Frat House // harry styles

By plainlystyles

351K 6.6K 7.8K

[DISCONTINUED] (for now) After giving up on finding a place to stay after being accepted into WSU, Ariana res... More

✧ chapter one ✧
✧ chapter two ✧
✧ chapter three ✧
✧ chapter four ✧
✧ chapter five ✧
✧ chapter seven ✧
✧ chapter eight ✧
✧ chapter nine ✧
✧ chapter ten ✧
✧ chapter eleven ✧
✧ chapter twelve ✧
✧ chapter thirteen ✧
✧ chapter fourteen ✧
✧ chapter fifteen ✧
✧ chapter sixteen ✧
✧ chapter seventeen ✧
✧ chapter eighteen ✧
✧ chapter nineteen ✧
✧ chapter twenty ✧
✧ chapter twenty-one ✧
✧ chapter twenty-two ✧
✧ chapter twenty-three ✧
✧ chapter twenty-four ✧
✧ chapter twenty-five ✧
✧ chapter twenty-six ✧
✧ chapter twenty-seven ✧
✧ chapter twenty-eight ✧
✧ chapter twenty-nine ✧
✧ chapter thirty ✧
✧ chapter thirty-one ✧
✧ chapter thirty-two ✧
✧ chapter thirty-three ✧
thirty four

✧ chapter six ✧

11.8K 225 214
By plainlystyles

Spaghetti Bolognese

I wake up in the morning and groan, grabbing my head in agony. I quickly sit up in the bed and close my eyes, rolling my neck around in circles.

I place my hands on my neck and slowly start massaging myself, moving down to my shoulders. I winced in pain and widened my eyes. What the fuck was that...

I jump up from the bed and almost topple over as everything went black for a second. Stood up too quickly, whoops.

I ran over to the mirror after finally regaining my balance and observed the source of the excruciating pain.

Memories arouse from last night, more specifically, the ones I hoped that were a dream or were just left in the dark.


Who does he think he is? Taking advantage of me whilst I was drunk? Placing a symbol of his presence straight onto my neck? A reminder of prior events.

One thing was for certain, there was no way in hell I'll let him come near me again. There's no way in hell I could deal with that dominating shit, no matter how hot it could be. Oh and not only that but if my brother found out about this he'd probs kill me.

What was with Harry though? One second he's like "I'm not interested in you." And the next he's like "I can make you feel good, I want you..." this kid must have bipolar.

A knock on my door stumped me of my thoughts, I quickly pushed my hair onto my shoulder to cover my neck and groggily stumbled over to the door, unlocking it and opening it sluggishly.

I met with a pair of brown eyes and that signature brown messy hair.

"Morning. Thought this would ease your awakening." Byron smiles and hands me a glass of water paired with pain relief. An iconic, underrated duo...if I do say so myself.

I give him a little nod and smile, taking the items from his hands and stepping aside to let him into my room.

"Pretty big huh." He gapes, making into my room and circling around to absorb it in all its glory.

"I mean, what else can you expect from being the Vice President's sister?" I shrug, giving him a small smile. I take a moment to pop two pills out of the sheet and swallow them with a gulp of water.

"You're not wrong." Byron adds, wrapping up his exploration of my room and sitting next to me on the bed. "Hey, so I was wondering if you could come down to the pool later on today and join me for a swim. It's quite refreshing." He offered, rubbing his arm sheepishly.

"Yea, that sounds sweet. When did you want me down there?" I can't help but blush at his offer. Seems like there are more decent guys in this fraternity then Noah could ever know... and that I ever expected in the first place.

"Well maybe in a couple of hours. A few guys and I are cleaning up and it's kind of gross down there. It's probably better if you stay up here." He tells me, I scrunch my eyebrows in confused and cock my head to the side.

"Elaborate?" I press further.

"Well there's half naked girls downstairs, a couple of people are still having sex and moans are radiating through the house, there's vomit in the garden and empty bottles of alcohol everywhere." He begins to list, I curl my face up in disgust.

"Oh and some of the moans are radiating straight across the hall." He rolls his eyes, shaking his head and chucking slightly.

The silence that then envelopes the room doesn't last long, muffled moans fill the room and I groan, laying down on my bed and pushing my pillow onto my face.

"Harry is such a manwhore." I say into my pillow, it was probably barely audible to Byron. I wondered if he even heard? My thoughts were answered as Byron laid down next to me and exhaled a deep breath.

"Yeah, well that's Harry." He spoke quietly.

"I am hungry anyway. Downstairs probably ain't that bad and I can't deal with being stuck in this room listening to the moans of a mysteriously annoying bad boy and mostly likely a slutty, busty blonde get it on for hours across the hall-"

"Yes Harry!" A surprisingly loud but muffled scream cuts off my deprecating speech.

"Yeah. That's it, let's go." I grab Byron's arm and drag him out of my room. I let him trail behind me as I near the door.

I grab the handle and try to open the door, luckily it's locked and I'm very much glad it is... but that just makes me being able to express my irritation considerably harder.

"Shut... the... fuck... up... and... have... sex... quieter... people... in... Japan... don't... want... to... hear... it!" I scream through the door between bangs.

Abrupt silence fills the room as I smirk in accomplishment.

"Thank you, continue to enjoy your hate-sex quietly." I say through the door and walk away.

"Jesus Christ." Byron cackles, shaking his head in amusement at my previous actions.

"Harry's gonna learn that I'm going to make his life living hell. He probably hasn't met anyone like me and I bet he'll wish he never did." I shrug cockily.

"Sounds like something he'd say." He considers, pursing his lips. "Good luck to you."

He intertwined our fingers and I jump slightly in shock. After taking a deep breath I control myself and give his hand a quick squeeze.

Byron swings my arm back and forth quickly as I giggle at his childish actions.

"What did you wanna eat?" He asks me as we near the kitchen. I try my best to ignore the onslaught of passed out people on the first floor.

"I don't know." I detach myself from Byron's grip and explore the cupboards.

"How about we go out for breakfast?" He suggests, making his way to the kitchen bench, beginning over and resting his elbows on it.

"I would but I feel and look like shit right now... maybe tomorrow?" I proposed. Byron thought for a minute then nodded his head eagerly.

"It's a date." He smiles cheekily, making an uninvited blush to creep on my cheeks. He noticed my reaction and stood up from the bench, walking over to me and squeezing my cheek.

"I swear I'm not usually like this." I reassure, finding myself unable to fight the crimson off my cheeks.

"Okay Ari, whatever you say." He scrunched up his nose and helped me explore the kitchen.

"I honestly feel like spaghetti." I break the silence which filled the room for a couple of minutes.

"Then lets make it." He claps his hands together and begins to take out the ingredients.

"Only problem is I don't know how to cook anything except for eggs on the stove..." I mutter to myself.

After taking out all the ingredients Byron brought my chin up to meet his eyes.

"I'll show you how." He smiled sweetly at me.

He started by turning the stove on and placing a pot for the pasta and a pot for the mince on the stove. You guys should know how to make spaghetti so I wont go into much detail.

Byron came up behind me and leant his body against my back, leaning his chin on my neck he took my hands in his and guided me in stirring the tomato paste with the mince.

"See, it's as easy as that." He smiled, giving me a small peck on the neck. Involuntary goosebumps rose on my arms.

Our moment didn't last long however. A busty blonde walked through the house with her handbag and out the door, followed by a disheveled Harry.

"Told you... busty blonde." I pointed towards the now long gone girl before taking in our current stance. Harry won't like this, but who was I to care.

"Morning princess... Byron." He acknowledges our presence. I feel Byron shift uncomfortably as I scowl at Harry, I softly pull myself out of Byron's loosening grip and fold my arms.

"Who the fuck you calling princess? You fucking creep." I feel Byron's warning eyes burn into my back as Harry makes his way over to me.

He prods his finger into my neck straight onto his mark and I hiss in pain.

"Can you not." I snap at him as he raises his eyebrows.

"I do what I want Ariana. We've already gone through his." He mumbles, pushing my hair to expose his mark to the world.

"No you can't, you for sure can't poke my hair straightener burn. It hurts like a bitch, so don't make it worse." I tell him, clinging to my story yesterday in which I told Byron.

"Hair straightener burn? That's a new one." He laughs deeply, opening the fridge and grabbing himself an Up&Go.

"Don't forget about my offer Ariana Rose." He reminds me.

"Fuck you and fuck your offer. I'm not risking any form of std from sleeping around with your ass." I spat at him. Finding my response humorous he walks away.

"Whatever you say baby doll." And like that, he's gone.

"What the fuck was he talking about?" Byron asks, concern dripping from his features.

"Trying to get in my pants and making me play his little game was a no from me, his desperate ass can't take that." I shrug, turning back to the spaghetti which was still cooking on the stove.

"That's good then, isn't it?" Byron gives me a smile and helps me plate the spaghetti.

It was... right?

Hey guys. So I'm trying to figure out my direction with this story and I want some input. Did you guys want straight to the point or back and forth games.

Idk how to write shit like this and I thought it would be fun and yeaaaaa.

Love you guys

Tash xx

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