Fixed and broken(Completed)

By DaisyFolk

1.9K 53 6

Book Two to "My ex-mate" Alexis has gone rogue?! Justin's Might have a second chance?! Sarah has a mate?! Me... More

Dirty House
I've Met Her Mom?
Auntie Beth!?
Authors note
Lustful eyes
Authors note
A Day about thoughts
Rescue Plan?
My room was empty
Witches House
Sorrow and Pain
Prepare to Fight
Dark room
Pain only women know
Baby Time
Him or Her
5 years later

Cribs and Toys

40 1 0
By DaisyFolk


I walk into toys or us. The lights seemed to bright since the sun had gone down. I had one hour before they closed. I went to the baby's section. I wanted the best for my princess. I walked towards cribs. I saw the most cute crib ever. it was perfect for my little blue eye princess. I grabbed the box and lifted it onto a near by trolley .My baby girl did not have a name so I only grabbed toys next with no decorations.She was to small for my blankets so I also shoved a fuzzy soft blanket on my trolley. I payed for it and realized I needed more then just feet to get it too her. I grabbed a burn phone and then called a taxi. It was hard to fit all the stuff In but I did it. 

I had gotten home. Alexis was still barely breathing. Sarah was feeding my little girl as Nick built the crib. I was soon holding Alexis hand. I rubbed circles in her skin. I stood by her for so long Nick finished the crib .Sarah put her to bed and I was left there beside my mate. The mark on her neck was his .I wanted to kill him. I was not naming my baby without her. I would never think of such a thing. The love of my life was dying and all I could do was stand there. I watched as she moved. She looked like she was in so much pain. My oreo smelling mate. It seems like so long ago now I was bringing you home by force. you worried me so much.I finely have you.You haven't even had the chance to marry me. To hold are child. I felt so alone without you by me. I kissed her lips and fell asleep on the floor beside my baby's crib. I would protect you both. 


The next day after building the crib for Justin I went down stairs. It was really earily and the sun was just coming up when I heard the most teirfing sound. My heart dropped. I ran to the table where Alexis was .She was no longer breathing. I yelled for everyone and Justin came running in with killer bed head. He took one look and fell hard to the ground. He started hitting her chest.

"come on!, NO! COME ON!". He started pushing on her chest to restart her heart. No one had an idea how or when she died. It seemed peaceful. I look at Alexis ,someone I claimed to love and turn to Mell. Mell was frozen with Sarah who had come running. I look around. Justin was hitting and yelling things like you can't leave me. He called her a bitch and said he would kill him. I slowly walked up to Mell and held her in my arms. I sqezzed her so tight . I love you so much is what I tell her as I go to comfort Sarah who looked like shit. I touch her shoulder and she screams.

"Don't touch me!".Sarsh starts crying and runs outside.



"If all else perished, and she remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and she were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."
( Emily Jane Brontë )

You will not be forgotten my love. Are little girl will live on in you.

"The pleasure of remembering had been taken from me, because there was no longer anyone to remember with. It felt like losing your co-remembered meant losing the memory itself, as if the things we'd done were less real and important than they had been hours before."
(John Green)

I was barely with you. We slept only once and it will be in my heart forever. I will miss you so much. I hate you for leaving. The tears start to blur my eyes as I hold Alexis cold hand. She was so pale.

"Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back."
(Mitch Albom)

I will never not think about you. I will never let you go. I cry so hard it becomes hard to breath. I try to gasp for air. Mell puts her hand on my shoulder as Sarah holds Alexis hand where I once was kneeing. Mell slowly took me to where my little girl layed. 

"She needs a name Justin?". She slowly lets tear fall. 

"I did not know Alexis very well but she wanted her to have a name, I know that much".

I look at Mell and think about names that would have made Alexis happy. I thought about the way she would run away though the trees. We didn't get time together. She gave me a chance and I failed her. I looked at my blue eyed baby and saw her growing up without her. I cryed more as Mell left me there. She needs a name runs though my head. Alexis tell me what to do. You foolish mate, tell me what her name is. I look at my child sleeping and rolling every few mins . She slowly opens her eyes and I knew. Bella. My little princess.....


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