Into The Wolfswood ~ A Game O...

By astormofswords

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Far into the North and deep within the wolfswood forests, surrounded by strong ironwood trees lies Ironwrath... More

Part 1 ~ Isobel
Part 2 ~ Asher
Part 3 ~ Prim
Part 4 ~Rodrick
Part 5 ~ Isobel
Part 6 ~ Asher
Part 7 ~ Rodrick
Part 8 ~ Isobel
Part 9 ~Asher
Part 10 ~ Rodrick
Part 11 ~ Isobel
Part 12 ~ Asher
Part 13 ~ Rodrick
Part 14 ~ Isobel
Part 15 ~ Robb
Part 16 ~ Isobel
Part 17 ~ Isobel
Part 18 ~ Rodrick
Part 19 ~ Asher
Part 20 ~ Isobel
Part 21 ~ Rodrick
Part 22 ~ Isobel
Part 23 ~ Robb
Part 24 ~Jakob
Part 26 ~ Robb
Part 27 ~ Rodrick
Part 28 ~ Asher
Part 29 ~ Isobel
Part 30 ~ Rodrick
Part 31 ~ Asher
Part 32 ~ Isobel

Part 25 ~ Asher

45 4 0
By astormofswords

Time had moved as slow as ever since Jakob's visit, we didn't know if it was a trap but what choice did we have. We could hear men singing battle cries in the distance, we could just see the fires lining the pavilion of tents which lead to Isobel and Prim. My heart was racing, I could feel it pounding in my chest. I had already unchained my hands and feet when the guard had turned his back as Rodrick distracted him. I was waiting now, my head heavy with nerves, my breathing heavy and shaking.

"Be ready brother." Rodrick sounded prepared and eager to move.

The guard was approached by another, they exchanged words and then exchanged the keys. I watched closely, examining every move. The new guard made his way around the cages, looking at each prisoner, kicking the boots of some to make sure they were each breathing. As he approached me he entered the paddock. As he closed the door I jumped and put the knife to his throat. He was stunned and silent, dropping his keys to his ground. There was no other noise but my heavy breathing.

"Asher, there is no need for that." In the dark I squinted my eyes at the familiar voice, my mind frantically searching to connect to a person.

"Alec?" I asked truly puzzled, I stood back, Alec was a Forrester guardsman and warrior.

"Jakob put me on watch, no one will know your gone until it's too late. We will re group in the forrest fifteen league north m'Lord." His face serious and his voice direct. He unsheathed his sword and dagger and passed them to me, then proceeded to unchain Rod, who hugged him for his valour.

"Let's do his brother, for Ironwrath."

"For Ironwrath" I replied to Rodrick. The thought of home gave us both strength.

We sneaked through the forrest, keeping low and darting behind trees and rocks. The forrest backed the camp and the other side faced the battle field. The trees were beginning to thin out as we reached the tents. We had to be careful, sneaking round the back of tents, avoiding attention of men. Rodrick took point, there was no way we were leaving without our sisters.

A scream drew our attention, we watched Renly throwing a flagon into the fire pit. His golden armour gleaming as the flames blazed from the booze. His men around him laughing as he pushed Isobel to the ground again, before grabbing her by the arm and leading her to their tent. I lunged in front of Rodrick but he grabbed my arm.

"No... we need to do this properly." I could practically see the cogs turning in his mind and he was coming up with a plan. He nodded behind us and he lead us the long way around, until we were outside their tent, the yelling continued. Isobel was putting up one hell of a fight in there.

We snuck under the tent flaps at the back, we were inside, behind the table. I could see Isobel clutching onto Prim pushing her little sister behind her as she sobbed, terrified,  into Isobel's dress. Renly grabbed Prim by the end of her dress, dragging her off Isobel. Both of them screaming.

I couldn't help myself I rose to my feet to confront him, enraged with him holding my Prim. Rodrick tried to stop me but I was to fast.

"Renly, stop please. Let her go." my voice was surprising confident. Isobel was grinning at my presence, Prim cried out my name. Rodrick rose to my side. Renly was in shock by our presence, like a child who's toys had been thrown out the pram again. His face frozen in an angry rage and he held Prim tighter.

"Let Prim go." Rodrick's sword was at the ready now. Renly was looking around for his guards, who he had dismissed of course so he could continue to beat my sister. And now he was going to lose. He was holding Prim in front of himself now, one hand around her tiny neck slowly choking her. Prim's face was getting redder and redder as she struggled with every breath.

"Since she's the only thing keeping me alive I can't do that, JAKOB!" he shouted, and like a good little lap dog, Jakob came running in. He was startled, like a deer just before an arrow flew through it.

"Disarm them. I am sick of this shit! I think they need another lesson." He pulled Prim tighter till she squealed, gasping for breath.

"OKAY, okay." Isobel was tense, making her way to her brother. She started into my eyes as she forced us to lower our weapons, pushing my arms down to my sides. She took my dagger and sword, dropping them onto the floor, the same to Rodrick. Both of us frustrated and lost. Jakob approached and the three of us knelt down, our hands in the air.

"We cannot risk him killing Prim. He is the king." Isobel's voice was weary, full of warning.

"Looks like its time for another lesson. I am sick of you Forresters getting in my way. Let's see. I need Isobel and I need Rodrick. So my Queen you have another choice - Asher or Prim. Who will die."

Without any doubt in my mind I yelled at Renly "ME, don't touch Prim, please."

Rodrick was yelling no, Jakob was frantically panicking. Prim was crying as Renly thew her to the side so he could pick up my own sword. Isobel was quiet, was she coming to the reality of loosing me? As I was quickly coming to the same reality. That my life was about to end.

Renly raised the sword above his head, but before the sword could make contact with my neck, Jakob had thrown himself in between us. The blade cutting him from neck to belly. He fell backwards onto me, blood gushing like a river. His eye rolling back, he was breathing but he was dying.

"NOOOOOO" Renly howled falling to his knees, dropping his sword. Isobel quickly grabbed for the dagger while everyone was frozen with shock. She lunged forward and plunged it into Renlys neck before he could blink.

"I choose King Robb"

Slowly he looked at her, shocked by her actions. Isobel herself was shocked but strong - she had killed someone. Blood was pooling out his mouth and squirted from Renly's neck as she pulled the dagger free, letting his body fall lifeless to the ground. His blood was all over her face, her dress and her hands. Prim ran at us, hugging Isobel around her neck, Prim sobbing. Isobel frozen following her actions. She stared at the dagger, her hands, her husband. A single tear rolled down her stone cold face.

"We have to go." Rodrick lifted Prim onto him, "The woods, lets go now!"

"He's still alive." my voice was now shaking, as I held my hands over Jakob's chest, blood pooling out with every beat of his heart.

"He is dying" was all Isobel could say. "It is cruel to leave him"

Rodrick looked around panicked "What ever your going to do - do it now!" He urged them making his way to the exit, watching wearily for guards.

Isobel knelt down next to me and Jakob, she took his hands in her.

"Thank you Jakob, you saved us. I forgive you. Now think of home. Do you remember Ironwrath?" Her voice was shaking with grief and heartache. Jakob could hardly speak, blood was coming from his mouth now. I can only imagine the pain he was in, and I didn't wish it on anybody. Isobel shushed him as he tried to speak. Surprisingly his eyes were calm, fixated on Isobel as she comforted him. Tears rolling off her face onto him. She began humming and eerie children nursery tune, one I remember from our childhood. Jakob would remember too, she brushed his hair off his face, and kissed his forehead. She again, forced her dagger into his neck, unlike with Renly instead of hatred this time her hand was filled with mercy. She granted him a quick death. She continued to hum, until her dress was saturated in Jakob's blood, and he finally closed his eyes.

I didn't even realised I was crying until Isobel wiped a tear off my cheek. She pulled my head to hers and we just embraced each other for a moment. But we had to go.

It pained me to leave Jakob, after he took a blade for me, saving my life. We hurried to the forrest, the further from camp we got we heard hushed voices calling us closer. Alec was there, with half the Forrester forces at least, a large brigade. They had Storm, and other horses tacked and ready to go. Rodrick took Prim, Isobel, still in shock from her own actions was too shaken to ride. I took Strom, Isobel held on behind me, crying into my back.

"Now where?" I asked Asher.

"We ride North, to Robb."

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