Arms | JASPER HALE [02] ✓

By rebelspies

53.5K 1.7K 193

"You put your arms around me and I'm home. I know I haven't been the same, but please don't leave me, Jasper... More

[10; epilogue]
authors note + book 3


4.1K 136 6
By rebelspies

Aaron found herself in the middle of a panic attack.

She didn't know why it washed over her all of a sudden, but it was one of the most terrifying things she had ever experienced. Sweat dripped all over her body and she found herself clawing at her shirt getting it off.

This was the only moment of her life currently that she wished Jasper was here. Only for him to calm her down.

Her shirt flew in the air as the girl got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom where she turned on the shower the coldest it could go. Aaron stood there with her head on the tile letting the water wash over her.

Terrible memories flashed through her mind as she started to pound on the wall. The doorknob rattled followed by the frantic voice of her father. Charlie was tired of the door being locked and he broke it down only to find Aaron in the fetal position in the tub screaming.

He picked her up and carried her back into the room despite her thrashing. Aaron accidentally scraped his cheek making blood well up and drip down onto her naked skin.

"Aaron! Aaron breath! Calm down you are okay. You are okay," he whispered as he rocked her back and forth.

Her screams turned into sobs as she melted into her fathers arm. Her mind spun with thoughts and fears, but one thing stuck out.

Something big was coming and it terrified her.

The next morning, her boots clomped throughout the house as she paced back and forth in front of the phone. The piece of paper in her hand was crinkled considering she's been like that for an hour at that point.

It had Billy's messy handwriting on it and she was thankful that she could see the numbers and letters that danced around on it.

Last night terrified her and it took a good hour to convince her family that she could be left alone this morning. If they were here now, it would look like she was losing her mind. In reality, she was trying to decide if she should drive all the way to Arizona or call her grandmother instead.

She sighed before picking up the phone deciding that it wasn't worth it to give Charlie a heart attack. Bella already did enough damage to it, it wouldn't be in the best interest to do it again so soon.

Aaron held her breath as the phone rang, praying that the number hasn't been changed. Her heart jumped when it clicked and a voice rang from the other side.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Grandma?" She whispered hearing the voice that gave her happiness as a child. She missed it terribly.

"Aaron? Aaron is that you? Oh baby, it's been so long!" She cooed from the others side making the teen break down in tears. "There is no need to cry."

"I thought you were dead this whole time. That's what Mom told me," she sniffed into the phone before grabbing a tissue to dry her tears. When she pulled the white object away it was completely black.

She laughed. "Nope, I'm alive and kicking. How are you dear?" Grandma question making everything spill out of Aaron's lips.

The teenager walked around her whole house three times before she finished the ranting that she had and boy did it feel like a weight had been lifted off of her chest.

Grandma just made a few nosies here and there to let her know that she was still listening. "You have had it rough and I condemn my daughter for doing that to you. You were the biggest ray of sunshine when you were younger and now they've crushed your spirit," she scoffed making Aaron laugh and wipe away another tear.

"Grandma, what are we?" Aaron whispered and instantly she knew what the young female was talking about.

"We are special Aaron. It skipped your mother and I prayed that it skipped you. This is not the life I would have wanted for myself, let alone my granddaughter," she informed her making Aaron tense up.

The girl cleared her throat to try to gain courage. "I had a panic attack last night because this horrible dreadful feeling washed over me. Do you have any idea what that could have been?"

Aaron's question lingered in the air making her heart thump and slowly gain a beat. "That's our powers. Something is going to happen, Aaron. You need to be prepared. Is there anyway you can come down for training?"

"No, I have school. I'm graduating soon. But I have some people here that I can depend on," Aaron told her grandma as she bit her lip. "The wolves are the only ones I'm not upset with currently," she mumbled looking down at her feet. It pained her to have lost the first few friends that she had here, but they did it to themselves.

Grandma sighed as Aaron started to pace back and forth once more. She needed a plan and needed it yesterday. The worst part is that she didn't even know what she was planning for. Just that it was life or death.

"Let them know about your feelings, Aaron. I'll try to teach you as much as I can via the phone. Are you sired to Bella? Wait, that is a stupid question of course you are. Tell those vampires of hers as well," Grandma ordered her making Aaron sigh.

"I will, Grandma. I'll call you later. I have a few things I need to do," she informed her before hanging up. Aaron ran upstairs and first thing she did was fix her makeup before texting her father to let her know she might be out when he got home.

She past by Bella as she left but didn't tell her anything as there was no reason to worry her. Not yet anyway.

First, she shot Paul a text telling him to gather everyone at Sam's house. She knew the boy was either sleeping or in wolf form, so she decided to go to the Cullen's first.

The drive over there was tense for her. She was stepping into enemy territory and they all thought things were going to be okay between them. Aaron knew Edward probably hated her because she didn't drop everything and go rush to save him, but at this point she couldn't care less.

This was about protecting Bella. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The vampires greeted her outside on their balcony as she dismounted and crossed her arms as she leaned up against the bike. She could tell they were tense and that's when she knew that they had the idea she hated them.

"Theres a problem," Aaron informed them making them look at one another. Alice had a vision that she was coming, but not why. It was almost like Aaron was blocking her, but that was impossible.

"Bella's in trouble," Edward said reading her thoughts. Though, he was having the same trouble as Alice with her mind. He was only getting it in flashes as if she was only sharing what she wanted with him. He had never experienced anything like it before.

She sighed. "I have a feeling something big is coming. Victoria was here when you were gone and now that she is back, I have a feeing that she is going to make her move. We need to protect Bella," she firmly stated making the Cullen's share a glance with one another.

Aaron was only human, so why did she group herself in with them?

"We got it. I'd never let anything happen to Bella," Edward stated in a protective way.

Aaron rolled her eyes at the vampire. "Yeah, thats what you said last time. Instead she tried to kill herself like four separate times? And Laurent came to kill us?" She stated in a sarcastic questioning way making the vampire growl.

"We were doing what is best for you two."

"No. You did what you thought was best and it destroyed us. The difference between Bella and I? I didn't let it consume me," she snarled before getting on her motorcycle. Jasper had to hold Edward back considering he was about to jump on top of the human.

She spun the motorcycle before zooming off leaving baffled vampires in her wake and a longing heart trailing behind her.

The human spent the rest of the day training with Paul and Trent trying to get all of her anger and frustration out. The group had come up with a shitty plan to help try to protect her sister, but she had no idea how well it was going to work.

Aaron Swan was scared, but for once she wasn't going to let it consume her. She was going to fight back and win against this darkness inside of her.

Even if she died trying.

Authors note: IM SORRY ITS SHORT. I JUST WANNA GET TO ECLIPSE HAH. Nah but seriously next chap is the epilogue.

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