trapped in your own mind

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They stood staring at each other for a good solid minute both of there minds where racing who is this really why does he say that he's me?
"So I guess I'll be the one to ask, where in the hell are we?" Villain Deku spoke annoyed Pacing around.
"I don't know I was walking to mom's house" Villain Deku froze at the even mention of there mother "then I met this girl she was talking about different dimensions and how I was a such headache in two different dimensions and then she said she would fuse us together." Our Deku mumbled out to himself and well... Himself.
"So that's what happened she fused us together that must mean we are in one of our minds. Most likely you cause I didn't meet her. Well, I guess it will be fun to see some people." He said with a creepy smile on his face. He started to fix a leather glove that he was wearing. "So, a hero in training? How did that work out?" V asked (villain deku). His smile disappeared.
"All might gave me one for all," Deku said a little frightened by how quick his smile left his face.
"When?! All he ever told me was that I couldn't be a hero and left!"
In your dimension the sludge monster most have not reformed.
"That tiny little thing is why I wasn't given his quirk that so dumb!" He angrily yelled with green sparks going off his body." Ugh, whatever It doesn't matter anyway I still got it." He laughed putting a hand on one of his eyes. In that second deku understand what he met when V said: "my master killed the symbol of peace."
"Your master killed All Might." Deku accused V. Deku was fuming with anger.
Why you don't like that?!"He said with a freakishly big smile on his face." or is it because you do like it and you hate yourself for that?!" V screamed at him grinning madly. Then all of a sudden glimpse of images flooded Dekus mind images of all might on the ground with a hole through his stomach, blood everywhere.
"What the?!" Deku screamed in fear.
"Oh poor innocent me you don't like those, do you?! Guess what? There's more!!" He showed Deku images of all might trying to stand up.Then he saw his hand hold a knife.
"What,what... WHAT AM ABOUT TO DO?!" Deku cried in fear. He got closer to all might.
"NO!!NO!!! Please..." He dropped in fear in his eyes.
"young midoriya wake up. wake up!"Deku eyes opened. He notices he was on the cold ground. He started to regain focus he saw All might sitting beside him with a panicked look.
" Young midoriya what happened are you ok?!" All might said going to help Deku up.
"Don't touch me filthy hero!" Deku yelled out, of course, it wasn't the deku we know it was V but all might didn't know that.
All might move back a little out of surprise. "Young midoriya did I do something wrong?" He said shocked.
"No I didn't-" V interrupted "so it wasn't a nightmare where actually stuck like this welp...fuck".

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