The Forgotten (Rainbow Six Si...

Per Admiral_Azzpound

77.1K 196 73

"The army was what I wanted to do in life, who knew it would lead to this." He said, bitter sweet. Their sat... Més

I've got news
Casefile: L\n
Chapter 1 : Recounting Old Stories pt.1
Chapter: 3 Meeting The New Faces
Part: 4 The Breakdown

Chapter 2: Recounting Old Stories pt.2

5.9K 70 19
Per Admiral_Azzpound

Date: 17/10/2018

Time: 0624 hours (6:24 am)

Location: Herefordshire, England

Primary objective: Recruitment for Team Rainbow

Secondary objective: Tell the leaders of Team Rainbow how it is you came to be.



"So what happened after that?" Asked Harry, now with more caution. Meanwhile, Six wrote down whatever she deemed as necessary. I, however, had a plan and played the part accordingly. Sat with my head down and looked at the floor, clenching my hands and teeth in sudo anger having to relive these memories. It seems I'm not to bad of an actor either.

"Give him a moment, Harry. Trauma no matter how big is never an easy thing to tell, let alone relive. This is bound to be a difficult thing for him. In fact, he is already doing extraordinary well." said Six, the first time she said something since this Harry guy showed up. One of the first times any of them showed actual concern with my behavior actually. Granted now I'm putting up a damn good mask that will keep them off my back, so press on I must. 

"Just shut up and listen," I growled. Bringing their attention back to me they were ready to listen. What they don't know won't hurt them, so here go's nothing. 


17 years from the present

Date: 26/1/2001

Time:1446 hours (2:46 pm)

Location: Afghanistan, 20 miles from Ashrow

Primary objective: Secure evac and bring all assets back home to base

Secondary objective: Locate and eliminate the enemy

Leading team: Joker squad, including SPC. L\N, PFC. Taylor, PMC soldier. Elzbieta Bosak, Navy Seal. Meghan Castellano

Secondary team: Vagues squad, objective to scout half a klick north of Joker squad, equipped with Humvee support



The crack of a rifle shot and an explosion filled the once dead silent valley.

Delta and I instinctive drop to the ground prone, and while I scan our surroundings she sets up her rifle. With the valley's many little caves and crevices all along its edge, it's easy for someone to hide as long as they know the terrain, and all we can hope for now is that they didn't see us. Although looking over the ridge, it was clear we weren't much of a concern. 

The Humvee carrying Vagues squad and our supplies were ablaze with orange and red flames licking at the hood and driver's seat. Shimmers of glass glaring in the sun speckled the burning dirt, and those who weren't caught in the blast were now scrambling to get to the burning humvee. I could see two slowly get to their feet after being knocked down, but from what I could see no one looked critically hurt which was a slight breath of relief. Although, my keen eye would be called into question. 

"What are we looking at L/N?" asked Delta who had her attention on our surroundings rather than our crew left in the open like sitting ducks. "Looks like a triggered IED," I answered. Not even a second after saying that, I knew we were in shits creek, when a haunting war cry erupted, echoing throughout the valley " الأمريكية" (American's!)

One cry soon turned to hundreds as they continuously echoed throughout the jagged rocks. At that moment though, Delta finally found a target. "I see 'em, dugout at two o'clock," She said and took aim. "How many?" I hastily asked. She didn't look up from her scope as she trailed, "I see about 20..." before taking her shot. 

The loud "BOOM" sounded and kicked up plenty of dust at the end of her rifle. Clouding my vision and leaving a heavy ringing in my ears. The comm in my ears soon screaming at me broke my tinnitus, however, " Mayday! Mayday, Recon 2 we're being overrun! Please advise!"

A bullet impacting the rock above my head shook me short on a response, my hands instinctively going to my ears. "We're compromised, L/n! What's our next move?" Delta yelled over move bullets heading our way. Squeezing my eyes shut, I lay trying to think of something while my name kept being screamed for help. "Recon 2! L/n! Taylor! Someone, please advise! We're being torn apart down here!" "L/n, we need to do something!"

"Come on, think, think, think, damn it!" I chanted to myself among the commotion, until the only thing I could think of was our only option. "Delta!" I yelled, getting her attention, and gave my order, "Head to the rendezvous site and keep your head down." "What!?" She yelled, "Are you crazy! They need help down there!" " I know that! That's why I have a plan! You just need a head start!" I yelled back and mustered the most trusting look I could, "Trust me."

She was hesitant though, "And what about you?" She inquired. With a small smile, I replied." I'll be right behind you once I get them out, alright. I promise" Though I couldn't see her smile behind the bandana she wore, the look in her green eyes was enough to show her trust. "I'll save you a seat at evac." She joked before she began to make her journey. But not without looking back, one last time. Those green eyes wanted to say a thousand words but kept silent when she made her prone shimmy back down the way we originally came.

With her gone, and the gunfire heading my way easing its volume of fire, I spoke into my earpiece to make my team's next move, "Recon 1, this is L/n, what's the sitrep down there?" It didn't take long to get a response, "L/n? It's about damn time! All's fucked down here, Humvee's down and we got injured with 2 critical."

This was what got the gears in my brain turning to formulate a solid plan, and a plan is what I had. "Gather everyone and high tail it to the rendezvous site. From there hold the line until evac will get here. Taylor's already en route." I hastily explained. "And who's going to give us cover," the male voice asked. I gave a simple answer, "Me." For once, I didn't seem to much of a rebuttal as he obliged, "Wilco, we'll see you on evac?" I gave an unseen smile while giving my answer and next order, "You can count on it. Now on my signal, book it." "Roger that." is all I got in response.

Now turning on my side, I rolled out of the straps of my bag and opened the main compartment to go and dig for what I was looking for. "Come on. Come on. Gauze, no. Binoculars, no. Where is it? There!" I exclaimed after finding the said item, "Let's pray this works." As I move to my knees I could hear the firefight wean until only pop shots and small bursts of fire were heard. Taking a deep breath, I could only hope the ground team was ready to move. Because this is a horrible idea. In the meantime, I steeled my nerves and grabbed my team's radio to a US base a few clicks out. I can only hope evacs are available as I make my call, "Desert Fox, this is specialist L/n please come in"

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long when a female operator answered the call, "L/n, this is Desert Fox, we read you loud and clear. What's the situation?" I explained in detail, "This AO is too hot. We've got a whole damn squadron of Militia on our ass and we're pinned down at the valley. I request immediate evac on our rendezvous point." My request wasn't met with the response I was hoping for however, "I'm sorry to say L/n, but evac is scarce at the moment. The best we can do is Humvee support in about 10 mikes off that position."

My heart sank after that. We had hope yes, but could we really hold them off for ten minutes? Although it was better than nothing, and it's our best shot. "Send'em," I ordered," But tell them they might need a cleanup crew when they get there," I replied back trying not to show the panic I was feeling in my voice. "Wilco, L/n. Best of luck," she closed before terminating the call.

Again taking a deep breath I attempt to train my focus on the task at hand. With the needed item in hand, I contacted the ground team to get the confirmation to put it in use, "Recon 1, are you ready to move?" "Ready when you are L/n," They confirmed. I subconsciously nodded my head as I pulled the pin of the grenade I was holding and shelled it into my M4's Grenade launcher before yelling into the comms, "Move!" and launching the said grenade over the hill and towards their position. I watched the can leaking smoke fly with bated breath as it got closer and closer to the team's position as they began to run and bullets began to once again fly. With the grace of God, the grenade continued to leak smoke until it finally hit the ground and successfully created a smokescreen for my team to make their getaway.

"Now for step two," I mumbled to myself and got my rifle ready to fire. Stepping to the edge I began to fire at the ridge where I last saw the Militia members giving some form of covering fire for my teammates on the run. Only without any long-range optics, it was nothing more than pissing in the wind knowing their volume of fire was far better than mine. I was just hoping it would be enough to keep them in their hiding holes long enough for us to get away. My hope has been stretched thin today though. "إنهم يتراجعون الشحنة" (they're retreating! Charge!) a chant called out followed by a sea of cries in favor.

"That's... not good," I said to myself. Getting my head back in the game, I reloaded and repeated the process of blind firing. I knew it was a fruitless endeavor, but continue to do so I did. 4 mags down shows my commitment. But one man can't beat an army...


"And?" Impatiently asked Harry after the brief cut-off from my story. I could only smirk to myself while keeping my hunched position. I needed some kind of distraction away from this stupid story to think of what next to say. "You're not going to get it out of me that easily Harry," I thought to myself before replacing my smirk with a scowl. Now having to say my next piece, I've gotta keep the act up until they either buy my botched tail or drop this ridiculous endeavor entirely. "I'm sure you can piece the rest together yourself," I rebutted while giving him a glare. He matched my gaze but was ultimately neutral. It was clear to me he was curious, anxious even, about me, and what I had to say. The way he watched me with a detailed glare behind those glasses, it wasn't hard to tell he wanted to see what made me tick. If only he knew that was the best way for a boot to end up his ass and then some.

For now, I'd rather be stale for as long as possible while I think of a better cover story. The last time I told my real story, it wasn't pretty to listen to, let alone tell. Especially when you consider that a dangerous part of me is filled with negative emotions, emotions that created him. I've learned to control him over the years but control can't tame crazy.

So for now, I need to keep my cards close to my chest and wait for the right call. Because I doubt either Harry or Six are going to take what I say at face value. Knowing them, they have eyes and ears everywhere that can dig up anything, while I'll take my chances, I also know when to call it quits. It's a waiting game now. We'll have to wait and see who cracks first.

Let the shit show commence...


Author's Note: Warning short chapter 

Anyways, I guess I'll see you all in a few months


Continua llegint

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