Into The Wolfswood ~ A Game O...

By astormofswords

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Far into the North and deep within the wolfswood forests, surrounded by strong ironwood trees lies Ironwrath... More

Part 1 ~ Isobel
Part 2 ~ Asher
Part 3 ~ Prim
Part 4 ~Rodrick
Part 5 ~ Isobel
Part 6 ~ Asher
Part 7 ~ Rodrick
Part 8 ~ Isobel
Part 9 ~Asher
Part 10 ~ Rodrick
Part 11 ~ Isobel
Part 12 ~ Asher
Part 13 ~ Rodrick
Part 14 ~ Isobel
Part 15 ~ Robb
Part 16 ~ Isobel
Part 17 ~ Isobel
Part 18 ~ Rodrick
Part 19 ~ Asher
Part 20 ~ Isobel
Part 21 ~ Rodrick
Part 23 ~ Robb
Part 24 ~Jakob
Part 25 ~ Asher
Part 26 ~ Robb
Part 27 ~ Rodrick
Part 28 ~ Asher
Part 29 ~ Isobel
Part 30 ~ Rodrick
Part 31 ~ Asher
Part 32 ~ Isobel

Part 22 ~ Isobel

76 3 3
By astormofswords

I panicked immediately. The King had made it clear he did not want to loose his country. My eyes were large, dark and panic stricken, Renly holding onto my hand so tightly my fingers were numb. A disasterous smile blazed his face. Asher looked at me shaking his head, his own eyes filled with dread, this was bad news, our father could no longer contain himself. Guards moved in the tent ordered by Renly, surrounding us, but making no further movements. I looked around frantically at the impending doom.

"Where is Prim?" I asked Renly softly. No reply.

"So now what? You want us to choose? You or the Starks? You cannot ask my men to fight there brothers! I will not ask it of them!" Gregor was on his feet now, in Renly's face again. Red, infuriated and terrifying.

Renly only laughed a bitter cruel laugh before his guards grabbed my father and brothers. Asher had seen it coming and made a dash for the door, but Jakob blocked his path and gave him a sharp blow to the head with the butt of his blade, blood gushed down his face, blurring his vision. It took three guards to haul him to his feet and drag him back in front of Renly, he was thrashing and throwing his weight about. He continued kicking and fighting, screaming profanities and threats, unwilling to give in. Our father was the same, throwing punches, it took five guards, and Jakob's blade to his throat for him to stop. Rodrick, normally the level headed one, was trying to push off two guards who had pinned him face down to the ground.

"You bastard usurper - I WILL NOT BEND THE KNEE" Fathers voice was deep and full of hatred.

As Asher continued to curse and throw threats at the guards and Jakob - who was holding father hostage. Rodrick was cooperating better although he was as angry as the rest - he just knew when to keep a level head.

"STOP PLEASE" - I screamed at Renly, my voice was broken. There were no guards on me, only Renly's vice like grip crushing my hand. I didn't need any guards - they had my family and that was all the encouragement I needed.

"Why?" - was all Asher could say while spitting blood out his mouth, before a guard elbowed him in the ribs, knocking him onto his side.

"If I let you choose, I know exactly who the Queen would choose. and I don't doubt you all would have agreed. Isobel my dear, your sad, desperate act had failed. Your are transparent and you cannot hide your true self from me."

With that comment I was filled with fire - how dare he be little me. I threw her head back into Renly's nose, my crown rattling off his face. Knocking him backward in shock. I managed make a run for the exit, I had only one aim - I was going for Prim. But again, like a bad taste, Jakob was too quick and before I knew he was in front of me, and back hand slapped  me in the face knocking me over a table onto the floor. I was dizzy, concussed and could taste blood. My face was throbbing and there was a sharp piercing pain in my right side. Thought the ringing in my ears I could hear my brothers and father yelling my name with cries of despair.

"GET HER UP" Renly bellowed, regaining his position, wiping blood away from his face leaving his horrified and enraged that I had caused him to bleed.

Jakob dragged me by the arm, the skin over my eye and chin burst open from the impact. He twisted my arm behind my back till I cried in pain and submission.

"STOP IT JAKOB, PLEASE STOP, ILL KILL YOU." Both my brothers were screaming for mercy to Jakob and to Renly. But Renly was in control and he wanted us all to know it.

"Now theres the tough Northern girl I had heard so much about." The King sneared at me, bending down to my level till we were face to face. He took his already bloodied sleeve and wiped it over my face, smearing blood everywhere - I couldn't breath. The iron taste was overpowering and sickening.

"I already have Prim you idiot." The power play continued. "I have Prim, I have you brothers and your father, and I will have your lover Robb's head too."

"NO" was all I could yell, lunging at him. But Jakob held me tightly pressed against his stomach my arm still twisted causing searing pain up my arm and back.

"Oh yes!" the sadistic sound of Renly's laughed continued.

"Jakob - I think they need a lesson. Kill one of them." Renly turned swiftly and with purpose and sat in his make shift throne. His leg crossed over, hands together tapping his index fingers - waiting for the show.

"That wasn't the plan Renly." Jakob was frozen, I felt his grip loosen and his breathing linger with fear.

"NOW! That is a ROYAL order"

Jakob looked at Asher, Rodrick and Gregor, his eyes almost pleading apologise. He threw me to the ground next to Renly. I caught myself before the ground could hit me, I was struggling to breath, the piercing pain in my side getting worse with every breath. I could see Renly's boots, and my brothers panicked reflections in a large vase, as Jakob hovered over them blade in hand. Renly grabbed me by the hair, dragging me forward and made me watch, the pain was splitting my head in two.

"I have your family, they will remain as hostages under guard, you will remain my Queen. I have your men, if they wish to live, if they wish you to live, you will tell them to follow me. When I take Robb Starks head you will return to Storms End, one of your brothers will remain a prisoner. Indefinitely. With out the Starks you have no real strength anyway. And so Isobel - I will let you choose which King you are loyal too?"

Isobel thought long and hard, her rebellious and stubborn nature urged her to scream Robb. But her love for her family, the fear of loosing them scared her so much she could only whisper through tears and pain... "You."

With that Renly smiled, he had me. Jakob had backed away from my brothers, his face torn with pain and dropped his blade to at Renly's feet.

"I'm.. I'm sorry I just can't do it." Jakob's voice was as broken as Isobels. He had truly lost himself. His head hung heavy, eyes tearing up. What had he done - the thought to himself.

"Now now Jakob, I'll deal with you later."

In the blink of an eye, Renly rose to his feet throwing me to the side, again I caught myself and was on my hand and knees and could only watch the horror unfold. Jakob's back was to everything, he was on his knees and tears running from his eyes. Renly's heavy foot steps paced with purpose and quickly closed the space between him and my family. He raised Jakob's blade high above his head and it came down with a sharp heavy slice. My brothers were shouting and kicking, I was screaming, I didn't even notice when the noise started. I was in a nightmare. My fathers body fell backwards as the blade sliced his neck, his head rolling  to the floor.

There are no words to fully comprehend how myself and each of my siblings felt. My heart exploded out of my chest, I could not breath for sharp excrutiating pain, my head burning and spinning like wildfire. I could hear my sobbing and piercing cry, but did not register it as my own voice. My loving, understanding and honourable father had been murdered by my husband.

My brothers were crying and screaming as they were shackled by the guards. They were both screaming "NO!" aimlessly as they were dragged out of Renly's tent. I couldn't look at him, I couldn't bare to be near him. I vomitted on the floor and fell over onto my side, allowing myself to curl up into a ball and continue sobbing. With my brothers gone, the only other person I could hear was Jakob. Sobbing quietly to himself, muttering repeatedly - "What have I done."

The following days are a blur, Prim was allowed to stay with me. She cried for days and days, soaking my dresses with her tears as I held her close and shushed her in comfort. We were on the move, Renly did not speak to me - his guards had told me he would not allow me at his side until I was once again "presentable". My eyes were dry and empty. My heart aching but my face like stone.

Renly announced to his men his plan - and the army moved North. To fight Robb Stark. But he would not succeed - I swore to every god I knew.

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