The Pastor's Daughter [BLACKP...

By ChaengsCheeks

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You've recently decided to explore a new church that your best friend, Lisa, has invited you to. After a litt... More

PROLOGUE: New You, New Adventure
CHAPTER 1: Roseanne
CHAPTER 2: Cliché Encounters
CHAPTER 3: A Late Night Visit
CHAPTER 4: Full Speed Ahead?
CHAPTER 5: Our Past
CHAPTER 7: God's Tests of Fate
CHAPTER 8: Timing
CHAPTER 9: A Memorable Dinner
CHAPTER 10: She's Not So Joyful
CHAPTER 11: Too Soon? Not At All.
CHAPTER 12: [M] Farewell For Now
CHAPTER 13: [M] Surprise!
CHAPTER 14: May 14th
CHAPTER 15: Back Home
CHAPTER 16: [M] Hotel Y/N
CHAPTER 17: Parental Visit
CHAPTER 18: Old Habits

CHAPTER 6: You Can't Deny It

4.4K 120 67
By ChaengsCheeks

The night before, you both moved from the floor of your music room to your bedroom. Not getting too ahead of yourselves, you both simply cuddled each other to sleep, whispering sweet nothings to each other, causing never-ending smiles until you eventually drifted off into one of the best slumbers you've had in a while.

It's morning now, and you wake up to find yourself hugging a plushie instead of your beautiful girl. Analysing your surroundings, you see her clothes on your desk chair piled neatly, your bedroom door left slightly open, and the smell of food making its way into your senses. Humming in delight, you climb out of bed and step joyfully into the bathroom before making your way into the kitchen. The sight before you is enough to make you swoon all over again. She hooked her phone up to your Bluetooth speaker and was jamming out to the music, using a spatula as a makeshift microphone while the pancakes are cooking. When Chaeyoung makes her way back to the stove, you head over and wrap your arms around her waist, kissing her temple as she eases herself into your touch.

"자기야, 잘 잤니? (Babe, did you sleep well?)"

Chaeyoung giggles into the air as she hears your practised Korean skills mixed with you giving her neck a few little pecks. Turning to face you, she begins to gently peck your lips with her own, over and over. "I slept well. Super well,"

Between your gentle kisses, you could smell a pancake burning on the stove. "Mmm... Babe, don't let the pancakes burn," Chaeyoung pulls away from you reluctantly as she tends to the pancakes.

"That's gonna be a bit of a tough one," setting the pancakes down onto a plate.

"You look damn good in my clothes, Park Chaeyoung," Chaeyoung gives you a look as she buries her face into the oversized jumper that she's wearing and takes a big whiff, exhaling loudly in satisfaction.

"I've always really liked the way you smell,"

"I've always really liked the way you smile," Chaeyoung smiles at that, very shyly, and looks away from you as a blush creeps up to her cheeks. "You know, when we first met, you didn't smile that often. Each time I saw it, I made sure to do my best to remember it. Cause of that, you never really left my mind,"

"Really? That's so..."


She chuckles at your statement and shakes her head. "Of course not, idiot. I think it's sweet," she reaches over and feeds you a piece of her food. Once you finish up, you set the plates and such into the dishwasher after a quick rinse and let it do its' thing.

"What have you got planned for today?"

"I was kind of hoping to spend as much time as I can with you today if you're free?"

You lift her up onto the dining table with ease and find your way between her legs. "For you? Of course," looking down at you jubilantly, Chaeyoung runs her hands through your hair soothingly as she wraps her legs around your waist. Her face is so close to yours that you can smell the slight linger of her coffee mixed with the maple syrup that she just had with breakfast on her breath. "Although, I do have to mention that I've got rehearsal at the church around 3," looking down at your watch, calculating how much time you've got left to spare. "That gives us about... four hours,"

"Maybe I'll come with you," she lifts your chin up so that you're staring at her again and not at your watch with your eyebrows furrowing, doing math in your head. She gives your forehead a lingering peck, running her fingers through your luscious locks once more.

"You'd be the best kind of distraction, Roseanne," you lean up to her just that little bit further to connect yourselves together again, slowly and silently telling each other how happy you are to have each other and to be in each other's arms. You continue on, holding her close to you while she has her body wrapped around yours until, of course, her phone distracts you both as a text message comes in. Ignoring it and continuing on, a seventh message comes through in the time span of twenty or so seconds, seemingly urgent, forcing you both to reluctantly pull apart. You groan as you help her off of the tabletop as Chaeyoung gives you a quick peck before jogging over to her phone.

She lets out a sigh then proceeds to tap away at her phone. "I have to go into work today, babe,"

"What time? I can drop you off on my way,"

"Around 2,"

"Then let's make the most of the next couple of hours before we need to leave,"

You make your way to the living room and attempt to play some video games together, hilariously failing at some and just laughing at each other. Between games, you always catch her staring at you in your peripherals, but you're yet to call her out on it. About an hour passes by, you've decided to switch out video games for a marathon of Friends until you need to leave.

"Hey, I got a little distracted last night, but..."


"My God, you have such a beautiful voice. I loved your voice before, of course, but hearing you sing? It's like I was being teleported to another universe. I'm obsessed," she lifts her left hand up to shield her face from you as her free hand smacks your arm playfully.

"Stop it, you're making me blush!"

"As opposed to the million times before that?" With that, you bring her into your lap and give her a bone-crushing hug, refusing to let her go, burying your face in her neck.


You see Chaeyoung rummaging through her closet and then rummaging through her laundry basket, not entirely sure what she's searching for. "Um, Rosie?"

"I'm looking for my apron, I don't remember where I put it," she lets out a chesty sigh and mumbles to herself, something along the lines of 'this is why I need to remember to keep my apron at work and not walk out with it'.

"I'll wait for you downstairs?" She agrees, giving you a gentle nod and a lingering kiss before you leave her room and wait downstairs. As you make your way down, you can't help but smile giddily to yourself. The thought that Chaeyoung can kiss you when she wants or that you can kiss her when you want is still a new thrill to you. It's currently 1:20 PM, both Chaeyoung and yourself have left your apartment and made your way over to hers so that she can get ready for work. You find yourself standing by a shelf in the generously-sized living room, admiring the family photos that are on display, particularly observing the pictures of young Chaeyoung and Alice looking like primary school kids.

"Hello, Y/N! I didn't expect to find you in here," turning around quickly, you smile in Mr Park's direction and offer him a bow out of courtesy.

"안녕하세요, 목사님! (Hello, Pastor Park!) How are you?"

"I'm not too bad, just getting ready for a meeting," you see him putting on a light blazer, looking formal but also somewhat casual at the same time. You continue to chat for a moment before he realises he has to make his way to the meeting, but not before Chaeyoung comes down in her work uniform looking as adorable as ever.

"아빠, 나갈 거예요? (Dad, are you leaving?)" she gives her dad a hug before they both have to part ways.

"Yeah, I have a meeting to go to. I hope you have a good time at work," removing himself from his daughter's embrace, he turns to you and gives you a small hug as well since he's grown to like your company a lot. "Y/N, I hope you have a good rest of the week, though I'm sure I'll be seeing you around more often than not," he pulls away from you and gives you a knowing look. You're not entirely sure if he is insisting he knows that there is something going on between you and his daughter or whether he's referring to the fact that you're spending a fair bit of time working on projects at the church. 'I guess I'll find out soon enough.'

Parking your car at the church parking lot, you quickly eject yourself from the driver's seat and jog over to the passenger side to open the door for Chaeyoung. "Aw, such a gentlewoman," you chuckle at her and grab her hand, walking her to the cafe. You messaged the girls earlier and asked them to meet you there since you have two hours to kill before the majority of you need to be at the church. There is a slight breeze surrounding you, the sunlight is quite harsh and there doesn't seem to be a cloud in sight as beads of sweat start to form on your temple.

'1:56 PM' is what your watch reads, you're eyeing it with a smile of satisfaction as you've just gotten Chaeyoung to work right on time. "I'll just be over by the window-"

"Y/N! Over here!" You're interrupted by a voice booming across the room in order to get your attention. You instantly recognise it to be Lisa's. 'I guess there's no need for me to wait for them.' Turning back to face Chaeyoung, you're about to speak up until you're interrupted once more by Lisa tackling you from the side. Letting out a grunt, you glare at Lisa for a good few seconds before she pinches your cheek from the pure joy of annoying you. "Hi, Rosie! How's your ankle doing? Did Y/N take good care of you? *gasp* Did she make you worse?!"

Your head hangs low as you mentally facepalm yourself whilst simultaneously smacking her arm with your free hand, the other one still holding onto Chaeyoung's. Lisa, of course, doesn't notice this until she looks down to examine Chaeyoung's ankle. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better. It's like it was never s-"

"Hold on a second," Lisa grabs hold of both your hands and lifts them up to eye level. Eyes wide, smile wider, she is barely holding it in. "I bet she took really good care of you, aye?" Her insinuating claim makes you laugh, especially once she wiggles her eyebrows rapidly.

"Okay, Rosie is gonna be late for her shift if you keep questioning her like this. I'll see you later, okay, Chaeng?"

Humming in agreement, you're about to lean in to give her a quick kiss, but you realise Lisa is right in between your faces with the craziest look on her adorable little face, her eyes darting back and forth between you like crazy. 'How has she not gotten dizzy yet?' You see Chaeyoung pouting at you, really wanting to get a quick kiss before starting her shift. Looking around you and sighing quickly, not being able to resist her, you lean in and peck her lips before retreating to your table with Lisa, approaching the others who may or may not have seen what just happened. Lisa is about to let out what you know will be an absurdly loud squeal in what is already a fairly loud cafe, so you cover her mouth with your hand and pull her away with you towards the table your friends are situated by.

"Y/N! Care to explain why I had NO IDEA my little baby sister is dating the pastor's daughter?"

"Okay. First of all, hello to you too, Namjoon. Second of all, we're... I don't know, it just happened last night, so-" you then gesture over to Jennie and Jisoo with your hand, noticing that they're both quite shocked as well, "-they don't even know yet. Don't get ahead of yourself, we haven't really had a chance to talk about anything yet," you ask everyone what they're going to get to drink, ignoring all their questions, but as soon as you sit down, someone places a drink down in front of you and wraps an arm around you from above. "Rosie?"

Leaning down and whispering into your ear, "I figured you'd want your favourite drink. It's on the house," aware of all the eyes that are on you both right now and the fact that she has started her shift, Chaeyoung places a subtle kiss behind your ear rather than on your lips, where she so desperately wants to be kissing you again, then stands back up, thinking to herself how quickly she's come to crave you. "Hey, guys! Do you know what you want to get?" Heat is rushing up to your cheeks very quickly as you can still feel Chaeyoung's finger drawing shapes onto your upper back before she needs to write the orders down. 'She has no idea what effect she has on me right now.'

"I think Y/N would like an ice pack to remedy that red face of hers," that earns Jennie a smack on her arm as you bury your face in your hands. Once everyone has ordered, Chaeyoung makes her way back to the counter at the front and prepares your orders with the help of her co-workers. You all continue chatting, catching up on how your week has been, you occasionally catch Chaeyoung looking over at you from behind the counter, or whenever she walks past you, smiling sweetly at you whenever you make eye contact with each other.

"So, what exactly happened last night?"

"Long story short..." And you proceed to tell them the story of what happened last night. You find yourself blushing at any somewhat steamy and cheesy memories you recall from the night before, and then you remember the hickey that Chaeyoung left on your neck the night before in the spur of the moment. 'Has anyone noticed it yet and how did I possibly forget to cover it this morning?' You're wearing a regular baggy tee with your hair down, so your assumption is that people haven't noticed it yet as long as your hair stays put. Eventually, you all leave the cafe and make your way over to the church for band rehearsal. The wind picks up as soon as you all leave the cafe, you attempt to keep your hair down as subtly as possible.

"Are you going to ask for concealer to cover that up or are you just going to keep pulling your hair down like that, Y/N/N?"

"You knew it was there?"

"I'm your best friend, I know when things are off with you," Lisa digs through her bag while walking with you behind everyone else, looking for her concealer and offering it to you. You lift your hair up from your neck and she carefully covers it up for you before you go into the building. Upon stepping foot inside, you make your way straight into the worship hall to do some light set up. Running some cables, adjusting some lights, connecting your laptop to the front screen, all the little technical extras.

"Hey, Y/N!"

"Oh, Alice! Hey, how are you? I didn't know you'd be here today,"

"I'm not too bad, and I'm here as my dad's 'chauffeur'. He's in a meeting at the moment, should be wrapping up soon." You finish adjusting the lights and let out a satisfied sigh. "Do you need any help?"

Plugging your laptop in and grabbing the remote to turn the projector on, you pull out a chair for Alice to sit beside you. "I'm all good, just gotta wait for the band to get ready now," you motion for her to sit and wait next to you and she gladly accepts. "So, I was wondering..." you trail off, not knowing exactly how to voice the thoughts in your head. 'How do you ask someone politely whether or not their family is super conservative? What if it comes off as rude? You don't want to ruin the relationship you've built with them already. What if they-'

"Hey," Alice gently shakes you back and forth. "You trailed off. Lose your train of thought?"

"No, not quite. It's just that..."

"You're wondering if I know about you and Rosé?"

Your eyes widen in shock, you're not exactly at a loss for words considering neither of you had been super subtle about your closeness, but for her to just come right out and say it? Of course, you'd be at least a little speechless. "Um, in a way, I guess?" you pause for a moment, hand reaching up and unconsciously scratching the back of your neck out of nervousness and diverting eye contact - and Alice can tell.

"Listen," she turns to face you completely in her seat, "I could tell for a while that something was... growing between the two of you. She doesn't think I know, but I know about her ex-girlfriend. You're probably wondering about my parents though, right? Well, they're-" and she's cut short by a booming voice. 'Of course, she got interrupted.'

"지영아, 어디야? (Alice, where are you?)"

"나 여기 있어, 아빠! 예배당에 있다! (I'm over here, dad! In the worship hall!)" You then see Reverand Park approach you. You greet him as you did earlier in the day, with a bow.

"Y/N! You ready to start?"

"Oh! Um, yeah, just give me a second!" you yell back over to them and turn your attention back to Mr Park and Alice. "Sorry, I need to get started on our rehearsal. Alice, do you want to meet up later?"

"I'm actually meeting with Jisoo after you guys are done to get coffee, would it be okay with you if it was the three of us?"

"Absolutely, I'm good with that,"

Alice gathers her things and prepares to take her father home. "I'll meet you guys at the cafe later," and with that, she leaves. Rehearsal begins, everything runs smoothly. You always love goofing around with Jisoo, Lisa, and Namjoon while they're on the stage singing. Sending silly messages to the screen for them to laugh at, dancing wildly as if no one were watching you, putting smiles on their faces. As another two hours pass by, the team slowly finishes up, leaving everything to be ready for tomorrow.

"Ready to go? I'm meeting Alice at the cafe with you,"

"오? 왜 갑자기? (Oh? Why so suddenly?)"

"There's something I want to talk to her about,"

"Is it okay for me to be there then?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine," a look of both curiosity and unsureness crosses her for a moment before she lets it go. You throw your backpack over your left shoulder and hook your arm with Jisoo before strutting over to Lisa and Namjoon, who have just packed their microphones away.

"어디 가는 길이야? (Where are you guys off to?)"

"카페에서 앨리스 만나. (Meeting Alice at the cafe.)"

"응? 왜? (Oh yeah? Why?)"

"그녀의 가족에- Hold on. Why are we, a pair of non-Koreans, speaking Korean to each other?"

"Um... That's a very good question. Anyway, I hope you have a good time! See you back at the house tonight?"

"Yeah, of course!"


You find yourselves in the cafe, again surrounded by the wonderful atmosphere of the antiques and bustling cafe-goers. You've been there for about an hour and a half, talking about nothing and everything aside from the topic of Chaeyoung; who has been working the entire time you were there. She spends her spare moments between customers with the three of you, finding ways and excuses to have skinship with you in subtle but meaningful ways. 'I'm so damn whipped for Park Chaeyoung.' It starts nearing the 6 PM mark and people were crowding in again, not leaving much spare time for her to spend with the lot of you.

"Now that Chaeng is busy, let's talk about the both of you," the sudden topic change didn't catch you off guard this time, you've been anticipating the time this would come up. "As far as I'm aware, my parents don't know anything to this extent. My dad is a pastor, my family has always seemed quite conservative. I..."

You twiddling with your fingers nervously, not entirely sure what she'll say next. She seems to be searching for the correct way to string the words together in her mind before she reopens her mouth. "I'm sure whatever happens, it'll be fine. Her parents adore you already, Y/N, in the little time you've spent getting to know them,"

"Jisoo's right. Even if they are still very conservative, I know my parents want her to be happy. They care about that more than anything, especially after what happened with her and Sooyoung. She was almost completely emotionless after that. Sooyoung actually used to come to our church for a bit; my guess is that there's too much there that reminds Chaeng of her, so she spends as little time there as possible,"

Thinking about it now, it makes total sense that you never really see her around unless she absolutely has to be there. The one time she showed up early, it was because she told her parents she would begrudgingly help out with the kids because no one else could and because it was the first combined service we had. You always notice her leave right before the end of the service, and she only comes back when she needs to come and get Alice. When she offered to come to church this afternoon to be in your company, it was shocking. You never thought you'd see her willing to go on her own will without you begging her or something along those lines. You catch yourself smiling to yourself at the thought of her completely moving on and growing from her past with you.

"I hope you're right,"

Another hour passes by and then another. Customers flood in and out of the cafe with satisfied stomachs and tastebuds. It's 8 PM, Chaeyoung's shift is about to end, Alice had left her sister in your hands as she heads home for the night to have dinner with her parents. When Mrs Park realised you were with Alice at the time, she asked if you'd like to come over to dinner as well with Jisoo. Since Chaeyoung's shift ends past dinner time, you said you'd stay here and take her home afterwards, perhaps in time for dessert, then ultimately deciding to plan an actual night to have dinner together another time. Mrs Park has grown quite fond of you, she loves seeing you around the house. Reverand Park, on the other hand, is slowly starting to get there. He values you as a church leader, but he still doesn't know you that well yet.

"You guys ready to go back to Lisa's?" A pair of arms wrap around your neck as you take a bite out of the crepe cake Jisoo ordered not too long ago. Mouth still full, Jisoo answers in your place.

"Yeah, let's get going!" You both quickly finish the last few bites of the cake and get your stuff ready. As you're about to head out, you notice Chaeyoung still wearing her work apron and laugh a little bit to yourself remembering what happened earlier this afternoon.

"Babe, your work apron,"

"Hmm? What about it?"

"You're still wearing it,"

Chaeyoung's mouth forms an 'o' shape and she quickly goes to put it away, saying bye to her work-friends one last time as they give her a little laugh as well. The wind picks up outside as you make your way back to the car and Jisoo shivers in the midst of it, so you try to cover her from the wind by hugging her as you make your way, meanwhile, Chaeyoung is snuggling into the oversized jacket that you wrapped around her to keep her toasty. Whilst you don't normally get cold easily, tonight was particularly windy and the breeze was definitely not a warm one; but you'd rather have those around you be warm. You reach the corner of the intersection and because of the lack of movement, you begin to shiver a little bit, still trying to keep Jisoo warm because you know that your jacket will keep Chaeyoung warm. Noticing this though, Chaeyoung immediately feels bad and starts worrying about you. "자기야, (Baby,)" you semi-release your grip from Jisoo to face Chaeyoung and she quickly places a kiss on your lips. She uses your jacket and wraps it around both you and her, and you immediately start to heat up.

"Gosh, Y/N you're such a pimp," Jisoo laughs as she pulls away from your grasp completely to let you both have your moment. The pedestrian light turns green and Jisoo has to smack you both in the head for you to realise that by now she's already halfway across the street and has your car keys in her hand.

"Yah!" You run after her and crush her in a semi hug-tackle type thing with Chaeyoung trailing behind you. Jisoo escapes your grasp and runs off towards your car to seek shelter from the wind. "Ah, this girl. Straight up just yanked my keys out of my hand," you look over to Chaeyoung who's continued to snuggle into your jacket and has now caught up to you. The wind has calmed down a little bit and now that you've safely gotten to the other side of the road, you grab hold of Chaeyoung and embrace her in your arms, snuggling into her, burying your face in the crook of her neck. You both stand there for a moment as the cars start driving off again, completely oblivious to the both of you. "You already had dinner, right?"

"Yeah," Chaeyoung grips the sides of your shirt and pulls you closer to her whilst taking a good whiff of your hair. "Is that coconut I can smell?"

"Yeah, you like it?"

"I love it," she pulls away from you just enough to give you a kiss before dragging you away to your car where Jisoo has been waiting for long enough.

"Jeez, what took you guys so long? -Wait! I don't think I want to know," Jisoo pulls an exaggeratingly disturbed face and you reach over to the back seat and smack her knee, laughing at her.

The three of you find your way back to Lisa's house and as soon as you walk through the front door, instead of throwing yourself onto her couch to relax, you're thrown into an intervention of some sort with Chaeyoung beside you. "Um, hi you guys. What's all this?" You see three pairs of eyes burning into you, and then to Chaeyoung. You both look at each other out of confusion then back at them. There are some smirks and some excited smiles mixed between them. "Is this about..."

"Us?" Chaeyoung's arm has unconsciously snaked itself around your arm and tightened around it a bit like a python, just without the bone crushing force.

Jennie jumps straight to the point. Out of the three of them, she's probably the least caught up at the moment. "So are you dating or what?"

"Uh, well- we haven't really talked about-"

"NAH-AH! You can't deny it. Look at you!" You've both somehow snuggled closer to each other and you have your arm wrapped around her from behind. You quickly jump apart a little bit and start blushing out of embarrassment.

You begin to laugh a little bit and twiddle with the ends of your jacket sleeves. Chaeyoung just stares lovingly at you and grabs a hold of your hands. "Hey," you direct your attention over to her, no one really speaks another word and waits in anticipation to see what Chaeyoung says next. "We should talk about it,"

"I suddenly remembered there's something we forgot to do! Let's go, girls,"

"Wait, what do you mean? We already-" and that's the moment Jisoo and Jennie drag Lisa out of the room. You chuckle into the side of Chaeyoung's arm as they make their way into the next room.

"So, what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours, Rosie?"

"We kind of just jumped into this last night, didn't we? Are things moving too fast?" Chaeyoung begins fiddling with the ends of her hair a little bit but still maintaining eye contact with you.

"Chaeng, honestly, I did think so at first," you take a moment to pause and you can't really help the smile the comes crawling onto your face. "But when I think about you being by my side... I don't know, I just get this feeling in my gut that tells me this is right. That... everything will be alright in the end. Do you know what I mean? I just..."

"Hey," your eyes make their way up to Chaeyoung's as she stares warmly and lovingly at you. "I know what you mean. Do you have any idea how long I was thinking about confessing to you? I listened to that song like a million times as soon as I found it. After that, each time I listened to any kind of romantic song after that, I thought of you. You're like my rock. You're..." she reaches out to you and caresses your cheek. "I really, really like you. I can't picture myself being with anyone else. You're bringing out the best in me, and we've only been in each other's lives for-"

"About one month, two weeks, and six days," Chaeyoung gives you a look of surprise and unexpectedness and gives you a gentle chuckle.

"Yeah. One month, two weeks, and six days," you tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and she sighs out of happiness. "I really want to see where this goes. I want to be with you,"

"Are you doing anything tomorrow before we gotta go to church?"

"Nothing at all. What do you have in mind?"

"I want to take you out on a date. Just you and me, and me destroying you at bowling,"

"Ha! You think I'm going to lose? You've got another thing coming, Y/N,"

"So it's a date?"

"It's a date,"

She gives you a lingering kiss before pulling away. You both lean your foreheads against each other and laugh at yourselves while her lips ghost yours. "God, we're so cheesy,"

"What are the odds that the others are listening in on us right now?" You both hear a distinct 'No, we're not!' come from Lisa in the kitchen followed by some muffled noises and subtle 'shut up's' from the other two. You pull yourself away from Chaeyoung to see her in all her glory. The way that the bridge of her nose would crinkle slightly, her smile beautiful and wide, encased by her adorable chipmunk cheeks with a dimple sprinkled onto the corners of it. It's almost as if there's light beaming from behind her and making her glow right before your very eyes and you just can't help but graze your fingers behind her neck and move closer to her as her laughter begins to stifle as the atmosphere becomes a little more serious. She hungrily closes the gap between the two of you and you both begin to move back and forth into each other, at first softly, and then so passionately to the point that it started to get quite hot for the both of you on Lisa's couch. Your fingers behind her neck become your arms wrapped around her snatched waist as her hands become tangled in the silkiness of your hair. Your hands don't get a chance to roam much further due to Jennie letting out a loud and forced cough, reminding you that they are still, in fact, within the same vicinity as you both. Neither of you give much of a care until the doorbell sounds throughout the house and Jisoo yells 'chicken!' at the top of her lungs that you finally decide to pull apart from each other. Chaeyoung's hands have moved down to rest on the back of your neck; her eyes lidded, bottom lip between her teeth, staring at your now red and somewhat swollen lips, looking so damn sexy and not at all like an innocent church girl. Dear God did it make you feel things that weren't so holy.

Jisoo waltzes into the living room happily, holding three boxes of Korean fried chicken in her hands and sets them down onto the coffee table. "So, girlfriends?"

You look back over to Chaeyoung, she's staring back at you with the warmest smile you have ever seen; the kind of smile that reaches the eyes, giving them that beautiful twinkle in them. You reach over to hold her hands in yours and raise your eyes brows slightly, communicating with her silently using your touches and your sly stares. "Almost there," Chaeyoung squeezes your hands reassuringly and leans into your embrace as you open up your arms to welcome her into a hug. Jennie and Lisa stumble in with some cups and drinks, as well as some utensils and set them down.

"You both are so sweet to each other I think I'm getting a cavity just being in your presence," Jennie exclaims while holding a cold bottle of Lemonade up to her face as a makeshift ice pack. You yank the bottle out of her hand and give her a rough kiss on the cheek before pouring yourself a glass. "Hey! No!" She wipes her cheek quickly and grimaces at the contact that you just shared, making the other girls laugh.

The rest of the evening is spent munching down on chicken, laughing at how obvious you and Chaeyoung are together, bantering with one another, and you can't help but think about how much you love and treasure each person in this room. Looking over at everyone's faces, Jisoo is talking with her mouth full of chicken, Jennie is trying to wipe some sauce off her cheek as she laughs at Lisa, Lisa is pulling some absurd faces and using the chicken as props, and your soon-to-be girlfriend (still gushing over that) is getting emotional over how good the chicken tastes; 'that girl really loves food.' You quickly run over to your bag to grab your camera. While they are distracted, you quickly take a picture of them all together. Sighing in content, you stand there to admire the four of them for a little longer.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you dorks?"

"Yes. Now get over here and eat the chicken before Jisoo eats it all up again,"

Jisoo smacks Lisa on the back of her head as she continues to eat. You make your way back over to the open spot beside Chaeyoung and rest one hand on her thigh and use the other to grab some chicken. You finish up a few pieces on your own, and Chaeyoung feeds you some as well.

'I really love these dorks.'


This is a super late update and I'm sorry! Hope you guys enjoy this one :)

P.S. GUESS WHO GOT TICKETS TO SEE THESE BABES?? 🤠🤠 my bank account is crying. I got VIP for their Sydney show and B reserve for the Melbourne show. What's money?? Hahahahahahahha anyway worth it to see baby girl in her hometown 🤧🤧🥰

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