Part 10 ~ Rodrick

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It was our final day at Winterfell, I was looking forward to going home, as much as I has enjoyed myself, I was missing Louise dearly. I just wanted to kiss her soft lips and gaze into her eyes. Father had joined us together as a family in the meeting hall. Only a few guards present, Lord Eddard and Robb. They had an announcement to make - regarding Isabel. I think she already knew, mother ensured extra belonging for her were packed on this trip, incase she was to stay.

"Isabel, our darling daughter, we have made arrangements for your marriage - Renly Baratheon would like to wed you." Father spoke strongly, as if expecting a fighting response. I was confused, as I was expecting marriage to Robb, who clearly loved Isabel, I guess the gods are not that kind. Asher was angry, he clenched his jaw shut tight, daring not to speak out against father. Isabel was like an empty shell, she could only nod in response, eyes fixated on the ground. Robb was the same, hurt and disappointment crossed his face.

"We have more news - Prim, will be joining Isabel, Sansa and Arya in Kings Landing to learn the ways of a southern court. Jacob will be seeing to there private guard and safety in the capital. Rodrick, we would like you to stay here until the time is right, you would do well to learn from the Starks, until it is time to be Lord you will assist Robb with running and managing Winterfell. Asher, you can stay in Winterfell with your brothers, but responsibilities will be given to you. Ryon will return home with us."

There was silence as we each came to terms with our fate. We were being split up, only one of us going home. But most of all... Renly Baratheon? Really? I felt almost betrayed, Father confided almost everything in me, but why not this. I looked at Isabell, she was still staring at her feet. I single tear rolled down her cheek. I didn't know why Asher was so angry, perhaps about being parted from his sister, especially Isabel, since they always had a special bond. Then it hit me, my fate. I wasn't going home, I wasn't going to see Louise. Confusion, anger and betrayal continued to sweep over me.

Father excused us, but I stood staring him down. Isabell ran out the hall into the courtyard, both Jakob and Robb followed her. Prim was hanging onto Asher keeping him from joining them, he was clearly frustrated.

"Rodrick" Father summoned me closer, "I know this is not what you were expecting, but you have become alive again the past few weeks. Robb will be Lord of Winterfell and you will share his responsibilities as if this were Ironwrath. It will be good practise and you can enjoy your life again!"

It was clear Father thought he was doing what was best for me, no malice or anger, just wanting his son to be happy. However, I was not. Louise was one hundred leagues away, who knows when I will see her again.

Father continued "I know about Louise, and I will keep your secret my son, but I am trying to save you from heart ache and grief. You know as Lord, you are not able to follow your own heart."

That hit Rodrick deep. He was so annoyed his father had been keeping secrets, when really he had the biggest secret of all. The secrets and the lying were making him miserable. I would be lying if I say I didn't feel some relief from father knowing.

"I will do as you command my Lord father, always."

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