The Way Back | ✓

By AnneeSparrow

438K 24.4K 6K

For Andrew Cai, everything followed routine and when that routine broke because his wife filed for a divorce... More

[ 1 ] Amidst The Dead
[ 2 ] Over Cheap Wine
[ 3 ] The Late Call
[ 4 ] Feels Like Home
[ 5 ] Into New Territory
[ 6 ] Drama With Proposals
[ 7 ] Hurt Like This
[ 8 ] A Broken Promise
[ 9 ] The Custody Battle
[ 10 ] The Way Back
[ ∞ ] Always Be Family


5.8K 412 97
By AnneeSparrow

note: welcome to part iii lovelies! As always, don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and give this chapter a vote if you liked it. Uni is getting hectic again and is currently whooping my arse. Also, Godfrey Gao as Andrew is honestly so perfect. This man is way too beautiful. My heart cannot take it

Enjoy the chapter! 

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London had to pick her car up from Andrew's house. She took some time to find the flat complex since it was night time last night and she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. She would have texted him but she didn't have his number.

Once she spotted her car she knew she had the right apartment complex and proceeded to head into it. She remembered his flat's number and when she got to his door she knocked, biting her lip in anticipation. She'd never mentioned anything about coming back here when she'd been here just the night before, and she could have come to pick up her car but there was no need for her to go up to his flat.

She was over thinking for when he opened the door, it was like he had been expecting her.

"Hey," he said breezily as he ushered her in and went back inside.

She followed him into the kitchen and the mess that met her eyes made her almost want to pull her hair out. It was a disaster. London, who was usually a very tidy person, found her hands itching to clean the place but she resisted. The urge was not strong but really, who could ever work in such an unorganized environment.

Her surroundings needed to be neat and organised.

When she was cooking she had a pretty clean bench. It was the only way she could keep focus and optimise herself.

"What the hell happened here?" she inquired, stepping further into the kitchen and walking towards Andrew who stood impatiently beside the toaster. He was half dressed. He had on a shirt and trousers but was missing his tie, belt and his hair was an incredible mess. His shirt was not done all the way up, revealing the white vest he had underneath. And despite the disheveled look, London could not help but admit that the rushed-hour morning look suited him well. Did he have to look so good with everything?

"I woke up late," he said, like that served as an explanation. "I would clean my mess up — I don't like being that untidy — but I have to leave the flat in twenty minutes if I have to get to my meeting in time. I've got divorce papers to sign."

Divorce papers. She wasn't sure why those words in particular made her heart soften."Here, let me," she said, batting his hand away and opening the sandwich press. "You go finished getting dressed."

"Thank you!" he exclaimed and disappeared out of the kitchen door.

London took his sandwich and tested it out. The instant it landed on her palette she spat it out. "God, this tastes disgusting," she blurted, unable to mask her distaste. Remembering that she was not in her own home she looked around as if someone might have overheard her. It wasn't an entirely rude comment but it wasn't all that kind either. It was a sandwich! How hard could that be? What on earth did he put into it?

London decided to help him out. He had that divorce meeting to get to. She definitely didn't want him having a bad stomach on a day like this. It was a big day. And so she propped open his fridge, scavenged through and found some mayonnaise, cucumber, a half steak and sauce. Cutting a small piece of the steak, she then cut the small portion into tinier pieces before grabbing a bowl from the disher and filling it with mayonnaise, the chopped beef and a few slices of cucumber. She beamed, just thinking of how good it would taste if she had some cheese which was unfortunate since he didn't have that in the refrigerator. A rack of spices had clearly labelled bottles in a precise and neat handwriting. London didn't need labels to identify her spices but Andrew probably did. From the bad tester sandwich she'd already concluded that he wasn't a good cook.

She finished preparing the filling and laid it all out on the two slices of fresh bread, which she spotted on the kitchen counter. As she layered the top of the sandwich with a little butter which she also found on top of the kitchen counter, Andrew walked in.

One look at her and one look at the bitten sandwich he'd made told him that his attempt had been futile. He lifted his sandwich and nodded at the sandwich press which was toasting his bread. "That bad, huh?"

"Well," London dragged out, not sure if she should give him the truth or a tenny white lie. He caught on from her tone.

"I've never really cooked before," he admitted, laughing lightly as he threw his own sandwich in the dustbin. "I even had to ask Talia to help me grocery shop and asked her to label the spices for me." He pointed at the spice rack. Ah, so that explained it.

"Yeah, I figured you were a bad cook. An amatuer could make a good sandwich. It's the easiest thing to do."

"I can do eggs!" he exclaimed defensively.

"What kind?"

"Scrambled. I burn everything else," he laughed, adding the last bit as an afterthought. "Talia loved cooking and she hated when I tried to help. I always burnt something or added too much salt—"

"—Which you did for that sandwich, by the way," she inputted.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "And that's why she preferred me away from the kitchen. I'm good with house chores though, so it was balanced work."

Hearing about how his marriage worked was oddly not all that uncomfortable, not how it was when London found out he actually was married. Perhaps it had a little to do with the fact that he'd made it known to her, just minutes ago, that he was on his way to sign his divorce papers.

"Speaking of Talia," he said, reaching for the kitchen drawer before pulling out a brown bag. "How do you think I look? Presentable enough?"

He placed the brown bag on the kitchen table-top and held apart his hands. His question was a valid one and it was the only reason why she took so long checking to see if he looked presentable. It was the only reason. It was totally not because he actually looked very handsome, with his hair combed, his face shaved, his smile wider and his suit fitting oh-so-perfectly on him. Definitely not.

"Good," she managed to croak out. Mentally berating herself for sounding like she was having something being done to her, she smiled, clearing her throat and repeating, "Good. You look good. Just fine. Absolutely presentable."

He raised his eyebrows at her, silently questioning her words. Did she really sound that breathless? It was probably her imagination. "Thanks," he said at last, a light smile touching his lips. "I should get going. Don't want to give the lawyer any bad impressions."

"Definitely not," she agreed, quickly turning away from him and towards the sandwich press, desperate to gather herself and calm down the blush she was certain had tinted her cheeks. What had gotten into her? Why was she so flustered?

She helped him get his sandwich packed before they both headed for the door. Just as the elevator closed, he dug out his phone.

"It's weird how we keep running into each other," he started, "What would be less weird is if we met up after I called you or something."

"What?" It took awhile for his words to register in her mind. Giggling, she asked, "Oh, you want my number?"

"Er yeah," he said, lifting his free hand to rub the back of his neck. London had observed quite a number of people in her life, especially given her place of work, and it seemed like most men had a habit of rubbing or scratching the back of their necks if they felt nervous or squeamish. She hoped to God that Andrew Cai was not feeling squeamish for asking her number. Though that would certainly have been strange so he must have been feeling nervous.

Her heart fluttered and she quickly told it to shut up.

He was still married.

He still wore that bloody ring.

This was all still so wrong.

So so so wrong.

Why did it not feel like it?

She reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. Unlocking it, she opened her contacts and handed her phone over to him. "You can add your number in," she told him and he gave her his phone to do likewise.

They exited the building, parting ways, both having one new shiny contact in their phone. 

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