My Social Network Romance Wit...

By LisaTheVampire

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The LAST thing Liisa Danvers ever expected from adding Ronnie Radke as a friend on Facebook was to fall in lo... More

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke.
When A Good Girl Meets A Bad Boy.
I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man.
I Heard A Knock Upon My Door...MOM?
They Call Me King Of The Music Scene
Baby I Get Off By Getting You Off First
Ooo Lala, What Lovely Curves
How You Look When You Were Wet Is Something I Cannot Forget
I Was Wrongfully Accused You Left Me Locked Inside A Cell
We Kiss And Make Up And Get Under The Covers
My Bodies Tremblin' Sends Shivers Down My Spine
Waiting, I'm Begging So Please Get Here Soon
One Good Girl One Bad Guy Sequel

You Have Left My Heart, Black And Blue...Ronnie!

2.7K 51 11
By LisaTheVampire

I shut my laptop down wiping my eyes the Skype chat with my parents was emotional and stressful all at the same time with my Mom crying and my Dad worrying about me, they didn't understand how i could just decide something this major so soon, i had told them about Ronnie and how he makes me feel, my Mom went off on a rant about not telling her this is why i came over here to meet him she had thought he was from back home, Finally after alot of calming down my parents agreed to ship my things over they still looked concerned as we said our goodbyes.

I sighed sadly resting my chin in the palm of my hand, i didn't look around as the front door opened and closed harshly like as if someone kicked it shut.

"Good girl?" Ronnie actually sang the words out loud.

"In Here Ronnie", I didn't bother to look around as he entered the kitchen, i sat up straight waiting for him to kiss my cheek like he normally done.

"I got you something baby" Ronnie voice came close to my ear he planted a chastised kiss below my ear, my shudder made Ronnie laugh, "Close you're eyes".

Even though i wasn't in the mood for surprises let alone anything i decided to humor him and do it anyway i closed my eyes, "Surprise?".

"Mm-hm" his breathe tickled the side of my neck causing me to shudder inwardly and outwardly, i was tempted to open my eyes but Ronnie warned me not to.

I screwed my eyes up tighter pouting "I don't like surprises" i whispered.

"Well i can bet you will like this one", He seemed so sure of himself.

It wasn't that i didn't like presents i just could never stand not knowing and being in the mood i was in know it felt unbearable.

Ronnie pulled my chair around to face him lightly he kissing my lips before standing up straight "Open your eyes Babe", He cooned.

My eyes popped open suddenly i gaped at Ronnie in shock, he grinned at me as he held a black and white adorable Husky puppy, i let a squeal out as i stood up covering my mouth, "A pup?"

"You're Puppy babe" Ronnie Grinned broadend, i felt totally numb the Pup in Ronnie's arms whinnied, he patted his head smiling.

I stepped forward in aw lifting the husky puppy from his arms how on earth did Ronnie know that i always wanted a Husky Puppy my dad was allergic to dogs so we never got one, "Oh my god Ronnie, How did you even know?", i gasped then laughed as the Puppy licked my fingers i noticed to that he had Multi eyes one brown one blue he was totally gorgeous.

"I wanted a moving in present for you so i asked both Kasey and Aaron they said you had a thing for Huskies, so of course being a dog lover i got you him hes yours", Ronnie stepped forward kissing me.

I grabbed his vest lingering the kiss before pulling away, tears started to spring to my eyes "Oh Ronnie, this is best thing anyone could give me", i literally started to cry there and then.

Ronnie laughed "Aw babe, don't cry, Come here", he wrapped his arms around me drawing me into his chest gently well aware the puppy was still in my arms.

"Does he have a name?", the puppy in my arms was so soft.

"Nope baby that's down to you, you name our new member", Ronnie brushed his finger tips under my eyes drying the tears.

"I have no clue", Ronnie smiled at me as i thought about it, what would i really want to call him? no name came to mind that was good enough, then i remembered something a quote 'Fuck The Flood A Storm Is Coming, I looked down at the cute puppy in my arms "Mr.Stormy-Bear", I whispered.

Ronnie burst out laughing "Your serious?".

I frowned nodding "Well Storm for short".

"Storm" Ronnie smiled "I like that baby".

"I do to because it one of the quotes i seen on a picture of you awhile back 'Fuck The Flood A Storm is Coming'" I Smiled Ronnie's face went all soft he leaned down kissing me hard i felt breathless, Storm whined in my arms.

"Babe he hasn't gone bathroom yet lets put him outside for awhile and he can play with Charlie", Ronnie looked worried i guessed he didn't want Doggy pee all over the house.

I nodded bringing Mr.Stormy-Bear outside Charlie went mad at first jumping around all excited while Storm peed himself with nerves me and Ronnie both laughed but after awhile Storm was the one to be running after Charlie which was super-cute, i watched in aw, before turning to Ronnie and kissing him hard.

"I'm glad you love you're present" his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you I love him & i love you" I smiled wrapping my arms around his rib cage hugging him back, from a crappy morning to a beautiful morning, Ronnie always put a smile on my face.


"Oh. My. God." Kasey squealed as she opened the door, she literally picked the Storm out of my arms cuddling him.

"Meet Mr.Stormy-Bear aka Storm" I grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh wow cute dog" Aaron walked over petting his head smiling at me.

"Hes got cute eyes there unique" Kasey squealed, "I just want to rob him, when did you get him?".

"Ronnie he just came home last week and said he was mine", i smiled back at the thought i absolutely loved this dog it wasn't a burden to clean after him i gladly done it, Storm had even got bigger over the week, i expected him to from the articles i read about Husky puppy growth.

"Hes huge for a puppy" Aaron said around a sip of his Coffee.

"Ye and he will just get bigger, i cant wait", I really couldn't Huskies were cute as puppy's but stunning as adults.

"Aaron i want a puppy" Kasey whined.

"Maybe one day Kasey". Aaron looked abit worried at the thought of a dog ruining there new apartment.

"We could get a girlfriend for Storm", she grinned at me.

I laughed, "I think Storm to Young for a girlfriend just yet".

"No he isn't, are you" Kasey lifted Storm up to her face she laughed loudly as he rewarded her with licks.

Aaron Rolled his eyes behind her back, tilting his head towards me he smiled, Kasey walked over to Aaron still holding onto Storm, Aaron leaned in kissing her gently on the cheek, it was so sweet, i was glad that Aaron wasn't waisting his time on me anymore it made me feel more relaxed to be around him, but strangely i still noticed the odd eye roll at Ronnie's name and the purse of his lips.

"Oh, i need the bathroom" Kasey handed Storm back to me.

I let him down on the ground with his play toy as she rushed off in the direction of there bathroom, "OK Kase".

"That was nice of Ronnie", Aaron smiled down at my pup playing.

"Ye it sure was, is there anymore coffee?", i asked turning to look around the kitchen.

"Yep" Aaron said simply pointing at the Coffee machine.

I sighed happily pouring myself a nice steaming mug of Coffee.

"Liisa?" Aaron said quietly

i nodded busy on the task of blowing on my coffee and sipping.

"Do you love him?", Aaron asked simply.

"I love him alot", I smiled grinning.

"i think-", Aaron stopped what he was going to say and waved his hand in-front of him "Forget it".

I Frowned annoyed i hated when people didn't finish there sentences, "Aaron tell me".

"No its OK" He looked down at his Coffee before looking back up at me sighing heavily he knew i wouldn't drop it "I just think you deserve better".

I stared at Aaron for along time, "Ronnie's all i need". i said simply.

Aaron rolled his eyes setting his lips and i realised he still wasn't over me, my eyes widen slightly i felt sick, "Aaron", the words came out annoyed

"Look its none of my business", He played with his coffee cup in-front of him.

"Damn right Aaron your with Kasey", I felt appalled.

Aaron's eyes shot up to mine he held my stare for a long minute before answering "If you asked me to leave her Liisa i would for you".

The words stunned me i shivered not in a good way, I shock my head setting my cup down on the counter, "I cant believe you just said that, that's to far". never in a million years would i ask of that.

Aaron grabbed my arm lightly as i rushed past the counter "Liisa, its true", he looked strained and upset.

"Aaron there no way ever", i made it clear.

"Ye you always made it clear, but i wounder if-", he paused staring at me in a unhinged way.

"If what?", i looked back towards the bathroom wishing Kasey would appear and break the moment.

"If i kissed you would you change your mind", I laughed out loud at what he said i was more in shock then anything right now, Aaron frowned.

"No Aaron it wouldn't", I tugged my arm to free it from him, Aaron leaned in and kissed me i stood still eyes wide, his tongue broke into my mouth and i literally kneed him into the leg.

He stepped back gasping as i lent down picking up Storm rushing out without a goodbye, his voice trailed after me as i rushed into the elevator i couldn't believe Aaron just forced a kiss on me.


My phone rang all the way back home to Ronnie's, in all honesty i was scared of what Ronnie would do if i told him so i made a packed with myself never to speak of it, no matter how mad i was at Aaron i didn't want Ronnie to go around and kick his ass and for Kasey to find out it would break her heart, it wouldnt do any good, i sighed getting out of the car lifting Storm into my arms.

"Don't worry Stormy every-things going to be OK" I whispered to him he answered me with a whine and i smiled, but i knew deep down i was saying this to myself and not to him, i patted my pockets checking for my keys, Darn Ronnie hated that, i stepped forward biting my lip knocking on the door.

Ronnie swung the door open he was wearing a pair of black shorts and was topless when he seen me his face fell "Babe".

I Smiled leaning up to him kissing him on the lips, Ronnie tried to push me back still kissing me i stumbled slightly frowning "Ronnie what?".

A girl appeared around the corner of the Door her top was off, "Ronnie" she whispered looking confused she held her top in her hand.

I Paled stepping back bile rose in my throat i shook my head.

"Shit Liisa" Ronnie looked shocked reaching for me "Liisa no its nothing i didn't do nothing".

I stepped out of his reach and ran down the path, Ronnie i was sure was close behind me, i put Storm into the passanger side and slamming the door as i ran around the drivers side, Ronnie caught my arm spinning me around to him and without thinking my arm rose up to punch him right in the face.

"Fuck, Shit" Ronnie held his face cursing.

i gasped shocked at my reaction and felt sorry i reached forward "R-" i looked over his shoulder at the girl standing at the door and my shocked sorry feeling left i fumed, "You fucking deserved that", before he could say anything else i pulled the car door open and got in, Storm barked as i started up the engine, Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

"BABE" Ronnie shouted banging on the window.

I pulled off quickly speeding down the road bursting into tears, with a barking dog beside me and in floods of tears i didn't know what to do, i had no where to go i couldn't go to Kasey and Aaron's because of what Aaron just did, i had no where until i thought of someone, someone i was pretty sure would help me, i picked up my phone with shaky hands and dialed the only other person i thought i could thrust.

"Ryan" I cried down the phone as he answered.

"Liisa whats wrong?", He sounded worried.

"I need your help Ryan", the tears chocked me now i was barley able to speak.

"OK were are you tell me and i will be there straight away", he promised.

i told him where i was he said he would come pick me to bring me back to his, so i waited and cried as Storm slept beside me in the passenger seat, how could Ronnie do this to me i felt sorrowful, angry and hurt i just wanted to scream, i got out of the car slamming the door once again and let out a big gut wrenching scream i put my whole body into it.

"LIISA" Ryan voice came behind me he stared at my tear streaken face "Oh shit" He stepped forward.

I leaned into Ryan's balling my eyes out as he patted my back comforting me "Ryan i-i".

"Its OK Liisa don't worry about it, tell me about it when we get back to mine OK? i will look after you" His words came out friendly but i could see he was worried, he ushered me away to his car.

I stopped turning back to my car and lifting out Storm, Ryan stared at him smiling as he held the car door open for me, i slid in feeling numb and cold Ryan got in beside me starting up the car without another word, i stared down at Storm in my arms and feeling my heart thud heavily in my chest all i could keep thinking of was how could Ronnie do this to me, the tears that spilled down my face dropped onto the soft black fur of my peaceful sleeping puppy.


Ronnie put his hand to his lip cursing, Liisa had just burst his lip with the hit she gave him and he didn't blame her, the situation was fucked up, Ronnie angrily walked up the path Towards Debra seething, she smiled at him lopsidedly.

"Why the fuck did you do that for?" Ronnie fumed his tempter was boiling all over.

"Oh come on" Debra slurred as she stepped forward touching Ronnie's chest, frowning when he angrily slapped her hand away "You said you had a girlfriend that you wouldn't cheat on her so i took her out of the question".

she had the nerve to flirt Ronnie fumed, suddenly all he saw was red he grabbed Debra's throat slamming her against the wall "You stupid fucking WHORE, I love her". his growl shocked her at first but then she smiled, "I wouldn't touch you if you were the last thing to walk the earth", the words rolled off Ronnie's tongue with venom.

Debra stared at him, "there was a time you would have", tears came to her eyes.

"Ye well, your just a nasty whore who well past her sell by date", Ronnie let go of her fuming "get the fuck off my lawn bitch", he slammed the door behind him cutting off what ever she had to say, he didn't want to hear it, what a fucking whore he thought, what the hell was he going to tell Liisa, she went mad and hit him she obviously thought he cheated on her when in-fact all he was doing was exercising when Debra had showed up, Ronnie put his hands behind his head looking up at the celling angrily biting back his rage, but he wouldn't have he loved her more then he ever loved a girl before no one compared to her, he had to tell her Ronnie raced over to his phone dialing Liisa number it went straight to voice mail. "FUCK" Ronnie threw his phone across the room pushing the side table down to the ground, "I'm fucking fucked", Ronnie sighed sliding down the wall he held his head between his hands, it was his word against Debra's Liisa would never believe him, he was going to lose the only girl that ever meant something to him, over come with emotion Ronnie actually cried, he wasn't shamed to cry because a real man always cried...


The Huskie Mr.Stormy-Bear Is My Dog In Real Life :3 :D & I Did Name Him Storm Because Of That Quote ^_^ There's My Baby Boy >>>

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