Third Mate #Wattys2018 (Compl...

By khiala77

144K 5.6K 326

Highest Ranks: #1 in Original Story 10/8/18 #5 in Second Chance Mate 30/7/18 #1 in Hurting 24/7/18 In the w... More

1: Past Love
2: The Wedding
3: Saving the day
4: The Morning After
5: Party Time!
6: Saving & A Sleepover
7: Going Separate Ways
8: Reading Up
9: Breakthrough!
10: Visiting The Answers
11: Dark Side & Dreams
12: New Info
13: Changes
14: Different Side
15: Interrogating
Dedications (1)
16: Flashback
17: The 3 M's
18: Marking Aftermath
19: Announcement
21: Tired & Anxious
22: Issues
23: The Boss
25: Torture
26: Plan
27: Recruit
28: Escape (Part 1)
29: Escape (Part 2)
30: Traitor
31: Returning
32: War is Coming
33: Fight
34: Attack
35: Continues
36: Breaking Down
37: Virus?
Dedications (2)
39:Big Day
Dedications (3)


1.5K 60 9
By khiala77

Liam's POV

"Ok, so I should go to Doc Mario right?" Layla asks, stressing.

"Yes. Babe, everything will be fine I promise. Doctor Mario has called in 2 other doctors to help with the birth, and we have nurses on standby." I reassure.

"Alright goo-"She says, before getting a contraction and wincing.

I guide her to sit down and pour her a glass of water. She takes deep breaths as instructed by the nurse and sips the water. After she feels better, we head to the built-in hospital facility, there are about 8 rooms even though they're rarely all used.

Layla grins at me, and excitement returns as well as nerves. I just hope that everything will go well and that by the end of it we'll have 2 healthy baby girls. Layla touches my face snapping me out of my worries and smiles reassuringly. She will be the best mum ever, and at only 21, while I'm 22.

"Mrs and Mr Roberts." Doctor Mario greets us cheerfully.

"Hello Doc, which one is our room?" Layla replies.

"The 2nd one down the hall." He says pointing down the hall.

"Ok, thanks." I answer for Layla.

We head to the room instructed by the doctor. There's a bed for Layla, and two small ones for the bubs, then there is a day bed for me. I set the suitcase down, with a set of clothes for me and Layla then some clothes for the babies.

I hear Layla's happy laugh and turn to where she is. She shows me what she is holding, a ginormous nightgown.

"This is so flattering." Layla laughs.

"Yeah, you'll make it look gorgeous." I mumble, stepping closer to her.

"Aww, you're so sweet." She coos, trying to hide her blush.

"Only for you." I reply, kissing her head.

"Stop it. You're making me blush." She hits my chest playfully.

"Ok, I will." I say smiling.

"How's your back?" Layla asks concerned.

"You've asked me so many times already babe, I am almost fully healed, and it doesn't hurt anymore." I answer, sighing.

"I know, but I don't want anything to go wrong." She sighs with me.

I pull her into my arms, kissing her head," I know, and I love you." I say softly.

"I love you too, husband." She giggles.

"Wifey!" I laugh.

"Patients!" Doctor Mario joins us.

"Right, I'll get changed." Layla says stepping away from me.


Layla has had 2 needles already and is having her epidural right now. I hold her hand, squeezing gently, and she smiles tightly through her gritted teeth. I hate needs, so I have no idea how she's doing this.

It's hour 4 of being here, at 10 o'clock pm. And Layla's doing great, everything seems normal and the nurses have checked in each half hour. Layla breathes a sigh if relief and relaxes once the needle is done.

The babies should be coming anytime now. And we're hoping that she doesn't have to have a c-section.

The names have been picked out already, and I'm so excited to tell our family and friends once they're born. My parents live close so they are already here, and Layla's parents are coming and should be here in an hour or so. That's the advantage of having a mini hospital in the pack house, there is already a hotel for the relatives.

Layla's cramps start to get worse and her water breaks. I just stand next to my wife, holding her hand and doing as instructed. The midwife counts to ten telling Layla to push. She does and takes a breath then continues pushing for 10 seconds. She grunts in effort, and I wipe her hair from her head.

I step around to the front of the bed, and half of the baby is out. Her cries fill the air. A few more pushes and the first baby is free.

Layla continues pushing for the next baby and after 30 minutes of pushing Layla has finally got our other baby girl out. I wipe her head with a damp cloth, 50 minutes of pushing is a bit tiring.

The nurses and midwife clean the babies and wrap then up. They hand the oldest one to me, then the second one to Layla. I go and call the families in, and the follow excitedly.

I walk back and stare at my stunning wife, holding both of our precious baby girls. I stride to them as quickly as possible and pick up a baby, then kiss my strong wife.

"Ok, so meet the oldest, Harper Quinn Roberts." I introduce Harper.

"And the younger bub, Brooklyn Rose Roberts." Layla continues.

"Aww they're so gorgeous." My mum coos.

"She has your eyes Liam, and Layla's face shape." Dad studies thoughtfully.

"Oh, Layla darling I'm so proud of you! To think my beautiful baby has 2 of her own baby girls." Layla's mum cries happily.

"They're so beautiful, just like their mum," her dad says, looking at his daughter and granddaughters.

We pass Harper and Brooke around, then everyone filters out to leave them to rest. I move the day bed next to Layla's bed and kiss her lips slowly and gently.

"Our adorable twins were born on December 16th 2018! Just in time for Christmas." Layla sighs smiling at our babies.

"Yeah, December bubs." I agree.

"Do you think they'll have powers or have werewolf abilities?" Layla asks.

"Hmm, I never thought about it. Maybe one will have powers and the other will be a werewolf. Or they could be a hybrid of sorts." I suggest.

"Yeah, possibly." Layla muses.


Hey guys, last chapter before epilogue!😊

By the way, I am not trying to insult Jesus as I am a Christian. I just thought the quote was funny.

23.7k views and 1.5k votes! I really didn't think this would ever happen, when I started writing this book. So, thank you so much.💙

I'll be doing my last dedications page after this.

Do you like the names?💖

Vote  if you are a December baby as well. Which month is your b'day?



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