The Quarterbacks Kryptonite...

By meerrlliiaa

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This is your classic Jock/ nerdy love story... Athena Jacks was always very low profile long haired brunette... More

Chapter 1 (the get to know)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45

Chapter 44

206 5 0
By meerrlliiaa

My head hurts.

Like. My head hurts really really bad...

I don't even move my body up before trying to bring my hands to my head, but I can't.
I can't seem to bring my hands up.

My head keeps bobbing back and forth..

Am I even laying down?...

When I slowly started to open my eyes, I saw a wet concrete floor. Concrete walls.
Pretty much everything seemed concrete. There was a large metal slide down door that looked like it would be the opening to a garage but that seemed about it.
Chains hung from different parts of the ceiling and all around seemed to be open space..

Where the hell am I?...

When I looked down at myself I realized that I wasn't laying down. No, instead, I was tied up to a chair. Sitting upright.
My arms were tied down to the arms of the chair, along with my legs to the legs of the chair.
What the fuck happened?..

"Oh. So I see you are finally awake..."
oh shit.

I looked forward with my dazing eyes and saw a darker figure lurking in the dark. But I didn't need to look at his features to know who he was.
That voice has been haunting me for years...

"I will say, I have missed you daughter. I've been watching you, of course, just looking at you as you do all the things we used to do together. Wishing that I could be there for you so you weren't alone. And then... just as I begin to think that, that could actually be a reality. I remember that you killed my daughter and wife. Your twin sister and mother..."

Well... yes. This is him. After the accident, my dad went crazy. His mind was set on the idea that I had meant to kill them. Made him even more upset when the police were telling him that it was just an accident, and that the person who hit us was to blame.
He didn't buy it.

"I've told you a million times..." i began to sob
"I never wanted to kill them! It was an accident! There was a drunk driver.."

"Stop lying to me!!" He stalked on over to me and brought his hand across my face, almost knocking me and the chair over.
"You are just as much of a bitch as you used to be. I can't believe I ever was able to handle you as my daughter. I should have seen it. I should have known."

It's not the physical pain that makes my heart break, it's the constant reminder from my own father that they died because of me.
Except he actually thought I wanted them to die.
I think about that night everyday, and I would do anything for it to be me instead of them...

"Where are they? Where's Ryder and Parker?"

"Oh... Ryder is a little occupied at the moment. And so it Parker, he's a little busy making some last minute decisions.."

"What does that mean?"

There was a small smile on his face before, but it grew wildly as soon as I asked that question.
"That, you will soon find out..." he said, looking down at his feet. His smile was still there, and he said it in such a calm manner.

Oh dad... what are you up to?...

Parker's pov:

"Wake up!" I heard, right before something was spilling all across my face.
Which sadly was at the same point I was breathing in through my nose.

A horrible coughing fit erupted from me as my head shot forward
"Shut up!" I heard people yelling. Sounded like the same voices from before.
I was still coughing a little but eventually opened my eyes.

Fuck. The explosion. We were all in the basement when the bomb went off.
Shit shit shit.
The guys! They must have taken the guys.

"Ahh, there he is.." Jamey spoke. He was kneeling down right in front of me. I didn't even know where we were. This place looked abandoned. Graffiti was marked all along the old brick walls. Whatever this building was, looked like it was about to collapse at any minute.

"Jamey? What are you doing man, get me out of these come on. Those guys will probably be back soon."
I started wiggling through the tight knots that were keeping me tied down to the chair, but Jamey was just standing there.
"Jamey? Where are the guys? Did they get out too? Wait. How did you escape?"

He stood straight up and looked at me, crossing his arms.
"Wow. You really are dumb..."

Oh no Jamey... what did you do.

"You're working for them. Your working for my brother. Aren't you."

He smiled brightly and clapped his hands together.
"Bingo Parker! Man, I didn't think it would take that long for you to figure it out. I mean, haha, you are a smart person... how could you not have seen it?.."

Fuck me.

Athena's pov:

"Jamey?! No! He wouldn't!"
Jamey would never betray Parker that way.
He'd never betray us that way.

"Oh my little princess. Of course he would. If he was given enough money. And of course, being on the winning side, he couldn't help but accept my offer."

No no no... this can't be happening...

He couldn't have done this...
he couldn't have.

"Now daughter. Ill be leaving."

Wait what?

"What? What do you mean leaving?" I asked. I wanted to scoot the chair over to him as close as I possibly could.

"I will be leaving. I might be back. Or I might not. It depends.  Goodbye."
That was it. He walked out of the building through the metal garage door and shut it behind him.

I was all alone. What kind of a kidnapping was this? He's been wanting to kill me since the moment mom and Abs died. This couldn't have naturally changed. He's been hell bent on it.
What the hell is happening??

Parker's pov:

"You fucking son of a bitch. How could you do this.."

My own man.
My second in command.

"It was easy. Athena's father simply gave a better offer than your brother did..."

"My brother?! What the hell does he have to do with any of this?!"

"Well he was the one who wanted me to switch. At first I thought the idea was crazy." He explained
"But then I started to listen. And it started to make sense. But before I could make a final decision. Athena's father came into the picture. And made an offer to where we both got exactly what we wanted."

I was so confused. How could any of this happen?

"Okay. Anyway, we are getting off topic. You have a choice to make." Jamey started. Walking over behind a pillar and bringing out a TV on a rolling cart.
He stopped it right in front of me and turned it on.

"What is this?" I asked, sitting up and trying to get as close as I could.

"This my friend. Is the next dilemma in your life." He smiled.
Damn. How could I not see it before?
All I can think is the fact that this man was my best friend. This man was who I always talked about things with. I went to him for everything.

The tv turned on and the screen was split in half. On one half of the screen was Ryder.
Wtf is he doing there?

He was at my cabin. The one hidden in the woods. He was tied up in a chair just as I was, but people were standing behind him. They had blindfolded him and were holding a gun to the back of his head.

On the other half of the screen was Athena. She was also tied in a chair but was all alone in a building.
"Hello!!! Can anyone hear me!" She kept screaming. There was literally no one there...

"What the fuck is this Jamey."

"Choose." He said.

"What? No."

"Let me rephrase that." He took out a Gun from the back of his belt and cocked it.
"Choose. Or else mommy dearest gets a bullet in her heart."

My head immediately shot up to him.
"What the hell are you talking about?! Where is she?!!" I yell at him.
What kind of a bastard threatens someone's mom? That's crossing the line!

"We have people surrounding your house. She is with your dad. Both of them are having a relaxing day at home. Would be a shame if someone broke in and shot her."

I looked back to the screen of the tv and looked at the two different films.
"Athena." I said without hesitation.

"Ahhh. I thought you'd say that. Which is why this isn't your real choice." He said.
He walked over and grabbed a remote, pointing it to the screen and pushing a button.
"This is your real choice."

The screen changed to Ryder, and Damon...
fuck me...

"You see. I knew you would choose Athena. Who wouldn't? Especially you, she's the love of your life. Or so you believe. You would choose her over anyone. But... I thought, what if you had to choose between the most important person In her life that she'd never be able to live without, or your brother. If you lost your brother, like it or not, but you'd be lost. You love him too much whether you admit it to yourself. You have always looked up to him, losing him would kill you."

He paused..

"But then. If you had ever chosen your brother over Ryder... oh Poor Athena could never forgive you. Taking her brother away from her. The only real family she has left. The person she loves most in this world... he is her everything. Losing him... woah, how could she ever be able to live?.... so. What is your choice?"

I didn't answer.
Didn't make a sound.

"Alright... how about... if you don't choose within 5 seconds. I am going to blow up the building the dear Athena is staying in at the moment."

"What?" I asked looking up at him.
He wouldn't... he loves her too much.

"Oh yeah. I didn't mention that? That entire building and main pillars are surrounded with C4. That thing will collapse on her in seconds. Crushing her like a bug."

"You wouldn't do that to her..."

"I would though. Because she doesn't want me. She wants you. And I can't ever have her. So, this is a pretty good way to forget about her."

I can't do this.
I can't do this to her.


Fuck. How am I supposed to choose between Ryder or my brother?


She'd never forgive me.


Ryder needs to live. He's all Athie has.


I'm sorry....

Athena's pov;

"Athena! Athena Jacks!"

Oh thank god

"Here!! I'm over here!" I shouted.
I heard multiple footsteps running through the building.
A few seconds later I see a group of people running towards me.

"Ms. Jacks? Are you alright?" A woman says. All of them are wearing police uniforms.
How could they have possibly found me?

"Yes, yes I'm alright. I'm okay. Please just get me out of here..."

Thankfully they did. Apparently they had gotten a phone call from a jumpy kid who couldn't stop talking.

After helping me out and taking me to the station to ask me a bunch of questions and get checked out, they let me go.
And this had to have been the strangest day of my life.

I guess I had a small concussion from when I had hit my head on the floor from the explosion, but other than that I was fine.
And the police officers said that my house for the most part seemed fine. They had blocked off the parts that were ruined from the fire, but knowing Ryder, he'd get workers in the house as soon as possible to fix it up.

I couldn't stop thinking about Parker and Ryder though. I still haven't heard anything about them. When I asked the police they said that they had been looking but there was no sign.

And knowing dad, he wouldn't have made a plan. He always had a plan. He meant for the guys and rick to know where I was. He meant for them to call the cops and get them to find me.
He always has a plan...

I finally walked into the house. It looked like crap, but it was still stable to stay in, apparently.
I shut the door behind me and started walking in through the house.
And froze as soon as I entered the living room..

"Ryder..." I breathed out.

"Athena. I need you to leave. Right now." Ryder said, holding dads arm as it wrapped around Ryder's neck. Holding him in place with a gun pointed to the side of his head.

"D-Dad... please don't.. please I'm begging you." I said, holding my hands out and slowly walking forward.
Dad was just staring at me. He wasn't mad, or upset in any way. He seemed happy.

"You see daughter. I had an epiphany. Hurting you alone does no good. You've always been an emotional little creature. And I know just the trigger."  He smiled.

"Dad please... don't do this.." Tears began to run down my face

"Athena, I need you to leave. Turn around and go." Ryder said. Keeping his cool.

"Why would I hurt you, If hurting the person you love more will make you die everyday for the rest of your life."

"Athena look away."

"It hit me when I hired Jamey. Take away the person you love most. You'd blame yourself every day. There isn't any other pain worse than that. And that is exactly what you deserve. An endless amount of pain and suffering. Just as you did to me." Dads smile was wide and plastered on his face.

"Athena, I love you. Always know that. Just look away."

"No, Ryder please don't leave me. Please no. Dad don't do this please I'm begging you. I'm begging you!!" I scream.

"It's my turn to return the favor."

"I'm so proud of you Athena. Always will be. Don't forget tha-"



And right there. Gn
In front of me.
Lyes the body of my dead brother..

Right in front of me.
Lying on the floor with blood pooling from his head.
Is Ryder.

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