Dangerously Delicious

By nerdyflirtykari

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Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... More



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By nerdyflirtykari

One month later

"Table 11. Table 15. Pick up. Risa don't forget to rotate the wines. Charlie can you circle the room for me please?"

"Sure thing boss. Oh and you have three guests wanting to speak to the chef," Risa replied.

"Ten minutes," I shouted turning back to the sauce and vegetables I had over the fire.
The flurry of activity in the restaurant's kitchen always up my adrenaline. Though I was the owner, I still get behind the stove, wait tables, even clean the bathrooms. Yes, I had staff to do these things but I liked to help. I think I gained my employees respect that way.

Currently I was doing the lunch rush with my main chef, Patrick. We met at culinary school, he came in a year after me but we hit it off. When I started the restaurant and patronage kicked off I knew I needed an experienced head chef in the kitchen. He was looking for work and I hired him right away. Two sous chefs, one pastry chef, three dish washers, a serving staff of ten, hosting staff of two, four bus persons and two bartenders made up my staff a bit big for a barely new restaurant but needed.

Finishing up six dishes alongside Patrick , I decided to take my break and visit my guests. One of the bus boys took my apron and hat before I wiped my face with a warm towel. "I'll be back in a few Pat," I shouted over my shoulder, making my way  around the warmers.

"Woman, take your 30 minutes and eat something," he admonished. I scoffed and pushed through the swinging doors and into the buzzing dining room. The bar area was full with either lunch dates or persons looking for stress relievers. The dining room had patrons with lunch meetings, dates or get togethers. My restaurant was one of five in the shopping district. Lots of foot traffic and visible from the Main Street, an ideal spot for any up and coming restauranteur. I was lucky to know the previous owner of this spot and to have him sell it to me at a great price and help renovate. He wanted to retire closer to his daughter and just wanted a quick out.

Who was I to refuse?

Giving the dining room a quick once over, I laughed aloud when three familiar faces stood out. All three expensively dressed men, rose from their seats and shouted my name across the room.
My face heated from the amused attention I was getting.

"Boys!" I hissed making my way quickly to them. The trio made any other man in the room pale to comparison, all except that one man in my mind. He was my little secret though. I haven't told the boys about him, I didn't want the illusion of him being this untouchable man who saw only me, to disappear. His friend called him 'The Boss' no other name. I invited Gio to dinner at the restaurant hoping he will come along too but I guess with their no show, he didn't feel that connection.

"Here comes the most beautiful chef in the world," Gianni said aloud.

"Your flattery isn't gaining you a free dessert from Alexis," I returned. Michael was the first to reach my side, pulling me into his arms then placing a soft kiss on my lips. After meeting the stranger at the club a month ago, kisses from Michael felt more of a fling and not a guy I wanted to be serious with. He probably felt it too due to his heavy sigh and light chuckle.

"Who ever he is, he's a lucky bastard to have you," he whispered against my lips.

I hugged him tightly, loving how we didn't need words to communicate. I, myself  gave into a heavy sigh before greeting Stephen and Gianni.
"What's that heavy sigh for baby doll?" Gianni asked leaning forward.

"Lost her before we gave each other a chance," Michael offered, giving me a sad smile.  I cared for this man beside me but we both deserved to give each other a full 100% in feelings. It felt like that man took a part of me without him even knowing it.

"What?" Stephen asked confused.

"I met this guy when I was leaving the club a month ago. No names were exchanged but I felt that connection, we've always talked about. When he touched me, I swore everything stopped, it was just us. No one else. It felt right. He felt right." The last part was whispered but I knew they heard.

"Oh, Princess. Why didn't tell me?" Michael asked squeezing my hand in comfort.

"For us to go on a wild goose chase for a guy,who probably forgot about me?"

"No one can ever  forget you, Ari. What does he look like? Maybe we can search the security footage and take it from there," Gianni offered. That look on his face told me he was about to go all James Bond on us. When it comes to finding solutions to stuff, he's the one to go to.

"G. No. Stop. Besides I invited his friend to dinner, hoping he will come too but a definite no show. I just have to let it go. I'm sorry Mikey," I said giving him a small smile.

"I get it. I guess the only ones here who found that connection are those two," he said motioning to Stephen and Gianni.

"Lucky bastards," I grumbled.

"We heard that," Stephen said a blush staining his cheeks. Gianni chuckled and softly caressed his partner's cheek before turning to us.

Though one can't tell, Gianni and Stephen have been partners since college. They had a rocky start but worked things out. The only thing that was stopping them to taking the next step as life partners was Gianni.
From what I've learned, his family's new patriarch, his older brother was a bit of a stickler. He was afraid to disappoint him.

"Hi. Sorry for interrupting. Chef Patrick has taken the liberty to prepare off the menu lunch for everyone,"  The voice of Risa stopped any other conversation. In her hand and another server behind her, were our lunches.

"That smells great. Thank you." Gianni complimented, accepting the family style dishes. After asking for two bottles of wine, we all dug into the Italian dishes. Talk during our lunch centered around our business and families. Gianni mentioned his older brother being back home, I've never met the guy. Don't even know how the guy looks. When I visited his home during college it was either a family cabin or penthouse with no family momentos. I asked him once about the absence of it all. He simply explained that most pictures were at his mother's house, his childhood home. His brother took over the family business after their father's sudden death. Gianni confided in them that his brother got colder, more set in his ways and it worried him.

"I don't know the whole dynamics of siblings but I guess since it's a family business, help him with some of the work. I know your architectural business is taking off but maybe he needs help and don't know how to ask for it. You've said it yourself. He's the head of the household now," I offered.

"Maybe. Father was a very imposing figure in our lives. Family was everything to the man and he always made sure we knew our self worth. He made sure no harm came to his wife and two sons, now Ray has to fill those shoes," he said staring blankly into his half filled wine goblet.

"Very big shoes,"Michael commented with a sad smile.
I've met Mr. Renith Delacourde, twice and he left a great impression on me. He was the one who pushed for me to take a gamble on being a restauranteur. He boldly told me on the second time of meeting me that no one will be writing my path for me to succeed, I had to do it on my own. Forget the slackers and do what is there to be done. When a powerful business magnate, gives you advice, you better accept it like a Grammy Award.

"Just be there for him and maybe, you will get the nerve to tell him that you're proudly gay. If not for your piece of mind but for the man next to you," I said. He turned to Stephen who in returned gave him a nonchalant shrug.

"I'm happy with being you, G but.... you need to tell him. Ray may be all kinds of things but he's still your brother. The man loves you, its time, love," Stephen said softly.

"Thanks baby," Gianni said softly, leaning over to place a soft kiss on his partner's lips. I loved witnessing their show of affection to each other. From the meaningful glances to kisses to comfort each other, they weren't afraid to show it. They were comfortable in their sexuality in public per say. The two weren't flamboyantly gay, they were just calm about it all.

Over Skype chats and texting, Stephen confided in me that he plans to propose to Gianni but will like his family involved in the ceremony. Stephen's family accepted him and have met Gianni, it was G's understandable fear.

"We're not rushing you to do it but it has been years G, " I added.
He looked around the table and gave us a smile, nodding his head in the process.
The four of us continued our impromptu lunch date till my lunch hour hostess came up to the table.

"Boss. He's here. I'm trying to get him to leave but he's getting particularly loud," she said sending wary glances to my friends.

"Tell him I'll be right out," I said through clenched teeth, fumbling for my phone. She gave me a confused look then went to deliver the news.

"Baby doll."

Not good.

When Gianni takes that dominant tone, I knew he was in big brother protective mode. The other two won't be too far behind.

"It's nothing, you guys. I'm handling it," I answered, opting to keep my eyes downcast. Hitting the assigned speed dial number, I waited for the person on the other end to pick up.


"It's Arianna. He's at the restaurant, right this moment," I replied pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I'll send a squad car around. I think it's time you give him a restraining order, Arianna. This has been going on too long. I don't want to leave things undone and he escalates," he said in a stern tone.

I stayed silent. I didn't tell him about the creepy love letters I've received over the course of two weeks.

"Arianna? What are you not telling me?" Curse his perception.

"I got some very detailed letters from him that creep the fuck out of me," I said softly.

"The hell, Arianna. When you close for the hour, bring them to me. I mean it Ari," he shouted.

"Yes, Kenny," I whispered before hanging up the phone. I stayed quiet trying to process it all. I officially have an obsessive stalker ex.
Gently I felt Michael's hand cup my cheek before he turned my head to him. His blue eyes were like ice, I can practically see his jaw ticking with that firm line of his lips.

"Tell us."

It wasn't a question, it was a demand.

Before I can answer, a commotion erupted at the front of the room. Out of concern for my customers, I jumped from my seat ready to dissolve whatever issue it was.

"This is my wife's place. I can walk in whenever the fuck I want. Now move." The angry voice of my ex reached my ears, that's when I saw him barreling past my host and into the dining room. His eyes were wild, his appearance immaculate as usual but his whole body and vibe were off. He was heading towards the kitchen when he spotted me. I don't know how but in a blink of an eye, the boys created a wall in front of me.

"Who the hell are you guys? Arianna, are these the men you're fucking around with?" He shouted. My face burned in embarrassment by his insult. It may not be true but it still was a blow to my character.

Gianni stepped forward. "I will like for you to refrain from tarnishing my friend's name. You're not welcomed here and currently causing a scene. Please. Leave." His tone brooked no argument but Ricky was in macho man mode.

"Listen here, vanilla ice. If she's fucking you so be it but she belongs to me and will always come back to me. You're the one not welcomed here. You and your boy band backups. Now move. I won't hesitate to put you on your ass." With that being said Ricky forcefully pushed Gianni away to reach for me but I flinched away from him. Stephen pulled me back further probably seeing the crazed look in his eyes.

"I am not your wife. Nor do I belong to you. I warned you, Ricky. Leave me alone. We're through. We have been through for six months. Let me be," I shouted.

"Stop your shit, Ari and get here now," he returned trying to get at me but Gianni and Michael held him back, twisting his arms behind his back then escorted him out of the dining room. At the same time, two officers came barreling in, hands on their holsters and body on alert. When they saw the boys restraining Ricky they went into action immediately.
The officers hand cuffed him and led him out with the boys following.
The dining room was silent. Slowly, my guests turned to me. I was humiliated  about it all. What happened moments ago was one of the things people categorized black people with. My body was trembling, not in fear but sheer embarrassment. I wanted to cry because this may hurt my business. If it wasn't for Stephen holding me up, I will probably be on the floor right now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm terribly sorry for that disruptive scene to your time here at Angela's. Let me offer you a free dessert of your choice and a complimentary drink from the bar. I think we all need one after that scenario. Once again I do apologize," I said aloud with my voice breaking at the end.
Stephen was quick to lead me out of the dining room and down the hallway to my office. When we reached, he silently stood in a corner as I sat on the red plush love seat, blankly staring at the far wall.
I didn't even hear the boys come in till I felt Michael's warm body surrounding me.

"Baby doll, I've always admire your strength and get it done attitude, we all do but when you have a delusional ex on your doorstep you reach out for help. What if we weren't here? Yes, the cops came just in time but once again what if we weren't here to waylaid him," Gianni was furious but his tone was eerily calm.

"Bad decision to keep you guys out of the loop but I saw it as personal....."

"Fuck personal, Arianna. We're a family. You know this. Who was that guy anyway? Are you keeping more shit from us?" He spat.

"That was Ricardo Melvin," I said.

"The guy you dated for nearly a year?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. He cheated on me with a colleague of his at the law firm. He blamed me for it because I was too busy at work. Blamed me from not being sexually pleasing enough that he had to get more elsewhere." The words came out low and unsteady. I didn't dare tell them the other reasons why, I didn't want them see me as a weak woman. It took everything in me to tell them what my ex said. I was a workaholic who couldn't keep her man pleased.

"That little fucker," Michael hissed pulling me onto his lap. I was so out of it that I didn't notice Gianni and Stephen's absence.

"Princess. Look at me." His soothing voice brought me out of my thoughts. Turning to him, the tears I held back broke free.

"Don't you dare take his shortcomings to heart.
This is coming from me, the man who worshipped your body for days. The man who you brought to his knees with your curvy chocolate body. Those lips that I always crave even when we're apart. Those eyes that can bewitch any man in your path. Don't bring down your self, for a fucking retard who doesn't know your worth." The honesty and emotion in his voice made the tears flow more down my cheeks.

"I love you, Mikey."

"I love you too, Princess. If only it was the same type of love then I will marry you right away," he returned drying my tears away.

"Blame it on, universal connection," I huffed leaning into him more. If I did love Michael without my heart longing for someone who's probably lost to me, I will surely take his offer. The man holding me now was my first boyfriend, the one who I gave my virginity to, my safe haven but not the love of my life.

"Why won't you let us help you find him? You can meet him, ask him out on a date and see where it will lead you two. I know my Princess isn't scared, so tell me," he said kissing my head.

Oh what the heck! Maybe talking about mystery man will distract me from the Ricky situation.

I only had to think about that night to get the vision of him in my mind. A smile always bloom on my face when I remember that slight smirk on his pink supple lips.

"Tall like you. Maybe a few inches taller. A bit muscular but with slim frame. Chestnut brown hair, slightly mussed. He had a bit of a light beard, chiseled jaw. He had the prettiest eyes I've ever seen on a white dude,"I started.

"Hey," Michael pouted at my statement. His silliness had me laughing, my worries faded away.

"But it was. Okay maybe right after your bright blue eyes that reminds me of a rare gem. His were the lightest shade of green with a touch of brown and his lashes were thick. It made him look mysterious and cold but something about him just pulled me in. At first was his voice when he asked his friend Gio if I was alright...."

"Gio?" He asked. His voice got a bit hoarse and his hold on me tighten.

"Yeah. We sort of bumped into each other when I was leaving and he asked Gio to escort me to my car. We talked a bit, kind of teasing each other. His whole vibe or aura just pulled me in and when he reached out to stop me, that one touch shocked me. It was only us. I saw the look on his face that mirrored mines, surely then the confused look, I sure as hell had on too. I - I can't get him out of my mind Mikey," I finished.

"That's. That's something. Ummmm..... did he have any tattoos, scars? Something to help us?" He sounded strained and I wondered why?

"Oh yeah. He had a scar over his right eye going into his hairline. I saw a bit of ink above his shirt collar. You think Gianni can find him?" I asked, straddling his hips. I saw the fight in his eyes and the forced smile.

"I know we've had a heck of a history and this will be us parting ways for good. I love you Mikey but it won't feel right to have  you in my life or my heart as a runner up. Let's see what will happen. If it isn't meant to be, life goes on. I- I want to try Mikey. You know I've always wanted a love like my parents," I said softly. I watched on as my fingers touched his clean shaven jaw gently, our skin complexions were such vivid contrasts. My dark against his fair. I will always be amazed by our connection and our previous relationship.

"I know, Ari. I know," he said with a genuine smile this time. Threading his fingers through my loose hair, he gently pulled me closer to him. Ghosting his lips against mine, a sigh passed his lips, the warmth of his breath making me tremble.
"I hope he knows how wonderful you are, when he sees you again," he whispered.

"You're  gonna try?"

" Yeah. I think we all know the guy you're talking about. We just want you to be happy," he replied. I watched on as his eyes roamed every feature of my face with a wistful expression on his face.

"I just hope he treats you like the smart, strong,  ebony princess you are."

I hope he's everything I've ever wanted.

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