welcome to hell

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All confused and stuck together, the Deku's were sitting on the ground, All might was confused standing over them.
"Young Midoriya what happened did someone do something to you?" All might being overly fatherly to the dekus. Deku and V in there heads had no Idea what to say, tell him the truth? Lie to him?
"Don't you dare tell him he'll probably lock us up." V yelled inside their head (also yeah that's his nickname).
"V he wouldn't do that." Deku replied.
"A hero will do whatever it takes to keep people safe. If we put people in danger as a hero he wouldn't let us free even if you're innocent." He said being far more serious than before, Deku could only hear his voice but he knew that V was angered. Also, he was right, as much as Deku wouldn't want to admit it he had to lie.
"A villain attacked me but I have no other memories except that" he stuttered not believing he just lied to someone he looks up to and not to forget the number one hero "I'm sorry I wish I could remember more."
All might looked a Deku a little suspicious, but he quickly smiled.
"I'm happy your ok young Midoriya you frighten me for a second." All might wrapped his arms around Deku he was happy to see he was okay even if he was lying to him, but lies never stay secret they where going to learn sooner or later.
"Oh no" All might said completely white-faced "if Aizawa finds out you got attacked he'll freak out, and if you have no memories he'll probably think it's the quirk or-"
"We don't need to tell him" V ominously said to All Might. All Might was confused he never expect Midoriya to ever say anything like that, deku didn't expect himself to say that.
"Why would you say that V?!" Deku screamed in his mind (well you can't scream in your mind because its all the same volume but he was angry).
"He was going on and on, we may be able to fool All Might but Aizawa is a different type of person he'll dig and dig until we give him info trust me."but deku still heard it after all its his mind.
" Young Midoriya I'm not sure that a good idea Aizawa is your teacher also we should notify all teachers that one of the students where attacked."

"Well I know but this was just a kid trying to get money I can handle myself" V said brushing off All mights concerns "Anyways this will just give the Aizawa unneeded stress and will ruin a poor helpless child life" V looked into all mights eyes striking core. All might couldn't point it out but Midoriya didn't look right, look like he cared about anyone."so are secret than all might?" V forced some type of emotion on his face hoping it didn't come of creepy.

"Okay young Midoriya our secret than." All might smiled placing his hand on V and Dekus shoulder. Making V really uncomfortable. "Now we should head back!"

"Okay." "Okay." they both sighed.

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