Part 19 ~ Asher

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Renly's encampment was on the rocky green coast of The Reach, land belonging to the Baratheon's and as Lord of Storm's End it was Renly's. His army was made up of loyal Baratheon bannerman, who did not favour Stannis, who was know to be ruthless and cruel. The ride had been long and as harsh as the land, and my recent sickness made it worse. I felt every move of my horse shoot through my bones like a burning ache. But I had to be strong. For my sisters. On arrival the new King Guard surrounded myself and my escort.

"Asher, it is nice to see you again, although at Winterfell you were so drunk I doubt you'll remember." The King approached, and I bowed my head respectfully, he was in gleaming golden armour embalzed with the Baratheon royal stag. His crown fashioned from golden antlers, with a green emerald in the centre. Renly shook my hand, and patted my shoulder.

"Your Grace, I would like to see my sisters."

"Of course young Asher, my Queen is with Jakob and Prim in the King's tent."

A flicker of anger spiked in my blood at the mention of Jakob's name. Renly turned on his heels and strolled further into his camp, followed closely by his guards. I kept pace with him, watching the men in his army. Young boys most of them, green as summer grass my father would have said. The last I heard my father was rallying the Forrester army to join Robb's cause. Although now Isobel was Queen ... I didn't know what would happen next. The King's tent was in the centre of camp, the pavilion huge, draped with golden stag's and large torches, burning bright even throughout the day.

"ASHER!" Prim yelled, giddy and excited. She ran into my arms and I welcomed her embrace. I squeezed her hard, I had missed her so much. I stop to admire her, she looked older surprisingly. Could it have been that long? She was wearing a beautiful embroidered golden dress that matched her blond hair, it was in two neat plaits as always. She was sporting a tiara on her head.

"I am a princess now Ash! Are you going to bow?" She was giddy with excitement. Overwhelmed and pleased to see her I obliged. I knelt low and bowed formally and exaggerated.

"Your Grace!" I said.

"That would be me I suppose." Isobel's voice was calm, warming and so familiar. I could sense her relief at my presence. As I raised to my feet I finally saw her. She rose from her makeshift throne. A long golden dress hugged her body, the front an array of bead work and shining gems. And there was a royal stag gracing the dress bodice, coupled with a dark shining Ironwood tree. Her hair long and wild as ever, but atop her head was a gleaming golden crown, such as Renly's was fashioned like antlers, but almost as if wood and trees intertwined. Isobel's eyes were sparkling with tears, and her smile beaming like her crown, but with a hint of sadness. Her cheek was bruised and her eye red.

Jakob was beside her throne, in Baratheon armour - it was becoming more and more clearer to see where his loyalties lie. He showed no emotion and only stared at myself and my party.

"Do I need to bow to you sister?" I laughed. Before I knew it she was hugging me tight. And it felt like home. Prim joined in and Isobel pulled her closer.

I whispered "You have no idea how happy I am to see you girls!"

"Iron from Ice" was the only thing Isobel replies ... A warning.

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