just buy an ice pack."

Here, ice pack, sorry i forget that you easily get a bruise even got hit a little. "Kafe look at me with her sad face which i can't angry at her at all"

Its okay, i guess you are to shook after hearing my story and FYI you hit not just a light hit, you mostly use force hitting me and it hurt okay. "I chuckled at kafe shooking face then i push my plate away from me and i put the ice pack on my arm slowly, which it very cold but its fine as long the cold reduce the bruise at my arm,"

Really, OMG I'M SOOOOO SORRY!!!, I didn't mean to hit you by force" Kafe suddenly shout, i just blinking and then i noticed we still at cafeteria and everyone just stare at both of us and duh of course i feel embarrass but kafe didn't care about that because everyone, when i said everyone mean EVERYONE AROUND THE COLLEGE  know how kafe treating and protecting me, her motto is NO ONE CAN BULLY MY BROTHER ELLE AND IF SOMEONE DARE TO BULLYING MY BROTHER, THAT PERSON WON'T SEE THE LIGHT OF SUN NEXT MORNING, she just too cute to be protective to me 😅.

Kafe Shut up, everyone is watching us now, "i pull kafe to sit down" goshhh you shouldn't shout like that. "I hit kafe arm but of course kafe didn't feel anything, she told me once am i hit her or just tap her, i mean what is wrong with this girl.

Well don't mind about them tho but what i mind right now is Good, right now he stared at you, "kafe stand up and grab my hand then drag me out from the cafeteria."

Kafe~~~ where we going? ,"Well since i didn't know where kafe drag me, all i can do now is just to follow kafe."

I guess we safe here, now how you can be sure that Good didn't heard that you say you fall for him, "kafe look at me with her most serious face and the last time i saw she being serious when the senior confess to her and that time kafe make a long sentences and rules and conditions if he want to date with her and thats make that senior almost faint hearing her rule, that moment sure funny.

Ouchhh!! What?, "I stare at Kafe okay mostly glare at her but this sister of mine don't even scared at me unless i really angry." Stop hitting me.

Sorry but i can't stop help to keep worrying about you after you told me that he might heard what you saying. "Kafe face already told me that she really worry about me"

I'm sure He didn't hear what i say okay so don't worry so much, you should go back to your department now or you might be late on your next classes. "I pat kafe head and smile at her."

Hmm okay, oh i also forgot tomorrow is Saturday right and Yaimai just text me that Guide, you remember Guide right Yaimai Childhood friend, he will celebrate his birthday at bar so she want us come and join her. "Kafe ask me to join her and Yaimai go to bar."

Can i not go there, i want to use that day for me to lazy around the house or maybe clean up abit, "im saying that in hope that kafe will drop this matter but i was sooo wrong she never drop the conversation that she just start."

Nope, you have to come with me and yaimai, and i won't accept no as answer and you have to come no matter what, "kafe stare at me and like what she said, i can't say no to her"

Fine~, but i won't drink okay. "Of course if i drink and get drunk who will drive both of us home,"

Wutttt!!!!! But i can't promise that tho, "kafe grin at me then she checked her watch" OMG I'M GONNA BE LATE, GOT TO GO BYEEEEE!!!.

I just shake my head when i saw how kafe run, i mean she almost fall but she not, she still running like her life depend on it.
I decided to return back to my classroom but it mostly empty because everyone is still busy with whatever their were doing, and i still have more time before next classes start so i decided to take a little nap.
I take out my earpiece from my bag and connect it to my phone and i start search for my music and turn my music on then i lay my head on my arms and my face facing the beautiful view outside of the window.

(*Yaaasssss skip time 😂*)
*38minute later*

Yawnn" i woke up and check time at my phone then i turn my head and i almost fall from my sit and also almost scream because gosh this guy can give me an heart attack,"

Damnit Good will you stop doing that, "i sit up straight then glare at Good"

Hahaha sorry I didn't mean to make you shock like this, its just i dont want to wake you up because you sleep like a baby, "Good chuckle then mess up my hair"

"I can feel my face hot because of this kinda act but I can't let myself fall even deeper, then i saw more students walk in and then i saw Dream walk in and Dream notice Good sit next to me but he just smile and he sit at his desk which is next to Good desk at my back. So i push his hand away from my head".
Stop it, just go sit at your desk and also please don't get to close to me.

Good confused at my action and he want to ask me what happened but the teacher walk in and save me for today, i dont know how long i can avoiding him.

*Let me use my almighty skip 😂 few hours later*

"Like i say today my department sure have a lot of activity and i so damn tired, i take out my phone and check time and its almost 9.45pm," damnit its way to late, i wonder what Kafe and Yaimai were doing, "i mumbled then suddenly one car stop right at front of me, then Good face pop out,"

Elle, aren't you going home, its late already, "Good stare at me from inside his car."

I was waiting for a taxi, you should go now, "i try to avoid Good stare which is unfortunately didn't work at all"

Come on get in, i send you home, your house road exactly same roadway to my condo, "Good insist want to send me home but i don't want be alone with Good because im sure he will ask me whats up with my act few hours ago but then again I'm the only one who still haven't return home, and I'm a type of person that easy get scared.
Then i heard Good said something like *i won't bite you, just let me send you home* something like that but can i really truly trust him. I keep look at him unsure what to answer or do but then again i really need get home fast so i just agreed and open the car door, get into Passenger seat  and close the door then Good suddenly get closer and smile sweetly to me.

What are you doing, why are you so close, "i start to panic and start to hug my bag then Good chuckle at me while pull the seatbelt."

I just want to Wearing you this seatbelt, i don't want anything happens to you, so relax. Like i said, i won't bite you, "Good smile then drive off."

For rest of the journey back to my house, both me and Good didn't talk anything like we both love this peaceful and quietness inside this car.  But the quietness didn't stand for long because i didn't expect that Good will start the conversation first.

Why i feel like you avoiding me?, "Good say that but his eyes still focus on the road."

I didn't avoiding you, i was just busy, "i turn my head and look at the car window then i saw Good reflection in the window, goshhhh he so handsome and cute when he focus."

Noo, i know you avoiding me, i can feel it, "Good stop at the red light then he stare at me but why he sounds like he sad and also that look like he was sad and disappoint, i don't know why but my heart sure being stab by a sharp knife when i saw his face, i can see all that on reflection at the window but i still haven't turn my head, i decided to keep quiet and ignore him, im sure he will get it over later."

"Few minutes later i having this mini war inside my head and i also curious about what is Good thinking is , he so quiet. so i decided to turn my head and look at him, i try not to be obvious here but he noticed me keep stare at him, he just smile while focusing on the road and me of course blush and i avoid look at him...
I keep on doing that until Good stop right at front of my house,,, i unblock the seatbelt and try to open the car door but its still locked, so i turn my head and saw Good grin at me and of course its creepy when a guy grinn at you even though you also a guy."

What are you doing, unlock this door please, "i hug my bag"

Cute, "Good say that and unlock the door,and i hurried open the car door and of course i didn't forget saying thank you before i close the door. Then i run to the house and didn't even look back.
Once I'm inside the house, i straight run to my room and almost bump into kafe at the hallway, i ignore at Kafe asking me what wrong, i get into my room and i lock my door and all i want to do now is to hide under my blanket.

Stupid Good, don't call me cute, im not even a girl for you to call me cute,, damnit Good, "i tossing around my bed and keep on sayin *Idiot Good* or *im not cute* "
Then i heard a knock and hear kafe shouting that *am i okay here* then i shout back *I'm okay don't worry go back doing whatever you two were doing* something like that.
I decided to take a shower and when i finished showering the time already 10.30pm, i grab my phone and decided to check my FB account and i saw a new notifiction that someone just send me a friend request and when i click it, i shook because it was Good who send me a friend request. I Know from Kafe that Good put private on his FB account and also his Instagram account and only few people he will follow and friend with, but why he suddenly send me a friend request.
But Since i don't know what to do i just turn off my FB account and put my phone away, i lay down on my bed and stare at the wall and ceiling like it was the most interesting thing to look at, and i feel like my eyes getting heavy, i close my eyes and drift to Dreamland in few seconds and thats is the last night i feel peaceful because after this my life won't be this peaceful anymore.

Okay first of all, let me tell you allz clearly that this story i won't put Yaimai and Guide As a couple like in the drama #mydreamtheseries, i will put Yaimai and Guide as childhood friend ( yes I'm TanaixGuide lololololololol so don't mind me tho,) at here as always Guide ,Runway and Yim is Best friend also Dream and Good are friend too, P'Asawin will show up later (I don't know when but sooner 😏 because i don't want Yim being alone later) oh and also Tanai is Yim Cousin and Tanai is very protective to baby Yim (i love twisted my story hahahahahaha jk😂😂😂😂)

PS:Kafe don't know that Guide is Good younger brother and Elle seem forget about it because he was too busy having a mini Battle with his heart 😂 okay thats all for now enjoy it na.

PSS: Don't mind my grammar na 😅

Love you byeee 😘😘

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