Undiscovered Identity

By lailai_young

754 14 3

Layla's Life is going crazy! She find out she has powers from her mom which is a vampire and here dad which... More

who when where why!!
training time
tommorow love my life

Whats going on Chapter 1:

408 7 3
By lailai_young

" Bam! Bam! "

" I swear to living God," I yelled as I put my pillow over my ears to silence the noise.

" Bam ! "

"Wake UP, I know your up Iris ," said ,my older and not to mention annoying brother ,Sam.

"That wasn't so until you woke me up," I said sarcastically. I glanced at the clock. It read 7:50 a.m. Fuck Life. I'm late yet again.

" I know you are in there so get up! You have school today ! "

                  "Ok Ok!".

Dang inconsiderate , annoying brother. There's a lot of names to choose from. Honestly though , my brother is just trying keep me on the right track , and I love him for that, but he can never know that.

I stretch and roll out of bed. Ugh. My reflection is a revolting sight. As I walk into the Bathroom I water my plants. They are my babies.

      After taking a shower I decide that my outfit will be a Strapless Floral Print Dress with Gladiator Sandals. I put on my favorite necklace which is a silver wolf that my Grandmother Gave to me before she passed away. I decide to straighten my hair after it dried and braided my bang back. I put in a high pony tail because it has recently been growing super long. I love my Coal Black hair . I apply a little mascara to make my Bluish-Gray eyes Pop and add a thin line of mascara and my look is complete.

As I walk into the kitchen I grab my celery sticks out the fridge and some dip.

"You are really going to eat that in the morning ,like what are you trying to do, become a plant" my brother said .

" You know what when your fat and get a heart attack at the age of 50 don't come haunt me saying you didnt tell me to eat right! "

He just walked away laughing. See what I mean by annoying.

" Whatever " he said .

Just then, his friend ,John, started blowing the horn outside.

         "Hey Sam . Tell your sis she's hot"

"I swear you both really get on my nerves " i said just before he closes the door.

In that moment my mom waltzes into the kitchen looking fabulous as always, because she's a model . sa

" I have to go to work early and stay out late because of this big photo shoot."

"Ok I will spend the night to Lily's  house tonight". Bye Mom.


            "Bye HoneyBoo. Love You" she says as I'm walking out the door.

I missed the bus so i have to walk.Just Great.

"Mannnn,"  I say to know one in particular.

As I walk I began to feel like its was going to rain. I don't know what is going on but I've been feeling things lately and they happens so I try to walk faster so my hair won't get messed up. My hair gets really frizzy when its wet. When I'm almost to school it starts to rain but I make it inside before it could wet me. I look down and feel something funny in my shoe vibrating .Ohh, my phone. I was looking for it earlier . It had a message from my friend Lily saying I'm coming to pick you up.

"To late for that" I mumbled.

I started walking to my locker and bumped into someone I really didnt want to talk to . Her name is Brittney and thinks that she better than everyone else because her dad is the mayor. Like really .

She looked at me like i am some cheese left out in the hot sun for a week.

"Excuse me but you need to watch where your going" she said in such a nasty attitude.

"Excuse me but you could say that a little nicer and brush your teeth next time you decide to talk to someone " i said in a little girl voice.

Everyone around us started laughing at my joke.I was walkiing away when she tripped me and i fell flat on my face.

"YOU FREAKING B!! " i shout loudly because i was on my period and really not in the mood.

"Well, well, well. Look at that, trash can walk now,"said Brittney as her little pack of whores giggle.

As you can tell i really dont like them at all.

The reason why is because last year she decides to take my boyfriend , gets him drunk at a party ,and sleeps with him. Like really you had to be a slut. I heard that she planned that. Knowing her its probaly true. Now i stay away from relationships.

Right now i just want to punch her in her face but I don't because I am a good person and loves to give second chances.

Thats a big lie in her case. So I let her make another comment to my face .

Before she could respond or say another smart comment i punched her dead in her face and elbowed her in her stomach.I think I hear something crack and I know I didnt hit her that hard to break bones. I couldnt possibly have hit her that hard.

She fell and her mouth was bleedinng. I dont know what got into me but I was still mad at her but seeing all that blood was making me sick. I wanted her to feel humiliated and wanted revenge as if what I did to her wasn't enough .I ran to the bathroom because i felt like I was going to throw up .

I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were glowing blue and a violet purple.

"What the hell" i say to myself.

I blink to make sure i wasnt crazy but then when I looked again I saw this beautiful marking appearing on my arm and screamed. I tug on my jacket that has a emo hello kitty on it( which i got at Hot Topic).I run out the bathroom and my brother sees that im running and gives me a puzzled look.He turns and starts to run towards me but I was already out the door. Before I could make it any farther than the sidewalk I passed out.

I woke up with a major headache .Worse than before and i was sore all over.My mom was looking at me and asked if I felt better.

" I feel wonderful, just peachy, " I say sarcastically.

When I saw the hurt on her face I told her I was sorry.

Then everything started running back to my mind about what had happened at school and what I saw happen to my body.

"Mom i have to tell you something."i say .

"I know what happened and i know why it did," she says calmly like she knew it was going to happen.

"You do?" i say with a questionable look on my face.

"Yes, but i will explain it to you downstairs get cleaned up and dressed .I have some people I want you to meet."she says .

"Um ok," i say still wondering what the hell is going on.

So i look into my closet and slip into some wripped up red skinny jeans and a Asking Alexandria red and black T-shirt.

I walk downstairs wondering what awaits me

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