Ganz x Reader ||COMPLETED|| {...

Oleh 23whitecrystal

28.6K 1.4K 492

You fell into the underground to a talking flower and your stuck in the ruins running around until some event... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A lot of realization
Chapter 3 The strange figure in the night.
Chapter 4 Morning dreams
Chapter 5. The plan.
Plans for a movie.
Chapter 7. Adventuring around
Chapter 8. The sounds of beyond the door.
Chapter 9 The picture
Chapter 10 *insert weird title here*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "The realization of a loss of hope"
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 ....licking attack....
Curious Kid
*insert another weird title here*
Whip Cream
The terrors that haunt us
You can ignore this lmao
"His past"
Understanding A Ganz
An exit
I guess were playing Tag
self-esteem is an enemy
The inn
Some laughs in sleep
Plans for events
Seeing the snowfall
*insert another weird title but title that's still cool*
A new discovery
"Sweetheart these are called echo flowers for a reason."
Something In The Bushes
Starting to have "terrible" dreams about someone
Talking about Dreams
Exposed A Little
Leaving Undyne's house
Ganz's Mixed up Emotions
Its hard to control anger
Plans for the Revival
Determination Extracting is not the safest thing to do
Revival of What was Lost
"Can I just get some water please?"
Regrets of the past
Explaination of Flowey
The Fight

A Walk With Mel

379 24 2
Oleh 23whitecrystal

You sit silently on the couch unsure of what to do next. Soon your all going to have to get ready and continue your journey. But your not sure what the plan is exactly. Maybe you could ask Ganz what happened to the other humans.
"Hey Ganz, I know this is out of the blue but what happened to the other humans?" Ganz went silent. "Well...y/n they all died from either Asgores hands or Papyrus, other wise it was a different monster. But I'll make sure you get through that barrier...." Ganz was a bit quite about the humans.
     "Hey Ganz couldnt I just pass through the barrier?" You asked not wanting to hurt anyone. "No. You have to kill Asgore. There's not-" Ganz paused for a moment.
    "Wait your soul is not normal.. Hey can I do something to you?" Ganz questioned. "Yeah I guess, what's going on?" Ganz didn't finish your last question. His eye started flaring up in a blue fire as he took out your soul.
     It was the normal red heart with a little white heart on the inside. Then on the left side had some black cracks hitting a tiny part of the white soul.
      Ganz eye sockets opened more wide in shock of what he's seeing.
"Y/ have such a unique soul but what you..." Ganz started to go silent. You couldn't understand what was going on. You looked at him confused.
    "Y/n, sweetheart the cracks indicate the breaking of the soul or hate. But it looks like its almost breaking its self instead of breaking and then dieing right away. It may be because of the determination." Ganz pulled your soul closer to his face to observe it.
      You didn't really know how to explain what has happened to you. You didn't want to drown him in all of your regret and crying. Plus he's probably been through worse...     "Um..its kinda complicated. But its a gaint story.I don't really want to tell you my whole life story so I don't annoy you o-" "Hey, its okay if your uncomfortable with telling me. But you can talk to me anytime and I'll listen to you." Ganz said soothingly trying to calm you down before you break down just thinking about it.
     Mel then walks by and stops to turn towards you. "You okay sugar?" Mel said senseing the dark emotions from you. "Y-yeah..." Ganz was kinda mad at Mel for the name but he had to get over it.
     "Hey Ganz go talk to Undyne about what's going on I'm gonna go take a walk with y/n." Mel said as he started walking towards you. Ganz hugged you and started walking towards Undyne but then whispered something in Mel's 'ear' or wear his ear would be.
     Mel shrugged it off and walked in front of you. Ganz countues walking towards Undyne. You then get up to go on a walk with Mel. Mel offers his hand for you to hold and you decide to take his hand.
     You two walk out of Undyne house back to the field of echo flowers. As your walking its almost as of you can feel Mel's hand moving with you as your walking. "Hey Mel?" He hummed softly in response. "Why can I feel your hand?" Mel took a moment to respond. "Well it could be because you can see me so your mind thinks that I'm real still...but I have no soul so I can't feel anything really, but I do have feelings." You were thinking to yourself about what gaster said about you making a soul but you don't know how that was going to turn out, even if you did manage to get a soul how is Mel going to absorb the new soul? Gaster will probably explain.
       As your lost in your thoughts Mel snaps his fingers in front of you. "Hey, are you ok?" Mel asked concerned. "Yeah, just thinking..." Mel stiffened a bit then relaxed. "Well don't worry about the whole above surface ordeal. It looked like you were getting to lost in your thoughts about the underground. Hahaha...Ganz he doesn't really know how to comfort people that much. He's been through a lot so even though he might not be the best comforter he has some idea of what you have been through. Which is suffering. We have all been through that but...some more than others. But anyways what's going on with you latly?" Mel asked knowing that you haven't been in the most calm state recently.
      Before you said anything you saw the bed of echo flowers. You and Mel walked towards the echo flowers and sat down by the edge of the water stream. You decide to take your shoes off and socks. You then dip your feet into the water. The water was pretty cold but you adjusted to it.
     Mel was still waiting for an answer. You figured since he could possibly understand since well, he's kinda a ghost and he's seen what Ganz has been through. Just wanting to help but not knowing how.... "Well....I don't want to annoy you but Its basically about me wanting to free the underground..." Mel smiled a bit. "Hey, its alright I know what its like to want to help someone but your stuck on choices. For me the only way I could help that bone head was by making my point clear. Basically arguing with him. He just doesn't want you to go because you have to die....none of us want that for you but...I have some type of understanding to that..."
    You were happy that Mel wasn't mad at you. Even though he was a little upset he could understand. You leaned over and hugged Mel. "Thank you.." He hugged you back. "Nope problem kiddo, but please be careful. Cause someone really cares about you. Weather you know about it or not." Mel was still hugging you. He was careful not to let his flood touch you.
     "Hey Mel?" You asked wanting to know about his floof. "Yeah sugar." You blushed a little at the name. "Umm...why are you trying to have the fur touch me?" Mel chuckled a little. "It just makes people go into despair." You took a moment to think about this. "" You questioned.


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