two time lines BNHA

By Mackenzieherself

1.6K 40 8

What happens when a villain with the power to see and also make others see multiple dimensions forces everyo... More

the start of a nightmare
Meeting yourself
trapped in your own mind
welcome to hell
Untitled Part 8


111 4 3
By Mackenzieherself

Deku sat through English class worrying, What was this V guy up to?? Or should I say what am I up to, he thought. I cant believe I'm a villain in a different world.. "I'm bored could we go do something else?" V whined in his head. "No now shut up I have to pay attention.." Almost, like on cue, the bell rang.

"Okay today we are going to try something new, something some of you are going to need to start using in the future. Meet me outside in your hero suits."

   They were by themselves in  the changing room. Deku unpacked his suit. " what the living hell is this? God I would kill myself if I went in public like this."

"Do you always say that?Cuz its kinda annoying. " Deku gruellingly said. He took of his top and saw a big black mark on his stomach, the same place he had felt the pain the night before, when he got his less then welcomed friend.

"How did we not see that?!"

"I don't know maybe cause you don't stop complaining or laughing every second!" Deku mumbled.

"You know I don't need to be nice and play along ."

V said grabbing a pen and jamming into his hand. "Stop doing that! Now I swe-"

"Midoriya are you okay?" Todoroki said grabbing his shoulder, spooking Deku in the process.

Deku flipped around to find todoroki standing right behind him. "Ye-yes I'm fine I just need a bandage." He said wrapping his hand up with with some toilet paper. "Cut my hand. Stupid me."

"I feel like that was a targeted response."

Todoroki looked at him and grabbed his hand."what really happened?" 

"Nothing I swear." Deku walked off he didn't quite know what to do. This "evil" him is now apart of him. He knows that this part isn't going to be playing nice today. God this is right of a poorly made fanfic, Deku whined.
"What's on your stomach." Todoroki's voice boomed.

"You where busy hiding your hand you forgot to hide your stomach." V laughed. "You suck at lying, let me deal with this."

Deku stuttered  "o-okay." maybe because hes a villain he's better at lying he thought.

"Instead being concerned about me you should be more concerned on not turning out like your father." Todoroki's face went white. his arm went ablaze. "See? Just like him." They walked out of the changing room where they found everyone gathered around listening. Their faces white, Uraraka looked like she was gonna say something but Iida stopped her. Deku looked at all their faces. "Im sor-could you all move?" they where all startled, moving out of his way.He walked into the gym where everyone followed. "THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO LIE, NOT BRING BACK PAINFUL MEMORIES!!" 

"They look down on you, you have the ability to crush their skulls and they treat you like a dandelion. You will never be anything if you let these people push you around." V said with a monotone voice. "I know you're going to say they care and that the only one who treats you bad is Bakugou, but you are wrong. You and me are loners. We can never have friends. They're just people in mask who end up stabbing you in the back. Trust me I know best for you."

"You're wrong, anyways the only one who has been stabbing me is you." But before he could say more Aizawa spoke. 

"Now today we are doing something different we are going to be using weapons. You will be getting in groups and use a certain weapon, then you will rotate to another. Some of you will use weapons as a hero like snipe. Some use weapon because it is apart of their quirk or because it helps their quirk. What ever reasoning, it helps to see if you might use a weapon. Now if you look up you will see what group you're in and what weapon you start with."

Deku raised his head. "Knifes with: Bakugou, Iida, Todoroki and Momo." He froze. " You gotta be kidding me." He said out loud.

"Afraid not." Iida said, Deku looked behind him to she all their angry faces, they look like they wanna punch me, he thought, and Momo, she looked more concerned then angry.

"Its cool, I'm amazing with weapons." V added.

"oh great, just wonderful."Deku hung his head.

"Okay who should go first at throwing the knifes." Iida asked.

"What about big shot? He keeps losing his shit on everyone else, maybe he can do it to the board instead." Bakugou hissed.

"About that, look I need to tell you all something." Everyone raised their head to listen, " Last night I-" Deku all of a sudden a large pain in his stomach came, it felt like he hit his own body with one for all.

"WHAT THE LIVING FUCK?! You want to tell a room full of training heros that the evil you from a different reality is stuck inside you?! Are you insane. They won't believe you. They'll stuff you in a loony bin and never look back." V Screamed in their head. The pain came back so bad that Deku collapsed on the floor.

"Midyoria!" Todoroki ran over grabbing him before he hit the floor, his face full of concern.

"Are you okay"Momo asked.

"I'm fine, look I'll go first."Deku limped forward regaining as much of his strength as possible . "V go ahead." V felt proud however Deku had a plan. V grabbed a bunch of knifes.

"Watch this." V said winking at Momo.

Momo looked shocked."Did Deku wink at me." She mumbled.

He walked backwards and then stood in one spot, he took a deep breath.Then jumped, high in the air. throwing each knife at a target. "Bullseye-" Deku then took control of the body well they where in the air. He stiffened it, aiming his head on to the hard ground. "NO NO STOP!" V tried to gain control but Deku wouldn't let go. They began to split. V like a dark shadow tried to rip himself off of him. They split just before Deku was caught by Bakugou. Deku opened his eyes. 

"What the hell was that!" Bakugou said putting Deku on the ground.

V looked down he began to form back to a human. He was tall with slicked back green hair, he was wearing his suit mostly black with a white under top. His eyes red. He looked like Deku but older, mature... evil.

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