Avenger's Preferences

By alicornamulet

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This is my preferences for the Avengers. I know there's a lot of them out there, but hopefully, this will su... More

The Second Meeting
His Favorite Things (Instrument, Style of Music, Color, and Animal)
He Asks You Out
The Date (Pt. 1)
The Date (Pt. 2)
Hobbies You Do Together
Quirks You Do That He Loves
Your Nightmare (Being Rewritten)

When You First Meet

7.4K 120 20
By alicornamulet

Steve Rogers- You were walking as fast as you could in your new heels. It was even harder with the large briefcase, office attire, and a steaming coffee in your hand. You were already late as it was, and you were for sure the boss would fire you for being late to your own interview! You needed this job so bad, and you were about to blow it! 

While you weren't looking, a man stepped out in front of you, and you ran right into him. The coffee splashed all over your white shirt, the contents of your briefcase went flying, and you almost landed on your face. Suddenly, a pair of strong hands place themselves underneath you, holding you steady. They slowly lifted you back up, and you got a good look at your rescuer. 

He was a well-built man, but he dressed casually. A plain white t-shirt, covered partly by a leather jacket, took up his torso. He also wore a pair of worn cordouroy pants, and polished cowboy boots. He reminded you of an urban cowboy. He was currently grabbing all your papers before they blew away, tucking them safely in your briefcase. The locks clicked shut, and he got up to give you the case. You stood there, fixated. 

He had the most chiseled face you had ever seen. High cheekbones, pointy nose, almost square ears; this man was quite a looker. A tuff of cute blonde hair sat atop his large tan head. 

Embarrassed by the staring, he placed the handle of the case in your hand. You take it without noticing. He reached up to scratch the back of his head. 

"Sorry about your shirt," he said. You look down. You had completely forgotten about the coffee. And, honestly, you didn't care. 

"Oh, d-don't worry ab-bout it!" You stutter. My gosh, he looked amazing when he blushed. 

He points at the empty cup in your hand. "I can buy you another one, if you want." You quickly shake your head. 

"Oh, no! No need for that. Just...um..." You trail off as your eyes trace his shape. He had quite the build. The man tried to change the subject. 

"I'm Steve Rogers, ma'am." He held out his hand. You take it gently, telling him your name. 

"Well, I'm glad I met you," he replies. His face suddenly changes expression. "Why were you in such a hurry?" 

Your brain lurches to a halt. Oh, shoot! You're super late! You quickly try to say bye as you start running again toward your job. Hopefully, you didn't come on too strong. 

Tony Stark- You knew the three men had been following since you had left the music store. You tried to act natural, but they had been coming closer when the sun had set. You quickened your pace, but they only got closer, until you had no choice but to duck into an alley, hoping they didn't follow you. 

You turned around, realizing that it was a dead end. Of course it is, you thought. It always is. A shiver ran through your spine as you spotted three huge shadows closing in on you. You closed your eyes, hoping it was all just a dream. 

A cold metal touched your neck, and tears started to fall down your cheeks. It was a knife, and you were going to be killed. You never thought it would end like this. There was nothing you could do, and you waited for the blade to turn and it could all be over. 

Suddenly, a blast of wind hit you, and it pushed you against the wall. In the blur, you see the three shadows retreat. You looked up, and a red glint caught your eye. Then a voice spoke, and your heart skipped a beat. 

"I hope you all realize how much trouble you three can get in if you are caught killing this girl." You hear something whirring in the thing in front of you, and an arm extends. Without thinking, you grab the leg of your savior. You hear a chuckle. 

"Now, you boys know better than to pick on people smaller than you. If I were you, I would get the hell out of here before my blaster has a little too much fun," the voice sneered. You heard real fury in the tone. For some reason, you felt safe holding onto this person. 

The three men scattered within a second, and the metal man nodded his approval. He turned to pick you up, and your legs almost gave way. In front of you was what you thought was a robot. The head retracted, and a man stood before you, grinning widely. 

"Once again, the famous Iron Man saves another beautiful damsel. What might your name be?" You just stood there, dazzled by the "Iron Man." He cleared his throat, and once again asked for your name. You quickly stuttered it, clearly embarrassed. Iron Man just smiled. 

"Actually, you can just call me Tony, if you want." And with that, he lifted off into the sky, looking back down to wink before his mask whirred back. You watched him leave, then ran all the way home, your heart speeding a thousand miles an hour. 

Bruce Banner- The music pumped its way through your ears into your chest, only causing your headache to worsen.  You hated places like this.  The music was loud, the lights were blinding, and the crowds were more than a human being should be able to take!  But, you went anyway.  Anyone who was anyone came to these parties.

You were slouching in a corner of the room, sipping your heavy alcohol, hoping you didn't get drunk.  You were thinking of leaving, when you spotted a man sitting in the opposite corner, looking as bored as you did.  You wondered why he was here, so you squeezed through the crowds to reach him.  As you got closer, his features got sharper, and you suddenly realized how handsome he was.

He looked up at you suddenly as you reached the end of the crowd.  You smiled shyly, and took the seat next to him.  He just kind of stared, so you tried to make conversation.

"Uh, hey.  What's your name?"  He didn't respond, and you fidgeted in your seat.  Realizing that you were talking to him, he shook his head.

"I can't hear you!" He yelled.  Nodding your understanding, you grabbed a napkin and pulled out your lucky pen.  He raised an eyebrow while you wrote him a message.  What's your name?

You hand him the napkin, and after he reads it, he grabs inside his jacket and pulls out a pen.  You giggle a little.  He hands you the napkin, and it reads Bruce Banner.  You nod and write Why are you at this party?  He writes back, It was something to do.  You look up suspiciously.

Soon, you were writing back and forth so fast that the napkin was covered in notes within seconds.  You blush sheepishly, and pull out a notebook from your purse.  You always carried one, in case you had a idea and didn't want to forget it.  On a piece of paper, you wrote three words:

Want to leave?

He looks up, smiling, and grabs your hand.  Startled, you are pulled out of your seat and dragged out the back door, passing a few couples in a makeout session.  Your face turns red from embarrassment.

Finally, you escape the house.  You breathe in fresh air, and you hear him do the same.  You look at each other, then quickly look away, smiling.  Bruce tries to speak, and stops.  He tries again, and stops.  He finally just chuckles and scratches his head.

"I'm not really good with conversation," he admits.  You nod in agreenment.  He asks for your name, and you tell him.

"...So," you stutter.  "You're into science?"  You had learned this during your napkin chat.

Bruce nods.  "Mostly gamma radiation."  Suddenly, his face contorted in what looked like anger.  You back up.

"Did I say something wrong?"

'I have to go."  And with that, he ran around the house and was gone.  You stood there for a good thirty seconds, wondering what you had done wrong.

Clint Barton- Your feet slap against the concrete as you run your laps around the park, like you do every morning.  Today was especially nice, with morning mist still on the ground, and a slight breeze kept you nice and cool.  You smile to yourself.  You wouldn't miss your workout for anything in this world.

You notice a skateboarder, but you ignore him as your jam comes on in your earbuds.  Suddenly, you ram into someone, trip over a crack, and slam on the ground.  You groan in pain as your ears ring.  You look at your knees, and curse silently.  They were scraped up pretty bad.

You try to get up, but your arm screams in pain, and you grunt as you head hits the ground again.  You feel a tap on your shoulder, and you look up.  A man was looking at you, offering his hand.  You take it, and slowly get up, making sure not to move your arm.  Once you're up, the man checks you over.  He notices your knee, and tries to apologize.

"I'm so sorry.  I wasn't looking where I was going,"  he blurts all at once.  Then he looks down.  "Only time I ever don't."  You don't what he's talking about, but your arm still hurts, and you want to ask for a phone.  But, right before you ask, another groan escapes your throat, and a look of concern twists his face.

"Hey, you alright?  What happened?"  You point to your arm.  He nods.

"You want me to take you to the hospital?"  You hesitate, then grudgingly nod.  He smiles slightly, and walks with you to the hospitol.

After the doctor checks you over, he says it's just sprained, and you should just take it easy for a few weeks.  You curse again.  You had a bit of a bad habit of injuring yourself, as you don't usually pay attention to much.  But, you notice that the man that you ran into was staring at you in the waiting room.  You stare back, your face growing red.  He smiles, and gets up to leave.  You quickly thank the doctor, and rush out of the room.

You find him standing outside the hospital, not really going anywhere.  You tap his shoulder, and he turns his head, smirking.  You brush a hair back in embarrassment.

"I never got your name," you almost whisper.  He smiles, leans in, and whispers, "I'm Clint.  Clint Barton."  With that, he strolls down the sidewalk, and you notice a skateboard tucked away in his backpack.  You wanted to cross your arms, until you notice the sling, and decide against it.

Thor Odinson- The rain was pouring outside, but inside, you were huddled up on your comfy chair, sipping a steaming mug of tea.  You loved tea, and you loved drinking it while it rained.  It made you feel that much warmer.

The old grandfather clock in your living room chimed eleven, and you decided to go to bed.  You walked to your kitchen to wash out your mug, when you heard a thump on your door.  You wonder who could possibly be outside, but you went to the door anyway.  Just to be safe, you checked the peephole, and suddenly rammed yourself against the opposite wall.  The man outside was hacking your door down!

You ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the butcher knife.  No way were you going to be hacked to death by a psycho!  You grabbed your phone and was just about to dial 911, when your door collapsed, and the man stood there, drenching wet, and a mad grin on his face.  You scream and run for your bedroom, locking the door behind you, although you worried what good that would do.  You back as far away from the door as possible as you hear him thump slowly toward your door.  You whimper softly.

He once again started thumping against your door, and this time it came through all too soon.  You thought quickly and ducked under the bed, praying to all the gods that he wouldn't find you.  You heard the door break down, and his heavy breathing caused your heart to thump violently in your chest.

He walked around, looking over everything,  until he finally spotted the glint of your knife.  You cover your mouth and move the knife, but too late, he's grabbed your hand and pulled you out.  He holds you up against a wall, and grinning madly, raises his axe threateningly.  You start crying and scream for help, and he laughs.

Just before the axe hits your head, a flash of white light lands between you two, and the man slams against the other wall.  You are unaffected, aside from the immediate blindness.  Once the stars in your eyes disappear, a man stands in front of you.  He's at least six feet, maybe seven, and he's clad with armor, donned with a wool red cape.  In his hand, he carries a large warhammer, larger than your head!  You gasp aloud, and he turns a fraction to catch your eye.  You realize he's here for you.

He turns to the man, and raises his hammer.

"I do not wish to harm you, but there is still justice to be served," he says in a loud, threatening voice.  The man shook where he stood.  You started shaking too, despite yourself.

"I am Thor, of Asgard," Thor says loudly.  "And I will not let you harm this woman!  LEAVE!" He raises his hammer, and lightning strikes down from the sky, although it doesn't harm your house.  It does, however, scare the axe man out of his wits, and he sprints out of the house, leaving behind the axe.

Thor nods, and turns to face you.  You admire his gruffy look, with the long lanky hair and small scruff surrounding his mouth.  His biceps are massive, yet he looks at you with such gentleness, it's almost too adorable.

"Are you alright, my lady?" He asks politely.  You slowly nod, but you notice that your heart hasn't stopped beating rapidly.  You blush.

Thor nods again.  "Well, I shall be off , Ms..."  You quickly say your name, and he smiles.

"Well, I shall off, then."  He walks out your broken door, and quickly glances back towards you.  You blush slightly.  He grins, and starts spinning his hammer.  You raise an eyebrow, but suddenly he takes off into the sky.  You run out into the rain, watching him fly away, almost gawking.

Loki Laufeyson- (Note:  This happens right before Loki is taken back to Asgard at the end of the Avengers.)

It had been a really successful day.  You got to work early, got all your jobs done, had run into a friend from school, and had extra money for an ice cream!  You got your absolute favorite:  chocolate.

You were walking down the sidewalk of New York City, looking at all the new buildings that had been rebuilt after that war with the aliens.  You still were a little confused on what happened, as you were out of town that day.  Still, it was a beautiful day out, and a smile was plastered on your face as you licked up your ice cream.

You were just about to pull out your iPod to listen to some happy music, when you noticed a group standing on the other side of the street.  They seemed to be gathered around two people, and they all had grim faces.  You pause to see what had happened.

Walking closer to the group, you see two men in the middle, as you had imagined, and they were dressed in ridiculous clothes.  One had a red cape and brilliant, long blonde hair.  He was holding the arm of the other man, who made your heart stop.

He had slick black hair, combed back.  He had sleek facial features, with a smooth complexion, perfect nose, perfect cheekbones, and striking eyebrows.  He wore mostly green, with gold plates, and black boots.  On his face, a mask was buckled over his mouth.  You suddenly notice the handcuffs over his hands.  What had he done?

Suddenly, he looks up at you, and you squeak in your throat in surprise.  His eyes were a startling green, yet they seemed deep and sad; those eyes had seen too much.  He also seemed to be staring at you.  You notice him glance up and down your body ever so slightly.  You blush, and you swear he smiles underneath his mask.

The group starts to disperse, and you stand there, alone, still staring at the green man.  He stares at you.  The other man looks curioiusly at him, then spots you.  He grimaces, and is suddenly surrounded by blue light.  You shriek, and back away quickly.  When you look again, they are both gone, an intricate pattern now carved in the ground where they stood.  You walk over, stand in the middle of the circle, and look up.  They are nowhere to be seen.  They've vanished.

And for some reason, you're sad about that.  A jolt goes through your heart and into your brain as you realize:

You just fell in love.


Alright, so this is my first chapter of my preferences.  Please  let me know if you have any requests for chapters. 

Also, I based Loki's on true happenings during the Avengers movie.  Seriously!  Watch the clip at the end of the movie.  Loki looks up from where he stands.  I squealed with delight when I found this.

Okay, this is AlicornAmulet signing off, for now!

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