Storm Clouds// newtmas fanfic...

Per kitler17

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Thomas and Newt decide to meet up, with some other friends, and investigate an abandoned building out in the... Més

Chapter: 1~ Haven't we already met?
Chapter: 2~ If you wanted fantasy, don't take the bus
Chapter: 3~ Champagne, cocaine, gasoline...
Chapter:4~ Wire thin love
Chapter: 5~ It's all fun and games until it goes wrong
Chapter:6~ The love shack- no, barn!
Chapter: 7~ Running through the maise
Chapter: 8~ Why is love a whirlwind of pain?
Chapter: 9~ Is the end of a storm always calm?
Chapter: 10~ British girls aren't always normal and polite
Chapter: 11~ Hospital appointment
Chapter: 12~ A surgery and a check-up
Chapter: 13~ And your relation to him is..?
Chapter: 14~ It's too overwhelming
Chapter: 15~ Always a runner
Chapter: 16~ Truth or lies
Chapter: 17~ Baby steps
Chapter: 19~ Dish soap

Chapter: 18~ Mother knows best

419 21 10
Per kitler17

WARNING: contains scenes of partial smut.

It was three days later when Newt was finally discharged from the hospital and the news was delivered by none other than Nurse Jones.

She broke the news in the morning, luckily while Thomas was there, and it was followed by the silence of disbelief. Then, Newt suddenly jumped out of his bed and rushed to hug his mom, blabbering with joy. However, he soon noticed Thomas standing quietly in one corner and limped towards him, pulling him into a tight hug as well. He buried his face in the crock of Thomas' neck, drawing in his sweet scent, before he pulled away, laughing with happiness.

The two weeks of rest and rehabilitation had paid off, as Newt was able to walk properly now, except for a small limp in his right leg and the occasional dose of discomfort. It meant that he and his friends had caused mischief around the hospital; like taking latex gloves from storage rooms and blowing them into balloons or messing about with CPR dummies.

Occasionally, only Thomas and Newt wandered about the hospital, getting up to their own mischief. Sometimes it was the only time they got alone. Sometimes they were just bored out of their minds and needed something to do. Either way, there was always at least a kiss shared between them when they were away from a crowd.

One time, Newt even pushed Thomas into a storage closet, desperate to make-out with him but Thomas knocked over a load of equipment. They'd legged it as quickly as possible, laughing uncontrollably all the way back to room A5.

Another time the boys had been walking around the bottom floor, which was a maze of corridors and rooms. They didn't know what they were doing and were just talking as they walked.

"Bloody hell, I just remembered. It's our one week anniversary of being boyfriends!" Newt said, smiling brightly, "We're gonna' have to do something to celebrate."

"Why don't we go down to the cafeteria."


"And get some goo-"

Before Thomas could finish his sentence, he was pulled swiftly down a side corridor that the two boys were walking past. Newt smirked, making sure no one was coming past, then roughly pushed Thomas against a wall behind a pillar outcrop. Thomas yelped in shock but relaxed into Newts touch when he realised what was going on.

"I was actually thinking of something a bit more private," Newt whispered, his mouth lingering by Thomas' ear, sending shivers down his spine.

Then, their lips connected in a frenzy of passion and hunger, moving together perfectly. Thomas' hand shifted to Newt's stomach, drawing circles lightly above the fabric, while Newt's hands were tugging at brunette hair.

However, the light brushing against the blond's abdomen was soon ended as Thomas removed his hand and slipped it behind Newt's back instead, pulling him in suddenly. Their bodies were so close that not even a sheet of paper could be slid between them and the kissing continued as rough as before. The two boys blushed viciously, heat rising between them and reaching right down to their bones.

Newt licked Thomas' bottom lip, in the hopes of gaining entrance but before Thomas could respond, the sound of a door closing made the two boys pull away. They quickly moved apart not wanting to get caught and straightened out their clothes, still breathing heavily. Smiling at each other, they resumed their walk to the cafeteria, as if nothing had just happened.

However, that was one of the last times the boys did anything as playful in the hospital corridors. Simply because it had happened the day before and now Newt was able to leave.

Thomas, Newt and his mother were all walking down to the reception, ready to sign out when Thomas realised what time it was. He'd been so distracted with Newt's leaving that he'd completely forgotten about school.

"Shuck!" Thomas cursed, "I've got to get to school. Sorry, bye."

On instinct, Thomas moved in to kiss Newt but quickly realised what he was doing and dashed away, waving as he went. Soon Newt and Mrs Wright were out of sight and Thomas left the hospital.

While he was running through the carpark, he glanced back at the building in which loads of happy and also upsetting memories were made. He felt sad to realise that he wouldn't ever have to go back if he really didn't need to.


Newt settled back into his normal life very quickly, easily catching up with all his school work and getting used to the stares from his classmates. The rumour of his accident had spread around very quickly and when he'd stepped into his first class everyone turned to gawk at him. Of course, the story had been twisted from the original, something about Newt being beaten and stabbed by a group of thugs, but people were still very interested; either in awe or disgust. However, Newt didn't mind. Though his accident had been horrible and he'd come out with a limp, he'd also finally admitted his feelings to Thomas and they were together now.

With Newt staying at home now, Thomas hadn't really seen him much and only for about half an hour when he did. However, there were many perks with Newt being at home, like being able to hide away in his room and share hidden kisses without the chance of being caught. Still, Thomas wanted a little more time with his boyfriend than a short visit a day.

So, nearly a week after Newt finally got out of the hospital, Thomas rushed out of school as quickly as he could, running down the street and dodging people as he went. He was heading to Newt's school, hoping to catch him before he left to go home. Thomas knew Newt's mom liked to be told in advance about Newt going anywhere but he hoped that Mrs Wright would be okay just this once. He was too desperate to spend time with Newt to wait for it to be planned in advance.

Finally, Thomas reached the front of the school. Students were streaming out, making it almost impossible to spot Newt it in the crowd but he still scanned for blond hair and a bright smile. However, as the stampede of people started to dissipate, Thomas began to walk off, realising Newt had probably already gone.

"Tommy?!" A voice said behind Thomas, "What are you doing here?"

Instantly, Thomas whirled on his feet and there behind him was Newt, smiling like nothing else. Before he could stop himself, Thomas pulled Newt into a warm hug, gaining a few stares from students still coming out of school.

"I came to ask if you wanted to come to my house for the night?"

"You know what my mom's like after the accident, I don't know if I can, Tommy."

"That's what I thought..." Thomas said sadly.

"But, I'm sure she won't mind if it's at yours and I message her first, " Newt hummed happily as he pulled out his phone.

After a few texts, Newt slipped his phone back into his pocket and reached out to take Thomas' hand, "Let's go." He said unable to suppress his smile.

The two boys walked hand in hand all the way back to Thomas' house. Newt had never actually been there or met his family, so was a little nervous when they walked in. Especially as Thomas hadn't actually told his mother that he had invited Newt over.  However, as Thomas announced their presence, a small brunette lady came running from the kitchen. She saw Newt and smiled brightly then she turned to Thomas.

"Is this the friend you've been talking about, Thomas? The one who got hurt?"

"Um, yeah. Newt this is my mom and mom this is Newt." Thomas said, slightly embarrassed by the way his mother had described Newt.

"How nice to meet you, dear! Thomas doesn't seem to shut up about you." Thomas' mom cooed.

"Mom..!" Thomas whisper-shouted, as his face flushed a dark crimson from even more embarrassment.

"Thanks for letting me stay over, ma'am, " Newt said sweetly, smiling brightly at the woman before smirking at Thomas.

"Oh, you can stay over at any time with manners like that. Thomas, you always have such polite friends. Even Minho is sort of well behaved."

If Thomas could get even redder, he did. He smiled unsurely and cleared his throat, "Um, could you call us down for dinner later. " he said but then thought to add, "If that's okay."

"Yeah, sure, but only because Newt's here."

Thomas smiled nicely at his mom again as he said thank you, then he walked off, Newt trailing behind him. They climbed the stairs and strolled along a hallway to Thomas' room at the end. Opening the door, Thomas motioned for Newt to step inside before entering and closing the door behind himself.

"Your room is so nice, " Newt said as he spun in a slow circle to see everything.


Newt stopped gawking and instead walked over to Thomas, who was still standing next to the door. He planted a gentle kiss on the brunette's lips and said, "But you're so much better."

Unable to stop the smile spreading along his lips, Thomas pulled Newt into a hug. When he pulled away, he kept a hold on Newt's hand, squeezing it gently.

"So... What do you wanna' do?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I thought you had something planned and that's why you practically dragged me away from school."

"Can't I just spend time with my boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."

The two boys gazed at each other, eyes searching the other's features as the moment became tender. Then they rushed forward to connect their lips but miss judged in their desperation. They knocked heads, reeling backwards as they laughed, though a small line of blood dribbled from Thomas' nose. 

"Oh shit! Your nose is bleeding!"

Thomas lifted a hand and wiped the blood; most of it had dried already from the heat of his skin. 

"It's fine."

Thomas moved close to Newt again and this time lent in slowly to kiss him on the lips. Newt moved his hands up and tangled them in Thomas' thick hair, as he pushed himself closer to the boy in front of him. Slipping his hands up the back of the blond's shirt, Thomas trailed them over his bare skin, drawing shapes with his fingertips. As their lips moved together in a wet mess, Newt slowly pushed Thomas in the direction of the bed. However, as Thomas was shuffling backwards his foot got hooked on a leg of his desk and momentum did the rest. He fell, Newt suddenly kissing and holding air, and hit the ground with a loud crash.

Only a couple of seconds later, a voice shouted from downstairs, "Are you two boys okay up there?!" 

"Yes!" Thomas called back, a blush spreading across his face like dye in water.

Newt laughed and said, "We're a disaster," before he quickly pulled Thomas back onto his feet, hastily pushing him all the way to the bed. Roughly, he pushed him down onto the soft mattress and climbed on as well, slipping on top of Thomas' waist to straddle him. He grimaced from the pull he felt on his back but he knew his limits so remained in place.

Thomas looked up at him with concern but Newt nodded in reassurance and smiled. Reaching up and slipping his hands behind Newt's head, Thomas carefully led the boy's lips back to his own. It became rugged and sloppy but full of passion and love, even as Newt slipped his tongue into Thomas' mouth. Their tongues moved together in a sort of wild dance, while their hands tangled with each other's hair and caressed each other's clammy faces.

After a couple of minutes of their hot make out, they pulled apart, a small line of saliva between their mouths. They were both panting heavily but still didn't want to stop, so rushed back in to continue kissing, all while Thomas' hands found their way to the rim of Newt's shirt. 

"Can I?" Thomas whispered, his hand gripping a handful of shirt

"I suppose so."

Carefully, he dragged the shirt up Newt's chest, purposefully brushing the very tips of his fingers against his bare skin. He smiled when Newt drew in a little gasp. Once the shirt got pulled over his head and thrown loosely onto the floor, Thomas grabbed his own shirt and quickly tugged it up and over his head as he smirked up at Newt. 

Only a few seconds passed before Newt was back to kissing Thomas while gently grazing his hands along his bare skin. Reaching up, the brunette draped his arms over Newt's back, slowly snaking his hands down towards his pants.

"Boys, do you want me to bring you some drinks?" A voice called from just outside the door.

The two boys pulled away from each other at the sound of a handle being turned but Thomas quickly shouted back, his voice hoarse and out of breath, "No, it's okay.., Mom. You don't... have to come in.., we're fine!"

They waited in bated breath for the door to suddenly swing open but his mother remained outside.

"Are you okay, Thomas, you sound out of breath?"

"Yeah.., just helping Newt... with his physio."

"Okay." She finally said, followed by the sound of footsteps on creaky floorboards.

Thomas and Newt relaxed with relief but giggled and smirked about their predicament, blushing a bright red.

"Physio, hey?" Newt asked, his right eyebrow raised.

Thomas spoke defensively, "I panicked!" 

Newt bent back down and planted a soft kiss. "If this is the physio you're helping me with," he said, "then I want to do it more often."

They continued what they were doing before they were interrupted, their lips kiss sore but very endorsed. Newt moved his hands up to Thomas' head and began to weave his fingers with his hair, now damp with sweat.

"Tommy..." Newt breathed out, placing a light kiss afterwards.


"How long... until dinner?"

"I... don't know.., " Thomas said.

Newt sat up suddenly and Thomas quickly came to the conclusion he'd done something wrong.

"What's the matter? Oh God, I didn't hurt you, did I? "

"No, no, of course not," Newt reassured, stroking Thomas' hair, "It's just that if this is going... where I think it is, then I need to know if you're okay with it."

Thomas lost eye contact then, letting out a shaky sigh, "I don't know... I mean, I want to but I'm scared I'll mess up."

Newt gently cupped Thomas' face. "We can take it as slow as want. If you want to stop then just tell me and we'll stop."

"But what if you don't want to stop? Won't you hate me for ruining this for you?"

"Tommy, I can't hate you, it's not physically possible for me. But I promise; you not wanting to do it is a hundred times more important than me wanting to. Do you trust me on that?"

"I trust you."

Newt smiled before placing several pecks on Thomas' lips, though Thomas quickly turned it into a makeout. When they pulled away for air, Newt moved and started placing kisses on the other boy's jawline, slowly tracing his lips down the brunette's neck. In return Thomas tilted his head up, making it a little bit easier for Newt to get at. With the invitation, the blond moved his mouth to the base of Thomas' neck, kissing it gently before sucking lightly. A moan of pleasure from the boy beneath him told Newt he had hit a soft spot and he began to nibble and suck at that area. 

In lust, Thomas clawed at Newt's upper back, moaning and breathing fast. He couldn't help fidgeting as Newt continued to suck and bite his neck, the sensation turning him on. Though, Newt noticed the way Thomas was shifting and quickly removed his lips from the boy's throat.

"Sorry..." He mumbled, "You want to stop?"

"N-no... I like it... more..."

Newt smirked as he looked at the red mark he'd created just above Thomas' collar bone but he couldn't study it for long as Thomas reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him down into a long hungry kiss. It didn't last though, as Newt began trailing kisses down again, placing them on Thomas' chest and down to his navel.

Suddenly, Newt shivered in satisfaction because Thomas had somehow managed to sneak his hands into the blond's underwear. Newt had to bite his cheek as Thomas brushed his fingers along Newt's hip line, edging towards his member. However, with Newt straddling, it became too difficult to reach, so Thomas simply caressed his hips, while Newt kept up his loving kisses down his stomach.

Abruptly, the blond pulled his head away from Thomas' middle and looked up to face the brunette. Something hard was pushing against his groin and he didn't think it was Thomas' hand.  

"You're hard."

"Well.., I... I..." Thomas said, unable to finish his sentence as he blushed brightly.

Newt laughed and whispered, "That's okay, I was kinda' hoping you would get turned on soon."

He shuffled down so that he sat on Thomas' legs and reached out, taking the band of his pants between his fingers.

"May I?" he asked.

Thomas nodded as he bit his lip, his eyes closed as he took deep and shaky breaths. 

Newt undid the button and pulled the zip on his flies down before haltingly tugging his jeans down his thighs, and then his shins until Thomas' pants were dumped on the floor. Only thinking it fair, Newt removed his own pants so that they were both in nothing but boxers. He blushed at the sight of Thomas, panting in the tangled sheets, his hair spiked with sweat, his underwear bulging with an erection. Everything felt so right, like he'd seen this all before, yet it also felt so perfectly new.

Stretching forward, he caught Thomas' lips against his. He wanted Thomas right there and then but he also wanted to keep this moment going for a lifetime. Either way, he knew he would respect and follow anything Thomas decided right until his very last breath.

Newt pulled his own boxers down then, to prove that he wasn't afraid to show Thomas how much he trusted and cared about him. Shock crossed Thomas' face for a fraction of a second before he lunged forward, tugging Newt down to connect their lips again in a frenzy. After a couple of minutes Newt pulled away again. 

"Is this okay?" Newt asked as he carfully hooked a finger under the elastic of Thomas' underwear.


Smiling adoringly at the boy he loved, Newt pulled Thomas' boxers down.

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