His street racer

By Cjsummer15

4.6K 18 0

Josiah Winchester: the caption of the football team, he's out partying when ever he can, his dad is really ne... More

The beginning
Can i have your Sanp?
Smart girl
Summer Jackson
Maybe a little crush
Play fights
Shes just a friend
Movies and cuddles
"Why do you like a girl like her?"
Kendricks Secret with Carter
"Kayden wants war"
With the gang
"She hot"
Red Roses
Just a kid
The mall
The ball


57 0 0
By Cjsummer15


I knew Carter was getting attached to Nellie, after the meetings I when to my room Nellie was on the bed sleeping Carter was doing school work at the table "hey" I said Carter looked up and smiled "hey" she said I pecked her lips "Nellie had fun with my nephew" I smiled and got some change of clothes "that's good" she nodded "I have to work tomorrow do you have any meetings?" I shook my head "ok good I'll be done around 4:00 then I'm getting food with my Marley and Alana" I nodded "ok I might take Nellie to my moms with me" tomorrow was Saturday so my sisters would love to met Nellie "Nellie was born in October in Cleveland" Carter said   I sat down across from Carter "October 5 same day as Marleys, her parents Hellen Paine and Edward Paine"

"Ok and?" I asked "that girl had three sidings child protective services came and got them" I sighed "how old are they?" Carter shrugged "I can't find any of them I gave up and started my first class I'm now on the last one, but I have Thalia and Sams wife looking" I nodded "would we have them take her?" Carter looked up from her laptop "if we don't I'm sure my sister or brother would take her" Carter sounded sad "Carter?" I asked "yes?" I smiled "your beautiful" she blushed then started back on her work I started mine after a couple of hours Nellie woke up and crawled in my lap "hey princess" I say "hi Jo" she said Carter was in the shower "did you have fun hanging out with Ross?" She nodded "yes" I smiled "tomorrow me and you are going to my moms and you're going to meet my sisters" she smiled "what about Cat?"

"She has to work then she's going to get food with some of her friends" Nellie nodded and watched me finish my class Carter came out with the sweatshirt I gave her almost three months ago and sweatpants "hey Nell" she sat down in her chair "hi" Nellie smiled

One month later


I was pacing, "stop!" Alana said I looked at her "your making me nervous" Thalia said "please just sit down" Marley said I sighed and sat next to Thalia me and Josiah couldn't find Nellies siblings, about a week of taking care of her she called Josiah dad and he almost started to cry, I actually did cry when she called me mom, and then I started to get sick and I always get my period ever 4th I missed it my mom said I should take a test so I'm in Thalia's bathroom I had one minute till I find out if I'm going to have a baby, I basically move in with Josiah me,Willow and Lydia have become friends, I've been helping Lydia and Uja get together, Sianna and Jaymes got married yeah their on there honeymoon, the Helixes don't know I'm a Rose still, and we also became allies, Josiah met all of my brothers and they did what brothers do, threaten to beat him up if her hurt me, the next day he said I love you

The timer when off we all looked at each other "someone look at it!" I yelled Marley got up she smiled "Thalia your going to be a godmother" I started to cry we all did, I called my mom

"You where right" there was a long pause "I'm right about a lot" I sighed and rolled my eyes "I'm pregnant" she started to cry "oh god I'm really right about a lot o things" she got out I smiled "I'm going to go over for a minute"
"Ok I'll see you then" she hung up

"Wait your pregnant?" Sam asked I nodded Gina his wife smiled she held Cameron , "I'm happy for you" she said, "hey our kids can be best friends" Sam said I smiled "um yeah" I say

I when to my moms and called Hunter

"Yo" he said "I'm pregnant" he hung up immediately I smiled Haden was at my moms along with Uja, Noah and Cole, I walked in "your pregnant!?" Jeff yelled I smiled he hugged me it then became a group hug "is this good for the baby?" I asked they all pulled away "it's still young" my mom said and they hugged my again, we pulled away Haden gave me this look I sighed "I hate you" I punched his shoulder he wanted to do something but Cole stepped between us "dude she pregnant wait after" he squinted his eyes "I won't forget" he walked away Noah came over "I was your baby daddy" he said I smiled "have you two been checking your condoms?" I asked and smirked they looked at each other and sighed

"Well all the kids would be close in age" Uja said the two guys looked at him, "that's true" Jeff said I smiled

Call from Josiah

"Hey babe" he said "hey" I smiled "When are you coming home?" He asked "I'm at my moms I don't know when" I say "ok just tell me when your close" I nodded "I will" I knew he was smiling "ok bye love you" I smiled "bye love you" I hung up my brothers where looking at me "aw" Uja said "I'm single" he walked away "you have Lydia" he turned around "my mom said I need to take her out" I nodded "you do just take her to Texas Roadhouse and say she can get anything and don't forget your wallet" I say he chuckled "I will take her out and not forget my wallet" He walked away Noah smiled "hey we might be dads" he looked at Cole "yeah that's going to be fun" I said my mom looked at us "I raised you kids you got in trouble with the law and fixed it just let them get in a couple of fights and get suspended" I smiled

I got suspended once in elementary for punching a boy that said I couldn't play football with them because I was a girl, Noah was on the other team and said I could be on his team but they guy wouldn't let me so I punched him and called him sexist, I was in the fifth grade at the time, but it was worth it
I got suspended twice in middle school

I got into a fight with this girl and she was put in the hospital, and I beat up a boy on the last day of school and I was suspended for the first three days

I wasn't suspended in high school, my mom had some chill so I had some then left "love you!" My mom yelled "love you!"

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